I have an ipart which is being controlled by an external spreadsheet. Each cell references a cell within a spreadsheet on my local drive. I have a set a parameters that are used to completely define each part but I am also interested in some of the reference parameters (from driven dimensions) so that I can analyze relationships between reference and input parameters. Is it possible (without extensive programming in windows VB or other) to export data from this iPart into, prefereably, the driving spreadsheet or another spreadsheet?
I have some manufacturing dimensions that are an end result of my design so they are driven dimensions at the end of my modeling history and pulled into the ipart table. If I make some design changes I need these dimensions to update too. The problem is they do not automatically update and require a manual activation of each child memeber for the dimension to update.
The dreaded "The Values in the active row don't match the document's current values. do you wish to update the table before continuing" Click, enter, Click, enter, Click, enter.
Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Assosicate Autodesk Inventor 2012 Certified Professional
The question I want to ask is about reference dimensions in iPart.
I can create a sketch and place reference dimensions on it, there's no problem. I can activate any configuration manually and see the reference dimensions adjusted according to configuration, no problem again.
I would like to know — is it possible to automatically populate column of the iPart table with reference dimension value, as it stands for each configuration?
I was able to find some solution for that, but it's not automatic. I can mark reference dimension of export, and add it as a column to the table, but I need to manually activate each configuration to populate the column with measured reference value. Not very good, because there can be very many configurations.
How to automatically get complete list of reference dimensions values for each configuration of the iPart?
I’m currently running Inventor 2010. Is there a way I can override the calculated physical mass and drive the mass value with a column in the ipart table?
Is there anyway to add a driven dimension or reference dimension as a column chooser? What I am really trying to accomplish is to show the metric and english dimension in my general table for my ipart. I model itself is dimensioned in metric. I now would like to add the english dimension next to the metric one.
How can I change the precision of Driven Dimensions. I have a Driven Dimesion in a sketch that I want to use in another dimension later. Let's say that d59 is a Driven Dimension.I want dimension d80 = d59*2. When I measure it using eight decimal places, I can see that it is rounding d59 to 3 decimal places, but I don't want it to do that because then d80 is off.
I'm creating an iPart for Content Centre authoring. I have an Emboss feature that I would like to cut 2 text values into a face. I'm having trouble figuring out how to acheive this through the iPart table. I started by making 2 User Parameters multi-value but came to an abrupt halt as I can't see them in the Table. And I suspect that this approach won't work anyway.
I have an IPart with about 100 instances in it that is sheet metal. I created a user parameter for the gauge of the sheet metal relating to the thickness and that works fine in the ipart. My dilema is how to get the gauge to show up in my drawing in the general table. Pretty much I woud like the table to list part number, material and then have a column for the gauge of the steel related to the thickness in the Ipart table. I am using Inventor 2011 if that makes a difference.
I am having trouble with Iparts getting a red cross due to dimensions and constraints to unresolved reference geometry. If, for example, I have Hole 2 dimensioned from Hole 1 in one member and in another member I suppress Hole 1 and Hole 2 I get an error stating (correctly) that the sketch for Hole 2 has a "Dimension to unresolved reference geometry". I understand why I should get this error if Hole 2 was unsuppressed and Hole 1 was suppressed but why do I get this error when they are both suppressed.
If I get this error on a member that has these two holes suppressed and I switch back to a member that has them both active the error dissapears. I guess in the end this is a question for Autodesk. Can you set up Iparts so that when a feature is suppressed Inventor completely ignores it instead of still trying to resolve it. This functionality is a major headache for us because we don't want to leave models with the Red Cross on but if we want to dimension our features appropriately (ie referencing other, related features) we have to leave a model with errors in it.
See attached part. If you switch within the first 2 members there are no errors, if you move into the last 2 members you will see the cross highlight.
Is it possible to change the parameters of a custom ipart in an assembly after it has been inserted, or can I only do an insert using AddCustomiPartMember?
In that case I simply remove the previous occurrence and insert a new one I suppose?
I have an iPart that I have created parameters to perform some basic calcs so the values will show up on every member. The parameters are correct for the different member so it appears to be working correctly on the model side. For example I have a parameter called 'CutLength' that performs simple math functions. But when I make the table on the drawing and I include this parameter, I see the formula in the table instead of the value. Is there a way I can have it display the value instead of the equation?
A few weeks ago I created an iPart for a custom flange with various sizes, today I have added a new row to the family for a new size. Most of the dimensions work fine but two of them are not translating to the sketch/model from the table.
All dimensions that are working correctly lie on one sketch and the dimensions that are not changing correctly are on a seperate sketch.
The flange is made from a single revolve and then the bolt holes were added seperately as a single extrusion which was then patterned.
The dimensions are correct on the family table but are incorrect when I go into the particular parts parameters.
I am using Inventor 2012. I have a subassembly that has two parts. I was able to dimension each part by retrieving dimensions. This subassembly also is an iAssembly. The main part stays the same but the second part changes.
My problem is, I had to make the main part an iPart because in one of the subassemblies, the main part has an added feature. After making the main part an iPart, all my dimensions in the subassembly drawing turned pink. I removed the dimensions and tried to retrieve them again but now I cannot. There are many dimensions I cannot manually dimension.
Is there away to retrieve dimensions from an iPart in a subassembly?
I'm having some difficulties with iLogic and reference parameters.
I have made a tube with a weird shape and I want to measure the longest length. So I have to cut the tube in a certain angle in relation with the center to measure the length.
The problem is that this angle is really hard to calculate.
So I tried making a rule where I can make my angle shift x degree and then measure the longest length. If the measurement is larger the previous measurement the angle will shift x degree again until the measurement is smaller than the previous.
So I made my starting angle 0 degree, I know this is for a fact not the longest length. And then I tried this rule. (before making a While rule).
And I noticed that on screen the measurement changes. But the reference - parameter stays the same. So it gives me the measurement on the starting angle & after rotating it again gives me the starting angle.
How can I get the parameter to update itself in between?
Dim measurement_length As DoubleDim measurement_length2 As DoubleMessageBox.Show("Start angle ", "My iLogic Dialog", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)angle_measurement_spec = 0RuleParametersOutput()InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()measurement_length = [code].....
I named a driven dimension parameter so I can reference it elsewhere in my model. The problem is that the driven dimension is in inches and the reference parameter does not allow me to change the units. I would like to use that driven dimension in my model and divide it by the pitch in a pattern to get the correct count for my pattern. The pattern dialog box is expecting a unitless input.
I tried creating a unitless user parameter that referenced the reference parameter but that did not work.
When a table driven i-feature is placed in a part the parameters are reference. I believe that is how it has always been.Although, to my recollection in versions previous to 2010 when an i-feature was deleted the sketch was maintained and the parameters then became model parameters.
To test this I created a table driven i-feature from scratch to make sure it was not a migration issue.
I have include a screen shot of the deleted i-feature and the result of the parameters is shown. Verify that prior to 2010 the parameters became model parameters or did they stay reference?
I want to reference parameters in an iRule in such a way that the value of parameter A determines the value of parameter b.
In this case i want to reference the dimensional height of a UC beam into a parameter <UC_HEIGHT> and then allow this to determine the value of uc designation size in a parameter <UC_DESIGNATION>
This would be useful because instead of typing the uc designation of a beam into the part description or matl. list i can just reference a parameter.
Is this possible? Iv tried an iRule along the lines of
if parameter (uc height) = xxx.x then parameter (uc designation) = 'custom test'
Is there any way of exporting text parameters from an assembly to individual parts without using i Logic? I am also unable to import text parameters to a . I am from an excel file.
We are currently using ilogic to change part text parameters from the assembly but it is a sticking plaster at best, as the rules need to be rewritten when parts are added and deleted from the assembly. We are trying to update our etched job number (which in many cases contains letters) from a single point on the assembly model which should populate all part files, and make it robust for all our CAD users, who do not use iLogic in their day to day duties.
If this is not possible (exporting text parameters the same way numerical parameters are handled) is there any plans of getting this included in upcoming versions?
I am finally getting time to do some organizational cleanup and management with our templates and vault settings. Many of the things are items that I am altering for each drawing/model I make and I would like to make them "stick" for the company standards. Things like altering font size in the styles library, adding part dimensions to the parameters for the parts list, and creating a new content central library where our part numbers are already populated for the parts list and the structural shapes have datum planes in the middle rather than just at beginning and end.
Inventor Premium 2013 SP1.1 Vault 2013- plain vanilla version HP G71 notebook celeron cpu w 4gb RAM and 64 bit system Win 7 home premium
In 5.3 I can create reference dimensions in sketch mode to my hearts content. They became very valuable as I would use them to determine placement of multiple features. Now, in IV 7, I have alot of trouble creating reference dimensions from adjacent features on the same surface. I have to change the way I'm working now and it has stumped me on a few occasions. is there a "new" feature I need to enable or is this the cost of progress?
I already have a code below that will read a bunch of drawing filenames that will go into each drawing, save the drawing, (print the drawing but I have this disabled for now,) close it, then move onto the next one.
What I want to do is add reference brackets around every dimension on each drawing. I have managed to update part list styles before using ilogic but I am not sure if it is possible with dimensions.
question = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to update multiple drawings? If so, make sure all drawings are checked out.", "Batch Drawing Update",MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question)
'set condition based on answer If question = vbNo Exit Sub End If
I am trying to export a user parameter that is a text string to a custom I property. I am able to export other parameters to custom properties that are numarical values. I export check box is missing on the text user parameter.
Two different problems (questions). These are IV2012 files but the problems are the same in 2013.
Open the two attached ipt's. Launch the Measure Distance tool and measure between the blue an red face on the DimTest. It should read 1 inch.
Change to DimTest Derive using the tabs on the status line. Measure still gives 1 in. Change precision to All Decimals. The mouse pointer changes to calipers and the distance now measure 1.004 (which is correct)
Switch back to DimTest again using the tabs.
Measure again and notice the mouse pointer still shows the calipers which imply that it is going to return all decimals but the dimension given is still just 1 inch. Either the mouse pointer should change back or all decimals should stick.
OpenDimTest.dwg. Manage> Modify> Replace Model Reference and pick DimTestDerive.
ALL dims disappear and the origin indicator goes sick.
Autodesk Inventor 2013 could export the sketches and dimensions of a part to ProE/CREO. I've tried using an IGES format and exported the part from Inverntor to CREO, and I get the part with the dimensions and everything, but not the sketches or the extrusions,etc. Just the plain part.Also used the .g and .neu , and still nothing.