AutoCad 3D :: Make Helical Cut Into Splined Surface?
Jun 19, 2011
I'm trying to create a rather oddly shaped stair stringer. It will have several radii, and direction of curves. The screenshot below isn't exactly what its going to look like - I just drew a quick spline and extruded it into a surface to show what I'm trying to accomplish. I need to "cut" the sufrace to reflect the height of the stringer (will be 16") and to follow its pitch.
Having trouble with splined polylines in 2011? I tried to edit a splined PLine and the program was unresponsive for about 10 minutes. After I edited the spline the drawing size doubled. I reverted to a backup and erased the spline. I drew a Pline and used Fit Curve with no problem.
I draw another PLine and didn't like the results. So I tried to spline it and now Civil is unresponsive for the past 5 minutes. I'm doing this on a different computer. So it isn't that particular machine or installation.
If you look in the attached PDF, I have an elliptical wall that also has changes in elevation. call it a compound radius if you will. What I have to do is to make a wall cap to go on top of the wall. I know, sounds fun.....I have the surface on the right of the PDF and i need to figure out how i can take that shape and have it lay flat so that i can cut this shape out on my CNC. i know I can use the FLATSHOT command, but this will not give me the true shape of the board.
I have created a 3D model of a helical gear. The process followed was to use the profile of one tooth, which by the way is a true involute shape, then displace that profile and rotate it the amount needed to equal the face width of the gear and to match the helix angle. There is also a profile located at the midpoint of the gear. The profiles are all closed polylines.
I then used the LOFT command to create a solid tooth. It looks exactly like it should. I tried to use the SWEEP command but that rotates the profile 90 deg. from the path. Extrude won't work because the path is a 3D line in space.
I then invoked the POLAR array and put 28 teeth around the center of the gear. That too looks exactly as I would expect it to.
BUT - when I try to UNION the 28 teeth into one solid, AuotoCAD 2013 stops working. And that occurs the moment the cursor touchs any part of any individual tooth. If I try to UNION the array by dragging a window over it, it stops when the window gets about halfway over the model.
The computer is a Lenovo S-30 workstation with 8 Gig of ram, an nVidia 2000 with 1Gbyte of video memory and dual 1Tbyte hard drives.
I have a sheetmetal assembly with helical shaped parts. I need to place about 50 little brackets and some corresponding rollers along the length of these helical pieces. The spacing is even so a pattern would be perfect, except I don't know how to get it to follow the shape of the part. The brackets are located to slots in the helical parts which were made with a rectangular pattern in the unfolded state. I tried to do a "feature pattern select" but it only saw the rectangular pattern as it is in the unfolded state (a straight line). I then gave up on patterns and started working on manually mating them into place but realized that the geometry of the slot was distorted (theory) and didn't leave me with any useable surfaces.
Having problems creating a helical truss/ shape. Ive managed to get a simple spline spiral. Which I'm still not 100 percent happy with. But it will suffice for right now.Now one of my problems is extruding, and offsetting. I'm pretty ok at 3d modelling, but when it comes to complex shapes i fall flat on my face. Ive including a dwg that shows a plan view of the structure, as well as my 3d spine. the small circles are the truss cords. Its a 16" flat truss, ran parallel with another to create a spiral ribbon.
The plan view is from the designer, I've noticed but maybe its not true... their helix doesn't seem consistent. I know im leaving a lot of info out.
I am trying to recreate and 3D model the impeller of a heartmate II LVAD (URL....) but I am having problems with the sweep along the helical path. The profile is the vertical line and the path is the helix. I want to use a surface output for now. I had to use Solidworks to generate a variable pitch helix and import into Inventor.
When showing a gear in an inventor drawing they look good, but showing a helical gear SUCKS! The display, I realize, is very realistic to what you would see if you held the gear in front of you at this view point or that.
Problem is, I put a helical gear drawing on the shop floor and they machinist wonder why I have two rows of teeth on the gear (since it shows the front face and the helix'd gear teeth).
I created a 2D planar sketch, now I need to create a 3D sketch and Helical curves, but as I enter into the 3D sketch mode, I cannot perform any functions, all my tool bar options are grayed out?
I need to make a model of saddle surface. The surface is given by equation z = y^2 - x^2, and I must have some thickness - It will be printed on 3D printer.
I have Inventor 2014 and I dont see possibility of making the surface directly in Inventor. Is there any trick for that?
I'm afraid I cannot use solution as stated here Equation-driven surface , because saddle surface looks like this hyperbolic paraboloid .
I tried this solution: I made 3D surface in Matlab, exported it in .stl and opened in Inventor - but this only makes the surface with no thickness. Functions extrude, loft require 2D sketch.
2. What is the minimum dimension to make my part appear?
On the drawing I was working on, the part completly behind a surface was showing up until I rotated the view, then it dissapeared, this behaviour is not present in the test idw, the part doesnt appear at all behind the surface.
I've downloaded a DEM and made a surface from it creating a HUGE file. I only need about an eighth of that area. How can I crop the surface to be a smaller area? I realize I can create a boundary, but I really don't need all the data outside the boundary.... I want a smaller file so it doesn't have to create one of those *.mms files.
Surely I don't have to export the boundaried area as triangles to a regular ACAD file, then make a surface from those triangles... do I? Not that it's that big of a hassle, but seems like a roundabout way of doing things.
Is there a way to copy a surfacce? I want to make major changes to a surface I have created but there is the possibliy of utiltiizing the existing sruface. I want to copy the surface and then make changes.
I'm trying to make a surface cut on my part. The part is a round cylindrical shaped cap with a surface geometry going through the center. I want to make that surface geometry remove some of the cylindrical part by about half the wall thickness.
See the attachment of the picture "cap" for a picture with the surfaces I'm speaking about. The orange features are surfaces and the grey feature is just a solid cylinder that I want to cut. The vertical, cylindrical surface in orange is where I want the grey cylinder to be cut along the curved orange surface. Only on the grey area outside of the orange cylindrical surface is to be cut while leaving everything grey on the inside area of the cylindrical surface will remain.
The picture titled "ideal cap" is the look that I'm going for on the picture titled "cap" which I'm trying to perform this cut on. The picture titled "ideal cap" was made using Pro/E and I'm trying to mimic the same thing in Inventor. How I can do this?
I'm building a product configuration which includes some helical curves. I want to find out how I can change the direction of a Helical curve feature in a 3D sketch.
Variables like pitch and diameter are parameters, but the direction isn't.
I am having a difficult time centered the helical path (the equation curve) and lofting the two profiles (centered) through the helical path in the axial rotation direction..
I have started a project and have a somewhat unusual condition. I have a structure with a Conical Roof. We are putting a parapet around this roof. With the parapet, we are also going to create 4 individual structures that direct water/rain flow to scuppers that will be fabricated into the parapet. Below is a sketch of our condition. How to get the shape of a line that follows the face of a cone. Obviously, this line is not projected to the center of the cone, so it is not just a straight line. I am imagining either a radial cut piece, or a complex/multiple radial cut piece. I don't really know how to put it into words exactly.... Take a look at the sketch.
I have this contour lines from dwg file (see attached) and I am trying to make a surface out of it. Initially i thought it is already a surface for C3D but i cant seem to follow tutorials. While browsing for solutions from the Internet, it seems it is not even a contour file that can be added in C3D. what is this file and how i can convert it into a surface in C3D?
How to draw in Autodesk inventor Helical Gear using Flex option (this option you can find in SolidWorks) below I put link to SolidWorks where this options allow to preper gear by rotation of existing solid. Where do i find this option in Autodesk?
I've to make a tunnel on my project. I get some subassembly on web but all the tunnel subassemblies have the target point on Width or Offset Target and Slop or Elevation Target. I don't know whats happens but only my region that owns the tunnel subassembly isn't recognizing on corridor, and isn't drawing on my sections too.
I'm trying to draw a helical staircase with a bottom plate underneath the steps. Drawing it isn't a problem. I used a sweep with helical curve. Then I converted this part to a sheet metal. But then inventor doesn't want to unfold it. how I have to make a flat pattern from this one with the necessary bending lines?
I have the German version of Inventor 2014, so some translations may be different.
I want to project a text on a sketch onto a conical surface. The error message is that the chosen surface wasn't tangential to the profile plane. I found no way to rotate the plane.
How do I project my profile onto the conical surface or How do I make the profile plane tangential to the conical surface?
I have generated a gear set using inventor. Now I would like to 3d print the gears. I have uesd the export tooth shape to get the true tooth profile. now I am attempting to use the coil feature to generate the helical tooth. The problem im running into is in the coil tool I can only give it a Revolution and height dimension. The hight is the width of the gear, but I am having a problem converting the helix angle to the "Revolution" perameter. I have read other posts and they say that it is Helix angle / 360. I have tried that and then compared it to the original gear generated by inventor and it is not even close. I need to do this on in internal gear and match it to an external gear.
How can I make sure the annotated surface labels spot elevations from my 3d design drawing which is being xrefed into a new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet plots screened?
The Label Style which I created for the annotated surface label spot elevations has all its properties set to be ByLayer for example its color and lineweight. The Layer I assigned the Label Style was assigned to a layer with a color and plot style that should plot any object screened. Color 8 and Plot Style Screened.
What other steps am I missing to assure myself that this Label Style will plot screened in my new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet?
I also made sure that the xref drawing in which this Surface spot elevation has the correct colors and lineweights and Plot Styles in my new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet.