Using iLogic, how to extract data from "Design Tracking Properties" in a revision table to an embedded or linked Excel spread sheet? Design Tracking Properties like "Today's Date", "Designer", "Checked By", "Eng Approved By" are of great interest.
how to access the drawing sheet revisions using Ilogic.My company is wanting to start making the default initial rev on a drawing a "-" and inventor does not like to keep this when brought in as a template.
So like normal I am trying to trick it into having the dash until a rev is actually added.
a customer has a title block with a revision table ( standard vault revision table) add on top of it.
If you change the sheet size the revision table remains his position.
If found the way to reposition the table with a ilogic rule.:
'point afstand in cm PointX=(ActiveSheet.Width/10)-13 PointY=5.5 'punt vanaf rechtonder gemeten in cm
This is working perfectly. But now the challange how to trigger this rule to run if you change the sheet size?
if tried:
to create a userparameter and added this line in my rule : Size=ActiveSheet.size, normaly is you change parameters it triggers the rule to rule. but both way didn't work.
Can event triggers from the API be used? Do i need the "Onchange" event? Any example for a ilogic rule?
I have a rule in the .idw drawing template, that displays a dialog box asking for the size (A, B, C, D...). Once the size is selected, it displays the appropriate border and title block. There is a small & large title block, so an A or B size gets the small, and a C or larger gets the large. This works great.
My question is, how can I have the appropriately sized Revision Table (small or large), automatically ready for use, based on the drawing size? The (2) Revision Tables are defined in the Styles library.
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014 | Vault Basic 2014 (SP1) Dell Precision M6600 | Intel i7-2820QM - 16GB nVIDIA Quadro 4000M | Windows 7/64 Pro
We frequently will create a new part and drawing based on an existing drawing to save time recreating views and re-dimensioning the entire drawing. This is done by using Design Assistant to copy the idw and ipt file to a new name.
The only problem we have experienced with this workflow is that the revision history for the old drawing is maintained in the new file, and there doesnt seem to be a way to reset it. This also causes us a problem if a drawing needs to be changed from numeric to letter indication of revision level.
Any way to reset the revision history so that a new table can be started from scratch?
When a revision is created we bump up the revision using a letter. If there are multiple changes done to the drawing during that revision we will use a number to indicate that. For instance; if I have 3 changes to the drawing for Rev C they will be tagged as C1, C2, C3. However the drawing Rev in the title block should only display C.
Is there a way to make the revision block do this? Right now we place in the DESCRIPTION a note like 1. Added Dim in zone E10. 2.Text was "Flat" in zone H3. But this for goes the ZONE column that comes with the revision block and makes it difficult to edit because you cannot see the entire description while editing.
How can (or can I), set a revision block to be able to edit the attribute when I save an Inventor DWG as an AutoCad DWG. ex. we create drawings in Inventor, save as dwg and send for approval. Our manager is unable to edit the attribute in the revision block without exploding it.
I have two questions - one simple and one more complex, in my opinion. As of now I have a user form where one can enter a variety of values, hit a button, and it writes these values to a designated excel sheet. My first question is how would I be able to allow the user to change one value and have the rest of the entered values change based on this one value. For example if someone were to change the ID # of a part then the height and width would change corresponding to that ID number and would be displayed in the user form. I'm new to VBA so my thought process is kind of trash at the moment...
My second question is whether or not it is possible to write a vba program/macro that automatically utilizes iLogic Design Copy and makes copies of an assembly and continues to copy said assembly while adding a constantly increasing suffix ie -01, -02, -03... for a given number of times.
I am trying to create some new templates for 2013 and I'm trying to figure a way to get the model revision number to populate into the drawing's iproperty revision number so that they will match upon save. I'm trying to do this by creating an ilogic rule but I don't see a system property in the idw that will allow me to access the 3D model iprops. I am going to Event Trigger the rule to run Before Save. Is this possible?
On the drawing border I have created a formatted text box that is built as:
Type: Properties - Model Property: Revision Number
It simply pulls the data from the models revision number and populates the text box. I need this same thing to happen but rather than populate into a text box I need it to populate into the drawings revision number iprop.
I'm trying to use iLogic Design Copy to copy an assembly and all its associated parts to another directory. The assembly contains content center parts. Inventor warns me that the destination file of one of the CC parts (and 18 others) will be overwritten. When I go ahead and copy anyway, the copying process stops at that specific CC part. The Design Copy Progress dialog box states there is an error copying that CC part. When I close the Design Copy Progress dialog box, Inventor crashes.
The error copying the CC part: I'm allowed to use content center parts in iLogic Design Copied stuff, right? I searched some related topics and I'm under the impression that Inventor keeps the CC parts in its own directory and shouldn't be trying to overwrite them.
Is there any way to force an update of mass property values of a component from within an iLogic routine?
I am trying to produce a calibration chart showing the volumes of an irregular shaped object by taking incremental slices off the component and accessing the "volume" of the remaining portion, then writing the the results to an external file - All from within a "For - Next" loop.
The main routine works O.K. but the resultant chart only shows the original starting volume for each slice instead of the required reducing volumes.
I am a novice with iLogic and can only assume that I must somehow "update" the mass properties of the sliced object before reading its new volume on each pass.
iLogic has the capabilities to access the physical properties of part files such as mass / area / volume etc. ilogic syntax to read the inertial properties of the part file such as Global Ixx / Iyy / Izz??
I can find it in the API help, but i don't really want to write it as separate code, just want to simply access it through iLogic interface.
I am just starting to use ilogic for some design files. We have two design sites connected with Vault Collaboration 2012.
What is the best practice for sharing the ilogic rules between the sites?
I was planning on making an ilogic rules folder at the root of my workspace and having Vault manage the external rules. However, I don't see the rules listed when I check-in a file that uses them.
Do I have to add the rules to my template files? If so, how do I make changes to the rules without editing every file created with the templates?
We will be moving to Vault and IV 2014 after the first of the year, if that makes any difference.
After changing colors at assembly level only ,below is a rule that changes all parts that have material "Plywood" to poplar works great.
However I want a rule that does the same kind of change but on only temporally at assembly level only then we can change back to default colors by removing color override.
It would be good if we can do the following
Search assembly for .ipt files that have material that contains PlywoodChange to color using temporary override of "Clear - Light" Possibility of searching more materials within same rule ie : "Timber" to be black in color"Pvcu"to be white in color
Dim oCurrentDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oDoc As Inventor.Document Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument Dim oRefDoc As DocumentsEnumeratorDim oTargetColor As RenderStyleDim oNewColor As RenderStyleoCurrentDoc =
' material thickness from multi-value parameter called ShThk
If ShThk = 0.3125 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("5/16"& Chr(34)) Else if ShThk = 0.25 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("1/4"& Chr(34)) Else if ShThk = 0.1345 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("10ga") else if ShThk = 0.105 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("12ga") else if ShThk = 0.1793 Then SheetMetal.SetActiveStyle("7ga") End If
Have a site plan and about to make a revision to building layout, storm, sanitary, parking layout. Have a project folder, with Drawings subfolder, and then subfolder for Model Files and Sheet Files. How do most go about archiving the original drawings without affecting shortcuts and xrefs.
Civil3D 2013 Windows 7, 64 bit Intel i7 2600 @ 3.40Ghz 16 GB RAM Nvidia Quadro 600
I'm finally wrapping up work on an iLogic Configurator project and have started to brainstorm the best workflow to get this "Smart Assembly" into the design group's hands. I had been anxiously awaiting the new "iLogic Design Copy" feature in IV2012, but just recently learned that users are unable to effectively rename any components with this command.
Is this really true? If we can add prefixes or suffixes, what's stopping us from changing the entire filename? We haven't upgraded to 2012 yet, but it seems like this may be a silly and unjustifiable restriction to a command that would otherwise save our designers hours of "file-management" (ie, manually renaming parts in Explorer, component replace in assy's, replace references in idw's, etc) each week.
Long story short, it seems that every workflow I've come across has had some sort of silly limitation that makes it undesireable for my application:
My top-level assembly contains all of the rules, and changes parameter values in the referenced skeletal parts. It also swaps standard parts for other standard parts as needed.I need access to rename ALL files (idw's, top-level assembly, subassemblies, and base components) while still maintaining/updating all internal hyperlinks between them.iLogic rules must be carried over to the new copied components (the existing "Copy Assembly" command strips the assembly of all rules). In light of the iLogic Design Copy's apparent shortcomings, any better workflow?
I recently start to use ilogic in inventor and discover this powerfull tool for all the daily task to be done...
I would like to add an autocad block in a drawing with some ilogic coding. Through this forum i found how to insert a sketched symbol but no how to insert a block. And convert my block into a sketch would be quite difficult...
where could i found a list of all the ilogic command??
Autodesk Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013 Win 7 Pro 64 bits SP1 Bi-Xeon E5520 (2x Quad-core @2.27GHz) Quadro Fx 1800 768Mo GDDR3 6Go Ram DDR3 667MHz ECC
Earlier I`ve used a simple code from Rob Cohee to update the title blocks and it works like a charm, however, now I would like to try to kick it up a notch.
If (ThisDrawing.ModelDocument Is Nothing) Then ReturnmodelName = IO.Path.GetFileName(ThisDrawing.ModelDocument.FullFileName)iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") = iProperties.Value(modelName, "Project", "Part Number")iProperties.Value("Custom", "Client") = iProperties.Value(modelName, "Custom", "Client")
I`m working with several similar projects where the Inventor models and IDW`s is copied from one project to another. A typical project can consist of 50-75 drawings and the only properties needed to change is Client, project number and drawing number (consisting of the project number and a suffix, ex 123456789-125).
I would like to try to make an .ini file with these 3 properties in the root of the project folder so they can be changed and updated easily.
I am working for customer with a simple item with his iLogic design. He has created a simple form to modify his iProperties. To modify the current material, a multi-value parameter was created and the following rule as a local rule;
He is now trying to make this an external rule but gets the following error
Error in rule: Mat2, in document: Mat2.iLogicVb iProperties.Material: is probably a bad material name.
The more info tab says:
System.ArgumentException: iProperties.Material: is probably a bad material name. at iLogic.CadPropertiesInRule.SetDocMaterial(Document doc, String matName) at LmiRuleScript.Main() at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem) at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)
As I am creating drawings for parts/assemblies, I have to fill out the customers name and the job number which I currently do on every drawing I create by right clicking on the Drawing name in the tree, going to iProperties, and then filling out the fields I need.
I have to do this for every sheet. Sometimes over 100 sheets per job.
Is there a way, within the project file maybe, to have these fields be already filled in with the customers name and job number?
Every new project file I make is a new customer. So I'm wondering if there is someway to tweak the project file.
I am trying to come up with a way to track a block or xref in multiple drawings. I have multiple drawings that have the same block in them and I was hoping that there was a way I could find out what drawings have the block without having to open up every single drawing.
I've managed to cobble this code together to turn some sketch visibilities on and off. However, what I'd really like to do is have a single sketch containing some blocks, and turn the visibility of the blocks on and off... How to call the blocks -
'Iterate through the sketches collection'Turn the edging indicators On And Off For Each oSketch In oDoc.ComponentDefinition.Sketches Select Case oSketch.NameCase "Front Edged"If E01 = True Then oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfCase "Top Edged"If E02 = True Then oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfCase "Back Edged"If E03 = True Then oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfCase "Base Edged"If E04 = True Then oSketch.Visible = TrueElse oSketch.Visible = FalseEnd IfEnd SelectNext