AutoCAD .NET :: Calling Rotate With A SelectionSet

Apr 18, 2013

I have overriden the rotate command to get a selection set and do something extra if it contains one of our custom objects.

However if it contains any standard autocad objects I want to recall the original autocad rotate command with a SelectionSet of these objects.

I know I can call the rotate command using:
acedCommandS(5005, __arglist("._ROTATE", 5005, "\", 5000));

However this will call the rotate command from the start and ask for a new selection set. Is there a way to call this with my selection set?

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AutoCAD .NET :: SelectionSet From Object IDs

May 30, 2013

I can create a SelectionSet by using SelectionFilters and the Editor select functions.  When I create SelectionSets this way I can use them in a command by calling the Previous selection.  However, if I create entities, store their objectids and then create a SelectionSet by using the SelectionSet.FromObjectIds function, when I call the previous selection on a command nothing is selected.  Is there a way to create a SelectionSet from ObjectIds that would be available to commands? 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Utilizing SelectionSet On Non-opened Drawings?

Aug 30, 2012

I am trying to create a function or class can be used with the  MdiActiveDocument and also with the external Database. In order words the function or class should be able to access current Document and also non-opened Databases.

My difficulty is accessing the non-opened drawings and utilizing the SelectionSet to select blocks with  SelectionFilter like I could do with a MdiActiveDocument.

I would like to know if what I am trying to do is even possible, or would I have physically open the drawing to have the ability to utilize SelectionSet and filters.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calling Sub From Different Document

Apr 4, 2013

In an object type Project I have a form with a button that calls another sub of the same form, the code looks something like this:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click ()

'Set a Part Document as active document
Dim oDoc As Inventor.PartDocument
Set oDoc = ThisApplication.Documents.Open ("C: Users oZteC Documents Inventor Experiment part1.ipt", True)

'Call "ModelParameters" within the same form
Call ModelParameters

End Sub

Public Sub ModelParameters ()
End sub

I want to move the sub "ModelParameters" to the object type PartDocument, the problem is when I move it the call doesn't work.
I want to run something like this:

ApplicationProject> Form> ClickButton ----> call to ----> DocumentProject> ThisDocument> Sub

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AutoCAD .NET :: Calling / Modifying Existing Commands?

Jan 3, 2014

I'm really curious, is it possible to call or modify/inherit any autocad command? I'm looking to create a command that hatches the area between an offset, but I can't find any material on how to even utilize existing commands.

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AutoCAD VB :: File Not Found Error Calling ARX From VBA 64b

Feb 7, 2012

I'm getting this error "Run-time" error '48' "File not found: *****.arx" calling functions from VBA (Autocad 2011 64b).

note that same code (VBA & ARX) works fine on 32b env.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calling AddIn Function From Outside

Dec 17, 2013

I would like to make an Inventor AddIn with commands (functions) that can be called from other standalone applications. I have tried to create a COM interface for my AddIn, and that works with rather small effort, but I think I have heard that it should be possible to do this without the COM interface. I would like to avoid COM if possible. if I need to do anything special in the AddIn to make the function visible and how I on client side calls the function.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calling Out Assemblies In Drawing Views?

May 20, 2013

I have a top level assembly created from multiple subassemblies.  In my drawing view, I would like to add leaders calling out the subassemblies.  Is this possible with Inventor 2013?  It seems easy - am I missing something?

I tried adding leaders, and selecting the model properties, selected the subassembly, then picked part number.  The leader always reverts back to the part level. 

Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Vault Professional 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram
Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calling A Standard Window IProperties?

Feb 14, 2013

The explorer Windows when selecting file from the context menu to bring up the iProperties. Properties window creates a file  C:Program FilesAutodeskInventor 2013BinDTCPexe.exe?

As most applies the program DTCPexe.exe to cause property to C:Part.ipt?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Calling Mleaders With Mtext

Oct 17, 2007

I'm finding Mleaders with Mtext don't seem to play well with command calls. All works fine until one tries to enter the mleader text. Before testing this, be sure your mleader style is set to use mtext. I recommend starting the leader with the arrow first.

Compare this mleader's text entry behavior in this basic lisp command call:(command "_.acad_dim.mleader") with the following routine that relies on an open ended command prompt (useful if you want to add more commands after calling the mleader command):

(defun c:mlx (/ cc_echo)
(prompt "
Example showing mleader mtext misbehaving")
(setq cc_echo (getvar "cmdecho"))
(setvar "cmdecho" 1)
(command "_.acad_dim.mleader")

With qleaders, the leader and text are separate entities.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Calling Specific Part In Assembly Through Macro

Nov 1, 2012

I have been trying to create a macro to control an assembly. The problem is that I need to access a certain parameter in a specific part in the assembly. I can get the exact parameter by using the "name" of the given parameter, ex .Item("d7") to call the parameter d7. The problem for me has been what name do I use to call out a given part, I have been using .Item(Index number), ex .Item(12), but this number can change as parts are added, deleted, or suppressed.

The question is what "name" should I be using and how do I use it. I have tried

"InternalName", "PrimaryDeselGUID",  "DisplayName", "FullDocumentName", "FullFileName"

but there is no "Name" to input like the parameter.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Invalid Object Array Exception While Calling Copy Objects

Sep 6, 2013

I am getting Invalid Object array error on following line: 

oSourceFile.CopyObjects(objCollection, m_oActiveDoc.Blocks); 

Code is given below


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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Commands Not Finishing After Calling Script Within Function

Nov 15, 2013

I have a simple lisp function to add a scale axis to a drawing by calling a script, renamed the drawing by appending "withScale" to the file name, and then closing the file. I placed a call to the function in the acad.lsp file in the startup suite. The idea was to batch process all files by simply opening them. Upon open the startup acad.lsp file runs, which calls my lisp function, which in turn calls the scale script. It should then execute the renaming, saving, and closing commands. The problem is that it is calling the script fine and renaming the file, but it does not save the changes before closing. Here is the lisp function
(defun saveScale(); (command "-purge" "all" "" "n")(if (findfile "C:/Users/Russell/Desktop/TreeFiles/Automation/Scale&Key.scr")(command "_script" "C:/Users/Russell/Desktop/TreeFiles/Automation/Scale&Key.scr")); end if (command "_.zoom" "e") (command "_saveas" "2013" (strcat (getvar "dwgprefix") (vl-filename-base (getvar "dwgname")) "withScale.dwg")) (command "close") ) (saveScale)
Apparently you cannont run any lisp commands after calling a script, however the renaming still follows through.

I've attached the script file as well. (I couldn't attach .scr format so you may need to rename it).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Calling Image Tile Menu From Routine?

Nov 18, 2011

What is the code to call an image tile menu from a lisp command. I currently have a menu item that calls this image tile menu: $I=TYPSMBL1 $I=* but I want to have a keyboard shortcut as well "SL".

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Return To Calling Function After Trapping Error In Subroutine

Mar 13, 2012

I've got a subroutine that gets the centroid of a closed polygon (lwpoly).  It appears to fail if the polygon has any zero length line segments.  I've added a trap that catches the error and "highlights" the offending polygon, but it stops there and does not return to the main function that called the subroutine.  Is there a way to get back to the main function from the trap?

Here's the subroutine (original function by _gile (Autodesk LISP Forum 9-18-2006):

(defun return-centroid (lwpoly space / obj Region Centroid)
(setq *error* trap1)
(setq obj (vlax-ename->vla-object lwpoly))
(setq Region (vlax-invoke space 'addRegion (list obj)))
(setq Centroid (trans (vlax-get (car Region) 'Centroid) 1 0))
(vla-delete (car Region))


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Photoshop :: Calling PS Phenoms With Water Spots

Mar 28, 2005

I just got a freelance job cleaning/sharpening and generally making beautimous, about 100 deep sea photos...all was going according to plan, when I came upon a large group that, as soon as I brought the levels up, along came these horrific sprays of water spotting, that I have no idea how to deal with. I don't think there's a way to make it look real if I use a tool like the clone or bandaid, and I tried working in LAB mode, to see if there was any way I could make a difference with the gaussian blur, but that did nothing, and that may just have been hopefull. I can't remove the guys background, and I know there are some extra softwear programs that work with spotting etc. but in this case I can't see how they would work and still keep the picture sharp..?

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Paint.NET :: Any Way Of Using (calling) Operations From Inside C# Code

Jul 28, 2011

app name, but is there any way of using (calling) operations from inside my C# code?What I'm saying is that, there is a SDK through Paint.NET so I can have simple Image Editing from my custom application?

If not, is there a way to call Paint.NET trough my code, make some editing and then closing Paint.NET continue handling the iage from my C# app?If this is not suitable for my needs, any simple Image editing tool so I can use through my C# application?

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Edge Animate CC :: Jquery Calling Symbol In Itself?

Jul 17, 2013

I want to create on the symbol an mouse over event that address the same symbol.
i've tried
with no success..

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Lightroom :: System Cannot Find Specified File / When Calling Shell Execute ExW From AG Workspace

Feb 27, 2014

Today I got an error message when trying to export a photo. It has never happened before. Win32 API error 2, system cannot find specified file when calling Shell Execute ExW from AG Workspace. shell execute

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Edge Animate CC :: Calling Function From HTML Page Embedded In IFrame?

Mar 26, 2014

This is a tricky one, but it may just be that I don't understand the syntax,
Situation:I have an Edge Animate composition that is acting as an interface and container into which other content is embedded using an iFrame.  I have several functions in Stage > creationComplete, and for one of the embedded content pieces, I want to include a button that calls one of the Edge functions.
Challenge: I have read about referencing elements within Edge when it is the Edge file that is embedded on an HTML page, but I cannot figure out how to reference Edge in the reverse.
I have tried these options where headerselect(page) is my function:
AdobeEdge.getComposition("EDGE-531849691").getStage().headerSelect("co mmunity");"EDGE-531849691").getStage().headerSele ct("community");

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CorelDRAW X4 :: Failed To Launch Server Application / Error When Calling Edit Bitmap - Function

Jun 5, 2008

URL.... "Failed to launch server application" when trying to edit a bitmap out of CorelDraw, only later saw that specific post was for X3.  I have the same trouble, only with X4.

To recap my problem: When calling the "edit bitmap" function in X4 - I receive this message: "Failed to launch server application".  Paint opens, closes, opens, closes and then the message pops up. 

I tested several files, different bitmaps, different dpi's, new files with newly converted bitmaps (filled rectangle to bitmap).  To no avail. 

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X4 :: Failed To Launch Server Application Error When Calling Edit Bitmap Function

Jun 9, 2011

complete Corel X4 uninstall 3 times already .... even went so far as to reboot the registry to a date before I installed Corel X4 Suite to no avail.

The program has had no issues until the last 2 weeks. The actual issue I am having is Paint works fine as a separate entity however when I try to edit a bitmap from within X4 an error pops up telling me "Failed to launch server application" This is a major PITB as  I own a graphics company and this is causing no end of problems

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Photoshop :: Is There A Rotate Canvas Plugin For Cs2 That Works Like The Rotate Canvas In Sketchbook Pro

Aug 23, 2013

Is there a rotate canvas plugin for cs2 that works like the rotate canvas in sketchbook pro?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Using UCS To Rotate?

Jul 26, 2010

I haven't used UCS in awhile and I cant remember what I need to do when I want to rotate the drawing in my paper space.. I typed UCS--> 3 ---> pick my new axis and then the x,y indicator on the bottom left changes to how I want it to be presented but the drawing itself doesnt..

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AutoCad 3D :: How To Use Rotate Gizmo

Nov 4, 2012

I want to arrange views shown in fig for making isometric view. I want to know how to use rotate gizmo.

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AutoCad :: How To Rotate Crosshairs

Apr 6, 2011

I have work to do on a bathroom group that is rotated at 18 degrees. How do I rotate my crosshairs to make this easer to work on?

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AutoCad :: Rotate UCS Within Viewport?

Feb 10, 2012

I've got multiple viewports, some need to be orientated as portrait and others need to be landscape.

How can this be done without affecting the other viewports?

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AutoCad :: Inserted PDF Won't Rotate

Aug 17, 2012

Using 2011 Civil3D at the moment. Im trying to insert a PDF as an xref and once its in the model space, it won't let me rotate or scale the image. When clicking on it, the nodes in each corner do not appaear.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Rotate Ucs About Z-axis?

Mar 22, 2012

when you have a 3D-object, with a specific origin, i would like to know how it is positioned in space, X, Y, and Z coordinates, but also A, B, and C (like Tilt, Roll, Pitch), where A is rotation Angle around Z-axis, B around Y-axis, and C around X-axis. I am using this for a kuka robot

i can change the position of the UCS, but don't know how to only rotate the ucs about the Z-axis

'--- Set origin of UCS icon
acUCSTblRec.Origin = Psource(0)
acUCSTblRec.XAxis = Psource(0).GetVectorTo(Psource(1))
acUCSTblRec.YAxis = acUCSTblRec.XAxis.GetPerpendicularVector

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AutoCad :: How To Rotate View

Feb 8, 2011

How do you rotate the view in Autocad (not just an object - but the whole view)?

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AutoCad :: Rotate With Reference Option

Jan 16, 2014

I frequently use ROTATE with the reference option, which is a very useful tool. Just wanted to do this again, but instead of the usual 4 point picking process I am asked to "Specify the reference angle" after choosing "reference". Never came across this before.

Did I unintended change some settings? It´s the first time I use ROTATE after reinstalling my AutoCAD a few days ago.

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