AutoCAD .NET :: Adding Objects To PickFirst Selection Set

Jul 1, 2012

I add an entity to the PICKFIRST selection set as follows.

Editor.SetImpliedSelection(new ObjectId[] { oiTarget });entTarget.Highlight(); // Entity. 

After this, I can type the CAD command "erase", and the selected entity is erased. However, if I press the DELETE key the entity is not erased (nothing happens). Why is that?

If I select something on screen with my cursor, the DELETE will erase it.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Can't Pickfirst For Some Commands

Nov 7, 2012

I've been testing out a few lisps just now, trying to get to the one I want.Somewhere along the line something has changed a setting in the program and I don't know what or how to get it back.

Similar to the PICKFIRST sysvar, but not that.  (PICKFIRST is set to 1).

When I select objects and issue a command like move or copy, all is fine.

When I select objects and hit Ctrl+C, the selection set is ignored and I am prompted to select objects.

When I double click on text to edit, the ddedit or mtedit command is issued at commandline, and I am prompted to select an object.

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AutoCAD VB :: Adding Object To Selection Set By WorkSpace

Jul 18, 2012

I have a pice of code that select MText in my drawing. It looks that it select the MText in ALL my drawing and I am interested to choose the MText that is in the Model Space only.

The piece of code that I have is:

'Adding a Selection set in the drawing
Set objSS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("TestSelectionSetOperator")
'Using 4 filters to store in objSS -Selection Set- MText which is located in the Layer Text_MSpace
ReDim intCodes(3): ReDim varCodeValues(3)
[Code] .....

How to add a criteria to choose the MText that is in ONLY in my model space?.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Adding To A Selection Set

Jan 27, 2003

R14 Autolisp:

I can create an empty selection set (setq EMss (ssadd)). As I loop through a list I can use the counter to create selection sets on the fly by using:

(set (read (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt))) EMss) and even keep a list of the ssets created with (setq sslst (cons (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt)) sslst)). But when I try to add an ename to the ss with (ssadd ename (read (strcat "ss" (itoa cnt))), I get a error: bad argument type (SSADD NEXTE (READ (STRCAT "ss" (ITOA CNT)))).

why I can create the sets but not add to them this way? I can add to them from the command line.

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3ds Max Modeling :: Adding Objects On Top Of Other Objects

Dec 22, 2011

I new to 3ds max and watched a bunch of tutorials, but I'm having trouble trying to do something simple like moving one box on top of another box.

For example, I created a table and now I want to create a lamp and put it on the table. Is there some way I can just move the lamp and have it snap to the surface of the table when it's near?

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AutoCad :: Adding Objects To Layers?

Jul 24, 2012

I am just learning AC and have the tutorial video by Brian Benton for 2012. He does a great job of explaining what layers are and how to manage them once they have been created but he does not touch on how to add objects to a layer after you create it? I watched the layers section 4 times and nothing about this.

I can create a new layer fine and also a new object but unless I am just blind and stupid (which is possible) I do not see any options in the layer manager letting you add an object to a layer? Got--- create new layer, freeze layer, isolate layer, etc, etc, etc but nothing to do the simple and most basic task of adding your newly created object to a layer-----either a newly created one you just made or an existing one?

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AutoCad :: Group Layer Filter-adding Layers By Selection Then Enter

Aug 7, 2012

I use a lot of Group Layer Filters so I can turn things on/off quickly. My problem is I have been creating my Layer Filter Group by right clicking on the Layer Group Filter>going to Selection>then click Add> then go back to my drawing or Layout tab and select all of the layers I need then click enter. One day my AutoCad would not let me do that anymore, and even after I click on enter it gives me an error message saying the command is still active. Now from my Layer Properties Manager I can select any layer and drag/drop it into any filter and it works, but I really need to be able to select things within the model space or paper of each layout tabs.

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AutoCad :: Adding Materials / Textures To 2D Objects?

Aug 24, 2011

I have recently landed a job at a design company as an instrument design technician. The last time I touched CAD was about 6 years ago so I have been going through some tutorials. Unfortunately the comany I work for use 2000i so it isn't the most up to date version or anywhere near for that matter but nonetheless I have been perservering (I have both 2011 and 2012 on my pc at home).

How to add materials or textures to 2D objects. I have been going through the tutorials on here (which are brilliant by the way) and I'm doing this one:


drawing it has been a breeze now that i have refreshed my memory but I was wondering if I could make it look like the example in the tutorial with the brickwork, water and trees.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Adding Material To Objects

Feb 10, 2013

I just wanted to add some materials to my objects and  it seems some menu entries on Toolpalettes are missing (masonry etc.). I installed the full version of AutoCAD 2012 and also downloaded some additional material libraries. I'm attaching some screenshots of missing menu items and a screenshot of installed items in control panel.

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AutoCad :: Remove Objects From Selection Set?

Jul 19, 2012

I have been using autocad for a while and have always been able to use "R" to remove objects from a selection set. All of a sudden now when I want to use that command it activates the "Redraw" command instead of letting me remove objects from my set.

How to get it back to the way I had it before?

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AutoCad 2D :: Slow Selection Of Objects

Dec 22, 2011

After a few hours of everything working perfectly, AutoCAD will suddenly decide to select objects slowly (for move, copy, trim, erase etc. commands). There will be a short time lag between picking a point on the screen and creating the selection box.

The problem is only rectified by switching off the pc and rebooting.

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Adding Space Objects To A Palette

Dec 13, 2012

We are trying to create a set of palettes for a building type that we specialize in.  How do we add the spaces to a design palette and can we include a room tag with it?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Adding Custom Objects For Modeling

Aug 17, 2012

Is it possible to add a custom object such as soil reinforcement to C3D? I have a roadway grading plan with cut/fill slopes that will require geosynthetic reinforcement. Is it possible to add reinforcement to the drawing and have C3D calculate quantities?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Cycle Through A Selection Of Objects?

Dec 6, 2012

I have an array of all the same block with a few attributes.  All attributes need just slightly different data (like incrementing numbers).  It is extremely tedious to select the block, enter the data, cancel the selection and then select the next block.  Is there an easy way to select all the blocks up front and then modify them one at a time by "cycling through the selection"?  I'm specifically looking for a key-command that will de-select the current block and select the next one so I can stay in my properties window.

It's also worth mentioning that I'm on LT and there aren't enough blocks to make ATTOUT/IN worth it (or possible).

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Selection Box Won't Pick Up Objects Twice

May 16, 2013

I am having trouble with my selection box. Ordinarily, when I am trying to select multiple object, I can just create multiple selection boxes and it keeps adding more and more objects to my selection. However, it recently started acting funny--it stopped selecting things after the first box was drawn. No matter how many boxes I drag, it won't add any more objects to my selection.

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AutoCad 2D :: How To Change Selection Settings For Objects

Aug 8, 2012

How can I change the settings, so that only one object will be selected at a time --> selected objects will be deleted from the selection, picking another object without pressing the 'shift' button?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Ignore Objects In A Selection Set Based On Coordinates?

Apr 4, 2013

I'm working on a command that lets me select polylines on a specific layer, then converts them to 3d solids. I'm having a slight issue where if a polyline has the same start and end coordinates (this happens in some of our drawings), then the command stops and I get an eDegenerateGeometry error. I want to modify my command so that it detects these objects, removes them from the selection set, and then notifies the users of their prescence so they can be removed manually. The last part i think I can handle, however I'm not sure how to modify either my filter or my routine to detect and ignore these objects. I'm assuming that since i'll want to record these objects to later notify the user, that i'd probably want to modify my routine.
using System;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DataExtraction;using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Colors;using System.Windows.Forms;


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AutoCAD 2010 :: Multiple Selection Of Objects By One Type

May 11, 2012

 My question is, if there any tool /command, utility in autocad to select all objects of one type at one time : for example all text objects or all dimention objects  if these objects on different layers and have different properties. in my work I have to insert many blocks(not annotative) or parts of drawings which were created by other people and have different from mine settings and properties of text and dimention objects. the insertions add so many layers and objects that I spend lots of time to correct them and to figure it  out.

is there any way( command, utility) to select and manage all of these  objects at one time?

P.S.i think it is very unconvenient that the  plain autocad  does not have dimentions and text as families or some sort of groups that s easy to manage.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Crash When Removing Objects From Selection?

Jun 20, 2012

I recently upgraded to Civil 3D 2013. I am regularly crashing when I pick objects, usualy in the erase command, then type "r" to remove some of the objects.  After I've picked the objects to remove and hit enter I get a fatal error.  This is happening in several different drawings so I don't think it's drawing specific.  Today it happened with the stretch command.  I'm not sure if it's happening everytime I remove objects but if not it's quite often.  A co-worker said he has noticed the same thing.

Windows 7 x 64
Intel i7-4770 CPu @ 3.40 GHz
NVIDIA Quadro K2000D
Civil 3D 2014 (i.108.0.4, SP1)

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Photoshop :: Adding / Subtracting From Selection

Sep 23, 2013

When adding/subtracting from an existing selection I often use the wrong option in the selection module in the tool bar. I understand the theory behind the selection process in principal. However, I often end up doing the opposite. Any technique to add/subtract from an existing selection that is more effective than using the instructions suggested by the software help menu.

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Paint.NET :: Adding Fonts To PDN Selection

Jun 13, 2011

How to add fonts to PDN's selection? I have the font downloaded and extracted, and have the "OpenType font file" ready to copy/paste/move. I just don't know where to move it to.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Copy Nested Objects - Selection Methods?

May 3, 2012

I want to copy a lot of referenced entities.  Is there any way to select more than one item at a time using Copy Nested Objects?

Windows 7 x 64
Nvidia GeForce GTS 450
8 GB Ram
Intel Core i5-2310 @ 2.90 GHz
v. F.107.0.0 AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 SP1

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Keeping A Selection Of Objects Outside View Area?

Nov 29, 2011

While I'm in the "selection" mode - and it doesn't matter whether I'm preselecting objects or selecting them under some command - I pick the starting point of selection window and then I pan to another side of the drawing and there I pick the point to close the selection window.

Result: all the objects that I left behind while panning to the other side of the drawing, go out of the selection, so only those objects in the final viewing area stay selected - and it's not what I want... I want to keep all the objects under selection - including the ones that were panned out from the viewing area...  I hope you understand what I'm trying to describe here....

I'm quite sure that this worked fine in previous versions, so I'm also pretty sure that there must be an option or parameter that controls my issue - I just can't seem to fint it...

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AutoCad 2D :: Difference Between Using Pick Points And Objects Selection Methods?

May 6, 2012

What is the difference between using the Pick Points and Objects selection methods in the Boundary Hatch and Fill dialog box?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Change Selection Of Scheduled Objects In External Drawing

Jan 21, 2013

I have three drawing constructs.I have door tags and room tags. I have schedules. All work just fine. However, I need to combine all three Finish and all three Door schedules into one multi-level schedule for each, doors and finishes. In views, I schedule the external references by selecting the YES option in the properties dialog box. The problem is that the drawing contains doors and spaces that I do not want to be part of the schedule. How do I deselect the objects that I want to be in the schedule?

The other problem is I can only select one drawing. It makes no sense to have separate schedules for each floor on a small project where there are only 10-20 rooms. As a work around I can create the schedules in constructs, import all the constructs into a view, clip all the constructs and the stitch the tables together. This is cumbersome, does not update seamlessly and results in unnecessary file sizes.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Modify Objects Copied From A Selection Set?

Nov 17, 2011

I am creating a selection set using ssget...

Then I copy that selection set multiple times in a loop.  What I would like to do is then rotate (or otherwise modify) the last copied group of items.  If I rotate "last" it will only accept the last drawn item, so only one item in the group of copied objects will rotate.

Here is the portion of simple code I am using right now (it's in a loop so all variables with 'Next' are changing each time):

(command "_.copy" SS1 "" SS1Base NextPT)
(command "_.Rotate" "l" "" NextPT NextAng)

This works fine with a single object, but I can't figure out how to call up the entire group of objects.

Civil 3D 2011
Windows 7 x64

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AutoCAD .NET :: Dynamic Block Creation With Selection Sets Of Drawing Objects

Mar 19, 2012

It's possible to create a dynamic block programatically? I want to create a command that captures different selection sets of drawing objects and assign them to different Visibility States of a new block deffinition, on run time.

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Photoshop :: Adding Constant To One Channel For All Pixels In Selection?

Sep 12, 2013

I have a selection in a Photoshop RGB document.  I would like to add a constant value (say +16, for example) to all of the red values for each pixel in the selection.

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AutoCad :: Selected Objects (polylines / Hatch0 Shows No Selection In Property Command

Nov 2, 2011

I'm currently having diffulties editing my selections, specifically lines, hatching etc through the properties command. When I select a polyline or hatch and then select properties it shows that there is no selection. However if I select text I can edit the text style, but I can't change the colour. I've tried to change back to the default settings but that hasn't work.

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Photoshop :: Adding Materials To 3D Objects

Oct 1, 2013

I recently downloaded a car seat 3d model from turbosquid. It is a OBJ File (.obj).  I am having a hard time adding a custom fabric material to the object in Photoshop CS5.5. The material is showing up as a plain blue color and is not adding in the actual pattern of the fabric.

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Paint.NET :: Adding PNG Objects To JPG Background

Dec 16, 2011

I have a drawing of a tennis court that I saved as a jpg. I want to add cones with numbers on them to illustrate where to hit the ball to. I saved the cones as png's so I could make the background transparent. I don't understand how to make the clones of the cones and add them to the jpg of the tennis court.

Should I have saved the tennis court as a png file also? The background doesn't need to be transparent.

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