In our company if we put a component in 5 different assemblies, we want that component to have the same item number no matter where it is in the parts list. In addition we group components to have a special item number... Meaning hardware like washer, bolts, and etc. to start with 500 series number.. Piping components would be 800 series...
in case of replacing a component in an assembly the present item number in (structured) BOM table is reassigned through a new one. This cause a lot of troubles in our firm, because this requires rework of item numbers after each replace action. I expected that especially in case of an replace of all occurrences, the item number is kept. Is there a setting to keep item numbers after a component was replaced?
Inventor Professional 2011 Windows 7 Enterprise 64bit Dell Precision M4500 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU Q 820 @ 1.73GHz 8 GB RAM
I just wondered if can I assign a particular ITEM number to a particular part, instead of relying on order in the assembly.
I unsterstand I can overrite it in BOM but can I have it controlled from the part, so any time I instert it into an assembly, this particular number in ITEM coulmn pops up?
Is it possible to make the column 'REV' automatically equal to the 'Item' column in attached BOM view? I manually added the values 1 to 5 in the REV column for example.
Maybe with some ilogic rule? I don't know if it's possible and/or where to start.
When i place a mono-part-detail on a assembly drawing i want to be able to place a leader referenced to the REV value. When this is possible there is a link between assembly item number and the mono-part leader.
I don't know how useful this will be but I was trying to figure out how to track what item number in an assembly any given part may be. I was thinking that on an individual part drawing I may want to reference the item number that is used in an assembly's Bill of Material for that part. I can't find where this may be stored for retrieval. If I do this I would want it to be automated so that if the BoM were renumbered the part file and drawing would update to the new item number.
This may not be possible since any part may be used in any number of different assemblies with different locations in a Bill of Material. Most of our assemblies use "one off" parts that are only used in that assembly so it may be possible in my particular situation to do this if there is a way to get at the BoM item number and connect it to the IPT file.
At my company, we do a large amount of work with sheet metal parts and assemblies. On our drawings, we like to do "detail" views of the flat patterns of each part of the assembly. Basically, how we do it now is insert a base view of the assembly and the BOM onto the first sheet and then on separate sheets, we place base views of the flat patterns for each of the components that will be cut on our cnc plasma table. We use the item number to denote which part it is in the assembly. Is there any way to pull the item number from the assembly BOM and use it as a parameter that can be inserted into the view label? Right now, it's a nightmare if the assembly BOM is modified because we have to go back in to each view label and manually change the item number.
Using Inventor 11...How do I change change the balloon (item 40) to read qty of 2? There are 4 total in the assembly, but this particular balloon only shows where 2 are, and another item 40 balloon will show where the other 2 are.
I need to make installation plans on climate ceilings, which are steel cassettes with Meandro tube element located where cold or hot water is flowing through.
Now it may occur that a cassette is given a code 700 which represents the type of cassette. If inside the cassette is placed a Meandro element its become a follow number eg 700-01.
It may also be that the same cassette No. 700 gets another Meandro element and because the cassette has not changed shape the number 700 remains the same but the follow number change e.g. 700-02.
At the moment I change the number in the browser,(inv2012) I therefore want automatically the iproperties ,partnumber and stock number, to fit. When I go to the BOM, the part- and stock numbers automatically will be placed.
The browser codes are not displayed in the BOM. So if I specify for change I only have to do so in the browser. I wanted to do so by iLogic but then ran into problems. I found a tutorial from Rob Cohee with ilogic so you won’t forget to fill in your iproperties.
I also wanted to do so with the iproprtie Stock number but get an error stating that I must declare the name. How must i declare a name.
Also i was told for entering the browse name in ilogic i had to use displayName, but I get a error stating that the name is Read Only.
So how can i, after i change the browse name, automatically fill in the iproperties ‘part number and/or stock number? Is there an ilogic code for?
I want my browser name using iLogic particular change to the part number. I fill in my iproperties, the part number. Then the browser name has to take over the part number.
But i get an error.
doc = ThisDoc.Document Dim oCC As ComponentOccurrence For Each oCC In doc.ComponentDefinition.Occurrences OccName = oCC.Name oCC.Name = iProperties.Value("Project", "Part Number") Next
In AutoCAD leader settings you can set the number of point so the leader looks standard. I am searching for this in inventor and am coming up empty. I have seen other engineering drawings where I can tell that the generated data in the balloon was entered from the parts column in the B.O.M. But instead of part numbers, I have seen text. and I have mine set up to generate the Balloons that way but I do not like the leader type it is giving me. The attachment is what my leaders are looking like in inventor.
When we generate a gear pair using the design accelerator, the balloon from the drawing assembly only reflect one number instead of 2 different numbers. How can we change the number to reflect individual gears. Attached is the graphics.
What to do to change the settings so you can select an item or items and then type in the command you wnat to use? This seems to have changed between Autocad 2012 and 2013 and only executes command if typed in first then itmes selected.
I have seen people change the color of a models' outfit but cannot figure out how to do it.
The shading and gradation (perhaps not the correct terms) stays in the new color. For instance, a swimsuit still has shadows and simple texture from one color to the next. Curtains would have the same light hitting the new color.
I'm trying to change the colors of a pathItem corresponding to the string value of several text fields in my document. I've been successful in changing the fill and stroke color of the pathItem, but I can not find any reference in the Illustrator Javascript Guide for accessing additional strokes and/or fills that have been applied to the object in the Appearance panel.
See attached. It now take 4 pen actions to get the safe titles overlay on and off. And before it was one pen movement. So before it was aptly named quick off. Now you should rename it. Slow off. Or "waste of time" something that matches function.
I vote for reinstating the quick off operation from 2012. And I checked, there is no quick off in the hotkey editor, so I can't streamline the usage with a user key.
I am working in AutoCAD Civil 3D 2010. I have put together a 11x17 mapset which has 30 pages. Each page has a title block with a corresponding page number. Instead of changing each title block page number one at a time, how do I change the number sequence all at once?
I created a hatched sketch on one of my views to represent filler material. I want to balloon to this hatched area, but it want grab it. I have the filler material setup as a custom part. I can also create a sketched symbol for this, but it doesn't appear that they would accept it either.
I am currently running Inventor 2010 Build 272, Release: 2010-sp3
the "place item from vault" icon is grayed out and not available for selection. how do a place a stock part located in the vault, into an assembly i am currently working on?
I have a drawing in which I need to keep a part in the assembly but I don't want to display it on the BoM. Is there any way I can remove it from the BoM without removing it from the assembly and drawing?
is it possible to constrain an item twice to a base, because a task i'm doing requires a tank to be constrained to 2 completely different parts. What i've got so far is one end will go through the whole way.
I have a sketchedsymbol with leaderline. How can I get the BOM of the item this is attached to? I don't see any referenced way to do this. I assume it's possible because a balloon can get this info.
The full extent of what I want to do is to create a split balloon symbol. The top portion of the balloon with hold the detail number, the botton half will hold a user prompted text entry.
I'm looking to get the file path of a selected part/assembly while inside of an assembly. I think I found something that can get it but the example is just different enough I can't figure it out and I don't have time to play with it. There also might be an easier way I couldn't find while searching.
This is the example code that seems to be able to do loads of things including get the full path, if you know what you're doing.
I would like to obtain, in a structured parts list, the total number of ITEM in the sub-assembly.
See the picture attached for the example.
I have found an iLogic rule to create an user ipropertie in each part, with the total nomber of this part in all the assemby (included all sub-assemblies).
I would like to know if it is possible to obtain the total of this part only in the sub-assembly. Is it possible with an iLogic rule or VBA ?
For example: I draw a line and when I dimension it, it comes up as 9.32, but I want that line to be 5.1. Is there a way to dimension this line? Is there code that I should be familiar with? I need the line to be exact dimensions, not just change the number.