AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Parameter Reference To View Representations?

Sep 27, 2012

I created view representations in my assembly, for example a column with k-polates and base plates, the column is a FG part, so now i create drawings and place views on that drawing, what i am askign for is I want to place the name of the view representation in my view label as a paramater so in the event i change my view names in my model they update in my drawing, this is important because i can create a cross referance to my 3D DWXF file views.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Reference Parameter In IPT?

Jan 7, 2014

Is there a way to identify what sketch or Solid a reference parameter (d0, d1, d2 etc) is in / on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Convert Model Parameter To Reference Parameter?

Oct 2, 2012

I need to convert a model parameter to a reference parameter thru the API.

I saw this item discussed in the group before, but I cant find the thread.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Block View Representations On Master

Jul 25, 2012

How can I block the View representations on Master, so that when I reopen the asembly it is on Master, or, the view I want ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Prints And View Representations Not Working

Feb 15, 2013

There is some association between prints and view representations i am missing.My typical process is:

-Build a model
-Create a representation
-Lock the representation
-Create a print from that representation
-Create a new representation and continue to work on the model

When i go back to the original print there is parts flying everywhere (see attached picture - hope you get a kick out of it)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: View Representations From Default To Master

Nov 14, 2011

Whenever I do a model update through an ilogic form my View representation changes from default to master and then i have to go and manually change them back to default also in my idw files in order to update the drawing files I have to go in and change the view representation from default to master click ok and close it then open view edit set it to default and close. Is this normal? Is there a setting so that my model views will stay on default?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unlock Master View Representations

Jun 27, 2007

is there a way I can "Unlock" my MASTER view in representations. I keep having to create new views as the MASTER is locked and for some reason I can't unlock it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Representations / View Versus Level Of Detail

Jan 5, 2012

It seems that Views are easier to use, are there any benefits of View option over Level of Detail and vice versa?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart View Representations Broken In 2014 SP2

Dec 3, 2013

Design view representations in an iPart file are not included in the generated members after installing Inventor 2014 SP2 (and also in Update 1).

In the attached part factory, the two work planes are included in the members. They would need to be individually set invisible in each assembly view representation because the members only have the Master view representation.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Quantities And Design View Representations?

Mar 6, 2012

Is there a way to have the parts list filter to show only the visible parts from the view representation, especially the quantities? I thought that was what the filter is for. And if not then what is the filter used for?

IV 2012 sp1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Client Feature Visibility In Design View Representations

Jan 13, 2014

I have an assembly with a client feature that contains client graphics. I have exposed the visibility (ClientFeature.Definition.ClientGraphicsCollection[1].Visible) to the user via a context menu option. Changing the visibility currently affects all view representations. Is there a way to associate the visibility with each design view representation?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Create Parts Lists Out Of View Representations?

Sep 4, 2012

Is it possible to have iLogic rule create parts lists out of View Representations? [URL] .......

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Model / Reference Parameter

Apr 12, 2013

I wish I perform the following code with iLogic. Is it possible to change a model parameter to a reference parameter?
If My_Expression Then' My dimension "d0" is a Driven Dimension' or' My dimension "d0" is a Reference ParameterElse' My dimension "d0" is NOT a Driven Dimension' or' My dimension "d0" is a Model ParameterEnd If

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Parameter Measuring Between Two Parts In Assembly

Jul 31, 2012

I need to assign the dimension in my screenshot to a parameter so I can use it to drive another assembly. However, I can't find any way to capture it in a usable manner.

In the screenshot I have an associative part inserted that contains only a sketch with the projected line and point that I wish to measure between, but the geometry in the sketch does not update when the model geometry changes. This seems to be normal behavior?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Parameters In IRule That Value Of Parameter A Determines Value Of B

Nov 22, 2012

I want to reference parameters in an iRule in such a way that the value of parameter A determines the value of parameter b.

In this case i want to reference the dimensional height of a UC beam into a parameter <UC_HEIGHT> and then allow this to determine the value of uc designation size in a parameter <UC_DESIGNATION>

This would be useful because instead of typing the uc designation of a beam into the part description or matl. list i can just reference a parameter.

Is this possible? Iv tried an iRule along the lines of

if parameter (uc height) = xxx.x then parameter (uc designation) = 'custom test'

but get error messages

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2011 - ILogic / Finding Out If View Exists

Nov 19, 2010

I have a iLogic question about finding out if a View exits..

Lets say I have a drawing that I want to read the scale of a view.. All the snippets I have found is pointing to the name of the view like "VIEW1". But if I have deleted the first view I created it will give me an error..

So, is there ant possibility to check if the "VIEW1" exits without getting an error?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: View Reference Between Sheets

Aug 13, 2012

Any intelligent way of referencing the sheet with the parent view? E.g. i put a detail or section view on Sheet 2 from a parent view on Sheet 1 and want to reference from what sheet the view is taken from.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BOM Reference Parts And View Boundaries?

Mar 21, 2013

I have an assembly that uses reference parts. I do not want them in the BOM, but they are used in other drawings in the BOM. When I make them reference, the iso drawing view boundaries are not correct. Can I change the size? Crop will only decrease the size not increase?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference A Sketch Within Drawing View

Jan 8, 2013

Using Inv 2013 and VB 2010.  I am trying to reference a sketch within a drawing view, but I am having a hard time figuring out which view number and sketch number to use.  I thought I had it figured out, but apparently I was wrong.

For example, see the 2 attached pics, Drawing A and Drawing B.  For Drawing A I had the sketch reference set as

Dim oSheet1_View As DrawingView = oDrawDoc.Sheets(1).DrawingViews(3) Dim oSketch As DrawingSketch oSketch = oSheet1_View.Sketches.Item(1)

Drawing View 3, as it was the 3rd Drawing View in the list, and Sketch #1 within that Drawing View.  I thought this was how it worked, because it worked with my code and it hid the sketch.  However, moving on to Drawing B, I used the same code, and it does not reference that sketch at all.  It did nothing to it.  Even though the Flange_Holes sketch is in the same position.  3rd View down the list, 1st sketch.

So how does Inventor reference these views and sketches?  Is it in order of creation?  Is there a way to reference it by the what the sketch is named instead of trying to decipher the number it's assigned?  I have a lot of drawings already made, and I'm not positive the views were taken and created in the same exact order each time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy View / Replace Model Reference

Jun 12, 2012

One of the new features in 2013 is the ability to copy a view that is on the idw.  Is there a way to copy/paste a view, then replace the reference of ONLY the part in the view that was just copied?

What I have is two parts. For simplicity, just imagine both as a square plate.  One has a hole in it, one doesnt.  I have already dimensioned the square plate. Now I copy the view and paste it back on the sheet.  I want to replace the reference of the one I just copied and change the reference to the part with the hole.  If I use replace model reference command, it will replace both references, which is what I dont want.

Just a wish I guess, but the only way I can do this now it to place the second part on the sheet and start dimensioning it.  Seems like a waste when we almost have the tools to quickly complete this.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Within Drawing View Loses Dimension Reference?

Jan 14, 2013

I have a VB program that auto updates the size of a door and frame assembly, and in turn, updates the shop drawings to reflect this change.  I have a view on my shop drawing that I have drawn a sketch in.  I start the sketch, add my dimensions, and I use 'Project Geometry' to project the edges of the actual part around the sketch to constrain my sketch and keep it in place.  The problem is, as the program runs, and the door/frame changes height, the sketch loses it's dimensional references to the projected geometry.  When I go back and reopen the drawing after running the program, all the dimensions that went to the projected geometry are gone. 

Is there another way to anchor a sketch to a drawing view part instead of dimensioning to projected geometries?  This doesn't seem to be working, and I've tried it every which way I can think of.  Oddly enough, I have another sketch in a different view that is set up the same way, and it never misses a beat.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Sheet Number That Drawing View Has Been Moved To?

Dec 13, 2013

Is there a way to incude the sheet number that a drawing view has been moved to? I have an elevation tag that shows the view identifier, I am looking to have the sheet number referenced where I show "Field Text-Manual" in the attachments below. I am using inventor 2014. 

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AutoCAD .NET :: Database Parameter In Batch Process - By Reference?

Nov 21, 2012

I have a master batch process which comprises several steps each of which will change the database. I am gettting the database once, then pass it thought the subsequent steps. Simple example in pseudo

void BatchAll(){
database db = new database
save dwg
}finish BatchAll

Should the database db be passed by reference (ref db)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How Do Representations Handle Sketches

Sep 18, 2013

I'm trying to employ a technique that I've used with SolidWorks.  I'm working on a project with several engineers doing design work on a large assembly.  The way I've seen this handled in a SolidWorks shop is to create a master assembly with sketches on the principal planes that define envelopes for sub assemblies, interface dimensions, and so on.  Each engineer can have the master assembly in their sub assembly, as a guide.  Where I've used this before, it has worked with integrating the sub assemblies later on.

Here's the complication:  There are several different "families" of the product that require different dimensions on the master sketches.  What I had hoped to do in Inventor was use view representations or level of detail representation to control the visibility of these "families" of master sketches.  When an engineer includes the master assembly in his sub assembly he could then easily turn on the "family" he wants to see.  But it turns out that neither view representations nor level of detail representations influence the visibility of sketches.  (Position representations don't, either.)  Sketches are either visible or not visible, regardless of which representation you're in.

Is there some way I can control the visibility of sketches, in groups?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Positional Representations In Assemblies?

Nov 1, 2011

I have set up my assembly file so that it has the master and two other positions. When I switch from position one, to position two, it works fine. But when I go into inventor studio, and try to create an animation by using Pos Reps, it will not do anything.I do sometimes get an error saying that Excel is required. I do have the latest version of Excel installed on my machine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IV2012 Sp1 - Delete Unused Parameter Takes 4-5 Seconds Per Parameter

Dec 23, 2011

I have user parameters that are no longer needed and are not being used anywhere.  They each takes 4-5 seconds to delete, prior to 2012 this would happen instantly.

IV2014 SP1 64bit
Dell Precision T7500, Geforce GTX 480, DirectX11 306.97
SpaceExplorer 4.04, 3DxWare 3.12.2
Twin Intel Xeon E5506 2.13GHz, 12GB RAM, Win7 Pro SP1 64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Position Representations In Weldments Not Allowed?

Oct 7, 2005

Does Inventor 10 not allow position representations to be created in Weldments? I Right Mouse Button (RMB) click on "Position" under "Representations", but "New" is grayed out.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Animating Positional Representations In Studio?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm using 2011 pro.  When I try to animate a positional rep in inventor studio, it complains that I don't have excel installed. (see attached image) although I do have it installed.  I've put the hotfix on for excel, with no effect.  I've repaired inventor and repaired excel no fix though.

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Revit :: New Project Parameter To Reference A Data Set?

Dec 30, 2011

How do I set up a Project Parameter to reference a txt file as a data set?  (the same way CSI division codes are referenced)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Positional Representations In Sub Assembly Using ILogic?

Dec 12, 2012

I'm configuring a band with different supports. Each support is configured with a range; 600-900, 900-1200, 1200-1500 etc. those ranges can be adjust by 50mm and those steps are specified by the pos reps (see attached image).

All the different supports are put in the top assembly and in this assembly I want to switch between the positional representations. I tried to use: 


But it won't work. I guess I have to replace "ComponentDefinition" in one way or another to the component name, but I don't know how.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IV11 Reorder Positional Representations In Browser?

Jun 22, 2006

Is there a way to reorder positional representations in the browser. I'd like to keep them in order of how the assembly will function. That way, it's easier to create the animation in Studio. See attached image.

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