AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Blends Or Fillets To 3D Model?
Dec 6, 2006
When I am adding blends or fillets to a 3D model, sometimes after picking a few edges I will inadvertently select a wrong edge. Can I deselect the edge and resume selecting edges for the fillets or do I have to start over from the beginning?
Is there another way to retract fillets? I've tried the ctrl, shift, and both at once. None of those key selections did nothing with my 3D drawing. Is there something I could do in my settings to adjust this?
I have a shape that happens to have many nodes; it was simple to extrude it (inventor saw it as a complete shape) but adding fillets is another story. each tiny segment requires a click to select it. is there any way to simplify this — either through simplifying the path somehow or by selecting the edge in some other manner?
i saw a thread on the forums about imported 2d vector files with a similar issue. I did import my file but it came from rhino. everything is fine except this one issue. i guess i could go back to rhino but i would prefer not to.
i have attached a small screenshot of one area of my sketch.
I have come to Inventor after using Pro-Engineer and Solidworks. How to find the inspect tools difficult to use? The effort required to find the radius of a fillet (for example on imported parts) is huge. I am using IV 2013.
I have a part that requires a large number of fillets. What would be the best approach, so it doesnt take 5 hours to update the model everytime i update something on the model?
I am using Inventor 2012 and have recently experienced a problem with the fillet not working correctly. I have a curve and a straight line that connect and when I select fillet it will allow me to select the curve but not the straight line. I have been able to do this in the past with no problems.
I have a tube steel frame and need to show weldments between the tubes except for the inside fillets. I then need to show sanding the welds flush. Also I need to show a rounded edge where the mitered point meets the outside edge of the tube beside it. I'm very new with inventor Attached is my curret drawing file.
My problem today is that I made a Model of a Part of a ship using surfaces rather than solids because the engineer thought it would be easier to bring into ANSYS program for analysis but he is now having a problem with it and I am looking into converting my current model to solid. I can do it but the method I thought of using is quite long winded and we are working to a tight deadline. up the surface part
2.use "Offset/Thicken"
3.any clashes between parts make a sketch and cut away.
the problem is the amount of plates I have and the time it takes to sort them out.
I recently started drawing in cad, and i have a couple problems. At time now i am trying to learn more of isometric drawing and i have couple questions about drawing a particular figure:
So in there i don't know how to draw that "thing" witch i highlighted in red. I don't know at witch angle i should draw it's center(center length should be 50 cm). If I would know that, i could easily draw a isocircle above. So how do i find this "right" angle?
Second question would be about isofillets - i read here in forums that i should do them in isocircles, and i did that and i got good results - it looks very good, but the problem is, that in this drawing, it shows that those isocircles should have a defined radius - R6, R16 and etc, but if i do round corners with isocircles, i dont get that result(in R16 case radius is even way too big). So maybe there is a way to do them "right" and have them defined? I attached that drawing .
I'm using AutoCAD 2010 32bit on Windows XP with built-in video - so no hardware rendering, etc. I have a situation where a 3D solid that I have created looses its fillets while creating a PDF.
The solid was built using Union, Subtraction, Slicing and Fillet operations. I have attached the DWG and two PDFs - one with fillets, the other without. Both PDFs were created within moments of each other from the same DWG. Notice in the DWG that the solid model has now lost all the fillets on the edges, but they were there when the good PDF was generated. I create the PDFs using ACAD's Output | Export PDF feature on a single Layout in Paperspace. When the PDF is generating, for about two seconds you see the solid edges loose their fillets, and then sometimes return to normal, but other times the DWG changes and I have to add the fillets again.
I know about using the Print option, and also 3rd PDF generators but they also fail - plus, I want to use Output because it's more convenient. I like AutoCAD, but I am thinking of dumping it for SolidWorks (which I just evaluated for 30 days). I can't be putting a lot of time into models that loose their fillets. This same issue happened to me about a year ago, and I finally had to re-create the model from scratch to solve. It's ridiculous that this doesn't work, it's kinda fundamental.
BTW: I tried a fresh OS and ACAD install and the problem persists.
I would like to place arrowheads on the vertical sectioning lines (for the hatched view on the right), as well as on the horizontal line (for the bottom view), but I couldn't succeed in doing this. So, I left it just as line without arrowheads. Also, I would like to know if there are options for dimensioning fillets, as the one in my drawing comes with round symbol of portion of circle upon which the arrowhead touch (instead of on the fillet itself) - see R.12 and R.50.
I'm using AutoCAD 2010 32bit on Windows XP with built-in video - so no hardware rendering, etc. I have a situation where a 3D solid that I have created looses its fillets while creating a PDF.
The solid was built using Union, Subtraction, Slicing and Fillet operations. I have attached the DWG and two PDFs - one with fillets, the other without. Both PDFs were created within moments of each other from the same DWG. Notice in the DWG that the solid model has rounded edges (fillets) along most edges, but they are missing in the bad PDF, and show in the good PDF. I create the PDFs using ACAD's Output | Export PDF feature on a single Layout in Paperspace. When the PDF is generating, for about two seconds you see the solid edges loose their fillets, and then sometimes return to normal, but other times the DWG changes and I have to add the fillets again.
BTW: I tried a fresh OS and ACAD install and problem persists.
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
Whenever I export a vector containing blend groups from CDR x5 to AI , the corresponding AI file does not contain the blend group, rather a simple group of 50 objects that have to be deleted and the blending redone in illustrator.
is there a way to make a blend on an irregular object, for instance an object made with custom curves using the bezier tool. I can get it to blend with a circle or square. Here is an example, this is my website. URL..... I did the top graphic one object at a time.
I am trying to blend two pictures using layer masks and the gradient tool. I have seen a tutorial from photoshop which enables you to place one picture on the top of the other and using the gradient tool blend and expose the background from all corners of the picture, in fact any part of the picture. However when I try to do multiple blends in GIMP, the first blend works OK but when I go to do the second one, the first one is deleted. The photoshop example showed a ladies face with forest scene and waterfall as a background. In that example with the face in the foreground, it was possible to blend from a number of places from all sides and each time a blend was done, it would remain there even after more blends were done. Does GIMP have the same capability for doing this as photoshop?
Why are my blends in Illustrator CS4 not saving or printing correctly???
SPECS: Adobe CS4 MAC 10.5.8
I got a outlined Text blend with a drop shadow. And another text with a drop shadow on top. Not too complex at all. Heres some screenshots of the problem.
(1) Adobe Illustrator Screenshot (1) Screenshot of my saved TIff file. I saved as a PDF as well and still no luck.
We do technical illustrations and are switching to Adobe Illustrator from another software. One function we find very necessary is creating rounded fillets with specified radii between two lines. Is there a way to accomplish this with AI or is a script required?
I'm making a layout of 2 inch squares, 20 wide and 5 tall, to make color swatches for matching a target color. I'm then taking a starting value and using the edit colors>blend vertically, and blend horizontally to blend the color in the direction I think it needs. But every three or so blends i make it crashes the program, and even when I save my progress it crashes half the time. its a simple file just 2 inch square with color files.
I'm using CS6 on a osx10.6.8 ALL other jobs I've been working on have been fine.
I started to use Illustrator since CS2 and done heaps of shapes using the 3d feature.ever since cs5 and beyond, ive encountered a problem when ever I import or copy paiste from illustrator into Photoshop my 3d shape tends to have missing blend steps. I'm setting it to 256 blend steps to get a smooth transition but when i import my Ai into ps or copy paiste it notice that it leaves some small gaps in between the blends. Now does this happen to any other users?
On the left is illustrator using 3d and on the right is the copy paisted/imported Ai file,ive put a red shape behind the yellow ace of spade to make it clear that the red is noticeable.
I've been trying to extract the logic behind Xara's handling of multi-stage blends, but am having trouble.
Here's an example. I have these objects:
and create a blend between the left two
now, to continue with a multi-stage blend, I connect the bottom control point of the second object with the bottom control point of the third
All well and good. However, if I had tried to connect the top point of the second object with the top point of the third, like this (screenshot taken just before I release the mouse button)
Xara decides to blend from the first object to the third.
Eventually, by trial and error, I can get my multi-stage blends working, but it's inscrutable why it works logically sometimes, and why not.
When I use the blend tool for a smooth blend, the blends comes out jagged and horrible, as if it is doing a step blend rather than a smooth blend. I have used the tool before by either using the shortcut (Alt+Ctrl+B) or using it via the Object>Blend pathway and it worked out fine, but now Illustrator doesn't want to create a smooth blend.
What I'm trying to say is; is there an option that is causing this to happen that I may have accidently turned on, or has my copy of Illustrator gone into stupidity mode and I need to reinstall it?
I've attached pictures of what I mean with the settings I'm using and outputs. I hope your collective minds can smack this one in the face. I'm sure I'm doing something ridiculously simple to cause this.
I'm using CS5 Illustrator and my relevant PC hardware is listed below. - Intel i5-2500 3.30Ghz - nVidia GeForce GTX 560