AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Edit Step Import Part
Dec 20, 2011
I got this part from a customer and when i try to say cut off one end of it (because it is a casting and i need to put a few machined features on it) it will not let me? I am using the datum planes to sketch on so it shows you the part sideways or longways. i tried both different planes. it seems if you try doing it looking into the part it lets you but not from these planes.
I have attached the step file.
win 7 64 bit sp1
cpu intel xeon E5-2687W0@3.106
eight core
two solid state hard drives
32 gig of ram
Autodesk product design
suite premuim 2014 64bit
Nvida quadro 4000
Space Pilot ver. 1.6.2 2010
slphantom (NNTP handle: scottl)
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Sep 11, 2013
The simple question is… how can we insert a step (stp) part into an existing part file?
The story behind the question is this:
Normally when we get a step file assembly from a customer, if the part has changed, we put our part into Old Versions and save their new step file as our ipt number and replace it in our assembly file. With Vault, in order for us to maintain the history of the part files, we need to keep the original file so we can’t just delete it or replace it, so now we need to figure out how to get a step file into an ipt. The Import command on the Manage tab (with 2013 at least?) does not allow import of stp files just yet.
The only other option I can think of is to put the original part into an assembly with the step file, create a copy of the step information in the part file and use it to recreate the new (step based) part.
Inventor 2013 (SP2 Update 2), Windows 7 Professional (64-bit), SP1, Intel Xeon 3.07GHz CPU, 12GB RAM, NVIDIA Quadro 2000, Vault Basic 2013
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May 19, 2013
I have been trying to sequentially show (and then hide) the dimensions for each feature (together with its related sketch dimensions) in a part browser tree.
I can set the visibility for any one of the sketches with e.g.
oSketches.Item(1).Visible = True
oSketches.Item(1).DimensionsVisible = True 'Show sketch dimension
and show the visibilty of the feature dims with e.g.
Set oFeature = odef.Features.Item(1)
oFeature.FeatureDimensions.Show 'Show feature dimension
but I cannot work out how to test which feature a particular sketch is dependent upon. Until I do this the visibiliy
of the feature and sketch dimensions cannot be synchronised.
I expected something like
If odef.Features.Item(1) = oSketch.Parent might work or maybe the Isownedby function but so far I have had no luck with anything I have tried.
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Feb 28, 2013
I have always used step files to save back to previous releases but i cant seem to get them to open in 2012, I get the attached message
I cant see any version options when saving the sat or stp file, also dwg export, import doesnt work either
I can see other people are still able to do this, is there a setting somewhere?
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Dec 6, 2012
When we send 3D models to customers, we always derive the assembly to make it 1 solid part, so the customer cannot disassemble it to copy our product, and then save it as a step file.
I want to Derive an assembly to a part and then save it as a *.step file with an ilogic rule.
I worked out the last part, but i cannot find the Derive assembly code anywhere.
Im not an experienced programmer, i can only Copy paste, so if the solution is already posted in a simular rule, i will not be able to pick what i need from the code
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Nov 6, 2012
Im importing .stp files and only want to imort the surfaces, but some files have to have the solid imported as well. Why the file is like this?
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Mar 12, 2013
I have come across a problem where I import a step file. And it brings in a false surface that is not supposed to be in the file. When I highlight the base of the solid it only highlights what it should (not the false surface). The surface cannot be extrude cut or removed.
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Nov 8, 2011
Currently using the following hardware; HP Z800 Xeon X5677 with 24GBram and 3x147 SAS in raid configuration
Windows professional 64-bit
98% of our work consist of creating idw drawings of complete factory's plants, large 3d plant models.
Therefore we have many subcontractors and from them we receive 3D step/iges models (size approx. 240MB), we want to be able to import these in to our models. But for the moment we are unable to import these files into inventor (due to size probably), it takes very long (over 36 hours) to convert, and most of the times we get a error... or inventor hangs.
When we are able to convert these we have performance problems because of size of our models.
So my questions are;
- why does it take so long to open,
- how can we reduce these files.
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Mar 26, 2012
I have written a program where i will copy inventor assembly tree to custom form in tree format. Now my problem is whenever i click a part in tree i must edit the part. I am trying to access the Fx parameter/IAssembly to use it but not getting desired results .
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May 2, 2012
In 2012 (and earlier) you rotated the texture in Style Editor. This was limited vs the new method.
I have parts with lots of faces and need to rotate all the faces at the same time, like 2012.
Also, I need the changes to be updated in all iparts, whereas at the moment the Adjust only seems to affect each one. Again, much less limited, but I need the option to update all at once too.
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Apr 24, 2012
don't see a way to lock out the part list in drawing so no one can cheat and edit the part list.
Is there a way to lock out the part list edit feature?
I want the user to fix the model iproperties not the part list.
Inventor Pro, Inventor Publisher & Vault 2012
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5690 @3.47GHz (2 processors)
Mem 48.0 GB
OS Win 7 64-bit
Graphic Card: Quadro FX 4800
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Oct 10, 2012
I was wondering if there is a way that a mirrored part can be redefined. Problem I have is that after renaming the parts in the assembly the mirror will no longer update and references the original part before being renamed. I can't seem to find a way to redefine this so my mirrored part will update. To date I have been deleteing out the mirrored parts and creating them again.
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May 31, 2012
I received a stp.file from a vendor and need to add shrink to the file. How do edit the file? Also, once the shrink is added I need to be able to make a split mold out of the part. How would I go about do that? I should be able to make a block; then cut the part out of the block. Is that correct?
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Jun 7, 2013
When I double click a part in an assembly it does not edit the part.
When I right click "edit" is greyed out.
How do I edit a part in an assembly.
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Apr 28, 2012
edit material of part taken from content center library. In library itself i have to change the material of item and specification of part. means i will get the all details in BOM.
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Apr 16, 2012
I have a solid body but I need to make a part of it removable. I want to be able to lift it off and put it back on. The problem is that at the moment it is all one piece. So what I need to know how to do is remove just this one face from my solid, turn it into a seperate part so that I can create a lip on the solid for it to set on once it is reasymboled.
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Apr 4, 2011
How do I edit a derived part with a part file and include parameters I'm after?
I cant' seem to work out how to get to the reference components parameters to select whats visible and not visible.
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May 1, 2012
I am trying to edit a sketch in a multi body part file. While I am trying to edit, it displays all other solid bodies which is not required. How to switch them off displaying unnecessary solid bodies while editing a sketch?
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Jun 20, 2012
Is it possible to import either Step or Iges files into either AutoCad 2005 or 2010?
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Sep 22, 2011
the AutoCAD help specifies this procedure to import STEP files..Click Insert tab - Import panel - Import. In the Import File dialog box, in the Files of type box, select (*.stp, *.step).Find and select the STEP file you want to import, or enter the name of the STEP file at File Name.But the import dialogue box does not show this option. Only 3ds, sat, fxb, igs, wmf and dgn.
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Jun 18, 2012
How do I import step-files from Inventor to Autocad 2013 MEP ? The import function under Insert tab is not available.
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Feb 22, 2013
I have some large files that I get from a customer in the form of .iges. They give me the .iges because they use CATIA. My problem is that when I try to open the .iges file, it will sit there and try to open in Inventor for about 5 mintues and then the program will just end. It doesn't give me any sort of error message before crashing, it just dissapears. I can open the files in Mastercam just fine. I tried to open the file in Mastercam and save it as a .stp. The same thing happened when opening the .stp in Inventor. I tried to change some of the options that are available when opening these files in Inventor and that doesn't seem to work. I need to get these files open in Inventor desperately.
Autodesk Inventor 2009
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Sep 30, 2011
I've been tasked with looking into the capabilities of Inventor, which we (company I work for) may not be using to their fullest. Now, I am not an Inventor user, I'm on the IT side (programming), but I know the general process for how our models/drawings/documents are created. I think a good word to describe our process is "kludgy". From what I've found in searching for a handful of hours, it seems that Inventor could do what we are doing in other programs, easier and faster.
The background: We have a database and application setup for tracking BOM with costs, weights, etc. We are using Inventor 2012 as well as Vault. We already have lots of parts and assemblies drawn/modeled. Most of our drawings/documents are made in AutoCAD, though I'm not sure how much is coming from Inventor. There are some internally developed macros for exporting these to other formats (.doc).
Would it be possible to import in the data that we already have elsewhere, and match it up to our parts/assembles in Inventor/Vault? This could allow us to improve the process by taking out some of the manual work (in AutoCAD), and improve the accuracy of the information (manual data entry).
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Nov 22, 2013
I have been given the task of importing and editing an IGS sheet metal part. cannot get a feature tree.
Its a pretty basic sheet metal part just need to add few flanges, change hole/slot size. Its for a college project so I have to do it rather than just redraw the thing. I would also prefer to use inventor than solidworks (if I still have it on my laptop...).
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Feb 18, 2013
I've occasionally run into a problem where when I right-click at the root of the browser tree and select iProperties, the dialog will not show. The application acts as if the dialog is active (in particular, Windows makes an annoying ding every time I try to click somewhere on the Inventor UI) but I cannot see it. If I recall correctly, this only affected some files, and I could usually get around it by opening the dialog from the main menu rather than from the browser.
Now I am experiencing something similar with the Derived Part dialog. After I select a part file to derive from, the dialog for selecting individual elements never actually appears on the screen, but Inventor seems to think it's there, as the part I am deriving from is displayed in the viewport and the browser tree is locked out. Again, it seems as if the dialog is active but invisible: If I press Enter, I get a derived part, and if I press Escape, the preview disappears and nothing new is put in the browser. Of course, I can't choose which elements of the base part I want to derive from. Right-clicking the derived part entry in the browser and selecting "Edit derived part" produces the same result -- evidently, an invisible dialog box.
I am running Inventor 2011 SP2.
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Feb 24, 2013
I'm working on Autodesk VBA, and I'm trying to get user input on which vertex to use for a constrain. I want to make a macro that can go into part edit, allow user to select a vertex, and then automatically set up the constraint. Initially I wanted to do this in a single macro, using this short piece of code
while oSelectSet.Count <>1
While this worked when run directly from VBA, if I call it as a macro in Autodesk itself, the DoEvents doesn't seem o work because I wasn't able to make any selection at all. I googled and it seems like this is just how macros are.
So I split the code into a 2 subs and a function (as attached), and put them into separates rules that I call using a form in Autodesk. The first sub "Meta1Pin1_1" works, then I would select a vertex in edit mode. But when I go ahead and call the second sub "Meta1Pin1_2", I get the error message that I created which says no vertex is selected. But if I select a vertex and call the second sub again, it will work.
So I've been trying different things and I realize that every time when I first call the second sub, my selection is erased teh moment it goes into the sub. But, for some unknown reason, the selection will remain when I call it the second time. I can't figure out what exactly happened between the first and second call of the same sub, that allowed the selection to remain.
' prepares assembly for user input by grounding bones and going into part edit
Public Sub Meta1Pin1_1()
Dim oDoc As AssemblyDocument
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Jun 24, 2013
I am trying to acheive copying parameter from one part/assembly to another part/assembly document and this is what i came out with:
Private Sub CopyParamToTarget(SourceFile As String, TargetFile As String, ByRef ParamList As ListBox) 'Declares the variables to be used in this sub Dim d_target As Inventor.Document = Nothing, d_source As Inventor.Document = Nothing Dim t_transaction
I did another version for Inventor VBA in which is quite similar to this length as well . . .
Tried using ComponentDefinition instead but it does not have access to the Parameters list.
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Mar 26, 2013
This program continues to surprise me, negatively. I did not want to modify any thing, but to import/place a part into assembly and gives me this picture. why is so important to not modify library????
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Jan 7, 2014
I have a mac with autodesk 2014 on it. I am trying to import a step file but after I select what to import nothing happens.
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Jul 18, 2012
I have a drawing that was made using a CMM arm, so the drawing consists of thousands of tiny lines which make up the perimeter of the part. I'm looking to import this dwg file into Inventor in order to make a sheet metal part and eventually a flat layout of it.
The main thing I'm looking to do is "smooth" out the profile, hopefully without having to redraw the part with the dwg drawing as a template. Is there anyway to acomplish what I'm looking to do? I've attached a sample of the dwg.
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Aug 8, 2007
I'm trying to use "Replace Family Template" to overwrite an iPart family in Content Center.I've made changes to the iProperties of the iPart and I want those new changes to be in Content Center.
When I RMB on the iPart in Content Center and click "Replace Family Template", I get the "Import Part Invalid" message.Should I be able to do what I'm trying to do?
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