AutoCAD .NET :: Debugging WinForm In 2014 With VS2010?

Dec 13, 2013

When I place a breakpoint inside a Windows form i get the message "No Source Available" from Visual Studio.

I'm using Application.ShowModalDialog(..) to launch the dialog.

How can people develop code without being able to debug? This has been an issue for some versions now and the NEXTFIBERWORLD=0 is not a solution for me since the whole AddIn acts strange when i do that. All I find when searching for this is the NEXTFIBERWORLD trick.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Debugging 2012 Addin With VS2010

Jun 20, 2011

I cannot debug an addin for Inventor 2012 from Visual Studio 2010 professional on Win7 64. 

I started with a new “Autodesk Inventor Addin” project

Set debug “Start external program” to inventor

Added a form and called it from StandardAddInServer.Activate sub 

IF I debug from here inventor starts but form does not open. Addin not loaded. 

Move *.addin file to Inventor addins 

Now when running debug, form opens but breakpoints do not work. VS reports no errors on build.

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AutoCAD .NET :: ENotNewlyCreated Exception Using VS2010 And 2012?

Feb 3, 2012

I've recently ported some code from VS2008 and AutoCAD 2010 and realized that the eNotNewlyCreated exception continues to be raised when inserting blocks in a loop using AddNewlyCreatedObject in code that I'm pretty sure is only being called once.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Draw Lines From WinForm

Mar 18, 2012

I wrote some stand+alone application (WinForm=, where user can specify dimensions.Now after button click I want to switch form to current AutoCAD file and prompt user to specify point.

From this point I want to start drawing few lines.And I don't know how to switch to AutoCad and get current drawing space.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VS2010 Express Startup Application

Jun 20, 2012

I'm just setting myself up on a new PC, and updating a few things along the way. I've gone from VS2005 to VS2010 express, and migrated my projects along the way. The migrated projects worked OK, but I've just started a new project and I can't figure out how to add a start up application for my project.

On the Debug tab in Project Properties, there's no option for startup application like there was in VS2005

Inventor CAD Administrator || Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Professional
Autodesk AutoCAD 2012 Certified Professional|| Bachelor of Technology (Mechanical)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Find COM Reference VS2010 Express

Jul 27, 2012

I migrated to a new computer with INV 2013 and the reference for Inventor does not appear in the list. I've tried reinstalling and also I've manually loaded the dll (Autodesk.Inventor.Interop.dll) but the GetActiveObject command cannot connect to Inventor.

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AutoCAD .NET :: DWG In Excel File In Winform Transfer?

May 3, 2013

 How can I dwg file in the excel file in c # winform transfer? 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Show WinForm With ProgressBar While Doing Job In Command?

Aug 27, 2012

I've some function in my command which calculating lots of data on dwg file.

I would like to show to user a WinForm with progress value. From the command I'm incrementing value of ProgressBar.

The problem is that my ProgressBar is incrementing to the 100% after done all the job - suddendly.

I think I can use some threading or backgroundWorker but it's hard for me and I didn't find any examples.

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AutoCAD .NET :: WinForm Font Distorted In 2011

Nov 15, 2011

I am using .Net API's with AutoCad 2011. I am using "Calibri" Font in my WinForm Dialog Box with a height 9.75. Loading the dll and functionality is perfect. No issue is there.

BUT, Now the problem is, whenever I am opening that form in AutoCad, the labels of that form is changed as the AutoCad substitute font for missing font files (in my PC it is "simplex.shx") !! But in Combobox, Treeview, Listboxes the same font is used and it is perfect there. Problem is only in the Label. I wonder why this is happening. I used a table layout panel in my form with 3 rows and 4 columns. Now placed the label in one cell of that table layout panel. In fact I placed the combobox, listboxes are also in other cells of that table layout panel.

why the font is changing in WinForm?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Debugging ARX Application

Jul 31, 2012

I’m unable to debug my arx. For context, I'm on Windows 7-32bit; Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and 2010 SP1 are both installed.

I modified the project file (.vcxproj) by adding

<PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersi​on> </PropertyGroup>  

inside the  <PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> node. I switched Platform Toolset from v100 to v90.

Then I launched AutoCAD 2012, loaded my arx solution in VS2010 and from the Tools menu, Attach to Process… I tried to select Attach to Managed v3.5 but it does not exist! All I see is Managed (v2.0, v1.1, v1.0) code or Managed (v4.0) code.

Am I the only one having this much fun with debugging? After sifting the internet I found no similar issues.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Changes To Form Not Visible While Debugging?

May 6, 2013

I'm using visual studio 2010 and autocad 2012 x64. When I make (visual) changes to a form in the editor between debugging, for example the width of the form, the changes aren't visible on next debugging, it's still the same width as it was before. Same thing for font size, when changed the changes are not showing when debugging again. Almost seems like autocad remebers the previous layout of the form. A new control added between debugging shows up fine.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Why Is Debugging Process Slow

Jul 15, 2012

Converting my apps from .NET 35 to .NET 40 was not too painful except for the debugging speed! Why is AutoCAD 2013 so slow....

Should I be building my apps on a 32bit box and then do the final build on a 64bit box?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Jig - No Single Step Debugging?

Nov 27, 2013

I tried a lot of sample (mostly from spidernet) using EntityJig. My problem is always the same: I can't walk through "protected  override SamplerStatus Sampler" method by single step debugging. If a Break Point inside this overritten method is reached, a new tab "No source available" is shown and debugging stops.

AutoCAD 2013, Visual Studio 2013, c#

Same with protected override bool Update().

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Photoshop :: Is There Any Winform Control

Aug 6, 2012

I need a winform control like photoshop in my project, yet it don't like so complex like phote shop, what I need is edit image, room out,zoom in,draw text, rect, change its color and so on, also user can move the object they created

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AutoCAD .NET :: Possible To Edit / Change Code While Debugging?

Oct 8, 2012

I am moving from VBA to VS2010/12 and I am having my first problem

Firstly, I read that I should install AutoCad 2013 DoNet Wizard to be able to compile and debug my code. After install it I managed to "debug" when I set the brakepoint but I couldn't change the code while debugging...

I did a fast search in this forum and I found some similar issues but they where old posts (before C3D2012 and VS2012). So, is it possible now to edit code while debugging as I was able to do in VBA? This will save me a lot of time. Mostly in my case once I'll make a lot of beginner mistakes...

In some post I found that we should install a virtual machine and run in 32bits mode to be able to edit. This is the best solution?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Gets Slower When Loading For Each VS 2010 Express Debugging Session?

Feb 9, 2012

When running VS 2010 express in debug mode, for either AutoCAD 2010 or 2012, 64 bit, AutoCAD gets slower and slower loading with each subsequent debug session until it becomes intolerable. A system restart is necessary. Is this normal? I see this on a fast machine with tons of ram. During the waits there are patches of white screen in the various AutoCAD interface components. The performance hit is exponential with each session. The first debug is normal, The second is slightly slower. The third is noticeably slower and so on.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Incurring Fatal Error While Running WPF Plugin But Not While Debugging

Nov 18, 2013

I am incurring a fatal error while i am running a plugin i have developed in .NET. I am using AutoCAD 2012 and .NET 4.0. Where the fatal error occurs is when i am filtering a list for specific colors and specific linetypes to populate a listbox with. I did a quite a bit of reading and the only thing i have found is ( in debug compiler is giving a little more memory space for said collection and when i run it in outside of debug it is not. )  Now i dont really understand how to fix this issue or can verify that it really is the issue. is there some type of setting i can change inside of autocad for debugging so it doesn't completely shut down?

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AutoCAD .NET :: 2012 Crash During Debugging Session With Visual Studio 2010

Jul 14, 2011

Dev env: AutoCAD 2012, VS 2010, ObjectARX.Net 2012

A simple windows form command dll to test within the VS2012 + AutoCAD 2012

Bug:  when debugging with VS2012, the first command runs fine and I can debug it with breakpoints etc etc. However, after the first debugging session, if I try "File"->"Open" or "New", file dialog will popup and then my AutoCAD 2012 crashs.

It won't happen if I compiled the dll, and load directly from AutoCAD independantly running instance.

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Photoshop :: Components Seem To Be Missing From CS5 Since Debugging PC

Oct 20, 2012

Since my Windows-7 PC went to the shop for a clean up following some suspect virus my CS5 Photoshop seem to have some components missing. I can get into CS5 (I had upgraded from CS3 earlier in the year and now I can't get into CS3 even though the icon is still there.) and upload a photo and use the basic tools but I can't use a lot of the ACTIONS: i.e. I get error messages like The command "Feather" is currently not available or "The command Channel Mixer is currently not available"

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AutoCAD LT :: 2014 Crashing After First Run

Oct 28, 2013

I am running AutoCad 2013 LT on a Windows 7 O.S. , 32-Bit, 4gb ram,. After I installed Service Pack (2), getting memory error and crash.  Tash manager shows a Acbrowserhost.exe--memory consumption thatcontinuously increases.  A co-worker can open the same drawing in AutoCad 2011 LT with no issues.  Before the Service Pack was installed, I wasn't having any issues.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2014 Crashes In Windows 8?

Sep 25, 2013

Autocad crashes frequenlty.  Especially when making a pdf. 

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AutoCAD LT :: Cannot Unisolate Layers In 2014

Sep 17, 2013

I isolated 2 layers in a drawing.  While working on those 2 layers being isolated, I again isolated one of those 2 leaving 1 layer.  I executed the LAYUNISO command which brought back the last layer (that I had isolated after executing my first LAYISO command), but did not unisolate all of the other layers that were isolated during my first LAYISO command.  I attempted using the LAYUNISO command again, but it still remains with only those 2 originally isolated layers and I cannot unisolate the other layers.  I have also tried the LAYON command.  All of the other layers are on and are not frozen.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import STM To 2014?

Nov 18, 2013

I'm using C3D 2014.  I created a pipe network, exported it to Hydraflow Storm Sewer, perfermed an analysis, and have HGL/flow data.  When trying to import the .STM file, nothing happens.  Here's what it does:

1)  Import .STM into a Blank/New Drawing ->  Creates a pipe network with correct IE, Size, and HGL/Flow Data

2)  Import .STM into design drawing -> Choose to Update Network ->  No change in network (IE, HGL, etc.)

3)  Import .STM into design drawing -> Choose to Create a New Network ->  Does not create a new network

I've tried closing C3D, and checking, still no change.

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AutoCAD LT :: Save Not Permitted In 2014?

May 31, 2013

AutoCAD LT 2014 will occasionally display an error message when I attempt to manually save (QSAVE) a drawing.  

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AutoCAD LT :: 2014 - View DWF File

Aug 23, 2013

Is it possible that the AutoCAD 2014 LT open DWF file? It looks like that the 2014 LT can open DWG, DXF and DWT.

I am running Windows8 in which the Autodesk Design Review 2013 could not be installed.

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AutoCAD LT :: Cannot Download Upgrade To 2014

Apr 11, 2013

I'm trying to download Autocad LT 2014 upgrade from the link in my e-mail.

I can login with username and password but then de Submit Form keeps refreshing and nothing happens.

Is there a solution to this problem, or can I download the upgrade from somewhere else?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2014 - Export To SHP File

May 8, 2013

I have just updated to Map3D 2014 and work in 2D Drafting Workspace.  In 2013, the export button was located in the Map Drafting tab, Map Output panel.  In earlier versions it was under output tab as map 3d export.  However, its position in 2014 from 2013 has been replace by a "To FDO Connection". it directs me to the older location of under the output tab - map data transfer - map 3d output, however this does not seem to exist.  The only panels I have there are Plot and Export to DWF/PDF, no map data transfer.  I can find it if I switch to Map Drafting Workspace in the Map Drafting pulldown - inport/export - export, or if I use the command "mapexport", but from both it only asks where and what to name the file and what type (shp, tab, etc), and then the routine stops and goes back to the drawing instead of opening the dialog to select objects, etc.  Some of my clients insist on shp files.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2014 Becomes Slow After Opening Second DWG?

Oct 18, 2013

Autocad LT 2014 works fine when one dwg is open, but after opening a second dwg autocad becomes 'selectively sluggish'. By 'sluggish' I mean panning and zooming are choppy, and switching between paperspace layouts is painfully slow. By 'selective' I mean that the program is slow only when working on the second drawing; I can toggle over to the first dwg that was opened and normal functionality resumes. These are not big files, there are not underlays or xrefs or crazy hatches/dynamic blocks/etc. It happens when working locally or off of the file server.

The only way I can have two drawings open and work normally is to open two instances of Autocad LT 2014 and have a drawing open in each -- then, I can switch back and forth as usual, with normal speeds.

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AutoCAD LT :: Faded Screen In 2014?

Oct 25, 2013

running autocad 2014 lt in windows 7.  I ran trail program which was prefect.  When I downoaded the program from a  CD the screen is fadded or pale.  How can I get black screen with shape images?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Grips In 2014

May 13, 2013

In my AutoCAD 2014, after selecting a grip on an object or a point it will snap to other grip points even when osnap is turned off. Is there a command or variable to turn what appears to be an auto grip snap function off?

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AutoCAD LT :: Can't Open 2014 After Install

Jun 15, 2013

on my initial start up, after installing the program, i've been getting this fatal error, "FATAL ERROR: Unhandled access violation reading 0x0000 exception at 92af22dh". I un-installed and re-installed and it still occurs. can't open the program. I'm using windows xp.

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