AutoCad 2D :: How To Reveal And Delete Ghost Hatches
May 16, 2012
From DWG files exported off Vectorworks, in Model Space my lines are interrupted with blank area which are non removable, unpickable. If I move my drawings in MS theses black areas stay in place, the problem is: I can drag my drawing away from them but without seeing them, where they are. In Paper Space, these invisible hatch turned into grey area in random location and as grey background behind Elevation Benchmark (circle+text), room text, floor section.
Quite often I recieve drawings with loads of hatches/solid fills in. For example a housing layout with all of the houses, trees, roads, grass etc hatched.
I generally want to delete these/turn them off and work with a line drawing.
Sometimes the hatches have been drawn on their own layer, so turning them off is simple. But sometimes they've been drawn on layers with other things I want to keep. Genereally there are loads of hatches, so deleting them one by one is frustratingly slow.
I used to use Microstation, and in that there was a tool to delete hatches or fills, and if you selected all items you could delete the lot in one go. Is there such a tool in AutoCAD?
When I click on some text in a particular dwg. I get ghost images on the same text in the various annotative scales. I know there is a setvar that only shows the text in the current scale.
I work with .dds texture files a lot in modding the games Oblivion and Skyrim, and whenever someone else releases a mod that I like, I usually change it to my preferences (solely for personal use, of course). This occasionally means editing their textures, but some people have a way of making the texture "invisible" (as in totally transparent), yet still readable by the game as well as some plugins like Emboss. This makes it impossible for me to do anything with the file, and as a result some become completely unusable. what this "invisibility" is caused by, and a way to reverse it?
I'm trying to hatch the attached drawing (extracted from the actual drawing) with two separate hatches,
Now the quickest way is to hatch both areas with the same hatch and then use the properties painter, on each separate hatch, Unfortunately it's not hatching the areas separately.
How to add hatches to finished hatches in the classic view of autocad. in older versions if you needed to edit / add hatch you would double click on the hatch and the hatch dialog box would come up. then you would pick new points to add. How to do this in 2013 cant find any answers on the web.
I don't consider myself a minimalist in any way, but I like to keep my personal folders clean of any system files. I recently changed the path for the autosave-folder as it intruded my private work files. The problem is that even though I did change the path, every time I start AutoCAD a new 'Autodesk'-folder is created in my personal folder. It still contains the sub-level 'Autosave'.
One of my parts had "Invalid origin/axis" problems and I got all my visible aketches fixed. But I have what I call "ghost" sketches left from bolted connection updates, erasures etc. I can get rid of the visible points but cannot access the sketches to erase them.
The red + sign showing irritates me and I want rid of it.
I have attached the file, 2014 version, some of the adaptive features may not come thru or they may work better on another computer, who would know.
I created a drawing where I created a grading object (pad) under a site, a couple of alignements, etc.
After deleting everything to maintain layer states and settings, I saved the drawing as a starting template for day to day drawing (left it as a dwg, not dwt)
When I start a new drawing from a saveas of the template, it says that there is already a grading group named 'pad' but there isn't anything shown in the prospector. Purge hasn't worked. Any ghost entities left in a drawing.
I've also noticed that if you screw up a grading and try to delete the entire site and start get weird results too. It's like it remembers old stuff you did (ghost entities) and won't let you start with a clean slate.?
Infrastructure Design Suite 2013 Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit NVIDIA Quadro 600 Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz 8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid
I need to cut into a mask to reveal a layer. I have a alpha image with thousands of lights scattered around the image. I'm laying the lights layer over an image of a city to create more lights in various buildings. All I need to do is create some form of mask that when I cut into it reveals the lights below which is over the city.
How can I cut out a shape from my PS image to expose the background layer? I will "Save for Web" with a transparent background. The shape will be a rectangle, and a text layer will later be added to display within the rectangle.
My goal is to use the PS image as part of a Web page, allowing the Web page background to show through the rectangle which surrounds the text. Hope this explanation makes sense.
This house was going to have woven shingle corners. Of course Revit can't really do that. It appears that materials are prety much like wall paper so they look pertty fake up close. NIce for sketchy stuff and "common" presentations. 3dsMax can punch up that wall paper but still in a close rendering or animation it's going to look pretty cheezy. After exhausting all searches for a very real looking siding material or texture. I came up with the clever idea of using a reveal to "press" a siding pattern into my outer finish layer. (This would save me the laborious task of modeling the siding and remodeling it every time I need to move something.)
It started to work and I got excited, I exlaimed, "good job autodesk! I can finally at long last, put 3 dimensional siding on a project!" Then things got weird. For some reason when it's applied to SOME walls it won't join with the adjacent wall, AND it unjoins my walls in plan.
If I paste an image which is larger than the canvas size, a part of the pasted image will be outside the canvas. How can I resize the canvas so it will reveal only the image outside the canvas but no extra white space is shown.
By using the built in "Resize canvas" function, there is a lot of trial and error involved.
I started with AutoCAD 9.I thought that until recently, that I could draw a line from parts of a hatch.
I could draw a line perpendicular to a hatch line.Or, I could draw a line from an intersection of hatch lines.Did I change a setting?Or have I imagined being able to do such?
Often i hatch two areas separately. is there any way to combine 2 adjacent hatches? for e.g. there are two adjacent rectangles which are hatched with same pattern having the same scale. if i make the shape into a one single rectangle by trimming the middle line, i want to combine the two hatch into a one single hatch.
I have a path shape that curves through the property, and I would like the hatch (which are just 60x60cm squares) follow the curve of the path instead of being applied like a pattern (just orthogonally).
The orange items in question are blocks and are just copies of each other. However, the grass hatch underneath shows through the left one and not the right one. I checked the properties of both blocks and they are identical except for x/y position.
I have this railing I want to hatch. I use solid color to hatch to keep the background from showing, but the outlines of the windows in the background shows through the hatch no matter what I do.
This has happened on all versions of AutoCAD in our office.
I paste schedules from Excel into AutoCAD. I print out the sheets and ghost lines appear on the PDF and hard copy that were not intentionally place in the excel file. What is happening and what can be done about it.
I also paste a tif file on a sheet change the setting to imageframe <0> and a residual line willl appear in pdf and hard copy that seems to be the border of the tif image.
I'm working with Layers, and wondering if it's possible to use a brush to reveal the layer beneath. If so, how would I do it? I'm thinking of an effect a bit like when you have a window that's all steamed up, and you run your finger across it.
I created a pipe network in civil3D and now I want to insert it as an xref in an autocad file. The problem is that when I do so, I lose some properties, such as the hatches in the directional arrows of the pipes and the background mask property of the structure labels.
I am having an issue with a window not inserting properly into a wall, or rather with the wall materials showing behind the window in seemingly random locations. I am using a modified version of a standard wall style and have tried several different types and lengths of windows with the same result in this location. I am attaching a screenshot.
a) can send me geological elements hatching patterns in .PAT format to (e.g. hatch for tuffs, basalt, tuff breccia, andesite, dacite, diabase, etc), or
b) Websites where I can dowload them or otherwise buy them quickly...