AutoCAD .NET :: Insert New Instance Of Already Defined XRef
Sep 6, 2013
I'm trying to insert a new instance of a X-Ref already present on the drawing. If i use Database.AttachXref(path, name) I receive "ref NAME has already been defined. Using existing definition." on the command bar. I've tried to retrieve the ObjectId of the X-Ref definition from the X-Ref name, but my code don't work. Where is the error?
Here's my
Private Sub AttachXRef(path As String, name As String)
Dim Doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim Db As Database = Doc.Database Dim pPtRes As PromptPointResult
Dim pPtOpts As PromptPointOptions = New PromptPointOptions("")
A circle on layer CIR having a color of red... A defined attribute on layer ATTR having a color of white... The insertion point is the center of the circle...
Is it possible to change the circle to blue on one instance of the block without affecting the same change to other identical blocks in the drawing? Example:
I have a situation where it would be expedient for me to be able to bind only one instance of an xref and leaving the others intact. I have to do this for several different x-refs. Is this possible in Autocad 2008? If I use the xref manager I can only see an option to bind the entire reference.
I am trying to insert OS Tiles into a drawing using the insert x-ref command. I have managed to insert 192 tiles but still need to add 29 more tiles to complete. When I try to insert another x reference AutoCAD just goes into a continual loop. Have to force AutoCAD to crash after ten minutes.
I am using AutoCAD 2014 MAP and have just had a new system built (i5 processor, 8GB RAM).
I am displaying stationing for my points, the points were brought in with a user defined classification. Then a table was created with the classification.
Base file- table looks good / when I xref the table it loses the station formatting.
I even tried importing all my user defined tables and styles and still didnt work
But I was wondering if it is possible to contol the insertion of dynamic blocks and it user definerable parameters from a excel-text file.
I am surveying a section of pipework and I need to display the brackets that are supporting the pipes. As there are numerous pipes on top of each other I have decided to show the brackets in plan and isometric view.
I think I have made the dynamic block ok and have numerous stretch/move and scale parameters working correctly.
But the only way that I can see of chaging these parameters at the momment is by manually typing them in the properties tool pallete for each individual block.
So I was thinking that if I can store the correct values that I need for each parameter in the dynamic block on our data logger along with the correct E,N,Z insertion point is it possible for this file to change the parameters in the dynamic block for example, If I have the correct insertion point stored and then have 10 parameters stored with that point for simplicity I store as A=5.00,B=8.00,C=0.100 etc and these correspond with the parameters in the dynamic block will this file be able to alter the dynamic block as the values in the excel/Text file are displayed.
Sometimes when I drag a new symbol instance to my artboard and resize it, the instance looses it alignement with the pixel grid.
This happens despite the fact that...
I checked the box for pixel grid alignement when I created the documentthe symbol option is set for align to pixel gridthe original shape in the symbol is aligned to pixel grindthe original shape has the align to pixel grid check box in the transform panel checked So why when I resize the symbol instance does it break the pixel grid alignmnet and result in a blurred 1px stroke?
How to insert xrefs with other ucs than world. The host drawing ucs must be in world. The different x-refs are made with different ucs according to local coordinates.
In the host drawing, the xrefs must be placed correctly according to global coordinate (world). (The xrefs are all surveys of different spaces all with marked fix points according to the physical global coordinates.)
I am trying to insert an xref into a dwg file and can not find how to do this. In AutoCADD you can insert an xref that is linked to the file so that when a change is made to the attached file the xref also updates. I am trying to do this in Inventor and have not been able to figure out how to do so.
As a part of a 3D Cad course I am doing I have to use the slice command to obtain a section view of my model . Wblock is then used to copy to file and then oops used to get full model back. I have to produce numerous views including 3 of these sections in paperspace .Where and how do I xattach these section views . I have tried a few different ways without success.
I’m having a user profile issue on one computer. I have a user, using windows 7 and AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 on his work station. When using Civil 3D he has two issues: one, he cannot import Dgn’s. I’ve tried everything it just won’t work. Second, he cannot xref or insert PDF’s into a drawing. Now the reason why I say this is a profile issue is because if I log on to his computer (or anyone else log’s on his computer), I can do all those things in Civil 3D, import DGN’s & insert/xref PDF’s. If this user log’s on my computer, he can do all those things in Civil 3D. Import DGN’s & insert/xref PDF’s. Something with his profile on his computer is corrupt and I’m trying to fix it without deleting and creating another user profile.
I have a drawing where I have placed all of my natural gas piping. I have all of the annotative blocks set to 3/32"=1'-0" and 1/32"=1'-0" scales. They are both correctly displayed in this drawing.
When I xref this drawing into another about half of the 1/32" blocks show up correctly. The other half are shifted to the right off of the plan. All of the 3/32" blocks show up correctly.
I'm using C3D 2013. I received a survey drawing (unknown version) from a third party. I tried both xref'ing and inserting as block into my drawing and it was over 7,100' SW from my site. BUT when I copy from 0,0,0 in his drawing and paste 0,0,0 in my drawing, it lands on my site. If I xref my drawing into his drawing, it lands on his survey information. Why doesn't his drawing land on my site when I xref or insert as block?
I know that in ACAD you can use the xref manager to see where the actual file for the xref resides on your computer/server/etc. What I'm curious about is whether or not the inverse action is possible. Can you somehow access the file (not the output sheet where it's being xref-ed) and see what other files are using it as an xref?
I've come in on a project that is nearing completion and have been assigned the task of "cleaning up the project folder." Unfortunately, there are a ton of files in the different folders that are no longer in use on the final output sheets and I need to keep the ones still in use and archive the ones that are no longer needed. What I've been doing is going through those sheets and reviewing the xref manager for each sheet to see which files are actually put onto those sheets and making a physical checklist from which to organize my findings. Once the checklist is made, I then archive all the files that are no longer being used.
Is it possible to run a lisp which can extract all the xref names, make a layer with that name and then change the xref on the layer? I have got a similar routine from earlier posts but it doesn't work if any xrefs inserted in paper space (works fine on model space). could change this routine allowing to change the layer of xref in paper space too.
(defun dxf (i a) (cdr (assoc i a))) (defun c:lxr ( ) (setq ss (ssget "x" '((0 . "INSERT"))))
I am using (trying to anyway) a :VLR-xrefSubcommandReloadItem reactor. My only question is how to get the xref/block name from the 'reactor callback data' Object ID.
I am ultimately trying to pass it to (vla-get-xrefdatabase ....), but I cannot figure out how to turn the second parameter from the reactor callback data into something I can use - for example the second parameter returned may be "65" or some other number.
when you bind an xref the link disappears from the xref manager.
is it possible to bind an xref, but preserve that link in the xref manager? i realize that will lead to two copies of the same object in the drawing (one xref, plus the new block). everyone's okay with that happening.
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop; using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common; AcadApplication gbl_app = null;
[Code]... and I get the following error
System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80010001): Error al crear una instancia del componente COM con CLSID {6D7AE628-FF41-4CD3-91DD-34825BB1A251} desde IClassFactory debido al siguiente error: 80010001.
I'had just met another matter for my Add-on. I noticed that when I instance a new drawing, while a first one is opened, when I load a new Form, this one keep all first drawing's properties. What could happen?
For example, I would like to add the layer list on a ComboBox.
My source:
Private Sub LayerBox_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load '***************************' '* Initialisation LayerBox *' '***************************' Using acTrans = acCurDb.TransactionManager.StartTransaction() acLyrTbl = acTrans.GetObject(acCurDb.LayerTableId, OpenMode.ForRead) For Each acObjId As ObjectId In acLyrTbl acLyrTblRec = acTrans.GetObject(acObjId, OpenMode.ForRead) ComboBox1.Items.Add(acLyrTblRec.Name) Next acObjId End Using End Sub
This source works, but if i instance a new form on a new drawing, the first drawing's layer list is kept and the new layer list on the second drawing is ignored!
I have created a block which contains various part numbers, with a description and some other bla bla, with a total number box, I issue this to clients to make the specification of product much easier. My idea was for people to use the quick select command to find how many instances there is of an object within the drawing.
As this is a slightly tedious process, as you have to physically type the part number then mentally take one instance off as it counts the number in the legend block as well.
Is there an addition/summary of object instances command I could use to make this process more dynamic and straightforward for the recipient/user of the block I issue?
I'm getting a "NullReferenceException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object" using:
For Each SetEntry As DBDictionaryEntry In SetRootDict Dim SetEntryDict As DBDictionary = CType(SetEntry.Value.GetObject(OpenMode.ForRead), DBDictionary) Next
I have the same lines letter for letter in a different procedure and referring the same unchanged root dictionary where it works fine.
How do I get the full Xref Path name instead of Xref.dwg? I'm scratching my head is this totally under my nose... cause I don't see where the property is stored. I'm getting EV_BDR.dwg instead of C:folderEV_BDR.dwg
I just re-installed windows and all the fine (PITA!) trimmings. Now, when I open a file (any type) for Inventor thru windows explorer it opens a NEW instance of Inventor everytime! This is a HUGE system hog, waste of time ect ect.
How can I correct this to just open in the instance that is already there?
I want to create some modules for a platform deck. The modules are made of C5x6.7 channels in one direction, L2x2x3/16 angle stiffeners in the other direction, and 3/16" deck plate on top.
My "drivable" parameters will be length and width.
The modules will all be different sizes, so I need to be able to have every instance of the assembly be different.
The workflow I was attempting to do before I got stuck was this:
1. Create a skeleton part (just a sketch) with Length and Width parameters.
2. Insert in an assembly and use frame generator to build the structural shapes (channels and angles)
3. Insert another part (the 3/16" plate) that can reference the length and width and adjust to be the correct module size.
Is there a way to make parts in an assembly all follow the same parameters? More importantly, can each instance of this assembly show up differently and be adjustable when I place these modules in my main assembly?
I don't know much about iParts - but it looks like an iPart lets you choose from predefined dimensions - I want something that I can custom input any size I need.
I'm struggling with accessing multiple AutoCAD 2007 instances via COM. I have tried retrieving objects from ROT using monikers, but only succeeded in getting AcadDocument objects only. Is there a reliable way to achieve my goal?
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {28B7AA99-C0F9-4C47-995E-8A8D729603A1} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
AutoCAD 2013 is installed but no license is provided (there is a 30 day trial period). I am trying to launch AutoCAD.
In C:WindowsAssembly folder I can see the Autodesk interops:
Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop and Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.Common. Their version is
In Component ServicesComputersMy ComputerDCom Config I can see an enttry - AutoCAD Drawing. Its CLSID is: 6A221957-2D85-42A7-8E19-BE33950D1DEB.
I`ve read that the exception is because a 32bit process is trying to use 64bit DLL or vice versal. I have compiled my program in both 32bit and 64bit but with no results - I am getting the exception in both cases.