AutoCAD Inventor :: Easy Way Of Multiple Slice?
May 10, 2013
i'm looking for a command,activex,plugin,vba ,c++ ,any external program or cut a solid object in multiples slices using paralel and equidistant cutters planes, like a tomography.
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Feb 19, 2012
Using CS4
I have about 200 PNG's that I need to slice exactly the same way. I know how to slice one image. I'd like to automate slicing all 200 with the same slice positions, sizes and settings.
This is not for web design but rather for iOS game development where I need to cut-up a sequence of images representing an animated sequence into the individual pieces that need to be animated.
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Apr 22, 2009
I have created a PSD file for my website. In the banner of the website I have 10 or 15 photos that rotate.
Normally, when I export the site from Photoshop I select the first layer of the banner export it; hide that layer (In Photoshop; To show the next image) and then export the second banner image. (I also change the file number, _1, _2, _3 etc)
And so on until I have gone through all 10 or 15 images.
My question:
Is there a way to automate this so I don't have to export to HTML 15 times? All of the banner images are located in the same folder and use a clipping mask.
I'm using CS3 Extended on a PC.
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Apr 22, 2009
I have created a PSD file for my website. In the banner of the website I have 10 or 15 photos that rotate.
Normally, when I export the site from Photoshop I select the first layer of the banner export it; hide that layer (In Photoshop; To show the next image) and then export the second banner image. (I also change the file number, _1, _2, _3 etc)
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Sep 21, 2011
Is there an easy way to mirror a part? I drew this from a sample and need the opposite handing.
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Sep 11, 2012
I'm trying to slice an image using the filter-web-slice function but I was wondering if there is a way to customize the function or change its properties in the Python-Fu. I need gimp to slice by columns (start in the top left corner slice each grid down the column then proceed to the next column. Right now all I can get gimp to do is cut by rows. Normally gimps function would be fine but I need the image labeled a particular way so I can use the individual files in a map for a game. I'm making a 118 images so renaming them by hand would take too long.
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Oct 2, 2013
I cannot select the sketch for slice, although it's a view attached sketch
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Nov 13, 2011
I was designing a part which consisted in a circular sheet metal part with a hole in the center, and a bent rectangular radii-oriented section. The second feature is the one I want to give focus in this thread.
Take a circular sheet metal with a diameter of 30 mm and a thickness of 1 mm. Now, to achieve the bent section one would perform - in a workshop or any other equivalent - two parallel slices of about 5 mm in length with a distance from each other of 4 mm. The slice would start in the circumference and end somewhere nearer to the center of the disc, but not parallel to a radius (since its parallel to another slice 4 mm apart as said before). After the slicing was done, one would bend the section between the slices 90 degrees to any of the sides.
Now, in Inventor I couldn't find a way to do this. I couldn't just slice a line through the disc. I worked it around by cutting rectangles of 0.2 mm in width and with the length of the desired slices, and then using the folding command to bend it 90 degrees. Is it possible to perform this so called slices?
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May 21, 2013
I want to slice a geometry partially. But not want to divide the geometry into two parts.
I attached a photo of a part. How can i draw this geometry by using Inventor?
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Nov 25, 2012
I have an assembly which contains some content centre tapered roller bearings. When I do a slice of the entire assembly the bearings remain solid. Within the document settings>modelling tab the "Participate in Assembly and Drawing sections" is checked.
How can I get the part to be sliced within the half sliced view like everything else?
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Jan 8, 2014
Slice graphics defaulting to Quarter View on its own. Is there a application setting that i can confirm slice graphics remains off / End.
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Sep 9, 2013
After a slice operation i have to make a sketch and complete lines.
For example, if i slice in the middle of a threaded hole, in the slice i don't see the thread lines, i just see as if there was a hole.
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Jan 26, 2012
(Inv Pro 2012, XP64, Vaulted Project and Content Center)When I'm placing hardware, the Autodrop function is really convenient. Even better when the "multiple" pickbox is active, which from what I understand is when Inventor finds similar features on the same plane that the selected autodrop component could potentially mate to.
This is a huge time-saver, since I often have lots of bolted joints that all terminate on the same plane. Sometimes however, even when the parts lie in the same "plane", the plane isn't contiguous in that a feature breaks it across. No biggie, it just means I have to do two or three "multi-autodrops".
Once I put washers at the back side of the connections (which multiple works like a charm on), all of a sudden when I go to place nuts, each washer surface is now it's own plane, and multi-drop no longer recognizes all the other parts. This can be a real pain manually placing 30 or 40 nuts at a time.
I think the "Bolted Connection" option might work, but I really don't have a need to store all those subassemblies, name them, keep them vaulted properly, etc. That would be almost as much of a headache.
Also, most of the features that I'm connecting through are created as Hole features and as "nominal" oversized bolt holes as Inventor suggests when the "clearance hole" option is used for hole creation (not randomly extruded islands), but they aren't patterned as they don't follow a prescribed circular or rectangular pattern.
Am I missing something that I can do (like something stupid simple such as holding down the "alt" key or some crazy thing like that) that will allow inventor not just to suggest CONTIGUOUS planar features, but also CO-planar features so I can place all these nuts at once?
Short of creating a custom Content center part that consists of a nut / washer assembly I can't think of anything. And creating and publishing the nut washer assemblies will eat up some time too, since I have about 50 different combinations (some SAE washers with normal hex nuts, some SAE washers with ESNA hex, some USS washers with jam nuts, some USS Type B washers with all-steel locknuts, etc...)
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Apr 18, 2013
I'm designing a part that in Autodesk Inventor 2013 that is constructed from several layers laminated together. I have 4 layers:
F (front)
M1 (middle, variation one)
M2 (middle, variation two)
B (back)
The final solid will lhave 17 layers laid out like this:
F | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 | M1 | M2 ... | B
I currently have a part file containing
F | M1 | M2
What's the best way to create this solid if I want to a) keep all instances of M1 and M2 in sync, and b) make it easy to work on all 4 layers. Do I have to export F, M1, M2, and B as individual parts and import them into an assembly or can I keep them in one part file? I really like the ability to be able to work on all the solids at the same time because they're visually dependant on each other.
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Mar 15, 2013
From all our parts of an assembly we made 1 IDW with multiple sheets. Now we want to convert this IDW to PDF's and in such a way that we have one PDF for each sheet, and each PDF files needs the same name as the sheet.
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Mar 8, 2011
My hospital has been bought out by another hospital. Is there an easy way to change my titleblock. I am using project navigator and I have changed my templates.
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Aug 20, 2007
i would like to build one of these domes in my backyard and id like to be able to make simple plans to use. how would i go about drawing one of these up or is there a simple command like sphere or torus that would start me out? URL....
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Oct 26, 2011
how easy is creating pipes in sketchup I desided to try the same technique in plain Autocad (not MEP or PLANT).So, this is where I get confused. I am starting to draw a polyline, (which will be used as a path in extrude command for circle) but I cant to raise it in Z-axis. I need to change the ucs and then I can do it, which is an extra, and always confusing) step which I am trying to avoid. Also, I've tryed to use 3Dpolyline but it seems that I cant fillet it (elbow creation).what is correct proccess to create 3d pipes in plain Autocad?
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May 10, 2011
Our current setup is like this. We plot our plan sheets (ARCH D/ARCH E) from paper space. There are typically 2 to 10 of these sheets.We plot our plant production sheets (Legal size sheets) from model space. There can be anywhere from 10 to 500 or even 1000 of these sheets. These can be cumbersome to print as we click previous plot and select a window around each new sheet we print.
How to be able to print multiple sheets in model space with one click as long as it had a certain title block rectangle around it.
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Oct 12, 2012
Is there a quick and easy way to number items in a drawing? I have attached a pdf and would like to number the seats 1-100.
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Jan 28, 2013
knew any structural engineering software that can easily import AutoCAD solids and turn them into a mesh to perform a finite element analysis on them.
I have used SAP2000 and it is a little bit of pain to make complicated non-linear forms as a mesh in AutoCAD and then export them to SAP2000. (I do not believe there is a solid to mesh command in autocad yet, if so that would be very nice).
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Jul 16, 2012
Autodesk should provide an easy way to save drawings back to an earlier product release, like an online converter utility for clients etc... I understand that people need to be pushed to get newer products, however by not having an easy way to change a file, it really punishes those who do stay current and get each release. For many years now I find myself drafing in a current release of Civil3d to utilize the latest features that improve work flow, then having to waste a lot of time converting projects back to each clients file requirement.
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Apr 30, 2011
How to use the slice command. I'm really not that familiar with 3d. I've done a few but when it comes to roof, I always got stuck into that part. In fact I only heard about the command "Slice" here in Cad tutor. I'm practicing 3d with a house. I'm now on the roof part. And I wanna have this on solid. I made this only by 3dface.
Here is the layout of the roof.
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Jun 1, 2012
I have CS5 and wonder if there is a SIMPLE way to check to see if it needs any updates since the newer software version of Apple was applied to my computer. The website seems extremely confusing unless you know exactly what you need and what you are looking for. Photoshop has begun to run slower on my IMAC.
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Jul 5, 2011
My installation does not recognize the EasyCap adapter (nothing shows on "Select Device" menu). I have re-installed and downloaded 64 bit drivers from the net with no effect. Running Vista Home Premium 64 bit, SP2.
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Jan 12, 2008
I want to put a old TV as the border for my gif animation. I deleted the tv screen and made it transparent, but I have no clue how add it as a border. My animation has over a 100 frames so it would be impossible to line them all up evenly.
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Mar 25, 2009
How can I create such easy text arches?
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Jan 8, 2005
is there an easy way to compress a pic so it can be e-mailed?
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Apr 16, 2004
Have a quick and hopefully easy question for ya'll. Looking at making some color changes to a picture, and have easily been able to change colors using hue/saturation and turning reb to blue, etc. The problem that I've run into now is how do I change something that is black in a picture into being able to change the color on that. In essence I am trying to take an object that is currently red and black and flip the colors to be black and red. The is quite a bit of detail in the image that I need to keep also. Any hints are extremely welcome.
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Feb 21, 2012
Is there any way to slice a 3d object into layers ?
Example : a cube, 100*100*100 mm . I want to slice it in 10 layers of 10 milimeters (with the z axis)
My project is based on autocad. I 'm currently developing an addon to autocad that can get x,y,z coordinates of every shape in the drawing. I'm working with laser machines, and our lasers can only be use between -8 mm and 8 mm.
For 2d drawing, it's simple, i don't need slicing, but for 3d shapes, i need to slice to mark it with our lasers.
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Nov 26, 2011
Im trying to slice a surface into sections. Im not much of a surface modeller, never really tried. For example the surface is a cylindrical shaped piece. Multiple faces, and pieces. When i slice through it, it slices some prices and others it fails to slice. Confusing. I would upload the piece but i cant due to contract restrictions. But is there any methods of slicing or tips that are a common practice when working with surfaces?
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