AutoCAD Inventor :: Open Multiple Files In ONE Instance?

Jul 12, 2013

I just re-installed windows and all the fine (PITA!) trimmings. Now, when I open a file (any type) for Inventor thru windows explorer it opens a NEW instance of Inventor everytime! This is a HUGE system hog, waste of time ect ect.

How can I correct this to just open in the instance that is already there?

Inventor 2014 PDS

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Paint Shop Pro :: Open Multiple Images In One Instance

Apr 16, 2013

PSP7 installed on Win7 Pro, 32-bit.

When I double-click an image file name in Windows Explorer a new instance of PSP7 is opened for each image. What I need is to open multiple images in one instance of PSP when I double-click the image name.

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Opening Multiple Files In Same Instance

Nov 30, 2010

Some of you might also have encountered the nasty issue of CorelDraw (CorelDrw.exe) to open a new instance of CorelDraw for every CDR file being double-clicked for opening. After twiddling around and searching the web, I finally found out that CorelDraw.exe is case-sensitive for DDE commands. As such, using the DDE argument 'Open("%1")' won't do anything.The solution for CorelDraw X4 (CorelDrw.exe) is:

Application used:"C:ToolsOfficeCorelPROGRAMSCORELDRW.EXE" -DDE "%1"

DDE Message:[O("%1")]Application:CORELDRW_MOSDDE Application not Running:<empty>Topic:System

Corresponding registry file:-----------------------------------------Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpen][HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpencommand]@=""C:\Tools\Office\Corel\PROGRAMS\CORELDRW.EXE" -DDE "%1""[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpenddeexec]@="[O("%1")]"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpenddeexecApplication]@="CORELDRW_MOS"[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTCorelDRAW.Graphic.14shellOpenddeexecTopic]@="System"

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VideoStudio :: X4 Multiple Instance / Copy From One Project To Another

Nov 8, 2011

Let's say I have a some footage in one project with all the effects, fade-ins/outs etc I want and I want to use the very same thing in another project. How can I get only this one part from project A to B.

Open a second VS don't work out of the box. It just goes to my already open window, if I try to open again. I don't want to convert is as a Video first - if I ever want to make changes this might make it more complicated - depending on the situation.

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Illustrator :: Drag A New Symbol Instance To Artboard And Resize The Instance Alignment With Pixel Grid

Oct 21, 2012

Sometimes when I drag a new symbol instance to my artboard and resize it, the instance looses it alignement with the pixel grid.
This happens despite the fact that...
I checked the box for pixel grid alignement when I created the documentthe symbol option is set for align to pixel gridthe original shape in the symbol is aligned to pixel grindthe original shape has the align to pixel grid check box in the transform panel checked 
So why when I resize the symbol instance does it break the pixel grid alignmnet and result in a blurred 1px stroke?

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AutoCad :: Multiple Files From Client Don't Open Together

Mar 15, 2012

I have a builder client who sends house plans in dwg. Recently, I have been receiving a folder full of dwg files for every room, options, etc.. When I try to open, say, the first floor plan, only dimensions show up. If I open up bedroom 3, only that bedroom shows, with no dims or context. How do I get one complete plan all together?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: How To Open Multiple Files At A Time

Dec 30, 2013

im currently running a

Precision T3500
Xeon W3520
Quadro fx580
6gb ram
Win7 Ultimate

I'm only running Autocad 2013 LT on my computer without servers.

I need to open multiple files at a time with some of them being 40mb large. Problem is it takes quite sometime to open the large files.

What can i do to improve the performance of opening and working with larger files? Would adding more ram dramticaly improve it? If not, i would go about buying a new i7 cpu.

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Photoshop :: Every Open File Creates Instance On The Taskbar?

Apr 21, 2012

I've just moved back to windows and have an odd thing I don't remember happening before. Every time I open an additional file, a new photoshop icon shows up on the Taskbar (windows 7).  The way I remember it working previously, there was only one icon on the task bar regardless of how many files are open. 

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Open Multiple Drawing Files Through Sheet Set Manager

Jun 25, 2012

I have been using the sheet set manager with very few problems for years until - you guessed it - I was upgraded to Windows 7 OS v6.1 and Civil3D 2012 IDS.

Up until then, I was able to open layouts in different drawing files through the sheet set manager while in an open file.  Now, I get an error message (see attached) and have to close the file I'm in to open the other. 

I can open files through the regular file open command and have more than one open at the same time, but it takes away the convenience of using the sheet set manager to avoid having to browse to the desired sheet layouts when copyclipping sheet layout drawing elements from one file to another.

I have studied every sheet set system variable to see if that was the problem, but could not find an answer.  I have the same problem in Civil3D 2010. It happens to new and existing sheet sets in both versions and sheet sets made before the Windows update.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Close Instance

Jul 20, 2013

I call an instance of an inventor using inventor api , code. here is my code

inventorApp = CreateObject("Inventor.Application", "")

inventorApp.Visible = True 

My doubt is and how can I close this inventor instance.I tried 

inventorApp.Visible = False

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Photoshop :: How To Open Multiple Files

Feb 15, 2007

I have 100 files by the name of happy.jpg stored in 100 different folders, and I want to open all of them together at one go instead of individually going into each folder and opening them one by one,

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Photoshop :: Can't Open Multiple Files...

Aug 12, 2008

I have Photoshop CS3

try to open another file and it'd automatically stop working. I.E. I would get the "Photoshop has stopped working" message. This happens with any file and any file format. I can never have more than one file open.

This is a HUGE problem for me--I'm a graphic designer and it's almost impossible to work with Photoshop this way for the rest of my career. I lost my CS3 installation discs when I moved and I don't want to have to buy a new license...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Assembly That Can Be Adjusted For Each Instance?

Jul 29, 2013

I want to create some modules for a platform deck. The modules are made of C5x6.7 channels in one direction, L2x2x3/16 angle stiffeners in the other direction, and 3/16" deck plate on top.

My "drivable" parameters will be length and width.

The modules will all be different sizes, so I need to be able to have every instance of the assembly be different.

The workflow I was attempting to do before I got stuck was this:

1. Create a skeleton part (just a sketch) with Length and Width parameters.

2. Insert in an assembly and use frame generator to build the structural shapes (channels and angles)

3. Insert another part (the 3/16" plate) that can reference the length and width and adjust to be the correct module size.

Is there a way to make parts in an assembly all follow the same parameters? More importantly, can each instance of this assembly show up differently and be adjustable when I place these modules in my main assembly?

I don't know much about iParts - but it looks like an iPart lets you choose from predefined dimensions - I want something that I can custom input any size I need.

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Photoshop :: Possible To Open Multiple Files In Their Own Workspace

Apr 16, 2013

You could do this in CS5, but it doesn't seem possible in CS6. It's a bit clunky when dragging from one file to another in the tab mode. I liked having the workspace open side by side. 

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Photoshop :: Open Multiple Raw Files In ACR Hosted By CS5.1?

Jun 15, 2013

I used to highlight multiple raw files in Bridge and just press Enter (being the equivalent to File -> Open) and the images would all open together in one ACR interface with the filmstrip down the side.  Now, however, one file opens and if I hit cancel or done, the second image THEN opens, and so on and so forth.  If instead of pressing Enter I choose File -> Open in Camera Raw or I right-click and Open in Camera Raw, it works fine and does what I want (or if I click the aperture symbol on the toolbar at the top). 
The worst part is that it worked fine until I uninstalled CS5.1.  I had CS5.1 no problem, then installed CS6/CC alongside it.  I got eveything working how I wanted in CS6/CC and then uninstalled CS5.1.  I may be wrong on the exact timing of the problem and therefore it may be a Red Herring, but it seems fairly close together when this started.
Notes:  There is no expansion bar on the left of ACR that is just hiding the filmstrip.  Which is consistant with the fact that the second image does in fact open after I close the first.  So they are clearly being treated as seperate open actions.  Also, in Bridge, Edit -> Preferences -> General: 'Double-click Edits Camera Raw Settings in Bridge', ticked or unticked makes no difference.  Also in Photoshop, Edit - Preferences -> File Handling: 'Prefer Adobe Camera Raw for Supported Raw Files', ticked or unticked makes no difference.
I have also tried changing the above mentioned options, closing PS and Bridge so the preferences file is updates, changing them back to how I want and closing so the preferences file is updated and I get the same results.

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Photoshop :: How To Open Multiple Files On One Layer

Feb 11, 2009

how do you select multiple files (in this case PNGs) and open them as individual layers on one file instead of opening them as separate files?

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Photoshop :: Open Multiple Files As Layers

Mar 23, 2002

My engineering department produces .ps files that need to be merged into a single Photoshop file as individual layers. Here's what I'd like to do:

1) Drag a set of .ps files onto a droplet

2) For every .ps file, open with same parameters (e.g. 300 DPI, RGB)

3) Adjust Hue/Sat and set Lightness to +50

4) Colorize each layer and adjust saturation to 100%

5) Make each opened file an individual layer in NewFile.psd

6) Close/delete any intermediate files (but not the original .ps's) and leave NewFile.psd open for further editing

My current droplet will do 1-4, but now I'm stuck! How do I take all the open files and make them into layers in a new .psd?

If I can't do this directly, I can save the results of each .ps conversion into a separate .psd, but then I'll need a droplet to convert

each .psd into a layer in NewFile.psd. I can't figure how to do that, because the Override Open/Save setting seems to mess things up.

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Photoshop Elements :: Open Multiple JPG Files In RAW With 11?

Mar 19, 2013

I choose OpenAs in the editor, and set to Raw, but I can only open one file at a time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Instance Of Part From Content Center?

Sep 27, 2013

I've been tasked to turn our 2D cad dwgs to 3D in inventor.

I'm working on a frame at the moment, I got all the square and rectangular tube from the CC and constrained them to match the CAD dwg, now I need to add the mounting holes but if I add holes to one copy all the copies get the holes.

What option can I use to make each instance stand alone?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Array / Pattern Features With Different Dimensions For Each Instance

Sep 19, 2012

I would like to generate a rectangular pattern of extruded tubes which have an internal radius that is proportional to the distance to the centre point of the pattern.  Or in other words tubes which are narrower in the centre, and wider at the exterior.  Is there a way to do this without resorting to creating each tube individually?

More generally, is there a way to parameterise a feature dimension/parameter so that it is a function of spatial position?  

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Only One Constrain Disables Moving Of Part Instance Within An Assembly

Apr 26, 2013

sometimes when using constraints the "movable" part is fixed after adding the first constraint.

If i use i.e. a surface to surface constraint the movable part should be free to slide on the surface.

To move the part in this case  I have to add further constraint or delete the old one.

Furthermore sometimes constraints in assemblys do not update automatically. I have to click on the part and try to move it away. After releasing the part the consraint will be updated.

Are there any options to control or better change this behavior?

I am using Inventor 2013+Vault 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Opening Neutral Format File Starts New Instance Of IV

Apr 24, 2012

Whenever I attempt to open a non-native format file from outside of Inventor it launches a fresh instance of IV. Currently I've been working around it by dragging the file to the status bar of IV, but at least a few times a week I forget and double click it.

Some scouring of the web and these boards yielded some info concerning this problem as it pertains to native formats, but I haven't been able to find anything for neutral formats. I'm sure it requires a registry key tweaking, but I'm not comfortable enough with regedit to go in there and just start changing stuff without some level of guidance. The problem occurs whether the files are opened from windows or an internet browser (tried firefox and ie).  I suspect that every format I ever wanted to open would require a separate edit, in that case I'd be perfectly happy with just a fix for .step files. That would at least have me set for 90% of my downloads and offer an improvement to my overall sanity level.

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Illustrator :: Restart After Power Failure - AI CS 5 Trying To Open Multiple Files

Nov 26, 2012

I recently had a power failure while working in AICS5 on Mac OS 10.7.5. When I restarted, AI reopened and tried to open every file I've worked on, in the last month or so.

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Photoshop Elements :: Can Open Multiple JPEG Files In Adobe Camera Raw

Aug 11, 2013

I can open one JPEG at a time, or multiple Raw images in ACR. 
Have checked other sources including Barbara Brundage "The Missing Manual" but whilst it does not specifically say you cannot, likewise there is no indication that you can.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save As Multiple Files

Jun 21, 2013

I need to convert some of my ipt files to stp (around 130 files). Is there any way to do it all at once?

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Illustrator Scripting :: Open Multiple AI Files Produce Error In Palette (8702 - No Document)

Aug 12, 2013

I try to open mulitple ai files through palette dialog but it fails on Error:8702, there is no document. But if i change to var win = new Window ("dialog", "Batch"); the open file works well. 
var txtSourceFolder =  win.add("edittext",undefined);
var btnOk =  win.add("button",undefined,"Run");

[Code] ....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Save Multiple Configurations Of Files

Jul 26, 2013

We are using inventor 2014 LT in our work place and just recieved it. We are a production company that often makes many variations of a single part baised on the indivual job. I was wondering if there was a way to save one part file with multiple configurations so when you pull it into assembly file you select the configuration you want and then place it on the assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Files For Multiple IParts

Sep 13, 2012

I have generated around 1200 iParts from my drawing and I would like to generate every ipart in an individual ipt. file.

This is easily done by right-clicking the iPart and clicking on Generating Files. But I can't manage to generate all the ipt files in one go. I noticed that I can hold Ctrl and selecting all the iPart, but I would prefer not spending a couple of hours selecting 1200 iPart.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Program That Changes IProperties Of Multiple Files At Once?

Mar 2, 2012

I have my projects in their own folders. When I start a new project, I copy an older project folder and paste to start a new project. I do this so i don't have to start modeling from scratch each time. The problem when i do this is i have to change the name and part number of each file to correspond to the new project number. This takes more time than i would like to spend doing it so is there a program that will let me do this in bulk? (change the part number of all the files through their iproperties) I typically have to use the design assistant and change the part number of each .ipt file one by one.

HP Z400 Workstation
Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz
12.0 GB RAM
Windows 7 64-bit
Inventor Pro 2014

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Open DWG Files

Jan 14, 2013

I am using an educational version of inventor 2013 and I have been making part drawings and saving them as .dwg. I have tried to view these files using edrawings at school and it says there is a error in viewing the files. I have also sent the files to several friends that have various programs for viewing dwg files and none of them are able to open the files. I can open  them perfectly fine from my computer using dwg truview. I have also tried saving them as different file types such as .dxf but these wont open either.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Open Files

Feb 4, 2013

I am having difficulties opening some files today. They are files that I normally work with everyday. They are an stp. file and jt. file. See attachments... These are hot items I need to be working on so the sooner the better.

When I do this, inventor keeps closing unexpectedly as well.

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