AutoCAD .NET :: Call COM Object From 2011?

Jul 22, 2012

I tried to call COM object created by C# from other C# module.

I did:

1. Create simple COM object by C#

2. Register it

3. Try to call this COM from other C# console application - it works fine

4. Create simple AutoCad module by C# with IExtensionApplication

5. Try to call this module from AutoCAD - it works

6. In Initialize() method I wrote:

Type myClassAdapterType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("CoreAdapter.CoreAdapterClass");

 acDoc.Editor.WriteMessage("Type is OK: {0}", myClassAdapterType.FullName);

 object myClassAdapterInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(myClassAdapterType);


6. Open AutoCAD again

7. Load my module

8. I saw "Type is OK" (becase it was registered in registry)

But I can't create instance.

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AutoCAD .NET :: ActvieX Can't Create Object / Call Rejected By Callee

Jun 9, 2011

I created a stand alone program. Used the following to create the CAD object:


for doing some batch job.

Then I deploy it to a group of computers. It is working fine for some computers and others failed with either "actvieX can't create object" or "call rejected by callee". All computers has AutoCAD full version(Mechanical or Electrical) installed.

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AutoCAD LT :: 2011 Mep Object Enabler Not Installing

Sep 27, 2010

I am having trouble installing the "AutoCAD Architecture-MEP Object Enabler for AutoCAD LT." Whenever I try to install it, I immediately get a screen that says, "Setup was unable to detect any target applications for AutoCAD Architecture-MEP Oblject Enabler for AutoCAD LT." I have tried restarting the computer, running the install program with LT on and off, etc.

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AutoCAD VB :: Create Object For 2011 / 2012?

Jul 19, 2011

i'm using the following code (generic) to interface with AutoCAD; not including the version because my company upgrades every year...

Private AutoCAD_Instance As Object

AutoCAD_Instance = CreateObject("AutoCAD.Application")

When I try to run this, I get an error 'Unable To Create ActiveX Component'...

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2011 Unable To Select Object?

Feb 24, 2011

When I select an object to move I am unable to snap to the grips of the object or any other object close or any intersections.  I have double and triple checked my osnap settings.  Also, If I select a circle to move I am unable to select the center of the circle through additional osnap settings.  One last issue, If I select an object and do a copy with base point command, I am unable to select a definitive base point.  No grips or intersections show up.

My co-workers are able to do these functions but I am not.

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AutoCad :: Object Snap Toolbar In 2011 LT?

May 9, 2011

I am looking for the perpendicular function specifically. However, at this point I can not find the tool bar for any of the snap functions.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Raster Design Object Enabler For 2011?

Sep 15, 2011

I am not seeing a oe for raster design for Map 3D 2011.  We need to attach ECW ortho images.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: 2011 Maps 3D X32 No Null Object?

Apr 12, 2012

A co-worker tells me when he opens a drawing then minimizes it and then opens a new drawing to fiddle around with, when he closes it and doesn't save and returns to the first drawing, when he runs commands he gets "No Null Object" errors. He can click OK or whatever on the error messages and continue, but they constantly fly in his face.

He's running AutoCAD 2011 Maps 3D x32 on Windows 7 x64.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 Add-In - How To Release Document Object Correctly

Jan 26, 2012

I've created a Inventor 2011 Add-In using VB.Net with VS2008.

This add-in does all kinds of things, but it will not release some documents.

Well I don't know that for shure but it looks like that.

We use Productstream Pro and when changing state of a document it says the document is in use while there are no documents visibly open in Inventor. This only occures when I use my add-in.

Exact steps: Load drawing document from PSPPerform action with add-in which gets a custom iProperty from the Part file used on the Drawing and fills the display name of the Drawing with itSave the drawingClose the drawingIn PSP try to change state of the part file used on the drawingGet message from PSP stating the part is in use
In my code I've tried some things to prevent this behavior but non of them work.

I've tried:
Setting unused objects to "= Nothing"Releasing objects using "Marshal.ReleaseComObject(obj)"Calling "m_inventorApplication.CloseAllUnreferencedDocs()" and "System.GC.Collect()" on the "m_appEvents_OnTerminateDocument" event.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Raster Design Object Enabler For 2011 64 Bit?

Mar 19, 2012

I've been trying to get the Raster Design Object Enabler for Civil 3D 2011 64 Bit to install, but every time I run the exe it says there is no target application to be found, even though Civil 3D 2011 64 Bit is quite clearly installed on the machine.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Put 2011 Topobase And 2011 ArcGIS Plugin Into 2012 Or 2013?

Apr 3, 2012

Is there any way to put the 2011 topobase and the 2011 ArcGIS plugin into 2012 or 2013?  Seems such a shame just to lost all of that functionality.

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AutoCAD .NET :: How To Call Command On Runtime

Sep 3, 2012

How to call AutoCAD Command with .net C# on runtime?

For Example,

After opening my Drawing File thro. .net C#,


I need to use the AutoCAD command Oleopen


Here is some error.

Normally how to use the AutoCAD commands with .net C# programming.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Call Indented BOM In IDW Level

Mar 3, 2013

What is the procedure to call a indented bom in idw level? i tried it by clicking ALL LEVEL  in the bom window but no use.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Call Out Square In Note?

Jun 11, 2012

What is the proper way to call out  a square in a note?  Do you put size then square symbol or square symbol then size?

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AutoCad :: Section Call Out (dynamic Block)

Sep 19, 2013

I have this section call out which I modify from default autocad library but the problem I have is that when I scale it to factor of 48 (1/4"=1" drawing) my text is supposed to be 4.5 in and is 4.62. Likewise for scale factor of 96 is 9.24 in as supposed to 9.0 in. HOW GET THE RIGHT TEXT SIZE?

AutoCAD LT2012
Windows 7

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Call Name Of Layout In Field?

Apr 10, 2013

I use multiple layouts to produce build drawings and I use the name of the layout tab to identify the sheet on the shop floor.

I currently use a field in the titleblock that calls the system variable ctab, the problem is that whenever you update the fields, they all change to the name of the current tab, not the name of their own tab (by default, when you open the drawing, they all say Model).

I resort to building all of the layouts and converting that field to text prior to printing.

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AutoCad :: How Call Out Blocks Used With Sheet Set Manager

Sep 25, 2013

What is the purpose of call out blocks and how are they used with sheet set manager?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: VB Error - Call Was Rejected By Callee

Jul 9, 2013

Im having problem with the BV is always giving me this error

Run-time error '-2147418111(80010001)':
Automatic error
Call was rejected by callee.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Possible To Call Lisp Function After BeginDocumentClose Event?

May 15, 2011

I am currently in the process of re-writing my VBA in .net.In VBA I successfully used AcadDocument_BeginClose which called lisp functions.It would be nice to have all code in the same environment I need to transition my changes.

Therefore I need to call lisp from .net.My function works well when run withing the cad files session but does not appear to call the lisp when called after the BeginDocumentClose.

Is it possible to call a lisp function after the BeginDocumentClose event?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Drag Call Out Leader

Aug 2, 2012

I have been trying for weeks and still cat get it to work. I am trying to make my drag out leader to look like a pline with a width of 0 on one side and a width of 4 on the other for civil 3d 2012. See attached .

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AutoCAD .NET :: Call GROUPTOG CadWorx Command From Addin Possible

Sep 13, 2013

I need to call the GROUPTOG, which is a CadWorx command, from my .Net AddIn.  Is this possible, and if so, how would one do it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Limit / Fit In Hole Note Call Out?

May 10, 2012

Is it possible to get a Limit/Fit tolerance included in a Hole Note call out, such as H7 etc?

Currently, when I am dimensioning Counter Bore holes, I have to use a general dimension for CBore dia incuding the Limit/Fit tolerance and manually add the hole dia (or visa versa). This means I have to manually update any changes to hole dia.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Balloons To Call Out Custom Properties?

Oct 31, 2013

I want my custom property to defined as item #. That Item # then is represented in the balloon.

reasoning is that then engineers wont have to check drawings anymore for the guess work involved in matching the part balloon to each individual part in the assembly being called out.

I can then focus on creating a BOM that shows the different item#'s and the user can quickly go through it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Call Out Tap Pitch Value Without Editing Dimension

Jul 4, 2013

In the inventor drawing, while showing hole callouts for TAP, it is coming along with thread pitch (Ex: M12 x 1.5). But I dont want to show the pitch. How to call out only TAP size(Ex:- M12) without editing the dimension.

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AutoCAD .NET :: SaveAs API - Don't Receive Call Back For SaveComplete Event

Dec 3, 2013

I am facing problem with SaveAs API which is when called to save the top drawing of one or above level structure we don’t receive call back for “SaveComplete” event. When we call SaveAs API, it is expected to receive first call back for BeginSave event and then SaveComplete event. But we don’t receive the call back for SaveComplete event.Below is the scenario:

Create a drawing say, “TopDrawing” and attach another drawing (as xRef) say “ChildDrawing” to the “TopDrawing”.
Save the drawings.Now modify the “ChildDrawing”.After this we are using following SaveAs API for the “TopDrawing”.
inline Acad::ErrorStatus saveAs(const ACHAR* fileName,
const SecurityParams* pSecParams = 0);

Observations: After using this API we receive call back for “BeginSave” event. But we are not receiving call back for “SaveComplete” event.Due to this we are not able to save the TopDrawing after the modification of its reference. This issue is observed in more than one level structures also.This is observed with AutoCAD2010,11,12 and 13.

Expected Results:

We should receive call back to SaveComplete following to the call back for BeginSave event in order to save the structure correctly. What needs to be done if I want to get result as I am expecting after using SaveAS API.Also provide me the information about the libraries which are used for SaveAs function.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Automation Error System Call Failed?

May 9, 2011

Normally When I start interface and tagging items (drawings) and writting in to Database, everything is working fine. However my interface is idle for morethan 15 mins, after that if I start the process (Searching items, Creating Items, Writting Items into DB) then immediately I got the Error "Automation Error System call failed". I did lot of R & D on my code, but I am unable to find the issue, may be Objects are emptied or i don't know.

Problamatic Code is given below.

dim strAutoCadVersion as string

strAutoCadVersion = Left(AcadApplication.Version, 2) is giving Automation Error when the interface has been idle for 10 mins.

Also I attached screen shots of an error.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Call Excel Macro

Nov 10, 2012

i want to call an excel macro from a lisp. is it possible?

now i have this:

(startapp "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office12\Excel.exe"
    (strcat """
     (getvar 'dwgprefix)
     (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname))

i just want it to run macro1 from book1.xls

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AutoCAD .NET :: Use Command Type Call Form In Visual Studio

Nov 5, 2013

I have a project related to connect autocad and visual studio(VB.Net). Example: I open my file autocad and then use command type call run visual studio.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Call Form From External File In ILogic

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to find a way to call a form in a skeleton part file from within a parent assembly file.

I can open the form from the skeleton part, then leave it open and update values even while the skeleton part is inactive or even closed.  But I can't find out how to call it from the assembly file.  Is this possible?  I currently have to open the skeleton just to call up the form.

I can reference values or even add them in another form, but I am not allowed to change them in an assembly form, because they are (linked) reference parameters.

I have considered several workarounds, but this is how I really want it to work.  I'm just not that familiar with the code to know if there's a way around.  The code snippets only allow opening a form from the current document as far as I can see.  I don't really want a global from because I'm only changing parameters in one file, not all.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Call A Procedure Involving Pick Points Recursively

Sep 25, 2013

I am in the process of translating existing VBA code into VB.NET, and I just ran into some issues regarding how to interpret VBA's GOTO in VB.NET. In the VBA, the programmer has the code written thus...

Public Sub addTag()
Dim ptStart, ptEnd As Variant
Dim annotation As Object


Without the while loop, single execution works perfectly. But the while loop to emulate multiple (recursive) execution raises some issues.

My problem occurs during execution of my VB.NET code, and has to do with display of the generated entities after the user picks points.

User picks the start point, then picks the end point, but nothing is displayed in the modelspace; rather, user is prompted immediately to pick start point and end point all over again (because of the while loop I used to emulate VBA's GOTO).

However, once user presses ESC, all the leaders and blocks that were drawn during the execution of the while loop are immediately displayed.

Is there a way for me to make it so that EACH time the while loop executes, the end product is IMMEDIATELY displayed in modelspace at the end of EACH loop, BEFORE the user is prompted to pick points all over again (beginning of the next loop)?

The VBA code executes as expected during runtime, as a result of the GOTO StartAddTag line of code.

But I can't use GOTO in my VB.NET code because of its messy nature, so I used a while loop instead. And the while loop isn't performing as expected.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: R6025 Pure Virtual Function Call In 2013

Jan 10, 2013

Error message read:

Microsoft C++ Runtime Library

Runtime error!



Pure virtual function call

Clicking okay then shut downs Inventor loosing any work not saved.

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