AutoCAD .NET :: Proper Use Of Transactions Including Commit / Abort
Feb 14, 2010
Relating the .NET Developers Guide at [URL]...... regarding "Commit and Rollback Changes":
In the event that objects have been added or changes have been made (that you want to keep) it's obviously a requirement that you commit the transaction. But when simply reading information is it necessary (or even good form) to commit the transaction anyway or abort for some reason?
The Developers Guide says "If Commit is not called before Dispose is called, all changes made within the transaction are rolled back." and does not imply that committing is necessary.
I open a document from a file (with read-only mode set to false). Then I lock this document and start a transaction.
Within this transaction I delete all blocks that are named "MyBlockName", but none of them are deleted.
I also attempted editting attributes within a block, and the attribute textstring does not change one bit!
Anyways, after the transaction is committed, the database is saved, the lock is disposed, and the document is saved:
public void DoChanges(DrawingFile drawing) { //DrawingFile.FullName is a valid string of a full file name. AcAp.Document acadDoc = AcAp.Application.DocumentManager.Open(drawing.FullName, false); using (AcAp.DocumentLock docLock = acadDoc.LockDocument()) //Lock for modifying. {
So, what steps must I do in order to open a document from a file name, make changes to it, then save it?
The only thing that seems to not work here is making changes to it.
Whenever I insert a title block I get an "AutoCAD Error Aborting" message - FATAL ERROR: Unhandled Access Violation Reading 0x0040 Exception at d69ac126h.
The title blocks have been working fine for months in ACAD2012, and I've even tried saving the drawing containing the blocks as an AutoCAD 2013 dwg to no effect.
The title blocks are 'home-made' and contain a mix of fields and attributes, could this be causing the problem?
I'm having a problem with RotatedDimension. I'm initializing it with some values and after I commit the transaction the value of TextPosition is changed.
Cannot read data on socket: Software caused connection to abort
I imported an AAF linking to R3D and Sony footage. When I tried scrubbing the timeline, I got that message. Smoke is REALLY slow now. And when I try to look at footage in my gateway, I get READ ERROR.
Also, the proxies don't start rendering in the backburner...
Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4 and Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts) Mac Pro 4,1 OS X 10.6.7 12 GB RAM NVIDIA Quadro 4000 14 TB RAID (Areca)
I have a Command Method which has a loop that opens and commits transactions until the user is finished with it and exits.
I would like each transaction to be undone separately but the undo command undoes the CommandMethod (along with all the transactions that occurred while in the loop)
Do I need to use the COM StartUndoMark and EndUndoMark to get this working?
I'm finding that having to click the "commit transform" check mark after every adjustment to be annoying. Is there a way to automatically commit transform by clicking a new layer? or make middle click commit the transform?
Why can't i commit the clip on desktop ? there's no 'commit' in the right click menu. To get this menu, i have to right- clicking the clip in timeline. So let say my clip in the desktop , first i have to drag it into timeline , or open it as sequence. Now in timeline , i commit the clip, then put back (drag) the clip into desktop. That's weird workflow... why can't i just do commit the clip in desktop so i don't need to go through that process ?
I've a question regarding a conform workflow in Smoke/Flame. Is there a way to reformat your timeline to HD, but with keeping the handles and cuts?
For example if I do a conform with 4K red files in a HD timeline, after the conform. I would like to commit everything to HD, but with handles. This is because I don't need the smoke to cache the large 4K source media files.
I tried using the reformat option, but this gives me only 1 long clip. without cuts and handles
I also tried selecting the timeline, and choosing commit timelineFX. This will commit every clip and keeps the edit points, but…..removes the handles.
In the old Smoke, before 2012, there was one way. Namely to use the reformat tool in the library. But now it's gone.
How can I get rid of the annoying floating commit/reject button when I am typing in text. It always seems to be in the way. I'd like to be able to type without the window showing up or be able to move it out of the way.
I did 19 drawings, created blocks using the CREATE button, at first I could Insert them into any other drawing. But I saw this definition in a book,
Creates a block from separate entities (internal to current drawing), does this mean that a user on another computer cannot use my block unless he has the original drawing?
My boss told me that he uses WBLOCK instead, which writes to an external file.
I'm asking because out of the 19 drawings, 9-10 of them have the error "block referencing itself". I guess this is probably me naming the blocks the same as my file names.
So before I go any further, what is the proper way to create a block that can be used? I also shared my CAD folder on the network.
I am using AutCAD LT 2012 and I cannot figure out how to convert my drawings to EPS while maintaining the scale of the dwg. When my artists import them in Adobe, they show up as an 8.5" x 11" sheet. How to change the properties.
I'm having problems plotting to PDF's and maintaining the line weights etc.. that I get when I print to my plotter. It seems like Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 converts based on the color of my pens.... the lighter color value i.e. yellow, the lighter the grey tone. white is darkest. It ignores my lineweight settings, so I have no control on the quality of the output. Is it possible to get it to use the .ctb files that my plotter uses when creating it's PDF? I'm using AutoCAD LT 2010.
I will be working with a company across town on a drawing set. Let's call my company CompanyA and them CompanyB. We will be colaberating on the drawing together possibly in realtime. What I need to do is to be able to xref their drawing into mine and mine into theirs and I need to be able to still make changes to my drawing and them to theirs.
CompanyA - DrawingA CompanyB - DrawingB DrawingA will xref DrawingB DrawingB will xref DrawingA
When I make changes to my drawing I need to be able to save it without the attched xref so as not to nest the xrefs in a loop.
I'm doing very complex drawing of a heating plant on a big ware house site. So I'm using two kinds of layers. I don't know, weather I'm using everything how it is to use or not, because I learned everything by myself.
The first layers are my so called "line type layers": hidden line, center line, wall, border, ... So all the different types of lines I'm using, when is start my drawing. I block all lines, which belong to one part like screws, doors, pips, engines, .. And at the end I put my "part" blocks" on my "part layers", like deashing, ash bin, boiler, building, electrical.
So lets say I have the layer "deashing", which includes several blocks like "deashing screw", "deashing drive", "deashing screw 2", .. And each block consists of several lines, which are on the layers, like "hidden line", "center line" and "black thin line", ...
And now I want to switch of everything in my drawing, which belongs to the "deashing layer" to get a better overview. So I "turn off" the layer "deashing", but I can still see it in my drawing. It just disappears, when I freeze the layer, but it should disappear, when I "turn off" the layer, too, shouldn't it?
So I hope I didn't wrote to much, but I good explanation is worth everything. So why does it not disappear or do I use the layers in a wrong way.
Transactions -- Can you commit a Transaction within a Transaction without any problems? I have one transaction that cycles through all objects in drawing..
I have another transaction that purges all purgable objects. Can I call the Purge Function if I've already started a transaction? What's the proper protocol here?
'Purge Database Dim count As Integer = PurgeDatabase(DatabaseIn) Debug.Print("Number of Items Purged: " & count) 'Level 1 Start(Transaction/Drawing Database)----------------------------------------------- Using myTrans As Transaction = DatabaseIn.TransactionManager.StartTransaction 'Read Drawing Database [Code] .........
I’m a student in a land surveying program using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. When I try to plot my DWG to a PDF my line weights are not plotting accordingly to the layers. For instance, Layer 1 is set at 0.7mm line weight, Layer 2 is set at 0.3mm but when it plots to PDF they all look similar. I have double checked the options on the plotting screen and I can get the line weights to plot correctly on different drawings with similar settings. I’m wondering if the issue has something to do with the fact that the particular lines that are not plotting accordingly are parcel segments.
Quick question on driver updates. Do I still need to update the "Graphics Databases" XML files when I update the graphics drivers on an Inventor and/or AutoCAD 2013 or 2014 workstation? If so, where can I find the latest versions of the XML files?
It used to be easy to get the databases, they where provided with the drivers on the Autodesk Certified Hardware website. Now, I can't find them anywhere.
What is the proper way to copy a project to a new folder and the projects not be linked in any way to each other. In other words I want to have a completely independent project that I can make minor changes to without it affecting the original project in any way because no matter what copy method or pack-n-go I have tried, the link is still there from the new project to the original. How do i break that link.
AutoCAD 2013 Inventor 2013 Windows Pro 7 x64 Asus Sabertooth X58 Intel Core i7 960 @ 3.2 GHz 24 GB ram
If single or multi-line text is set at a particular size, notes or dimension text for one object (like a fabrication detail) could be legible, where as text for a much larger object (like a floor plan) could be hard to read.
Is there a way to compensate for this? Or is it a matter of manually adjusting text size for every drawing component? So far, I have found the easiest way is through the Quick Properties feature.
I was just wondering if there is a proper or standardized format to the layer names you should use or if i should just use what works best to discribe what im drawing on the layer?
ive gotten bunch of drawings from engineers lately and they have all had differnt names for the layers
I am experimenting with Annotation, trying to create annotative blocks with dynamic properties. I am having trouble with including attributes in the blocks. Basically the problem is when I modify the dynamic parameters of the block and change the scale (and annotative scale) of the viewport then the attribute gets moved out of position - the size of the text scales properly with the annotative scale, but the text position gets moved considerably out of the proper position.
Attached is an example of the problem - an annotative dynamic block of a grid bubble. There is a basepoint parameter set along the circle and a rotation parameter justified to the center of the circle. The rotation parameter is suppose to rotate the basepoint so then the block can be scaled out from the basepoint regardless of its location along the bubble.
When I am selecting items to perform a command on using a window (ie stretch) and it covers a large area that I need to pan over or to zoom into an area to ensure that I am not selecting something I shouldn't Autocad is only selecting what is currently showing on the screen. Is there a setting that I can change so that it selects everything I select regardless if it is currently being displayed on the screen?
I am currently trying to update OS from XP to 7. In the past (XP) I was able to put my code just about any place in the Program directory. Win 7 on the other hand is giving me all kinds of write errors.
I am trying to scale down a table by half and "scale factor doesn't work. Am I doing something wrong ? it always come in original size and not scale - I tried to put the line before transaction and after appent and before , Here is Code.
Using tr As Transaction = Mydb.TransactionManager.StartTransactionDim btr As BlockTableRecord = tr.GetObject(Mydb.CurrentSpaceId, Open Mode. ForWrite) btr.AppendEntity(tb) tr.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(tb, True)tb.ScaleFactors = New Scale3d(0.5) tr.Commit() End Using.