AutoCAD Map 3D :: SDF Of Contours - Any Line That Crosses Window Are Not Included
Jul 28, 2011
We created an sdf of contours. We are using mapi.port to try to bring some of those contours into another drawing. We indicate the crossing window, but only those lines entirely inside the window come into the drawing. Any line that crosses the window are not included.
We draw the window from left to right.
Why aren't we getting all the lines that cross the window?
I am editing a feature line which is a driveway. I set the feature line to have a constant slope from one end to the other. I had to move the line and when I did the contours went away. I tried to just add grading to the feature line and it when through the steps I always take and acts like its there but I dont see it. The contours are set to 1' and 5' contours w/ design. The feature line that is added when creating a grading from the original feature line (that shows the base of the slope where the contours fit between or in other words it is the feature line that follows the existing/natural ground) is also gone.
Also on another feature line all I did was go into elevation editor and change an elevation and the contours dissapeared.
I have an ipart. One dimension is either some value or null.It is a variable in the Table. For instance I have 6mm down from Center point in part A. Than I switched to zero for Part B and if I go back to 6mm for Part A the dimension is now above the Center Point. How to make the dimension stay as initially assigned?
How to choose “no color” for the line extending between the contours labels?
I labeled the contour lines but sounds that it draws a line between them. Is there a way to hide this line to give it “no color” to have a better presentation for the entire map?
Some background: We have a composite surface of existing surveyed contours as a TIN pasted into existing aerial contours that we received from a client. We used polylines to generate our proposed contours, and then generated a proposed surface from that. We've made a blank surface, pasted in the existing surface, and are trying to paste in our proposed surface... only the existing contours outside of the proposed suface no longer line up correctly once we do.
We've tried applying the method laid out here: [URL] ........ (and the link referenced in the bottom) but are still having trouble getting the surface to work. We've tried offsetting as little as 0.25' and as much as 5' with the feature line draped over the existing surface, but it seemed that the greater the offset, the greater the discrepancy.
Just to make sure we even tried that correctly - should the breaklines that we add be standard or non-destructive? (I've tried it both ways with little success either way, so I don't know if it matters much in this instance, but perhaps for future reference it would work.)
I've attached a screen shot of our surfaces. The pink and green lines are the proposed contours, the white dashed are the existing. The outer red line is offset 0.25'. As I've mentioned, we've tried offsetting various amounts with decreasing success.
The command line window moved from the default location at the bottom of the screen to a floating position while I was working on a drawing yesterday. I don't know what I did but can't move or resize to get it back down to the bottom where it belongs. I can get it to dock to the left and right or float but nothing else. It doesn't behave like the the other palettes n that I can't seem to drag it anywhere.
I can't find my Command Line Window. It somehow became undocked and is no where to be found on my screen. It does not appear to be floating anywhere. I've gone through all my display settings; however it says that it should be there and show 3 lines of commands.
I am new to autocad, and just want to know what the dotted line in the paperspace window represents, and if I can move it, adjust it, hide it or delete it? Also, does it show up if I print the sheet?
I have pasted a title block from another drawing onto it, and it doesn't quite fit.
An example is when I'm drawing a box, line etc and attempt to type "@5,-5", AutoCAD somehow jumps to a window on the side and if I don't notice will restore the window I'm working in and not complete the command I typed ("@5,-5" in this case). If I do notice in time, then I have to pres ESC about 3-4 times, which will then have me back on the command line with the text "@5,-" already typed (as if that was were I paused while typing??). The attached picture shows the dialog box on the top left, and the command line as if I've only typed "@", when after pressing ESC as mentioned the full "@5,-" text becomes visible on the command line?
Also, as a note: I've already ruled out that I'm pressing other keys that could possibly cause this...
I got this problem during creation of corridor surface boundaries. I would like to create a corridor datum surface using the daylight feature lines, automatically from the corridor surfaces-boundaries dialog box, but the daylight does not appear in the list.
2013 version. Long story short, I am having problems with pressure networks in my drawing so to simplify things I want to just show the top of the current watermain in my profiles because we are not doing anything with the water main, though it needs to be shown in the profile. To do this I created some points where the watermain is and made their elevation 1.8m lover than the existing surface at those points (due to the 1.8m of cover the watermain has).
I then created a surface using those points and an outer boundary surrounding the points. For some reason the surface stops at one point and doesn't continue to the rest (about 5 more points). So when I create my profile the surface stops short. The points are included in the point group the surface uses, and the outer boundary doesn't cut them out either. Not sure why the surface isn't referencing those points.
I have created a operable window to insert in a curtain wall system based on the "Window - Curtain Wall" family. I created a simple extrusion for the glazing panel and assigned it the subcategory of "Glass". When loaded in the project, the cut lines of this panel are a much heavier weight than mullions, other glass panels, etc. The lines are so thick, the double line just becomes a fat single line as they merge together. Adjacent glass panels don't have this line weight problem. I can find no override or other control/parameter that fixes this.
I just started work in Civil 3D 2014 and was going about creating different point groups for some volume calculations so I could create different surfaces. I noticed after creating my first point group that the NO DISPLAY group could not been seen in the Prospector under Point Group. Now in previous editions there has always been a NO Display Group so you can easily view your different groups. Is this something they changed in Civil 3D 2014 or was the installations faulty?
getting virtual Components to be included in an Excel output of an assy BOM. I have an existing macro (see code below) that exports the StockNumber, partNumber,Description and an occurrence count of each item to an Excel spreadshet. It all works fine except for Virtual Componenst which are not included. It seems that because no file is created that the VC item can't be included in the Excel doc.
Sub Assy2Excel() Dim oAssDoc As AssemblyDocument Set oAssDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim SIPropSet As PropertySet Set SIPropSet = oAssDoc.PropertySets.Item("Summary Information") Dim rev As String rev = SIPropSet.ItemByPropId(kRevisionSummaryInformation).Value If oAssDoc.DocumentType <> kAssemblyDocumentObject Then MsgBox "The Active document must be an 'Assembly'.", vbExclamation Exit Sub End If
If MsgBox("The generated list is for the use of the Purchasing Department. It counts all of the BOUGHT & MADE parts in the assembly. Some manual editing will be required to 'clean up' the list.
", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) = vbNo Then Exit Sub End If Dim oDocs As DocumentsEnumerator Set oDocs = oAssDoc.AllReferencedDocuments
HP Z420 Workstation, Windows 7 x64, 64 GB Ram Intel Xeon E5-1620 @ 3.60 GHz, ATI FirePro V7800 2 GB 3*Dell 2007Fp monitors, SpacePilot Inventor 2013 PDS Premium & Service Pack 2 with Update 3 Vault Workgroup 2013 with Update 2
The options window will not display when typing "options" in the command line or selecting from the drop down. The options menu has to be hidden somewhere because AutoCad will not allow any other commands after typing options until I hit escape. I have tried restarting CAD and rebooting my computer with not luck.
I'm preparing for our office wide install of Infrastructure Design Suite 2014 so we can begin training/using Civil 3D 2014.
I’m reading through readme file for the Architecture-MEP 2014 Object Enabler & noticed that it’s installed as part of the normal installation of all AutoCAD 2014 based products, including Civil 3D…woohoo! Unfortunately, the Structural & Plant OE’s don’t appear to have a readme file. Are these also installed as part of the normal installation of C3D 2014? Or will they need to be installed separately?
How do I control which colors appear in the color line that scroll across the bottom of the window. The only colors that currently appear are shades of reds/purples and yellows/greens. If I scroll across from left to right the same colors just keep repeating themselves. There are no shades of gray or blue. Can I somehow preset the colors that appear or do I have no control over what colors scroll across the bottom.
If I open a drawing created in 2009 and try to publish it in 2010, DSD file message pops saying about unsaved changes (see attached). Since I don't use sheet sets, I do not have any use for DSD file. Is there a way to disable it?
In 2009 it was simple not to include model tab while publishing. Where is this option in 2010? I don't want to remove model tab from the list every time I publish drawings.
I don;t know what happen with this piece of code, I have checked it a million of times and seems to be well done. I'm trying to filter a previous selection and select Text or Mtext objects that are in the layer COTREF, and that contain the strings "%%c" AND "L" at the same time. The problem is that the code it's not selecting objects with the "L" included.
The most unreasonable thing it's that I have 2 text objects exactly the same and when using this filter codes just one object it's selected (cyan cloud), check included DWG file.
I'v been searching about it and seems some persons are having problems with ssget filters in the newer versions of AutoCAD, I'm using 2012. I'm also suspecting for the character "%" which could be working as a wild-card, but as far as I know it is not.
When I save a photo using the Photoshop CS3 'save for the web' command, I resize the photo to, for example, 800 pixels on the long side. It comes back the correct size but sometimes the colors look different (a little red usually). Is this because I was editing the original photo in RGB? Should I convert to profile, sRGB before I save for the Web? Or does Photoshop do this automatically? OR, should I convert to sRGB and then do color adjustments for the web?
In Illustrator I'm using "save for web" to generate a png copy of an Illustrator file. The Illustrator file has copyright metadata, but when I check the png copy the copyright metadata is missing.
Why doesn't the png copy have the same metadata as the original file? Shouldn't the metadata be passed along when using "save for web"?
I applied the metadata in Bridge using the append metadata command.
I have attached a couple of comic book bubble shapes that have "tails" on them (the little pointy part that you put near the persons mouth who is speaking the dialogue). I'd like to remove these tails and close off the shape so that it's symmetric (as if the tail never existed).