Now that I'm getting much more familiar with Revit, I am really loving the true parametric environment, especially for 3D objects. I know that AutoCAD finally introduced Parametric Constraints a few versions back but are they capable of being used with 3D solids at all?
Is there a way to add a hatch to a block definition without losing the constraint points ? Once I redefine a block with a hatch I lose the ability to use any parametric constraints with the block. interestingly, the block reference already in use don't lose their parametric constraints.
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I need to drive more than one constraint at a time. The assembly consist of a hydraulic ram that pulls a cable which is routed around a few pullys and then pulls another linear moving member. I don't really care about modeling the cable right now, I just want the cylinder piston and the final member to move in unison. I can only drive one constraint at a time, so I figured I could relate the two constraints together by setting them equal to a parameter (variable), but that isn't working. Is it me or is driving multiple constraints at a time something that would be very useful for a lot of applications?
I'm modeling cables running through a series of cable clamps. I'm working in an assembly with my structure as one part, clamps as seperate parts, and cables as separate parts. I modeled the clamps first and am using them to create my 3d spline to run the sweep. The clamps have moved several times and each time, the sweeps (cables) do not update to follow the new clamping path. I have tried multiple ways of solving this.
I've tried to redo the splines using "Include Geometry" and running the spline through the centers of the clamps. I've also deleted the constraints (which for some reason turn into fixed) and reapplied them as coincident constraints. However, once I setup these coincidences, they always change back to fixed.
In a last ditch method, I've created 2d sketches at EVERY clamping location (yes that's alot of sketches, time and effort) and projected the circular geometry to get a center point. This has seemed to work, but is so much work, there's no way we could use it regularly.
We have a vba program running in excel which calculates the dimensions of various 2d generic drawings then updates the attributes in the drawings then save them under another name in a job file. These drawings are not re-drawn to scale so we redraw them in our cnc package (Radan).We are just starting to update from autocad 2009 to 2014.
Not having worked with parametrics is it possible to use these values to update parametric drawings which we could save as DXF files and import into Radan.
I'm trying to find the most elegant (okay... any) way of making a simple half lap joint. Basically I just want it to update based on a thickness parameter or when the sketches update.
I have a problem. When I use parametric dimensions in my existing drawing the dimension lines and arrows are there but the numbers are invisible. I can't see them. I have searched over much of the dimension style manager dialogue box and I can't find a setting that would change this (but I could have missed something). When I open a new drawing and draw a rectangle and add parametric dimensions they are visible and there doesn't seem to be a problem. What the hell is going on? (I have not used paramentric dimensions until just recently.) I am first going to the top view, with the z axis perpendicular to the page, before adding the parametric dimensions (in case that makes a difference).
I previously had a problem wherein an entire drawing I had drawn suddenly became invisible, except when the pointer was in certain places and then it was temporarily visible. But that problem was solved when I just shut down the program and computer and then restarted it all.
I'm having a really difficult time maintaining my parameters when making changes to the part I've made in the attachment. The control parameters for this part are:
-100 mm distance between 15mm circles -1 of the 15 mm holes -30 mm hole
I am new to inventor but I would also like to be able to set up my constraints correctly. I'm also not sure if my sketches are ideal for this part either. I usually get an error concerning my fillets from the base to the center support beam when I try to change the 100 to 75.
find out a way to make some sort of parametric assembly.
Where I work, we make conveyors and those conveyors need legs. Those legs are all built the same except for the height and width. They are made of 2 tubes with a cross shaft between them + bolts, washer, plastic end cap.Is it possible to create some sort of iassembly or ipart for this? When creating a conveyor I would like to choose the height and width of those legs when I import them into the assembly.
I am trying to build a 3d model of a flight case and when I subtract the handles from the center of the panel it looses its parametric capabilities. I am able to get around the latches by using the trim tool and than extruding to 3d. Is there anything I can do to allow handles?
I recently wrote a small tidbit to export all parametric userparameters in a document.What I need to do is modify it to include Dimensional Contraint information as well.
PublicSharedSub CopyParameters() Dim varId AsObjectId = ObjectId.Null Dim doc AsDocument = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db AsDatabase = doc.Database Dim sClip AsString = "" Using myT AsTransaction = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() ' Open the AssocNetwork [code]....
I setting up constraint parametric drawing and store data in parametric manager table, but I don't know how to export & import this data to excel sheet or use data for input the program.
When I attempt to change my user variable "xyz", a linear restraint, by 4 or more, I get an error message, "A dependent expression cannot be evaluated. The parameter is used in an expression which results in an invalid value for a dimensional constraint." But I can change the value by increments of two many times and exceed the limit of 4, and not get the error message. What is happening and how do I correct this issue?
I have a parametric assembly and some of the parts in this assembly require a "Break". When the part dramatically reduces in size the part view disappears as the part is now located in the "Break". Delete the "Break", re apply the "Break".
I would like to be able to constrain a Break to the part, either a sketch on the view or maybe from Workplanes in the part.
I am currently designing oil pipe gauges, So the sizes are all out of a standard and therefore I can use the parametric manger, and create parameters match them with the right dimension and we have our drawing.
Now for each gauge, I am going through creating a separate drawing and typing in the selected data for that gauge, is there any way to link parametrics manager to look up from a table for the selected data, instead of me typing through each separate gauge data.
I have teached myself working with autocad version 2004 so maybe its not the right way of drawing but I draw 3D objects using solids!
In the past I could take or put dimensions on this solids to print and pass on to colleagues but on our new 2013 version I seem incapable of doing this I can not select a point on a solid and continuously get the message invalid point!!!
working in 3D modeling space using parametric linear! what am I doing wrong? or is it an setting that I need to change?
We are a transport engineering firm in Queensland and I would like to develop a spreadsheet that can formulate cross member distances and recalculate to add or remove cross members.
The basis of this is the overall size of the body we are building.
For example: The maximum width of a body in Australia is 2.5metres overall. Our cross members would be 6 mm shorter than the overall width of the body to allow for 3mm end caps to cover the open ends of the cross members. So the length of the cross member is width minus 6, or , parametrically the length is (overall width - (endcap thickness x2))
The body length is the tricky one. We have a maximum spacing on the cross members. This will vary from size of body to size of body. EG the spacing on the small 2 tonne body will be different to the spacing on the 12 tonne body etc. So lets say we want to have maximum spacing of 450mm and a minimu spacing of 300mm between centrelines of the cross members. The overall length of the body will also determine the number of cross members required.
On top of this there is the front and rear coaming to take into consideration.
So the formula would be ((overall length - front coaming - rear coaming) divided by cross member spacing)) then a check to see if the last space is what and then can we change the cross member size to take up that space without going over the maximum space. We would also need to take into account the width of the cross member section as well in this calculation.
EG if we have 150mm left at the end we could increase the cross member centres slightly to take up this additional space without going over the maximum space allowable.
How to set up a dynamic block so I can control the size of an object through parametric dimensions that are linked (somehow) to a lookup table, spreadsheet, list, etc.?
What I'm trying to do (simplified) is place a block of a rectangle, select a size from a dropdown list, and have the block change to be that size - but I don't want to do this through visibility states as there are hundreds of sizes. The whole point is to be able to construct a list, lookup table, excel sheet, etc and link it to parametric dimensions in the block, or at least be able to link a stretch action to parametric dimensions. But the block editor will not allow me to associate a stretch action with a parametric dimension (at least I haven't figured out how to do this.)
I am currently working on a parametric assembly using i Logic to control the size of the components as well as patterns. However, I have hit a road block in trying to figure out how to write a rule for resizing the last roof sheet in this assembly pictured below to be even with the frame. The rule below is what controls the roof sheet pattern based on the frame length. The problem I am continually running into is how do you modify a part which is in an element within the pattern without having it affect the rest of the parts in the pattern since they all refer to part. I can get since it is hard to find information on i Logic.
Roof_Pattern_Spacing = Roof_Sheet_Width Roof_Pattern_Count=Ceil(Parameter("Length")/Parameter("Sheet Metal Roof Section:1", "Roof_Sheet_Width"))
(Note: The red line symbolizes where I would like to have the roof sheet end.)
We currently have a bunch of Lisp programs to create drawings but I am interested in exploring how I can maybe use Lisp with either dynamic blocks or parametric drawings. I just don't know which would make more sense. Currently we have programs where we enter things like width, height, leg or radius, bars wide and high etc and it creates a drawing like the one I've attached. I know that if I can create this drawing as a dynamic block or a parametric drawing, then when there are revisions, I don't need to create the drawing again. I can just adjust the parameter or the dynamic block. What makes the most sense, a dynamic block or a parametric drawing? I should note that I'd still like to use autolisp to create the initial drawing (or insert the block) since that's what the users are used to.
I have created a parametric, multibody master part file to derive parts from it, and then put them in an assembly. See attached file. Now, I need 3 different versions of this setup (with different values of the parameter 'bending_angle').
What is the best way to do it? If I derive parts from it, they always follow the *actual* status of their master file. Is there some method to do this: "derive from this file, with parameter bending_angle=55deg", but keep the dependency relation, i.e. if I modify something on the master file, the derived part fill follow the modifications (with the value of bending_angle=55deg)
I'm trying to model a parametric simple unit in Revit. So, I decided t use the generic family template. I want to model a rectangular unit with exterior wooden wall and interior steel frame. I have three problems
1- I have imported structural column profile into the family, but my problem is that I cannot align the section to two reference line. For example, I want to align the top of the column to the top exterior wall, and align the left side of the column to the left exterior wall; but I can just assign of these sides.
2- I've imported structural framing family in my generic model, but I cannot assign a parameter to the length of the beam, and the length is constant, and I can change the length just in 3D view. Do you know how to assign a parameter to the length?
3-I couldn't use the predefined walls it the family, so, I used extrusion. But I couldn't use the Revit windows family on the extrusion walls. Is there any way to use the predefined wall systems in Revit to be able to use the windows families?
I am unable to set up parametric brushes that work correctly with a keyboard shortcut. At first when I assigned the keyboard shortcut to increase or decrease the parametric brush radius, as explained here Setting up GIMP for Artistic work, nothing happened when I pressed my new shortcut. Finally I, for reasons beyond me pressed the "reset size to brushes native size" button and it worked....sorta. It seems to work only within a limited range.
For instance. I reduce the radius all the way down to 1 then "magic size reset button" which sets size to 3, then I get a small brush. However when I increase size past 2 for the radius it doesn't increase further(the actual brush on the screen, the numbers change but that's it) until I press the size reset button. It's really frustrating because I can increase the radius using the keyboard from 2 to 9000 but I'm only getting a 2 pixel increase on the screen, unless I do the size reset then it jumps. I'm using Gimp 2.8.4 on windows 8 also set up to use a wacom tablet.
I was trying to export some mesh from 3ds Max 2011 to Maya,which was animated using "Parametric Deformers". Now the problem is that animation data is not coming into maya rest of everything is getting ported exactly.
Will FBX exporter supports "Parametric Deformers"like wave or ripple,etc. animation data to export? Is there any other way to do so.