AutoCAD Map 3D :: Unable To Update Data Connection Source For All Map Layers

Jan 13, 2014

How can I update the data connection source for all the display map layers in my map layouts? If I want to change the shapefile a layer is representing I can not get the layer to point to the new shapefile.

The layer seems to always remember the name/location of the old shapefile. If I export the layer and modify the value in Notepad then load a new layer from the saved and modified layer file it will change.  However I would have to do this for every layer I want to change.

Is there another way to change the property of this layer in AutoCAD?

Example:  I create a drawing and layout with a Display layer that points to the FDO data for shapefiles "C:datauildings.shp".

I then give the drawing to another worker hows data is on "E:DATABUILDINGS.SHP" the data connection to the layer cannot be updated that I can see.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Unable To Attach Excel / Access Files As Data Source

Dec 27, 2011

I'm fairly new to Map 3D and I'm trying to attach either an Excel or Access file as a data source.  I started out with a simple test case and created both Excel and Access files following the steps outlined in the first reply in post:


When I get to the drag & drop step to attach the data I get the following error messages:

Invalid Wordspace file format: My DocumentsTEST.xlsx
Invalid Wordspace file format: My DocumentsTEST.accdb

Not to be deterred, I saved the source files back to earlier xls and mdb file versions and was successful at attaching the data in both cases, but Map reported that there were no tables when I tried to define a link template.

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InDesign :: How To Break The Connection Between A Text Box And The Source Word File

Mar 25, 2014

I have text in a frame with a table in it, connected to a Word file. Every time I try to copy text in it, InDesign goes into a loop while it refers back to the original file. It does it a bunch of times, I assume (but don't know) once for every row in the table. The loop takes three or four minutes to complete and there's nothing I can do until it's finished... I want to break that link and just have it as a normal text box, rather than a placed one. How do I do that?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: GIS Data Connection

Mar 12, 2012

We have this public server in Indiana that I am trying to figure out if Map 3D will connect to.  The directions on how to connect are here:  [URL] ........

If Map 3D 2012 is able to connect to this data?  I cannot get it to work, but I am not a Map / GIS expert by any means.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Data Connection Error

Jan 28, 2011

I'm trying to connect to a mysql database and I get this warning : "There was a problem accessing the connection's schema information. Item AREA is already in this named collection."

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bolt Connection And Hole Location Update

Nov 3, 2007

I have a frame member and a plate bolted together using the bolt connection feature. I moved the frame member slightly and while the bolt and nut moved the hole in the plate did not. Do I have to redo the connection when I adjust the position of parts to get the hole to stay in line with the bolt?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Pipe Data Connection Error?

May 10, 2012

We have just switched from 2010 to 2013, and are experiencing some problems on two different projects.  The issue is that we have our pipe networks located within on drawing, then data shortcuted to our production drawings.  However, the pipes are not drawing either in plan or profile to the correct size.

They read correct in the pipe size, the style is set to display the correct "parts" of the pipes, but they are incorrect.  It is not consistent within regards to a single pipe size being incorrect, nor is it the same sizes between the two projects.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Attach Data Source

Jan 18, 2012

i have 12 base maps (transportation.dwg, utilities.dwg, etc) and each of these base maps is attached to a data source (.mdb).  when creating a new drawing and inserting these basemaps in the Task Pane by Attach Drawings & Query, i loose the connection to the data source in the new drawing

is there a way to have the datasource carry through and retain the attachment to new drawing?

also, in alot of maps we create we Xref (Transportation.dwg) and we loose the datasource in that situation too.

i'm new at this so hopefully my question makes sense.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Cannot Attach Data Source

Sep 15, 2010

I just upgraded to Civil 2011 from 2009 and a drawing I was working in, which had a database attached, is no longer working. Fine. I understand that upgrading may cause some things to not work properly.

So, I try to attach that same database and I get an error message that reads:Failed to create the data source file:


I tried creating a brand new database with newly imported information and it did not work. I tried creating a brand new database with no information , and still I get the same message.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Failed To Create Data Source

Jan 18, 2011

I keep getting this error when I try to connect to an .xls or .dbf file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Bolted Connection Design Accelerator XML Data

Apr 28, 2013

I've got a strange situation regarding the bolted connection generator. For some background, I made another post a while back about editing the hole sizes for Flat Head Cap Screws so that the heads were below flush. That thread is here:


Basically, I increased the countersink diameters Clearance.xls and then found that the Design Accelerator doesn't use that spreadsheet for its data source. More research led me to this file:
C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2013Design DataDesign AcceleratorTablesHolesAnsi Unified Screw Threads.xml

So I edited the diameters in this file and tested the design accelerator and everything was great. [I kept a backup of the original...]

Since then, another thing that has bothered me was counterbore numbers for socket head cap screws. The Cbore diameters don't match the tools that we have and the depths are always right on size. i.e. for a 1/4" SHCS, the bore is 7/16" diam x 0.250" deep. In reality our cbore tools are about 0.406 and we cut them about 0.265 deep to make sure the head is below flush.

I went in to these two XML files and edited them (and kept backups): Ansi Metric M Profile.xml Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml

Everything seems to be cool, except for one scenario. When I create a counterbored joint for a metric SHCS, the cbore diameter is always 16.00 mm diameter and too deep, regardless of its size. I searched the XML file and what it's doing *does not* match the data in the XML file. I monkeyed around a little more and could not get the counterbores to come out right.

So at that point, I renamed all the files to restore my original backups to the "factory" ones. I assumed that I screwed up the formatting or something in the data table and I'd just try it again. However, even after I restored my backups and removed my edited files, the metric counterbores are messed up.

What I don't understand is that changing the file "Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml" *did* update the holes for English screw joints. But does the DA pull data for metric joints from somewhere OTHER than "Ansi Metric M Profile.xml"? And if it does use this XML file, why isn't it working? The original data has been restored, but the behavior is not behaving correctly.

Inventor 2014 64-bit SP1
Win 7 Pro 64-bit SP1

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Connection To SHP Info Not Submitting To Plot Style

Jan 7, 2014

I have several SHP Connections that I am using as background. I can use the Style Editor to get the individual SHP Lines/Polygons/blocks to be the appropriate colors for the information that they include (Property Lines, Buildings, Utilities, etc)

The problem is in plotting this information. The settings in my tried and true .ctb file don't seem to apply to the SHP data. Everything else that actually exists in the drawing behaves correctly, but the SHP data plots as it appears on the screen.

I am using C3D 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Bolted Connection Design Accelerator XML Data

May 14, 2013

I've got a strange situation regarding the bolted connection generator. For some background, I made another post a while back about editing the hole sizes for Flat Head Cap Screws so that the heads were below flush. That thread is here:


Basically, I increased the countersink diameters Clearance.xls and then found that the Design Accelerator doesn't use that spreadsheet for its data source. More research led me to this file:

C:UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskInventor 2013Design DataDesign AcceleratorTablesHolesAnsi Unified Screw Threads.xml

So I edited the diameters in this file and tested the design accelerator and everything was great. [I kept a backup of the original...]

Since then, another thing that has bothered me was counter bore numbers for socket head cap screws. The Cbore diameters don't match the tools that we have and the depths are always right on size. i.e. for a 1/4" SHCS, the bore is 7/16" diam x 0.250" deep. In reality our cbore tools are about 0.406 and we cut them about 0.265 deep to make sure the head is below flush.

No big deal, right? I went in to these two XML files and edited them (and kept backups):
Ansi Metric M Profile.xml
Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml

The problem ==========>
Everything seems to be cool, except for one scenario. When I create a counter bored joint for a metric SHCS, the cbore diameter is always 16.00 mm diameter and too deep, regardless of its size. I searched the XML file and what it's doing *does not* match the data in the XML file. I monkeyed around a little more and could not get the counterbores to come out right.

So at that point, I renamed all the files to restore my original backups to the "factory" ones. I assumed that I screwed up the formatting or something in the data table and I'd just try it again. However, even after I restored my backups and removed my edited files, the metric counterbores are messed up.

What I don't understand is that changing the file "Ansi Unified Screw Threads.xml" *did* update the holes for English screw joints. But does the DA pull data for metric joints from somewhere OTHER than "Ansi Metric M Profile.xml"? And if it does use this XML file, why isn't it working? The original data has been restored, but the behavior is not behaving correctly.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: WMS Connection - Layers Not Appearing

May 25, 2011

I'm trying to get connection to WMS; however after the connection is made, I don't get any layers in my list.

I've been trying many times, and the same result.

The situation is that the original Imagery were in LL84 and the provider transferred them to local CRS; since then I don't get any layers to view! Though I was able to see them before the transformation has made.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Referenced Object Source Drawing?

Oct 6, 2013

Is there any way to determine the source drawing of a dref'ed object? I'm not seeing anything in COM or the .NET API's, hopefully I'm just not looking in the right place.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Data Shortcut Source Drawing Location

Aug 3, 2012

I have a 2011 Civil3D drawing with Data shortcuts in it.  I need to replace the source drawing path of the data shortcut with another path.  Is there a way to change this either manually or, preferably, programically. At some point we'll need to batch through the drawings and change this path information.  Is this information is stored in a drawing dictionary somewhere? If so, where?  If not, where?

Updating the .XML data files doesn't appear to affect data links already in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Updated Data Shortcut Source DWG Not Updating

Feb 14, 2013

I am having an issue with alignments not updating to the latest source drawing.  Initially, the alignment source drawing was in File1.dwg.  Due to a design change, a few of the alignments were revised in a new File2.dwg.  For the first time ever, I used the Data Shortcuts Editor program to repoint the data shortcuts to the new File2 location.  By all accounts, it looks like the data shortcut were updated to the new source drawing (File2). 

The problem is in some files some of the alignments still source to the File1 location and even when manually synchronizing it still sources from File1.  Additionally, it seems random in terms of which alignment and files source to File2, even to the point in some files one alignment will update to File2 and other won't and some alignments will update in some files but not all.  Note that I am not the original creator of the files so I don't know much history on the files (no alignments seem promoted however).

What’s the best way for me to get all the alignments to point to the new data shortcut source drawing location?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Unable To Open FDO Connection

May 6, 2013

using 2013 and attempting to connect to a DEM downloaded from LSU Atlas.  I get the "Failed to open FCO connection.  Could not open/read from file"  Am wanting to generate a watershed from the DEM surface.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Import Point Cloud Data From Source (NASA)

Jul 12, 2012

It was in Feb - March 2012. I was then using AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012. I had faced a problem of getting ground data for a large surface by using satellite imageries processed by some government wing of USA (NASA?), have lost track of it.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Source File And Path In Data Shortcuts Editor

Sep 18, 2013

I need to update both the path and the Source file name in Data Shortcuts editor.  If I update the path, it looks in the new path for the old file name, and throws an error.  If I update the File name, it looks in the old path for the new file name, and throws the same error.

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CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 :: Can't Install V6.3 Update - Internet Connection Required

Jul 25, 2013

I downloaded X6 patch #1 with no problem, but then I downloaded patch #3 and when I press Continue to install I get a notice: An Internet connection required. connect to the Internet and try again... But I AM connected to the Internet! I have no options how to proceed.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Inserting An Attributed Block Using Data From An External Source?

Aug 9, 2013

I am reasonably experienced in coding in VBA but cannot find any references as to how to achieve the above within VBA so am now turning to LISP to see if I can achieve it in that language.

Basically I want to be able to create multiple instances of an attributed block using an external source, e.g. a spreadsheet to provide data for the attributes.

I'm not even sure if this is possible.

I can find lots of references for extracting attribute date to a spreadsheet but I want to go the other way!

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Displaying Layers After Connecting To SQL Server Spatial Connection

May 27, 2011

I am having issues displaying some data after i have connected to it.

I am connecting to some data and have succesfully done this and can see it the data in the data table but i can not figure out how to display the information i am seeing in the data table.

I am basically connecting to my gis dept data base and wanting to view the contour data for a certain county. When i do connect to the database all i see on the screen is two large rectangles that are some sort of data but not what i was expecting and no where close to the correct coordinates

Civil 3D 2010 / Map 3D 2010

Win 7 64bit

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Specified Credentials Are Not Valid Or Provider Is Unable To Establish A Connection

Feb 26, 2013

To access MYSQL with FDO where should we place de file  libmySQL.dll? With MAP its is in the <installation>FDOin directory but how come there is no such directory with Civil? 

 extract from Map help "If you cannot connect to your MySQL data source, you may see an error message: "Specified credentials are not valid or the provider is unable to establish a connection." To resolve the issue, copy the libmySQL.dll file into the AutoCAD Map 3DFDOin folder and try again."

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Photoshop :: Source File Data?

Sep 13, 2013

  I placed a watermarked image for review and now need to buy the real stock image, but have accidentally deleted the source file.  Is the file data stored anywhere in Photoshop like a Link would be in InDesign?

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InDesign :: Multiple Language Data Source?

Feb 20, 2014

InDesign and a multiple language data source.
I am not sure if this is possible with CSV, XML, MySQL, or if there is a third-party plugin available for this...but here it goes:
I have some data:

What I need to be able to do is insert the SOURCE fieldnames/placeholders throughout a document and then depending on what language I select (either through a text variable, or manual selection), the translated terms are automatically inserted in place.

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Photoshop :: Change A Picture Based On A Data Source

Mar 1, 2004

I have a map that I have scanned that has all the buildings and all the apartment numbers in each building. I have an SQL database that has whether or not each apartment is rented. I would like an automated way of highlighting each apartment number based on whether it is rented, has a depsoit, is vacant, etc. all in different colors. Is this possible with Adobe Photoshop or any of their products?

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AutoDesk Smoke :: Cannot Read Data On Socket - Software Caused Connection To Abort

Feb 9, 2012

Cannot read data on socket: Software caused connection to abort

I imported an AAF linking to R3D and Sony footage. When I tried scrubbing the timeline, I got that message. Smoke is REALLY slow now. And when I try to look at footage in my gateway, I get READ ERROR.

Also, the proxies don't start rendering in the backburner...

Smoke 2012 SAP2 SP4
Smoke 2013 SP2 (Smoke Classic Keyboard Shortcuts)
Mac Pro 4,1
OS X 10.6.7
NVIDIA Quadro 4000
14 TB RAID (Areca)

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: FDO Toolbox Data Update Functionality In MAP?

Oct 8, 2011

I need to edit properties for 4000 features. For this task I use FDO Toolbox Data Update comand and it is done in no time. How it can be done in AutoCAD MAP?

I know I can copy data in Data Table or edit in Properties Pane but these methods do not work (applications does not respond) for more than a few hundred features.

Editing a few thousand features is common task in GIS?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Extracted Data Will Not Update?

Jul 15, 2013

I have a pretty simple data extraction, one length paramater from a group of dynamic blocks. When I right click and select the Update Table Links I get an error dialog that says some files can not be found and when I expand the details the file it is looking for is itself! See the attached snapshot. This function used to work.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: GIS Data - Feature Was Not Saved In The Target Feature Source

Jun 16, 2011

I have been working with some GIS data in the form of SHP files in autocad map 3D 2011. On one of my layers I have started getting "Feature was not saved in the target feature source" when I try to check in my data. In total there are 308 errors in the data table, all of which were features I deleted. They all have a featID of null and I cannot remove them from the data table. I need to fix these errors without going back and starting over.

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