I've been working on several projects that require drafting in metric units and I'm having difficulty inserting block dwgs. into my working drawing at the correct scale.
My block drawing is set to millimeters. I've drawn my block and measured it. All is ok.
UNITS = milimeters; INSUNITS = 4
My working drawing is in millimeters. All line work is dimensioning accurately.
UNITS = milimeters; INSUNITS = 4
When I insert the block, it comes in extremely small. When I click on the block properties, it says it's units are in millimeters and the scale is 1. As it should be correct? except for the fact that its about 25x smaller then it should be. This leads me to believe there is an inch insertion factor some where.
To add to the conundrum, if I xref the block dwg into my working file, it comes in at the correct size. Is there an alternative block insertion scale factor setting that I'm not seeing?
I am the only one using C3D 2012 in our office and the other users are complaining that they cannot insert blocks or paste clipboard content into drawings that I have saved from C3D 2012. This is true whether I use "C3D as AutoCAD" or the full C3D functionality. I understand that the newer C3D objects are not compatible with the older version but to my knowledge there are no C3D objects included in the drawings in question.
C3D 2009 users can wblock the drawing contents from the Model tab and each Layout tab, and reassemble those parts. Then they are able to insert blocks and paste content again. It is a very inconvenient solution and we only use it when the situation is critical. It also breaks sheet view linkage to our Sheet Sets when we do the wblock fix.
I've asked the others to try using Design Center or Windows paste (CTRL+V) and see if that works the next time they encounter the problem. I don't have C3D 2009 installed or I would have tested these ideas already. The others will not install C3D 2012 and so far the owner's will not force them to.
Is there a way to modify the DEFAULT SCALE LIST to show a metric scale list in an imperial template? I mean, I start a drawing using the imperial template, but i want to use the standard metric scales on paper space. on previous versions the scale list shown both imperial & metric. Now it depends of what the template is using.
Create a routine that looks for a block based on a portion of that block name, using a specified path or search path.
For example, block to search for is BLOCKABC123, so if someone inputs ABC or 123 as a block name, it will locate that block within that folder and inserts it into the drawing at a user specified location.
Ideally, if there is a check in that if it finds more than one match, then perhaps it flags or prompts you to choose 1, 2, or 3 option which block to use. But I can live without this special function if it requires too much time to code.
Is there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?
I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table. I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point. If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.
Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?
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I have Acad Lt 2010 and was hit with an odd insertion issue. I have no viruses or malware and it seems all new files no matter using a template or not, my inserted blocks starting inserting at a scale of 119 and change instead of 1.
I'm working on a project for work where we were given DXF files for a drawing. So I attached this file into AutoCAD at a scale factor of 1. The drawing was originally drawn in metric at 1:200. However, I am working in an imperial file with many other drawings in it as well. How can I scale this drawing up to the right scale in imperial in model space?
When I setup my viewports for my sheet I have a viewport that I set the viewport scale to 1:5. This is not showing up correctly and zooms the drawing off the sheet. When I go into the viewport and use the zoom to scale 1/5xp the scale is correct and totally different than the viewport scale 1:5. Since all my annotative text and hatching is set to 1:5 1:10 and 1:100 the annotations do not work since viewport scales 1:5, 1:10 and 1:100 are showing up incorrect and do not correspond to the correct zoom factors of 1/5xp 1/10xp and 1/100xp.
I have imported a ISO Shipping container but the scale is to large. How can I scale it down to architecture setting standard not metric. When I try to use the scale option all it does is makes it larger? I have not search yet do to time restrictions.
I am trying to organize 7 viewports in paperspace. My drawing is a metric drawing, and when I set a scale to one view port (for example 1:25) then double click into another viewport, the viewport that I origanly set at 1:25 vooms out to fit all contents in model space.
I have created a project in a metric template, then found that the scale factor is haywire. Is there some way to rest the template with out loosing my work or changing anything other than the physical line properties?
Second, I have loaded the same file onto another students file who's scale factor is A OK and metric. My file LOOKS fine but when i start to add lines or dimension all the properties are imperial.
how to scale out these drawings. I have a CAD drawing using metric scale. This drawing has multiple title blocks. and each title block has its own scale. 1:500, 1:50, 1:150, 1:75. Now I make a block out of each title block and scale them out to find out if they plot out on the same sheet, and they do. Now, I still can't find out the scale factor to print them out to scale. I tried using using the scale shown in for each drawing for example 1:500 and it is super small when I do a print preview.
I am trying to insert a block into a file in Acad 2014 and it comes in too large. If I insert the same block into the same file using Acad 2012 it comes in at the correct scale. Doesn't seem to matter if insunits is 0 or 1, or insunitsdefsource or insunitsdeftarget are also 0 or 1.
There must be some variable or variables I'm missing.
If you insert a Unitless block into a drawing with the units set to mm or inches via the interface, AutoCAD will automatically take care of the scaling for you. By looking at the properties of a Unitless block after insertion it appears as though all CAD is doing is scaling the block in accordance with the units in the drawing.
How CAD is doing this calculation and how to get the same effect using the .NET API at the time of insertion?I could setup a function that examines the units of the block being inserted and the units of the drawing the block is being inserted into but how would i be sure i'm using the same conversion value as CAD?
e.g. I might decide 1 Unit = 0.0393 when i do the insert, whereas CAD might use 1 Unit = 0.03937007.
It would be nice to either use the same value or a function that the API provides that i'm not aware of to do the conversion
I've been using the admittedly pieced together code in order to insert border blocks around a closed polyline. Yhe problem I'm having is that when the Block angle is say "zero" the block is inserted the same way both on top and below the polyline. Since the blocks surround the polyline the blocks on the downside should have an additional 180 degree rotation. How to deduct that the portion of the polyline is in a certain quadrant and adjust the insertion angle as necc? I 'm not sure thats even the best approach.
Dim pso As PromptStringOptions = New PromptStringOptions("Enter name of block to create reference: ") Dim pr As PromptResult = myEd.GetString(pso) Dim blkName As String = pr.StringResult 'If (!bt.Has(blkName)) Then
I am using ACA 2009 and am experiencing something new with attributed blocks. When I insert the block, a copy of the block is placed at what seems to be an arbitrary distance away. As I fill in the boxes for each attribute, it appears in the image away from the insertion point. After I am done, the completed block appears filled out where it was inserted. I have never seen this before. Is there a setting affecting this?
I'm running AutoCAD LT 2011. As a test for myself when i first started using the program I created a block in which i have a rectangle and a linear stretch pair parameter attached to it, and a field attribute referencing the distance that the stretch parameter is stretched out to.
I'd like to know if its possible to set up a prompt when inserting the block into a drawing that allows me to type the desired distance of the stretch parameter and have the rectangle stretch to the entered distance as its inserted.
I'm trying to automate the process of simply inserting the block and then dragging the grips of the parameter out or updating the distance via the properties panel.
I have drawn some doors and saved them as blocks. Whenever I insert one or another, the door itself is far away from the insertion point. How can I modify this?
I have a polyline which consists of straight lines and curves in 2D enviroment.
I want to extract some coordinates. I usually use block refferences and "dataextraction" command. However, the problem is as follows:
I need to mark many things along the polyline's way at no constant intervals (not possible to "measure" it) If I have "osnap" on, I can't hit the spots I like for obvious reasons. If I have "osnap" off, I can't place the object accurately on polyline's way.
So, what I need is: how to allign multiple blocks to a said polyline. Allignment needs to be done as accurate as possible, prefferably perpendicularly to closest tangent of polyline.
I have the drawing I'm working on, who's scale is set to "unitless". I'm attempting to insert a series of attributed blocks (containing titleblock information) into the paperspace of my drawing. The attributed block is also set to unitless.
Two of these blocks require editing to suite the drawing, the other two are to be edited at a later date by a third party.
Everything HAD been working fine, however, it appears the wheels have fallen off ~ I'm now experiencing a periodic error where, I insert a block to the 0,0 at a scale of 1 (as per procedure) but the block comes in at a fraction of the correct scale. I have to scale the block up by 25.4. (The imperial / metric conversion.) (Note, I'm working in Metric)
Even stranger - its not happening on all blocks. Just the two that have to be edited "in house".
I've checked measureinit within the blocks and it is set to metric. I'm limited in my ability to purge / audit the drawings as they don't want template information deleted from the drawing - but I don't know what other system variables i should be looking at.
I am inserting a block (strSectionBlk) into an AutoCAD 13 drawing using VB .NET. This block has an attribute with tag "FAB_HEIGHT" and I want to edit its string to the value of a variable "strFabHeight" at the time of the insertion of the block. The insertion of the block is fine but I've failed to edit the attibute.
Public Sub InsertSection() 'Call the Function that decides the name of the head section block strSectionBlk getSectionDwg(strModel, strHeadType) 'Start the database Dim db As Database [code]....
I have a simple block, I would like to do the following:
Type: Insert
Specify: Block Name
Click spot with cursor to have the block placed
Rotate the block for orientation
I know that if I use the Tool Pallets I can specify rotate on insert, but do not always want to use the Pallete. I also know I can assign a rotation parameter to the block so I can grip and rotate after insertion. Is there an easier way?
I create a block where coordinate 0,0 is my base/insertion point (which is established in an orientation that is to the lower-left of my blocks line work). In a new drawing I insert that block and specify coordinate 0,0 as my insert point. Instead of my insertion point being in the lower left it is in the upper right. I run into this in new version and old version drawings.
On my civil drafting project plate 1 I am trying to insert my Tree block and i type the coords in and it ends up way off screen but I insert a point at the same coords and it goes right where it needs to. What am I doing wrong?
Figured it out on my own by placing my tree on origin 0,0 and then creating block. not sure why that is the way it is but I got it to work for what I need it to do.
Have a number of std blocks with a single part number located centrally within a circle similar to std grid line coordinates used on architectural plans.
Is there a simple way to set the block up with its part number fixed centrally so that when the block is inserted at different rotation angles the part number always appears central within the circle and upright.
Forget lisp as only have LT.how to centralise the text within an attribute so its always central when block is rotated.
We are having an issue while inserting blocks from the tool palette. Inserting a block from the tool palette takes about 5 seconds per block. Pick a block, wait 5 seconds, pick insertion point. Last week it took maybe 1 second. It doesn't sound like much, but we use alot of blocks everyday, and waiting 5 seconds every time gets annoying. Especially when it used to be almost instantaneous. We also have our blocks in our template. The template is on the server. If you type insert, and insert the block that way, it loads fast, like it used to using the tool palette.
Most of the blocks are simple text or shapes. None are dynamic. We also have some hatches in there, that are unaffected by the delay. They insert quickly.
Another thing has changed. The time it takes to change to a different tab on the palette has grown. A tab with about 10 blocks used to take about 6 seconds to load, now takes a good 30 seconds. And a tab with about 30 blocks that used to take about 12 seconds, now takes about a minute and a half! Once the tool palette and each tab has been opened for the first time, say first thing in the morning when cad is first opened, the delay is gone. They switch between tabs with no delays.
The only thing that I know of that has changed that coincides with this is last week we made a few changes to the template. We removed a few sheets that we no longer use. Could this have done something? The blocks are still in the template. We have 3 pc's that are affected in the same way, at the same time.
I've tried a few things to remedy this. I am by no means a cad guru. I created a .dwg with all the blocks in it. Made another tab on the tool palette using the blocks from the .dwg. Still the same delay. I tried creating a new palette using the design center and the blocks .dwg I made, but cad locks up on me and I have to restart cad. I tried that twice.