AutoCAD Inventor :: Add Driven Or Reference Dimension As Column Chooser?
Jul 30, 2012
Is there anyway to add a driven dimension or reference dimension as a column chooser? What I am really trying to accomplish is to show the metric and english dimension in my general table for my ipart. I model itself is dimensioned in metric. I now would like to add the english dimension next to the metric one.
I have an ipart which is being controlled by an external spreadsheet. Each cell references a cell within a spreadsheet on my local drive. I have a set a parameters that are used to completely define each part but I am also interested in some of the reference parameters (from driven dimensions) so that I can analyze relationships between reference and input parameters. Is it possible (without extensive programming in windows VB or other) to export data from this iPart into, prefereably, the driving spreadsheet or another spreadsheet?
I want to creat a driven dimension that I can use as a reference dimension in another part. Is there an easy way to do this without creating a new sketch, going into a previous sketch, making a long function based on other dimensions, etc.? For instance, just like the measure tool, but it stores the measurement.
I have an assembly I've put together in Inventor 2011. I tried to make an adaptive spring to use with a shock that goes in a car. I'd like the spring to change size as the shock extends and contracts.
I went through the process of creating an adaptive spring, and it worked, but I could only change the length of the spring by using the "Drive Constraint" feature, which only allows me to adjust the spring when I'm using the "Drive Constraint" menu. It plays like a movie. What I want is a part that just moves like you would expect when you push/pull the ends of the shock. I don't want to have to drive it like a movie.
So then I thought that I could just simulate a spring by making a series of rings (toroids). I could constrain the bottom ring and top ring to the shock geometry and then have the other rings position themselves according to the distance between the top and bottom rings.
SO, I have 5 rings. The bottom ring is grounded the top ring has a Limit Constraint that sets the top ring anywhere between 3 and 7 inches above the bottom ring.
How do I create a driven dimension on an assembly that will automatically update the distance between the top and bottom ring?
I would like to call that dimension "HEIGHT", and then I could use parameters to set the middle ring a distance (HEIGHT/2) above the bottom ring, I could set the ring below the middle to (HEIGHT/4), and I could set the ring above the middle to (HEIGHT*3/4).
I should then be able to move the upper ring up and down and the other rings reposition themselves automatically to keep even spacing between the rings on either side.
I tried making a sketch in the assembly and using the "Project Geometry" function to add the location of the upper and lower rings to the sketch. I then used the "Dimension" function to create a driven dimension between the upper and lower rings. When I finished the sketch the other rings all updated exactly as anticipated, but when I moved the top ring the projected outline did NOT move, so the other rings did not continue to update.
lease do NOT link me to adaptive coil video tutorials or explain how driven dimensions work when making parts. I am not looking for that, I am looking for how to create driven dimensions between two placed components in an ASSEMBLY.
I have some manufacturing dimensions that are an end result of my design so they are driven dimensions at the end of my modeling history and pulled into the ipart table. If I make some design changes I need these dimensions to update too. The problem is they do not automatically update and require a manual activation of each child memeber for the dimension to update.
The dreaded "The Values in the active row don't match the document's current values. do you wish to update the table before continuing" Click, enter, Click, enter, Click, enter.
Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Assosicate Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Professional
In 2012 when in a sketch in an assembly all the stuff under "Format" is grayed out.
You cannot make a dimension driven, nor can you make a line construction or a centerline and you can't change a sketch point into a center point. Do I have some setting wrong?
I have a driven dimension in the attached part. If I change something in the part that affects the dimension it won't update unless I double click it to get the edit dimension dialog and then confirm it.
Changing the contour flange's length will affect the driven dimension which can be found in sketch5 under cut1.
I'm trying to use the new arc length dimension feature in Inventor 2013 and I am having some trouble. After I apply a driven arc length dimension to a fully constrained sketch and then put user dimension in a user parameter I get an error when I rebuild the part. The error states the the dimension can not be solved.
I'm detailing an iPart. Only two dimensions need to be included in the table. One is the driving dimension and the second is a function of the driving dimension. How do I get the column for the second dimension to display a value, rather than an equation?
Inventor Routed Systems 2010 Subscription Advantage Pack SP3 Vault Collaboration 2010 Windows 7 x64 Dell Precision M6400 Covet
I'm trying to delete, programatically, a specific dimensions on a specific sheet of my drawing based on a model parameter. I imagine it would be pretty straightforward to refer to generaldimensions.item(?).delete but how do I know what the index number of the dimension I want is? The only samples I can find either generacially access item(1) or use a for each loop to get all dimensions.
Is there a way to find out where reference dimensions originate? I have a reference dimension I would like to change, but don't know where to do go to make that happen.
I am having trouble with Iparts getting a red cross due to dimensions and constraints to unresolved reference geometry. If, for example, I have Hole 2 dimensioned from Hole 1 in one member and in another member I suppress Hole 1 and Hole 2 I get an error stating (correctly) that the sketch for Hole 2 has a "Dimension to unresolved reference geometry". I understand why I should get this error if Hole 2 was unsuppressed and Hole 1 was suppressed but why do I get this error when they are both suppressed.
If I get this error on a member that has these two holes suppressed and I switch back to a member that has them both active the error dissapears. I guess in the end this is a question for Autodesk. Can you set up Iparts so that when a feature is suppressed Inventor completely ignores it instead of still trying to resolve it. This functionality is a major headache for us because we don't want to leave models with the Red Cross on but if we want to dimension our features appropriately (ie referencing other, related features) we have to leave a model with errors in it.
See attached part. If you switch within the first 2 members there are no errors, if you move into the last 2 members you will see the cross highlight.
I have a VB program that auto updates the size of a door and frame assembly, and in turn, updates the shop drawings to reflect this change. I have a view on my shop drawing that I have drawn a sketch in. I start the sketch, add my dimensions, and I use 'Project Geometry' to project the edges of the actual part around the sketch to constrain my sketch and keep it in place. The problem is, as the program runs, and the door/frame changes height, the sketch loses it's dimensional references to the projected geometry. When I go back and reopen the drawing after running the program, all the dimensions that went to the projected geometry are gone.
Is there another way to anchor a sketch to a drawing view part instead of dimensioning to projected geometries? This doesn't seem to be working, and I've tried it every which way I can think of. Oddly enough, I have another sketch in a different view that is set up the same way, and it never misses a beat.
In Bill of material i have custom PartQty column and is beside QTY column. I need all informations from QTY column to PartQty column to copy. Possible with iLogic? I'm selecting now manualy copy and paste but it would be nice to have automatic.
I am trying to publish to the CC a guide rail. The vendor of the rail gives me the option of entering the desired length of the rail. After that he gives me the option to choose between the length that I entered and a shorter and longer standard length witch can be delivered faster.
I want to do the same thing with my published part, but I cannot make a key parameter to change depending on the entered custom parameter. I want the user to make the next steps when inserting from the CC: 1- select the size of the rail; 2-select the type of the rail; 3- enter the desired length of the rail; 4- choose between the desired length and the 2 recommended lengths (I need these 3 lengths to be shown)
After creating a parametricly dimensioned, fully constrained, 2D drawing I wanted to add a couple of annotative reference dimensions to two different curves. I first select the parametric radius dimension (default is annotative). Next I click on the curve, then click the desired location. The dimension shows up, highlighted for editing. I press enter. Now the over-constrained window pops up giving me two options: Create a Reference Dimension or Reselect the Object. I choose Reference Dimension. The dimension immediately disappears. No error shows in the command bar. Attached is the file. It is the two large radii along the bottom (or top, its symmetric) that I am trying to give reference dimensions.
If I have a parameter in a sketch were I want to change side of the reference line in a other word I want to put in a negative value in the parameter to change side. I want to do this because I have used this parameter in other equations and want not delete it and replace again.
If my memory serves correctly CATIA used to have a feature pattern type that allowed for the selection of two sketches (or something along these lines, my memory is fuzzy). One sketch contained the feature profile, and the other contained points where you wanted the patterned features to plop out at. Is there any similar function in IV?
In case there's another way to accomplish what I'm trying to do, I'm drawing a piece of roll formed sheetmetal with a crap load of slots with non-uniform spacing. I would really prefer to not have to create a sketch and draw all these slots. Especially when there's not even a legitimate slot command. I could probably draw one and then copy it around a bunch of times,
I would like a part, that if i place it into an assembly, that it asks for a parameter (for example the length).Parts in the content center have this featere (for example tubes). I think this has to do with the driven length in the content center.
I have a parent assembly that contains multiple sub assemblies, two of which need to synchronize with each other.In the parent assembly, I have created a user form that controls the sizes and quantities of all the different sub assemblies.
Sub assembly 1 contains a bracket for supporting 4 rows of pipes.Based on the width selected from the main parent assembly, the length of this bracket can vary.
The spacing of the 4 mounting positions is also determined from the length of the bracket.Sub assembly 2 is an assembly containing all the pipes.The pipes are spaced apart to suit the bracket using a component pattern, and it is this distance that I want to control from the parent assembly.This is just one of the basic scripts I've tried.
Parameter("Piping assembly:1", "Pipe_Spacing_B")=Pipe_Spacing Pipe_Spacing_A is the spacing of the bracket Pipe_Spacing_B is the component pattern in the piping assembly Pipe_Spacing is the parameter in the parent assembly to be driven by the bracket parameters.
I have very little iLogic experience & have being learning as I go along with this project.My best guess is that the code can't loop back on itself. On a slightly different note, I have also noticed that the sub assemblies don't update properly.
If I adjust the width to X and regenerate the model, some of the sub assembly updates. To fully update, I have to go back into the user form, change the size to Y & then change it back again to X and then regenerate.
When I add a wall or door the reference dimensions default to the center of the wall or door, etc. Is there any way to have these reference dimensions default to the structural face of a wall instead of continually dragging with everything I draw?
I want to use I logic to adjust an assembly constraint based on T/F value passed from a master sketch.
I have passed the paramater T/F and/or a user paramater as described in this thread using link (neet trick).. but when the code fires it only works on the true application and not the false.. if i open the rule and then close it the update button becomes available and when updated the false condition updates sucessfully. I have tried just re-running the rule to no avail. It seams that the only way I can get it to triger a false condition is to open the rule... close it and update.
I am trying to record a video of a driven constraint. It seems to work fine until I go to view the video file. When I open the file the windows media player opens but no video plays. It acts as if the video is a ~ milli second long.
I have tried to save the file in both formats: .wmv and .avi. Both do the same thing.
I am in the process of compiling a parameter driven sprocket. I just download the model from the CBLISS website these items are spreadsheet driven and they conflict with the MRP system interface we are using here.
All my formulas seem to be going nicely until I have to enter the square factor into the formula. [i.e. (d0)^2 or powr ((d0):2)]
It just will not accept syntax function. I have an idea the problem my lay in the unit types in the equation or the previous equations.
The formula I am trying to achieve is
Hr = sqrt(Fr^2-(1.4ul*DR-0.5ul*PITCH)^2)
Refer to JPG for clearer picture as to where I am coming unstuck.
The setup is: I have a rule which first gets a number of user parameters via input boxes.This rule then runs a number of other rules, using:
iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 1")iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 2")iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 3").Each of these rules control parameters, part/feature/constraint suppression etc. in the top level and subassemblies/parts based on the previously obtained user parameters.
All the rules have the 'Don't run automatically' option selected, so all should only run as intended when I manually run the first rule.When I run the first rule, I enter all the parameters, and the subsequent rules run.The problem is, the suppression states etc. in the subassemblies/parts do not update.
Looking at the parameters dialog box after the rules have run, all user parameters have updated with the new values.If I run the first rule again the subassemblies/parts update correctly.
It appears that the rules that control the suppression states etc. of the subassemblies run using the initial values of the user parameters, i.e. the values as they were before the user input is obtained, rather than the new values.This is confusing me, as the code is structured as follows: