AutoCad 2D :: Convert Massive Amount Of Short Lines To One Arc
Sep 2, 2011
I have a drawing which looks like it has many arcs and lines. But they are all very short lines, about 0,2mm. Is there any solution to convert massive amount of short lines (lines look like there's an arc) to one arc?
I'm looking at a block which has multiple visibility states, 2 of which show a beam as a side elevation, where the beam can be stretched to give a length. This works well.
But I'd like to be able to have the beam stretching so the bottom flange of the beam can stretch relative to the top to give an angle to the beam end, and also have the lines representing the flanges (whose position will vary depending on the steel size) can also be stretched to give a neat cutoff.
Stretching the bottom of the bottom flange is easy, but I can't figure out how to stretch the inner lines? They would have to be moved a proportion of the distance which will vary between beam sizes/flange thicknesses, so putting in a fixed multiplication factor won't work. The mathematics to set a multiplication factor based on other elements of the dynamic block is easy, but is it possible to have such implemented on a varying basis?
Elevation showing what I want to do, and the block itself attached.
I am wondering if there is any way to calculate sq ft of rooms quickly. I have a floor plan that spans two blocks and has 1000 rooms.  How can I get the sq ft of each room quickly? I am fimiliar with the AREA command but that involves a lot of effort to pick all the points for so many rooms. The rooms are not polylined, so I cannot just use the properties box.
Total buffoon when it comes to getting GIMP to do what I want to do. I'm just practicing with making maps, black lines on a white background, and I've run into some issues I'm wondering if I can get rectified.
1) For whatever reason, the line weight of everything has shifted throughout the file, ending with some lines lighter and grayer than others. Is there a way I can get GIMP to trace all the lines in a uniform black, with uniform thickness?
2) I have tried locking the white background, but often when I select and move my black lines, if I don't click in just the right spot it moves the white background instead, which is really, reeeaaaly aggravating. How Do I get that background to be completely untouchable?
3) In trying to colour the image, I've run into problems with their being a white outline between the colour and the black lines. I think I need to sharpen the image or somesuch? How can one correct this issue?
4) Is there anyway to convert the black dotted lines of the paths tools into straight black lines, in regards to an older file? If not, is there an easy way to trace them?
5) I find the scale too tends to make my image too jagged. I want to take a section of my map, move it too another file and enlarge it to do detail work - what's the best way to do this in order to have a clear image?
6) Any way to translate an image from a MErcator Projection ot a Winkell-Trippel projection, one that works on a Mac?
The lines of hatch are together like a block,but it is not block,what is this kind of format?And is it possible to convert several parallel lines into 'hatch' ?
[URL] Basically, when I accidentally input a typo into the command line there is a massive lag before AutoCad comes back to life. Nearly three seconds.
This happens on our AutoCad 2014 LT installations too.
I have all the predictive/corrective command line features turned off.
I have also uninstalled 360 and online content services, prior to the problem, to no avail.
Our office internet is proxied, and there are no ports opened for any Autodesk products.
It's losing us valuable seconds / minutes / days / weeks / months, depending on how you look at it.
On several occasions I have had to convert a group of lines to polylines but had to select and convert each line one after the other. Instead of one after another is there a way or a command to select all the lines and convert them as group into polylines?
I have a giant polyline containing a mix of arcs and straight segments, and I would like to convert all of the arcs into a series of small, straight lines so that I can use the polyline with a plug-in I wrote to use the polyline as a selection polygon.
Someone mentioned something about WMFOUT and WMFIN but that gave me some pretty weird, wobbly lines as a result and plus it didn't scale things the same when I used WMFIN.
I drew a 3d shape using 3dpoly and I want to convert that drawing,which is now only a 3d sketch, into a solid.I have attached a picture of the lines sketch sulita.jpg.
I need a function that allows to convert the polylines selected with a width globalize defined in a double closed line (spaced by the same width of the polyline), with a hatch inserted automatically defined.
Brilliant idea to draw raceways quickly: instead of making handmade double lines, connect, enter the hatches all by hand, you could quickly draw the polyline with width identical to the size of the duct, and then the lisp transform it into a duct more aesthetically pleasing if compared to the full polyline!
I'm making animation so what i was do was to convert a video i made to picture to later put into PhotoShop and make animation there (i know i can convert to gif, but i like more to edit the animation too etc).
Here im gonna try explain what i need help with:
I making a new picture (or what its named, pressing file and new).
I make it 720x480 because that is all my pictures i need put into this picture i make.
When i got this white 720x480 i want to put in like 100 pictures that all is sized 720x480!
Here the problem comes.. When i put in the pictures its not coming into the white one! Its comes new
I want them come in, i've also tried make a marquee around the white (also pressing ctrl + a).
But not working!
So what i need to do is to go to a picture and press ctrl + a and ctrl + c and go to the white one i created and press ctrl + v
and then go to the next, and so on!
This takes time and i guess it would work to put in pictures directly so it will be layers in the white picture i was create in start.
I have made this artwork in illustrator (included an image of it below). it is for newspaper print. When i export it to Illustator PDF the size is MASSIVE 40mb! I sent this to them via a link hoping to get away with it but they replied & said please send as 3mb as the file it to big! What am i going to do now? I have flatterened transparency & rasterized everything in Illy but it only makes it larger. Â the size of the overall artwork is W:262mm H:190mm
after massive Photoshop crashes - Photoshop can’t open pictures anymore, even small picts with 10 kb - I deinstalled Photoshop with the Adobe Deinstall Photoshop programm.
Now I wan’t reinstall the App over my Creativ Cloud Account (1 year abo) and get the following answer: ““There is now application to open the following URL [URL]....
You can search in the App Store for an application to open these document, or you find an application at your computer …““ WHAT HAVE I TO DO?
I've been working on a large file (1.02Gb, yes it is large (A1) with lots of necessary layers) that has initially been saved as the new large image .psb format. However the issue is that in CS3 and CS4, when trying to open the file up it creates absolutely massive scratch disc files that fill up my (80Gb) scratch disc. As a result the file will not open. However when I open it in CS2, the scratch disc files are nowhere near as big and the file opens up OK. Is this just a CS3/CS4 issue or am I missing something?
I am building a compass rose by using the star tool with 4 points and adding straignt lines from the end points to the corresponding end point. Ultimately, I'll replicate the whole image with some scaling, copy it 3 times, and rotate each 22.5 degrees to create the final rose.  I want give some 3D effects by shading half of each point on the star but it's actually a polygon (the star) with a straight lines splitting the points. To shade I need to have the star actually be 8 triangles that I can fill (4 of them).  Other than tracing to create one of the triangles (and then do some replacation and transforms to locate) is there another way to convert to star polygon and the straight lines into the triangles?  Using CS5.
I was happily using Photoshop CS6, then it kept telling me that the scratch disk was full even though I had 99GB free. The Adobe agent told me to uninstall photoshops, which I did but since doing that I only have 16GB free. Where has my other 83GB gone?! Photoshop froze when editing a HUGE file and never recovered prior to being uninstalled. Would there be a huge tmp file floating around? How do I track it down? I am using Windows 7. I teid searching for 'size:gigantic' but no luck there
Primarily I am using Corel for basic typesetting and simple graphics for sign making. My problem is that when I save the drawing something simple saves as a massive file. Many of my clients don't have space in their in-boxes for large files and large files are also slow to trasmit over the internt. I find that I have to import the jpg or pdf file into Illustrator and re-save the file whereas it becomes a normal size. A file this morning ( a rectangle with some text inside) was 7.4mb when I saved it as a pdf. Opening in Illustrator and re-saving using the same file name the file size became a managable 110kb????
I have a client who asked me to create artwork for a banner she is printing for a trade show. The banner is 19.5 FEET long and almost 8 feet high. I have designed the banner as 6.5x2.6ft with the intent of then dividing it into 9 equal parts which I would blow up to 6.5x2.6 and send off to the printer. So far so good. The problem is that the segments are still so large that when I try to export them as PDFs, I am running out of memory. I tried doing them as jpegs, but when I change the resolution for export to 300dpi, nothing changes- the number of pixels x umber of pixels doesn't increase. My client needs this artwork off to her printer asap and I am at a complete loss.
I have to bake all textures in a 3DSmax / mental ray scene.I'm using "Render to texture" and I have 2 big problems :
1) How can I change the type of image file ? When only one object is selected I can access to "File Name and Type", but when all my scene objects are selected this option is not available. So the baked textures are .tga
2) The baked textures have a gamma value = 1. It's too dark, and I want a 2.2 gamma value.