AutoCad 2D :: Move Multiple Values In Block To New Tag Line

Sep 13, 2012

I have a block with 10 rectangles in each with 3 lines of text. Each 3 lines of text is attributed to a tag

so the first line is IN-0 DESC1,
second line is IN-0 DESC2
third line is IN-0 DESC3

I have deleted the data from


and i want to move the data from

IN-4 DESC3 etc

up to the position of


can this be done?

other wise i will have to click on

IN-4 DESC1 cut the data then open up IN-3 DESC1 and paste it then repeat for
IN-4 DESC2 cut the data then open up IN-3 DESC2 and paste it then repeat for etc

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Match Multiple Attribute Values From One Block To Another Block

Feb 12, 2012

I need to match few attribute values from one block to different block. I download a lisp file called; ca.lsp which can match the single attribute value. I modified it for more than one attribute value matching. It is ok but still wish to overcome two issues for batch prcess

1. picking up the blocks by selection

2. click the alternative block numbers of times to match the numbers of attribute values I needed.

How to modify this lisp I can run it by block name selections instead of picking selection which enable me to run batch process for numbers of drawing? That will be good...

Lisp & Demo file attached (Match attribute value, A, B & C to Attribute 1, 2 & 3).

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Block Attribute Values In Paperspace Multiple Pages

Feb 25, 2013

I have several title blocks each in their own paperspace pages. Could have the attribute filled in, but more than likely only one page will have values filled in the attributes. I am looking for a VL method for finding which pages title block is filled in so that I can get those values and fill in the equivalent attributes for all of the other pages. Currently I am using a long set of :
(IF (setvar "ctab" "8.5x11") (IF(TBLSEARCH "BLOCK" "TB-8.5x11") (IF (/= "" (get-att "OWNER" "TB-8.5x11")) ; Function to read a named attribute(editblk "TB-8.5x11") ; Function to pull up the attdia(IF (setvar "ctab" "11x17") (IF (TBLSEARCH "BLOCK" "TB-11x17") (IF(/= "" (get-att "CUSTNMFIRST" "TB-11x17")) (progn ; At the last page ditch the [Code]..........

 The example is just a very simplified version of what I'm doing. I just need to find the information, if it exists in any page and store it for later. Afterward, I'll fill in each page's Title Block with the stored information.

I know that this can be done much more efficiently. As I am currently flipping through the pages too much action is occurring on the screen and it makes some people nervous. With VL I should be able to run the search quietly, but I would still like to (setvar "ctab" "to the page with the filled attribute value") after the LISP is finished storing values.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Move Multiple Text To Line

May 31, 2012

I have some general knowledge in lisp coding. But I can't seem to figure this one out (even to get started). What I want to do is make a lisp that:

 - selects a line


 - select any amount of text (any type)


 - moves all the text to that selected line without rotating the text

if a line is perfectly horizontal then move the text of the y axis.

if the line is vertical then move the text of the x axis.

or there can be a prompt asking the user to chose the angle or axis in which the text will move (say if they want to move the text to a slanted line, you can choose to move the text on an angle, while keeping the same format and not rotating the text, or you can ask the user if they want to move it only vertically or horizontally)

I would really like the code to integrate into my autocad.  

See pictures

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AutoCAD .NET :: Jig Multiple Entities Such As Insert Block And Add Line?

Mar 26, 2013

How to Jig multiple entities such as insert a block and add a line.

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AutoCad 2D :: Assign Multiple Attributes To Single Line Text Within Block?

Aug 7, 2012

If it is possible to assign multiple attributes to a single line text within a block, and be prompted for them upon insertion.

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AutoCad :: Can Move Either Side Of Block But Basepoint Doesn't Move

Mar 24, 2011

If I have a dynamic block of a window. I can move either side of the block but the basepoint doesn't move. Is there a way to move the basepoint as well so its not off in space? or just delete it and have it now shown?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Move Line The Square Move With It?

Jun 5, 2012

When I draw a square and then a line attached to the square and then try to move the line the line the square move with it. How can i avoid that

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AutoCad 2D :: Move Base Point Of Block In Block Editor?

Mar 20, 2009

I want to move the base point of a block in the block editor. However, when I move it, the block moves accordingly in the drawing.

How can i move the base point in the editor, so that the block stays at the same position in the drawing.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Way To Have Block Within Block That Has Same Ability To Move Around

Aug 15, 2013

I have a block (room info) that has five line os text with attributes that display grips which allow them to be moved in whatever drawing I put them in. Within that block there is a little polyline that is the square with a dash through it to represent sq. ft. that I made into a seperate block ( sq ft tick). The room info block part of it works great in all my drawings, but the darn sq ft tick block within the room info block won't budge! I have tried giving it a seperate insertion point and giving that block its own attribute, but no luck.

Is there any way to have a block within a block that has the same ability to move around as the other elements?

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Match Attribute Values In Same Block

Jan 4, 2013

How to get attribute values to match in the same block? In my titleblock have the clients name displayed a couple of time in the block. I want to be able to change the clients name in one spot and have it change in the other. I have tried to use fields but the field will only display the default value of the attribute.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Move Line By Another Line

Aug 5, 2011

I try to create a new pipe dynamic block. But I have a problem with my block. In the block, the distance2 I wanna change to some sizes follow the table. And the center line, it changes follow the sizes table, and must be center line when I change pipe size. I can not do it. How to make the block working correctly.

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AutoCAD VB :: Select Line And Move The Line To Another Layer

May 12, 2011

I wan't to move a line with color red and linetype continuous on layer Kader to another layer called Plaatuitslag.

Which code must I use to select the specific line and move it to the other layer Plaatuitslag?

Is it something like If line has color red and linetype continuous then move etc??

At the end i wan't to select all objects in the drawing which aren't on layer Plaatuitslag and delete all those objects.

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AutoCAD VB :: Extract Attribute Values From Block In External Reference?

Mar 23, 2013

is it possible to extract attribute values from an block in an External Reference using VBA ?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Slowing Down When Changing Block Reference Property Values

Sep 30, 2013

I'm inserting automatically many references to a couple of dynamic blocks in an AutoCAD drawing using VB.NET. If the number of inserted references is not very big, it works fine but, if I´m inserting hundreds of them, I noticed the app is slowing down a lot.

After taking some measures of the time the app uses in its execution, I noticed changing the value of the block reference property is slower as the number of inserted block increases: it takes 10 or 20 miliseconds at the begining but it can take more than 1 second after inserting one thousand of block references (to the same block).This is the function I use to change the property values:

Protected Sub CambiarPropiedades(ByRef ed As Editor, _ ByRef br As BlockReference, _ByVal nombrePropiedad As String, _ ByVal valor As Double) Dim pc As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = br.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection If br IsNot Nothing And br.IsDynamicBlock Then For Each prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty In pc If prop.PropertyName = nombrePropiedad Then prop.Value = valor '

This line takes a long time the first time I call this function for the ' same block reference but it is faster in the next calls . It also changes the block reference name ( in the first call

Exit For End If Next End If End Sub.

Which I call to change all the properties I need to change in an inserted block reference:

CambiarPropiedades(ed, br, "h_testua", objElementoLaboratorio.POS_TEXTO) CambiarPropiedades(ed, br, "d_texto_hor", posxTexto) CambiarPropiedades(ed, br, "largo", objElementoLaboratorio.LARGO) CambiarPropiedades(ed, br, "fondo", objElementoLaboratorio.FONDO)
 A weird thing I noticed is that when I call this function to change the first property of an inserted block, it also changes the .Name of the block reference.

Even if I change the order in the property modification, it takes always a lot in the first call, it does not depend on the property I´m changing.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Update Dynamic Block Visibility States And Values?

Sep 21, 2012

I want to be able to update a dynamic block with data from our SQL Server database using a VB.NET program.

The dynamic block is configured to show office locations and has the associated office addresses for each office location embedded within the block.  However, over time, offices close, new offices are added, addresses change, and so on.  Plus, we have a dynamic block in each sheet size for several template types.  So, updating them remotely would be a huge advantage.  I'd like to just click a button, and know that the offices in the blocks were up to date and accurate.

Currently, I can use VLISP and the DBX technology to open each file and change the addresses.  But, I cannot figure out how to change the visibility state (office name) in the prompt list.  Anyhow, I want to drive the changes from a VB external application rather than having to open AutoCAD and run a LISP routine.  So...

how to modify the following properties of a dynamic block using VB.NET?

1. The visibility states prompt list. (add, delete, modify)

2. The associated values. (add, delete, modify)

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AutoCad :: How To Paste Values Without Clicking On Command Line

Sep 25, 2012

After copying a value in clipboard like "1566.78" when I want to draw a line while my cursor is on my drawing space I write "0," and then hit "Ctrl+v" it draws line point on "0,1566.78". But this is not working fine in my home Cad, When I draw a line in same procedure and when I hit "Ctrl+v" after writing "0," it pastes the value "1566.78" as a text.

To do this right I have to click on command line to draw a point but in office I don't have to click on command line. I also import the office profile *.ARG in home Cad but still not working.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: How To Retrieve (2) Attribute Values From One Block

Aug 24, 2011

Here's my situation:

I have a block named "WIDGET-A". And in that block are (4) attribute tags whose names are:


The user will be prompted to pick the value displayed at any of the "TAG##" attributes - they will select the attribute tag they want (we don't know which one it is, we just want to assign that value of the attribute tag they clicked on to a variable called "VAR2".

Now, what we also want AutoCAD to evaluate, behind the scenes, is the value of the attribute tag named "ID" which we know always exists in the block and then assign that value to a variable called "VAR1".

Is there a way for AutoCAD to do this all from only a single user pick on top of an attribute value, in a block whose name isn't always going to be 'WIDGET-A' either.... But the block, whatever it's name, will always have the attribute tag "ID" with a value in it, and we always want to capture the value of whatever attribute tag within the block that the user clicked on.

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Setting Parameter Values At Block Insertion?

Jun 16, 2011

how (if) I can set up my dynamic blocks so that I can set the parameter values as I insert the block, rather than with the grips afterwards?

To take a simple example; I have a block consisting of a rectangle, with 2 linear stretch parameters - length, width. Can I set it up so that when I insert the block, it asks for the length and breadth,just as it would for attributes.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Remove All Block Attribute Values

Jun 17, 2013

I need a lisp sub-function that can empty all attributes of a specified dynamic block. The idea being that the specified block contains data that changes often and in order to repopulate the block's attributes with new data to replace the old I wish to just blank out the old data first, because it's possible that the new data may not utilize as many attributes and all of the old data must be removed. 

The thing is the block I'm after is on several layouts, CTABs and they all need to be wiped clean.

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AutoCAD LT :: Importing Drawing As Block With Field References To Attribute Values

Nov 25, 2013

We have generic drawings of assemblies we use in layout drawings as standard details.  We insert them as blocks with one or two dimensions that vary (geometry remains the same-these are just representative for information). 

We could define these as attribute values so that a user types a length that displays in the drawing but if we wish this to be part of a dimension we would have to explode the dimension to manually replace the mtext dim value with an attribute tag.

This seems unsubtle so I edited the dim value to be a field referencing the attribute value and made the tag invisible.  This worked in the drawing-the attached shows the attribute tag ALL THREAD and the resultant dimension text (as a field value) replaced with the default value LENGTH.

When the drawing is inserted as a block it duly prompts for a value for ALLTHREAD and any value can be typed-`1200, 3500, 1672 etc. but the dimension does not update from the default value LENGTH, even after using attsync, regenall.  So, if the drawing recognizes the attribute then how come it cant recognize the graphic via a field reference and update it? Is it buried too deep in the database hierarchy for LT to make sense of it maybe?

I dont want to explode the dim but it looks like I may have too if this cannot be made to work. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Edit Attribute Block And Selects One Of Values And Erase

Jun 22, 2012

I have only one user with this problem. He tries to edit an attribute block and when he selects one of the values and erases it the default value doesn't erase. He then has to enter some text and erase that and it works.

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AutoCad 2D :: Multiple Instances Of Same Text Values In Same Drawing But In Different Formats

Dec 18, 2011

I need multiple (say two) instances of the same text values (in the same drawing) but in different formats.

Consider this: I have a drawing sheet with a title block that contains the drawing number and the author's name at the bottom with some other drawing details. Now I wish to have these "values" arranged in a matrix form at the top also, for indexing purpose.


One way is to manually enter each value, one by one, in the matrix box but that would be too time consuming. So, is there a way to automate this; where I can enter the values in the bottom title block, which would automatically update the above matrix?

I believe it can be done using a combination of Attributes and Fields but am just not getting it. To make the issue even worse, I need Numbers without hyphens (-) and only Initials of the author's name!

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Insert Block And Fill In Attributes With Var Values

Nov 4, 2011

I am using 2008 and I have a dynamic block with attributes that I want to insert with the below program and have the attritute values filled in automatically.  I have done this with other programs in the past and they worked great with literally no problems.  They were not dynamic blocks may be the reason this does not work. Why the block will not fill in the attributes like it should.  Occasionally in my testing I see a message about "units" when I am inserting the block but I have my insunits set to 0.  I have attached one of the blocks I want to use.  I am thinking either you cannot do this because it is a dynamic block or there is a new variable that won't let it work. 

(setq upisosym "L:/AcadUtilsJack/Programs/InsertIsoSymbols/ELL90BW_Flip_01" isosym "rat")
(setq upod "3" upsch "sched" upmatl "matl" uprat "400")

I found these two new variables and turn them off or 0 thinking they might be the problem???

(defun c:JD ()
  (setvar "attdia" 0)
  (setvar "attreq" 1)

[Code] .....

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Get Attribute Values From Multiple Blocks With Same Name?

Mar 21, 2013

This time I'm wrestling with getting the values from multiple blocks. The blocks all have the same name but at least the attributes have names this time. Each block have exactly 4 attributes, like: att1 (a number representing chronological order), att2 (some data), att3 (the actual date as a string of when the data was added), att4 (some more data)

I need to get and store the attribute's values. I was hoping to make a selectionset of the blocks and step through using the chronological order number.

At this point I have tried several combinations of foreach and ssget "x" (list (cons 2 MYBLOCK)), but I keep getting errors that I'm sure are telling me that I'm not passing the correct information to the function for iterating through. I'm banging my head.

(SETQATTLST(LIST "R#" "INIT" "DATE" "DESC")REVBLK(ssget "x" (list (cons 0 "INSERT") (cons 2 "REVISION")))CNT0CNT10 )
(vlax-ldata-put "dict" "RevTotal" (BLKCNT "REVISIONS")) (FOREACH BLK REVBLK (SETQ RBLK (ssname BLK CNT1)) (setq ATTVAL (mapcar '(lambda (x) (vla-get-TextString x)) (vlax-invoke (vlax-ename->vla-object RBLK) 'GetAttributes))) (foreach ATT ATTLST (SETQ REV# (STRCAT "REVISION" (1+ CNT)))
(vlax-ldata-put "dict" REV# (member ATTVAL)) (setq CNT (1+ CNT)) ) (SETQ CNT1 (1+ CNT1)) ) (PRINC))

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Standard Geometry With Multiple Dimension Values?

Jan 27, 2012

I am currently endeavoring to translate some (very) old print drawings of standard geometry used by my company to electronic format with Inventor. Many of these standards include a matrix of certain dimensions (noted by a letter variable on the drawing, such as "A") and what their values should be, given the required size of the geometry's main feature, like the cross section of an o-ring that is supposed to go with it. Is it possible to build such variable/multiple value dimensions in Inventor and have a corresponding matrix printed on the drawing with it?

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Illustrator :: Move Dialog Box - Start With Values Set At Current Position?

Jul 17, 2012

With an object selected and the Selection tool active, I press Return to get the Move dialog box.
For some reason, there seem to be random values entered in the Horizontal and Vertical fields. Instead, I just want the boxes to always start at 0 so that I can decide where it moves, instead of having to clear these fields manually.
how to get this box to behave as I want it to?

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Values Not Appearing In Command Line

Jul 23, 2013

I cannot determine what triggers this but the command line has stopped returning values from lisp expressions.

eg.  If I type (setq fred "Hello") I would expect to see "Hello" returned. I am getting nothing.  Similarly if I type !fred I get nothing.  If I restart AutoCAD the problem goes away.  The after some time it happens again. Is there a toggle or switch or system variable that I'm not aware of?

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AutoCAD Dynamic Blocks :: Precision Of Values In Drop Down Menu When Using Block Properties Table

Jun 20, 2012

i was wondering if it's possible to change the default precision of values in the drop down menu for linear parameters when using a block properties table from 4 digits to 0.

See attached file, when opening the dropdown menu, the centre-to-centre widths of the chair are displayed in a value with 4 digits "behind the comma" and i would like that to be 0.

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Extracting Attribute Values From Multiple Dwg Files To An Excel File

May 11, 2013

how to extract the attribute value of a  particular block in multiple drawings to an excel file.

Eg... there are nearly 800 drawings where I need to list down the description and Drawing number which is mentioned in the title block name "Title". The Drawing Number and the description is done in same attribute block. extract the data into an excel file or txt file. All the drawings are saved in one location.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Move Block On Curve?

Jul 17, 2013

I am trying to move a block on a curve with reference to 2 points on the curve.I am facing problem when one point is on horizontal part of curve and other point is at an angle.How do i place the block at angle.

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