Photoshop :: Components Seem To Be Missing From CS5 Since Debugging PC
Oct 20, 2012
Since my Windows-7 PC went to the shop for a clean up following some suspect virus my CS5 Photoshop seem to have some components missing. I can get into CS5 (I had upgraded from CS3 earlier in the year and now I can't get into CS3 even though the icon is still there.) and upload a photo and use the basic tools but I can't use a lot of the ACTIONS: i.e. I get error messages like The command "Feather" is currently not available or "The command Channel Mixer is currently not available"
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Oct 17, 2013
I have downloaded PS CC but get the error message "Some of the application components are missing..." also NIK software not recognized by PS or LR
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Apr 18, 2011
When opening an image in Photoshop CS5, I get the message that "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory. Please reinstall the application." I did reinstall, but still get the message.
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Oct 18, 2013
I recently bought a new Mac Mini, and copied all my computer data and applications from my MacBook Pro onto it. Since the Creative Suite (CS6) wasn't working on the new computer, I re-installed it (downloaded from the Adobe website).
Here's the problem: When I try to open Photoshop by double clicking on a file icon (such as a .jpg), I get this message: "Some of the application components are missing from the application directory, Please reinstall the application." So - I uninstalled and then reinstalled everything, but it still doesn't work. Also another icon appears in the Dock on the far right.
If I launch Photoshop first, and then open files from within the application, the files open without a problem. But I'd rather not have to do this all the time.
With InDesign and Illustrator, another icon appears in the dock as well when I double-click on a file - but I don't get the message and can access the file with no problem.
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Jun 2, 2009
When loading Photoshop CS4 or Dreamweaver I get both the same message; some of the application components are missing from the application directory, please reinstall the application. Well, I've reinstalled photoshop and dreamweaver several times, download everything again too.Nothing solves the problem. What to do? the message is simply not telling me what is going wrong, shame on adobe.but anyone got the solution to this?
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Nov 1, 2012
The Upgrade to CS6 from CS5 will not open!!When I try to open I get the Message "Componets missing from applications directory. Please reinstall" I did five Times with the same results
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Sep 16, 2012
why does message say application components are missing when trying to open Photoshop?
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Apr 9, 2013
I made a simple aluminum frame with clear polycarbonate shields. Somehow, when I put it on drawing sheet, some parts behind the polycarbonate are missing. If i make the polycarbonate invisible, the missing parts appear again. This strange phenomenon started today. It didn't happen before, and no parts were missing behind the clear polycarbonate.
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Mar 15, 2013
I am working on a large plant piping project and while I've seen this behavior before I've never seen it this bad.
Attached is a screen shot of a small portion of the assembly drawing in which you can see a good example of what I'm dealing with.
At the top you can see a weld neck flange that appears to be attached to air where there should be an elbow. In the middle you can see that on one side of the elbow there is missing geometry.
At the bottom is another flange that attached to air where there should be an elbow. This drawing is littered with these errors and as such is unsuitable for even a reference document.
I have turned visibility of these components off and on without resolution. I have turned on tangent and interference edges without resolution.
I have translated a copy to ACAD to see if it's simply graphical but the ACAD file shows the same errors. I have checked parallel and perpendicularity and all is well.
Inventor 2012 Pro 64bit (Build 219 - SP2)
Vault 2012 Pro Admin
Windows 7 Pro 64bit
Quad Core processor 2.26 Ghz
1.5 GB Nvidia Quadro FX 4800 (Driver Version
2 – 320 GB SATA drives
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Jul 9, 2013
I'm using iLogic to build a configurator and everything is working perfectly if I have all the componets available.
However, is there a way to use iLogic in this example:
Assume I have a bolt, nut and washer in an assembly based on 1/2" sizes. I then change the sizes to 1", the bolt and nut update to 1" but I do not have a washer modeled for 1". Is there a way to use iLogic to report that the washer is not available without causing an error or only updating the bolt and nut and ignoring the washer.
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Sep 3, 2012
I bought Adobe Photoshop Elements 9 but get the following alert: "Some of the application components are missing from the Application directory, Please reinstall the application." Can it be reinstalled? It is not available under "History" and none of the available installs appear to be for Mac OS X (Version 10.7.4). S
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Mar 19, 2014
I have PSE9 and a macbook pro 10.9. I lost the original DVD that came with my purchase of PSE. Some files must have gotten corrupted because I can't open the program without reintalling. It says, "Some of the application components are missing from the application directory. Please reinstall the application." I have the serial number and all and I registered the product. Is there somewhere I can download a new copy to install?
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Nov 5, 2012
at photoshop cs6 extended downloaded in july, i now get the following message: "some of the application components are missing from the application directory. please reinstall the application."
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Jul 31, 2012
I’m unable to debug my arx. For context, I'm on Windows 7-32bit; Visual Studio 2008 SP1 and 2010 SP1 are both installed.
I modified the project file (.vcxproj) by adding
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> <TargetFrameworkVersion>v3.5</TargetFrameworkVersion> </PropertyGroup>
inside the <PropertyGroup Label="Globals"> node. I switched Platform Toolset from v100 to v90.
Then I launched AutoCAD 2012, loaded my arx solution in VS2010 and from the Tools menu, Attach to Process… I tried to select Attach to Managed v3.5 but it does not exist! All I see is Managed (v2.0, v1.1, v1.0) code or Managed (v4.0) code.
Am I the only one having this much fun with debugging? After sifting the internet I found no similar issues.
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May 6, 2013
I'm using visual studio 2010 and autocad 2012 x64. When I make (visual) changes to a form in the editor between debugging, for example the width of the form, the changes aren't visible on next debugging, it's still the same width as it was before. Same thing for font size, when changed the changes are not showing when debugging again. Almost seems like autocad remebers the previous layout of the form. A new control added between debugging shows up fine.
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Jul 15, 2012
Converting my apps from .NET 35 to .NET 40 was not too painful except for the debugging speed! Why is AutoCAD 2013 so slow....
Should I be building my apps on a 32bit box and then do the final build on a 64bit box?
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Nov 27, 2013
I tried a lot of sample (mostly from spidernet) using EntityJig. My problem is always the same: I can't walk through "protected override SamplerStatus Sampler" method by single step debugging. If a Break Point inside this overritten method is reached, a new tab "No source available" is shown and debugging stops.
AutoCAD 2013, Visual Studio 2013, c#
Same with protected override bool Update().
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Oct 8, 2012
I am moving from VBA to VS2010/12 and I am having my first problem
Firstly, I read that I should install AutoCad 2013 DoNet Wizard to be able to compile and debug my code. After install it I managed to "debug" when I set the brakepoint but I couldn't change the code while debugging...
I did a fast search in this forum and I found some similar issues but they where old posts (before C3D2012 and VS2012). So, is it possible now to edit code while debugging as I was able to do in VBA? This will save me a lot of time. Mostly in my case once I'll make a lot of beginner mistakes...
In some post I found that we should install a virtual machine and run in 32bits mode to be able to edit. This is the best solution?
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Dec 13, 2013
When I place a breakpoint inside a Windows form i get the message "No Source Available" from Visual Studio.
I'm using Application.ShowModalDialog(..) to launch the dialog.
How can people develop code without being able to debug? This has been an issue for some versions now and the NEXTFIBERWORLD=0 is not a solution for me since the whole AddIn acts strange when i do that. All I find when searching for this is the NEXTFIBERWORLD trick.
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Jun 20, 2011
I cannot debug an addin for Inventor 2012 from Visual Studio 2010 professional on Win7 64.
I started with a new “Autodesk Inventor Addin” project
Set debug “Start external program” to inventor
Added a form and called it from StandardAddInServer.Activate sub
IF I debug from here inventor starts but form does not open. Addin not loaded.
Move *.addin file to Inventor addins
Now when running debug, form opens but breakpoints do not work. VS reports no errors on build.
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Feb 9, 2012
When running VS 2010 express in debug mode, for either AutoCAD 2010 or 2012, 64 bit, AutoCAD gets slower and slower loading with each subsequent debug session until it becomes intolerable. A system restart is necessary. Is this normal? I see this on a fast machine with tons of ram. During the waits there are patches of white screen in the various AutoCAD interface components. The performance hit is exponential with each session. The first debug is normal, The second is slightly slower. The third is noticeably slower and so on.
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Nov 18, 2013
I am incurring a fatal error while i am running a plugin i have developed in .NET. I am using AutoCAD 2012 and .NET 4.0. Where the fatal error occurs is when i am filtering a list for specific colors and specific linetypes to populate a listbox with. I did a quite a bit of reading and the only thing i have found is ( in debug compiler is giving a little more memory space for said collection and when i run it in outside of debug it is not. ) Now i dont really understand how to fix this issue or can verify that it really is the issue. is there some type of setting i can change inside of autocad for debugging so it doesn't completely shut down?
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Jul 14, 2011
Dev env: AutoCAD 2012, VS 2010, ObjectARX.Net 2012
A simple windows form command dll to test within the VS2012 + AutoCAD 2012
Bug: when debugging with VS2012, the first command runs fine and I can debug it with breakpoints etc etc. However, after the first debugging session, if I try "File"->"Open" or "New", file dialog will popup and then my AutoCAD 2012 crashs.
It won't happen if I compiled the dll, and load directly from AutoCAD independantly running instance.
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Feb 7, 2007
what componants I need for a perfect PC for photoshop and graphics.
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Jan 29, 2013
I un-installed CS5 when I got additional memory on my MacBook Pro. Wben I re-installed CS5 I moved the application icon to my desktop. When I clicked on the icon I got a screen that said. "Some of the application components and missing from the Application Directory" Please re-stall the application. The CS5 does open if I open it on the application page.
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Nov 3, 2008
Presently I have "Design Premium CS3" with the following software components:
- Acrobat 8 Professional
- Device Central CS3
- Dreamweaver CS3
- Encore CS3
- Extension Manager CS3
- Extended Script Toolkit 2
- Bridge CS3
- Adobe Flash CS3 Professional
- Adobe Flash CS3 Video Encoder
- Adobe Illustrator CS3
- Adobe InDesign CS3
- Adobe Life Cycle Designer CS3
- Adobe OnLocation CS3
- Adobe Photoshop CS3
- Adobe Premier Pro CS3
I'm thinking of upgrading to "WEB Premium CS4" for now and later adding Adobe Premier Pro CS4.
will CS4 work with CS3 version like Adobe Premier Pro CS3?
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Jun 16, 2012
URL...How do I disable all the non-essential components in the Photoshop CS6 installer?
I already found the payloads/Media_db.db sqlite 3 database and wiped the Dependency Data table. This goes a long way - unlike CS5, which was a maze of hidden xml configs and sqlite databases, for CS6 just wiping this single table will give the user full control over what the installer will put in the computer. With the dependencies wiped, we can now see all the stuff it's actually going to install:
Bridge (normal and x64) - 187 and 262 MBCMaps (normal and x64) - 7.2 and 7.2 MBCSXS Extensions - 1.3MBCSXS Infrastructure - 6.8MBColor - photoshop, EU, JA, NA - 1.5, 2.1, 3.0, 2.5MBVideo profiles - 4.7KBDynamic Link Media Server - 96MBDynamicLink Support - 6.1MBExtendScript Toolkit - 19MBExtension Manageer - 16MBFonts recommended (normal and x64) - 110 and 110MB (why are there x86 and x64 versions? more of an open question than one that really needs an answer, but this is not how fonts work. There are no separate x86 and x64 flavoured OpenType fonts)Fonts required (normal and x64) - 123 and 123MBHunspell Linguistics Plugin (normal and x64) - 181 and 181MBLinguistics (normal and x64) - 46 and 46MBMini Bridge (normal and x64) - 4.0MBPDF Library Files (normal and x64) - 75 and 75MBPhotoshop (normal and x64) - 486 and 563MBPhotoshop Support - 9.4MBPlayer for Embedding 3.3 (normal and x64) - 21 and 26MBSwitchboard 2.0 - 1.1MBType Support (normal and x64) - 6 and 6MBWinsoft Linguistics Plugin (normal and x64) - 8.2 and 8.5MBXMP Panels - 4.9MBColorCommonSetCMYK - 13MBColorCommonSetRGB - 8.6KBCamera Profiles Installer - 285MBMSVC++2005 redist. (normal and x64) - 11 and 11MBMSVC++2008 redist. (normal and x64) - 11 and 11MBMSVC++2010 redist. (normal and x64) - 11 and 11MBMSVC80_CRT (normal and x64) - 0.0 and 0.0KBPDF Settings - 2.4MBCamera Raw 7 (normal and x64) - 22 and 24MBSuite Shared Configuration - 3.2MB.
Some of these things we really want installed (Photoshop, CMaps, XMP panels, Type Support and required fonts and color profiles are pretty much the minimal set required for a functional Photoshop installation), but some of these things really have no right to be silently installed. There's a good gigabyte of nonsense that someone who just wants Photoshop has no need for. Denying them the option to deselect these things during installation is a bit evil (whatever happened to the 'advanced' or 'custom' installation option?
unselecting all components indicates that the installation will required 0.0KB on disk. However, selecting Photoshop CS6 x64, which indicates its size is 563MB, results in an installation that requires 677MB on disk. Similar things happen for other components; CMaps is 7.2MB, but when you select it, it suddenly requires 121MB on disk.
I want to control exactly what lands on my disk. So: how do I find out what these secret things are that are not listed after wiping the dependency data so that I can explicitly pick individual components? Which additional steps are required to reveal the hidden dependencies that will apparently still be installed, or aren't factored into the size indication for the various components? how do I make the installer NOT determine that "this is not a genuine installer, you may have a counterfeit product".
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Jun 22, 2009
I had to rebot my computer the other day then had put back CS3 on to my computer.When CS3 starts to install its self it comes up with:-
"Currently putting in shared components"then it comes up with:-"Succesfully installed 1 Component: Shared Compents"
Then it say's"Error: 2 Component(s) Adobe Photoshop CS3 Component Install Failed Shared Compents Component Install Failed.
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Mar 1, 2013
After long time i am back in customization of AutoCAD, now for 2013. What i am trying to do is currently trying to export a dwg to pdf using COM Components.
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May 30, 2013
I'm trying to cut up a model into components. I'm using QuickSlice but it doesn't seem to be functioning the way it's supposed to. It's a building with straight edges so it should be really straightforward. In perspective view I select an edge which is just a single edge running between two vertices.I then press QuickSlice. Then with snap to vertex on, I select both vertices in turn but the slice runs off right around the back of my model in a seemingly random way. I don't get it- I'm following the instructions in the description.
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Mar 7, 2012
I would like to insert a cooktop that I have as a component family. I see in the architect tab, window, door, etc. but no component.
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