AutoCad 3D :: How To Put Threaded Holes In Outer Edge Of Part
Sep 14, 2007
How to put threaded holes in the outer edge of this part. I need the holes to go where the circles are drawn around the radius, with the direction pointing to the center of the radius.
I have a part I am trying add a threaded hole to. The option for threaded holes is unselectable. I tried editing the registry as past posts have said, but the "parts" folder doesnt show up in the registry. I have been through every folder in the registry and dont see anything that has to do with threaded holes.
We want to use dual dimensions for holes and figured out how to do this by editing the styles. This works great except for threaded holes the dual dimension is redundant as shown in the picture.
Is there a way to not have the dual dimension for threaded holes but keep them for other holes? Having a dual dimentsion for a metric thread or having it printed twice on the drawing is pointless.
In most cases threaded parts are designed without true surface (just cylinder with texture) thus part surface area is calculated wrong (less than it is i real world)).
any automatic way to get true value of threaded surface which is modeled in traditional (simplified) way?
I try freezing my proposed storm structures inside Viewport for Existing Conditions sheet. My proposed DI's freeze because they use a block (in structure style). My proposed headwalls use the outer part boundary from catalog. BUT both DI and Headwall Style Component Layers are set to C-STRM-STRC.
In the pic for Existing Conditions Layout, you see a white headwall boundary. In proposed layout, you see a magenta headwall boundary. It's using the Object Layer and not the component layers for the headwall.
I didn't see another way to logically set up Object Layers for Pipes and Structures that contain Existing and Proposed Water, Storm, and Sanitary. My Object Layers have Pipes set to C-UTIL-PIPE and Structures set to C-UTIL-STRC, BUT the Component Layers inside the style are specific. Example: Existing Storm Structures and Pipes have layers such as V-STRM-PIPE and V-STRM-STRC. Proposed Storm would have Component Layers such as C-STRM-PIPE and C-STRM-STRC. The Object Layer for both existing and proposed use C-UTIL-PIPE and C-UTIL-STRC.
I need to cut this football image out on my vinyl cutter, I tried boundry and contour but it keeps picking up the black center too. I need to just cut the outer edge.
I have a 3 part assembly . Holes have to be made though the 3 parts . The holes can be made and snet/projected/though all/though distance and this work fine. The holes are shown in each part and the participant command works fine
I used an outer glow layer style to make a curvy gradient but it fades towards the edges of the canvas. Is there any way to get rid of the fade short of making the style larger than I need and then cropping it, or is there a better way to make a gradient like this?
Here I have a vector image. The pink stroke is a cut path that the software I use at work recognises and cuts. (Used for vinyl decals/stickers etc). All the lines highlighted in pink is useless to me, as it would cut out each individual line.
All I need is the outer edge of the entire graphic.
Note my crudely drawn red lines that border the image, that is exactly what I need. As you can see, the paths run through the image. BUT...When I try to erase the paths using add anchor point then cut path at selected anchor points so I can remove that particular segment, the colour essentially "leaks" as it isn't a closed area anymore. Rasterizing the image destroys the quality and I would like to be able to perform this task without loss of quality.
I'm trying to use a smoke brush in Illustrator CS5 and colour it blue. However, when I place a black square at the back of the image as a background, the brush appears to have a grey outer edge. I have tried other brushes as well and some produce the same results.
I am wondering if this may be a setting that I'm unaware of or something else.
I have a sheet metal part which has several holes in, from which I have created a hole table. The hole table does not list all the holes in my part as I am only permitted to to select holes on one face of the part in the selected view. I have tried selecting all holes on the Isometric view however I cannt do this either.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz 12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
I am working with a part that needs multiple 9mm gun drilled holes to different depths. The problem I am having is not being able to create a truly custom single line hole callout. Example( DIA 9mm +.50mm -.00mm TO DEPTH 1.25in)
I understand that this isn't a common hole callout but in my situation it is what is needed. The values need to be linked to the part and not simply overridden as text. I am essentially wanting to make a style that I could apply to any hole note that would give the hole diameter a metric dimension and the depth an inch value.
I am fairly new to Inventor and have recently just finished drawing up a machine made of many parts and sub assemblies and then made into one master assembly. Due to the nature of some hole positions i decided to draw some holes directly on the Master assembly thinking it would then change the original sub assembly/part file. Apparently not as i found out making technical drawings.
How i can rectify this so i dont have to re-draw all the holes on part level and keep my constraints in place?
1. find the attached “Rays on Oval.png” file. (Tried attaching .cdr file but the File Size is 400KB.)
2. I would like to Repeat / Duplicate that Black Color on Outer Path of Oval Shape. (Like shown in the Yellow versus Black. The Yellow is a Circle and the Black is from Star Tool)
3. I think the Best Bet would be to Link the Rays to the Outer Path of Oval Shape.
4. I need the Rays and Oval as 2 Different Objects so that I could Change the Color Scheme.
I need to fillet part on an edge on the top face of the enclosed part, is this possible? I have tried a few things but the fillet command always selects all the edges on the face to fillet.
once selected it says in the selection box that 15 edges are selected, and I can't ctrl click to remove any of them singly, basically it will deselect them all? I have made sure I have loop select off.
Is there a way to tell Inventor to use the mean value for threaded holes? As it is IV always puts the Minor-min value for the hole size, which is a PITA for any and all CAM software.
The thread data can be extracted in CAM, but the hole size still remains what it's modeled as. I know I can edit the spreadsheet and cheat it, but that isn't exactly the correct way to go about it.
We have several chain guards which we punch from sheet metal. We recently changed our practice to punch a hole pattern in the part rather than weld in a mesh screen - saves shop assembly/fab time. See the attached 2 parts.
My question: Is there an automated way of delelecting all holes within X" of the part edge. Currently we have to go through one by one and it takes a lot of time. how to model this part more efficiently. As you can see, the designer of the new part got lazy and did a rectangular pattern. The goal would be to have a consistent margin around the full perimeter of the part more like the first.
I understand the process of splitting faces and applying a Bonded Contact between the split faces when you have a bolted connection with a nut, but what kind of contacts would you use for say a threaded connection?For example, suppose you have a plate that will be bolted to a mold. The plate has clearnace holes for said bolts and so that the bolts are threaded into the mold to be lifted. The plate has a threaded hole for the lifting mechanism (Swivel Hoist Ring). Finally, the desired load is applied to the Swivel Hoist Ring and the bolts are placed in pre-tension. I would like to simulate this via FEA but am getting tripped up in the contacts. Also I am trying to make it as simple and efficient as possible (by eliminating any bolts or other parts that are not needed). I use INV Pro 2014.
When I run an interference check on an assembly, any of the threaded holes that have fasteners in them shows interference. I guess that the problem arises from the document setting "Tapped Hole Diameter" is set to minor.
To solve the problem with the interference, I could either change the modeled size of the hole or change the modeled bolt diameter. Either one causes problems in other places.
how to make this Clamp Rod to Clamp Base Spacer Turn relationship.
this is from the Clamp Project on this site: Inventor Wizard, The Clamp Lever is turning or rotating the clamp rod into the Clamp Base Spacer but I could not simulate the Thread or the Screw motion if that is the term, or the 1 or 1/2 turn of the Clamp Rod to 1 Pitch movement, plus I can't seem to put the Rod inside the Clamp Base Spacer hole when the Contact Solver is ON, maybe modeling issue on my part.
I just did a Circular Pattern of a threaded holes to a second solid body. The hole came through but the thread did not?Right now I have SP1 installed. I have been using solid bodies for a long time now and have not seen this.
Here is the issue we have found. While sectioning a view of an assembly in idw, the threaded lines of threaded features have a strange behavior depending on the section line used. I have attached a simple example that shows what he have found. Basically, if the section line is straight, threaded features show correctely. Independent of section participation. If the section has segments at different angles, then lines are not appearing.
The first three views have both parts excluded from section participation(Obviously, there isn't any real life need for this, but I did it to just simplify the illustration without adding a bunch extra parts) The base view is the top view or view showing the round shape. For the first example at the bottom, i simply projected the view to the left and made sure "Threaded Features" was selected. Threaded lines show fine.
Second example is the similiar, except the i used a section view instead of the projected view. Both parts are excluded. Section line is straight. Verticle in this example. Doesn't have to vertical as the line is straight.
Next example is similiar to the second, only difference is the section is not straight. You can see the threaded lines do not show. This is the problem we want to solve. How to make the threaded lines display!!!
Last example shows the same section, only this time the component is included in the section participation. And it works.
Any settings to change or a trick to make it work. Otherwise, i think i need to issue a support request with autodesk.
This is the first time I have used Edge Animate..I have created a simple line of text that fades in from left to right. In chrome, the HTML file looks great. I FF and IE, the last part of the line of text is missing!
I am trying to get an animation to auto play, and loop only a particular part of the animation.
For example, the first part of the animation is my logo dropping in and bouncing. Then certain parts of the logo are animated continually, but I cannot figure out how to do this without just creating a huge timeline?
when I import an SVG file into an Edge project that some of it goes missing? but then when previewing in specific browsers they will either re appear or just stay non existent?
I have an animation with 5 different parts. I would like to trigger a random part when clicking on a button.
In order to do that I put labels on all parts (play1,...,play5). Then I put a code on the button on the click event :
var RandomNb=Math.floor(Math.random()*5) if(RandomNb=1){"play1");}
It is just a simple test but it does not work : the animation play1 is always played no matter the value of RandomNb. I obviously make something wrong but I don't know what...