AutoCad :: Modifying Insertion Point In A Block?
Nov 23, 2013I have drawn some doors and saved them as blocks. Whenever I insert one or another, the door itself is far away from the insertion point. How can I modify this?
View 9 RepliesI have drawn some doors and saved them as blocks. Whenever I insert one or another, the door itself is far away from the insertion point. How can I modify this?
View 9 RepliesIs there a way to create a block with attributtes that automatically complete x, y, z, lat, long for the insertion point of the block?
I am trying to complete text in paperspace that will automatically fill in the lat long of a point in model space without using a table. I have tried field insertion with reference to a cogo point, but it doesn't give options for position on a cogo point. If I pick a block with attributes, it will let me pick any attributes, and x,y position for the block.
Cogo points show all the information I need to propagate in the properties....but how do I get that to translate into the text using fields or some other method?
Dell Precision T3600 - Windows 7 64-bit
NVIDIA Quadro 600
Intel(R) Xenon(R) CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz 3.00GHz
8 GB ram - Two 1TB raid
I create a block where coordinate 0,0 is my base/insertion point (which is established in an orientation that is to the lower-left of my blocks line work). In a new drawing I insert that block and specify coordinate 0,0 as my insert point. Instead of my insertion point being in the lower left it is in the upper right. I run into this in new version and old version drawings.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I select a block, all points contained in the block are shown. How do I turn this off? I want to select the block and have only the insertion point showing.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow I can quickly add points at the insertion point of a block? I have over 1400 and would like to find the quickest way to do it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedMy boss gave me a drawing to make some changes on a particular block; however, every time I try to insert the block, it always insert the block in Paper Space even though I'm in Model Space.
Is there any way to change that insertion point? I want to insert the block in Model not in PS...
How can I find a block with a specific name and get what the coordinates are? What we have is our Bill of Material is attributed blocks. I am attempting to change the first one. Well all of the lines that list the parts are seperate blocks with the same name. Now the Top Line of the Bill of Material is a different named block. If I can find the coordinates of this block I can then select the first line to do what I need to.
If needed: AutoCAD 2013 User using Visual LISP for editing LISP and DCL files Also I have AutoCAD 2011 currently still available for us, but we are using AutoCAD 2013 for 99.9% of AutoCAD use
I have insert blocks in my dwg. It is the circle. While creating the block, i was just pick the point into the circle not exactly at the centre.
Now i want change the insertion point of the block at centre of the circle without moving the objects from the dwg.
Beacuse i had use block editor to change the insertion point. But after changing, all blocks were moved from the original position.
I have several existing block definitions and need to change the insertion point. Also, when creating a new block in the Block Editor, how do I define the insertion point?
View 9 Replies View RelatedMy multileader style uses a block as a content. How can I find world coordinates of insertion point of block entity within multileaders?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe have several AutoCAD drawings with hundreds of block references inserted with imprecise coordinates. Now we need to dimension all elements and need to correct these positions.
I am searching for a routine to round these positions up or down towards a 5mm precision so I don't have to manually move every single block element.
Is there any way to automate the task or do you know any workaround (like inserting the elements into a drawing with poorer unit precision settings)?
I've have code to test if the insertion point is within a closed polygon. But prior to testing the insertion point I use ssget to trim the selection set initially..
(ssget "CW" Pnt_List (list (cons 0 "INSERT")(cons 2 BlockName)))
this requires that the whole Crossing Polygon is visible, so I do a zoom first. This requires time. Is there a way I can do this that does not require the zoom?
I wish to create a dynamic block containing some attributes. These attributes are inside rectangles that can't be modified in length using linear parameters ; but the attribute has to be always in the middle of the rectangle. So, I draw a line inside the rectangle (in a hidden layer) and insert the attribute with center justification (not sure for the translation) that I place in the middle of this line ; then I put a coincidence constraint (not sure for the translation, but it's the first one) linking the middle of the line with the middle of the attribute.
But here's the problem : when stretching my rectangle, the insertion point of the attribute suddenly changes from "center" to "bottom left".
Create a routine that looks for a block based on a portion of that block name, using a specified path or search path.
For example, block to search for is BLOCKABC123, so if someone inputs ABC or 123 as a block name, it will locate that block within that folder and inserts it into the drawing at a user specified location.
Ideally, if there is a check in that if it finds more than one match, then perhaps it flags or prompts you to choose 1, 2, or 3 option which block to use. But I can live without this special function if it requires too much time to code.
is it possible to create a block so that the base point is the only snap point on the block?
In other words supose I have a block of a simple rectangle with the base point in the center.
If I try to snap to the block, I will be able to snap to all the corners, but not the base point. I know that i can put a point at the base point, but can I turn off the snap to the corners (just for the block) in other words, have an object that is unsnapable to without turning the snap mode off.
I have modeless dialog. On dialog I have button on which user clicks, when he wants to pick insertion point. Problem is when I exit dialog the command line is still in command GetPoint (doesn't show usual Command.My code at the moment is:
// this.Visible = false;
AppServ.Document adoc = AppServ.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
AppServ.DocumentLock dl = adoc.LockDocument();
Editor ed = adoc.Editor;
using (ed.StartUserInteraction(this))
How do I get an onscreen point after/ during a dialog box is launched (as example like with Hatch add pick points. I would like to create button for this in a dialog box?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have created a set of standard panel cutouts for connectors as ifeatures.
they work good however i created them all from one file and they were in various locations in the original file.
when i insert the objects i am unable to place them by their centers and have to re-position afterward.
Is there a way to edit the ifeature and modify the location of the insertion point?
Windows 7 64 bit
Inventor 2012 Professional
Dell T1600 CPU E31245 @ 3.30GHz
I have a VBA to insert a block I ask the user for an insertion point GETPOINT. Then I allow the user to select an angle. GETANGLE starting with the insertion point. If the user picks a point or enters a number there is no problem.
However if the user hits enter it crashes saying invalid input. What I want to happen that if enter happens it accepts it as an angle of 0.
We have been processing/adjusting our field control observations in an outside program (Star-net) and then importing the control into our C3D Database through an import event (PNEZD File). Once the control has been imported we import our field data (.fbk file) through an import event as well. The problem that we are having is once you process a .fbk that uses one of those control points it "locks" the control point, so the next day when we get another field download and the control is re-adjusted, we can't update the control points in the C3D Database.
The only way we have found to get our newly adjust control into the C3D Database is too delete all of the "import events" that use the control point and then import our new control. This is a HUGE hassle.
I've been going through some examples on [URL] to create polylines and i've managed to make some code run. One thing that I can't seem to find information on though, is how to use the default AutoCAD command line options in my code. For instance, I would like to be able to prompt the user whether they would like to snap the polyline to an insertion point, everytime they create a new verticie.
Below is some example code from the site that i'm working from:
namespace MyPlineApp
public class MyPlineCmds
When editing multileader text, the insertion point changes. How do I stop this? I have several multileaders with their insertion points aligned together (left justified notes) but if I edit any text, the multileader jumps to a new position and is no longer aligned with the other notes.
View 9 Replies View RelatedCurrently, I have the base or insertion point of some of my blocks in an undesirable spot and I would like to move it. When I insert a drawing or block I have difficulty in placement due to a poor choice in the drawing or block I am trying to insert.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI created a dynamic block with a polar stretch. I insert the block, then have to select the grip to rotate/stretch it. Can it be inserted and then rotated/stretched all in one action? The insertion point is at one of the line and the polar stretch grip is at the other end.
View 3 Replies View Relatedknow if there is a command which joins GetEnttiy() and GetPoint() functions. At the moment I'm using both commands one after another. Result I want would be one command where you can choose entity or select insertion point.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIf I use this code it will give me the insertion point for a block
(setq ent (car (entsel "
Select Main Object: ")))
(setq InsPt (assoc 10 (entget Ent)))
Now if I try to use this for a surface label and try to get the insertion point
(setq ent (car (entsel "
Select Main Object: ")))
(setq oEnt (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object ent))
(vlax-dump-object oEnt)
I dont see anything that will get the insertion point.
When i edit the sketched symbol "Work Stages", i copy the line which the the arrow points at, but with it goes the green insertion point, and i can't delete it.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to create a sub-assembly with an insertion point parameter using Sub-assembly composer.
like this one below. I found this under the following sub-assembly. All I want is , when the user inserting the sub-assembly they may need to go on both the sides attached.
So the user should be able to select from the dropdown if the insertion point is 1 or 2. Before inserting.
Where can I find the command to globally scale blocks by selecting them and it scales each block around its insertion point.
View 3 Replies View RelatedThe default Insertion Point of a part list is its" range box.maxpoint",but I need to make its "rangebox.minpoint" as its InsertionPoint . My code to insert the part list is as follows :
I have tried using the code " oPartsList.RangeBox.MinPoint.InsertionPoint = True" , imitating "oSketchLines(1).EndSketchPoint.InsertionPoint = True" ,but without luck .
If you insert a Unitless block into a drawing with the units set to mm or inches via the interface, AutoCAD will automatically take care of the scaling for you. By looking at the properties of a Unitless block after insertion it appears as though all CAD is doing is scaling the block in accordance with the units in the drawing.
How CAD is doing this calculation and how to get the same effect using the .NET API at the time of insertion?I could setup a function that examines the units of the block being inserted and the units of the drawing the block is being inserted into but how would i be sure i'm using the same conversion value as CAD?
e.g. I might decide 1 Unit = 0.0393 when i do the insert, whereas CAD might use 1 Unit = 0.03937007.
It would be nice to either use the same value or a function that the API provides that i'm not aware of to do the conversion