AutoCAD LT :: Multiple Block Updating
Jul 20, 2012
I have a drawing that has about 450 identical instances of a block. The block has visibility options to show different things. I don't want to edit the block as there isn't anything wrong with it.
What i need to is update the blocks all together to change visibilities.
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Sep 4, 2012
We use a number of blocks with block tables for data extraction here, and whenever one of the blocks is modified and updated, all of the block tables reset to the default value. This happens for any block reference change, not just changes to the block table (which makes sense that it would reset).
How can we update these blocks without having to manually change all of the block tables afterwards?
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Feb 6, 2013
I have created an annotative block. This block is displayed in a few different viewports at different scales. After I create the block I go and check the viewports and it is displaying well. The linework (polylines and a circle) is annotative as is the text in the block.
However, if I then change the scale/annotative scale of a viewport, the block doesn't seem to update properly. The text within the block updates to the new size although the linework within the block doesn't seem to scale and resets back to the model space size.
I've tried regenning etc with no luck. Is there a command I need to use after changing a viewport scale to force annotative blocks to update?
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Jan 9, 2014
I have a block that has to be update in a bunch of drawings -more than 20-. I updated in only one drawing, apply coy paste to the following but the block does not update in the drawing that I am pasting my new block. How is possible to update this block in the following 19 drawings?
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Jun 29, 2012
I'm working on a program that cycles through each paperspace layout in a drawing and updates the sheet number and total quantity of sheets in the titleblock attributes. I've updated the block attributes in paperspace before, and it worked fine. Now that I'm trying to cycle through each layout, I cannot get it to work. I have attached my code. I beleive it starts to cycle through the layouts, but it fails when I try to grab the attribute collection.
Public Sub UpdateSheetNumbers() Dim doc As Document = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument Dim db As Database = doc.Database Dim ed As Editor = doc.Editor Dim layoutCount As Integer =
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Sep 6, 2012
I've made a block with fields linked to attributes (so when I change the value of the "master" attribute, the field values will change).
*NOTE* the fields are contained within a piece of MTEXT and NOT within another attribute.
The fields will not read the "value" of the attributes they are connected to, unless I explode the block (and change the DEFAULT value), or use regular text instead of attributes.
FIELDEVAL - set to 31
UPDATEFIELD - returns: "2 fields found, 2 fields updated" but it doesn't actually update them.
Regen/Regenall/Save - does nothing
BATTMAN - SYNC - does nothing
Lastly, I noticed that if I use "loose" text outside the block, but still link the fields (that are inside the block) to that text, they will update when I change the text contents after regen. AutoCAD is just having trouble using fields+attributes.
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Aug 23, 2013
I have a small vba sub wich changes the color and layer of all entities inside a block. It seems to work pretty well for the majority of blocks, but then if I try that on a dynamic block, the definition is correctly altered, but the references aren't updated...
I know for a fact that the definition has been correctly modified because if I type bedit, I can see the definition is modified. Then, in the block editor, if I save the block, the references are correctly updated.
How to force references to update after I made the modifications inside the definition ?
I searched for methods within the VBA Reference and I tried blockRef.Update but it doesn't seem to have any effect.
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Jul 2, 2013
Fairly versed with Dynamic blocks here, so the first thing I checked was to make sure that my FIELDEVAL was set to 31 to ensure updates but this one isn't working for me and may be a limitation of the software?
I'm making a dynamic block for my users who aren't familiar with electrical wiring so I am developing a series of blocks for our typical wiring configurations. In this instance, I've setup a pair of attributes to allow the changing of wire color codes and I want to use that single attribute entry to used in multiple other locations that are also connected to that conductor in certain situations. I have setup a field within this block to be the "VALUE" of the object (the attribute) in order to accomplish this. Unfortunately it is only displaying the default value I have for the attribute and will not update either upon insertion of the block or after an edit. Is this beyond the capabilities of Dynamic blocks or do I need to take a different approach?
Find file attached.
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Nov 7, 2011
The only stipulation is my company uses AutoCAD 2012 LT. I am not familiar with Lisp/VBA programming codes but I have done an "appload" before, but that does not work with LT versions.
How do I update multiple template blocks based off of the first template? Currently we have been using one primary drawing sheet and are now going to be implementing a detail sheet.
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Jun 5, 2007
Attached is my latest block that I'm working on. how to keep a field readable (horizontal) when rotated. What I need to do to update a field that is linked to an attribute when the attribute value is changed? The UPDATEFIELD command does not seem to work on it for me.
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Jul 4, 2011
So I am Loving the use of Attout and Attin for updating block attributes from a spread sheet...Currently I am producing drawings with names on desks. I have created a block with the attributes of Name and desk.
I am currently updating the drawings blocks so that I can input an excel spreadsheet with over 1500 names into the drawing using Attin (changed the .xls to .txt and roberts your mothers brother)
Unfortunately the spreadsheets I have been given have the name as one field. i.e name: Joe Bloggs, Ideally I would have the information as First Name: Joe last name: Bloggs and create two associated attributes which would enable a nicely displayed block..
is there any way that I can format the block so that the attribute displays as a multi line..e.g.
Joe Bloggs.
I know I can go into each attribute (although trying to remember that command "A something Edit" I think) and edit it like a piece of txt. I would rather not have to go and do that if there is another work around..
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Apr 17, 2013
I'm trying to edit our titleblocks. There is information we repeat at the top of the drawing like the drawing name, sheet number, total number of sheets, contract number, etc. It is ridiculous to have to type this information in twice. I tried creating both text and constant attributes at the top and insert field pointing to attributes at the bottom but all I get is ---- when inserted. My inserted field was ->Object->(selected attribute)->Value. I am using version 2011. I would think it should be easy to "repeat" values of attributes inside a block.
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Feb 12, 2012
I need to match few attribute values from one block to different block. I download a lisp file called; ca.lsp which can match the single attribute value. I modified it for more than one attribute value matching. It is ok but still wish to overcome two issues for batch prcess
1. picking up the blocks by selection
2. click the alternative block numbers of times to match the numbers of attribute values I needed.
How to modify this lisp I can run it by block name selections instead of picking selection which enable me to run batch process for numbers of drawing? That will be good...
Lisp & Demo file attached (Match attribute value, A, B & C to Attribute 1, 2 & 3).
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Jan 18, 2012
I am trying to update the text in the idw title block externally via excel or ilogic. I know of the iproperty of the part or the iam and that being able to be incorporated in the idw title block. But is there any way of linking an excel file to the idw so once the excel file is changed it updates all the idw title blocks it references?
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Jun 14, 2013
Assembly comprised of multiple components all derived from the same master sketch "4 Inch Rail Master Sketch"
Using the sketch to drive geometry, using the parameters to drive various extrude lengths.
Geometry changes seem to propogate quite well, while parameter changes do this a bug or am I doing something wrong? Generally have to open each individual part and "edit derived part" to force changes to propgate...
files attached (move end of part marker down for all .ipts).
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Feb 4, 2013
I have to update a block in literally thousands of cad files. I have the book "AutoCAD Secrets Every User Should Know About" and the author gives examples of this by using a Batch File, Script File, and then Lisp Routine. Any easier way to do the following:
Insert "Gennnotes=" (updating the block) into any drawing that has this block in the drawing already, if not Quit.
Typically to do this I would open the drawing "insert" "gennotes=", then cancel the command and save the drawing. I have a lot of subfolders that also hold drawings so the command would have to search through each subfolder for dwgs.
Like I mentioned above, I tried to use the Batch File/Script Method but my batch file failed. It could find the folder Autocad 2012 - English. For some reason it was not seeing the spaces in between. Not sure. Here's the batch file portion of the routine:
Batch file:
For /r C:Sybex %%f in (c:sybex*.dwg) do start /wait
C:ACAD2012Autocad 2012 - Englishacad.exe "%%f" /b
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Mar 20, 2013
I am using Mech 2007. I have created a template to use with new drawings, and want to know if there is a way to update all the drawings at the same time when updating the template.
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Nov 7, 2011
I'm trying to import a a custom titleblock into each existing layout from a dwg. So far, i've been successful in importing this block into the first layout but can't seem to figure how to bring it into the remaining. I have a command that runs before this one that allows the user to define how many layouts should exist, so for instance, if a user opts to create 7 layouts, once they import this titleblock, i'd like it to appear in all 7 layouts. So far this is what i've got.
namespace CHTitleBlockImportMetricH
public class CHTBMETRICH
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Aug 16, 2013
I have several architects who use VectorWorks that then export their electrical to me in a dwg format. I then use a program that makes intelligent devices from their blocks. The problem is that if there are 300 receptacles that are exactly the same, there is be 300 different block names for then such as group_205-1. In the past I just individually insert my intelligent block over each one of their blocks. But Now I am wondering if there is a way to select all the blocks and give them the same name and not have them all disappear because autocad sees them as duplicates.
I tried block replace, but it is one at a time and it gets rid of the old block. I then downloaded a trial of mblockreplace.vlx. However, it seems to also make all the blocks disappear. How to give the blocks the same name in a multi-select fashion without them all disappearing afterwards?
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Jan 22, 2014
I've seen that its possible to have multiple drop-down arrows (lookup/visibility states) within 1 block. How do I do that? I am redoing my title block & would find this extremely handy for all the different options I want to select.
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Dec 5, 2013
I have amended our drawing frame (a block) in our templates so I now have a set of 82 I need to amend the frame in. So is there a easy way of redefining a block in a number of drawings or do I just do each drawing separate ?
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Oct 2, 2013
Query regarding layer control with blocks and stuff.
Traditionally to represent a computer on a drawing we would place two blocks, one would be the computer symbol itself, and one would be a unique reference (that we could attribute extract) directly above it. These two blocks, the symbol and the reference, would go onto their own two individual layers in the final drawing so that we could control the visibility and the color of both the symbols and the references individually. The layers, for example, would be called:
Computer Symbols
Computer References
Both of these blocks would be drawn in BEDIT on Layer 0, such that they take the properties of the layer that they are eventually inserted on.
I'm looking to combine the two blocks into one, but would still like the individual layer control. Is there a way I can combine the two blocks while still maintaining this individual layer control? I'm thinking that I'd have to draw the symbols and references on the above layers as opposed to Layer 0 in BEDIT, and then my 'new block' will probably have to go on a new 'total' layer like:
Computer Symbols
Computer References
So then I'd insert my 'symbols+references' block onto the 'Computers' layer. I don't really like this idea too much because it seems like I'm over complicating things (highly likely!). I guess what I'm really after is a 'symbol+references' block that moves as a group, but I can control in my traditional two layer approach.
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Aug 16, 2012
Autocad 2012 full version
I have a large symbols library and need to have 1 block name and count but be able to show them in different colours depending on where they are placed. (eg pink block at low level and green at high level, but when counted by block name it counts 2 not 1 green 1 pink).
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Apr 20, 2012
I am trying to put something together that will allow a user to select objects in AutoCAD and then place a block at all the selected points.
Below I have pasted the code that I have so far, but have not been able to test this to see what happens because the Dim ofd part is giving me an error that I have not been able to figure out.
The error that I am getting says that :
Argument not specified for parameter "flags" of "Public Sub New(title As String, defaultName As String, extension As String, dialogName As String, flags As Autodesk.AutoCAD.Windows.OpenFileDialog.OpenFileDialogFlags)
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput
Imports Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry
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Jul 9, 2012
I have a drawing with all my block definitions and the blocks inserted and annotated. Seems that in a previous version of Autocad, I could insert the drawing and cancel the insertion at some point of the insertion command sequence, such that the drawing was not inserted, but all the block definitions remained. I could then use the insert command and all of these blocks were available. Yes, sometimes this made my drawing memory size rather large and I would have to purge the unused blocks later to reduce the memory size of my drawing.
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Apr 23, 2013
I am trying to create a dynamic block that allows me to insert a single rack into a drawing and make a single row of racking with all racks staying 9'-0" center of post to center of post. Also would like to be able to turn that one single row into a double row that spacing between rows can be modified. I have attached a cad file showing a single rack and two example, one of a row of double racks and one of a single row of racks. This rack is 48" deep i will also have to create this for a 60' deep rack so how i can create future rack sizes and rows.
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Mar 26, 2013
How to Jig multiple entities such as insert a block and add a line.
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Feb 10, 2010
I had a set of drawings that I needed to redefine a block in and had to go into each drawing and redefine it seperately. Is there a way to redefine it once and then possibly select the drawings this block is redefined in?
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Sep 13, 2012
I have a block with 10 rectangles in each with 3 lines of text. Each 3 lines of text is attributed to a tag
so the first line is IN-0 DESC1,
second line is IN-0 DESC2
third line is IN-0 DESC3
I have deleted the data from
and i want to move the data from
IN-4 DESC3 etc
up to the position of
can this be done?
other wise i will have to click on
IN-4 DESC1 cut the data then open up IN-3 DESC1 and paste it then repeat for
IN-4 DESC2 cut the data then open up IN-3 DESC2 and paste it then repeat for etc
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Mar 2, 2012
We have a client whom insists on 1/8" text and my blocks are all sized for 3/32". What I wanted to do is create two visibility states for the block. One using the 1/8" text and one using the 3/32" and be able to switch between them. I can get the border of the tag to work, but the text doesn't switch sizes.
Is this even possible? Is there a better way to deal with all my tags and needing to have two different versions of them? (Tags such as fixture tags, note tags, etc...)
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Aug 2, 2008
I have a block with an attribute and need to change the first three characters of each to a different two characters. I recall my instructor once showing me how i could do this easily without having to click on each block to change the attribute.
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