How can I create a workplane with the API that is tangent to a surface and passes thru a workpoint. It is easy to create a work plane of type kPointAndTangentWorkPlaneDefObject by point and click in Inventor 11, but I can't figure out how to do it in the API.
I'm designing a part, and am having trouble creating a plane tangent to a curved surface. One option for creating a plane says "Tangent to Surface through Point", which in theory I should be able to use, but I can't figure out how to actually place a point there before in order to create a surface at the point.
Basically I am trying to cut a circle into the curved right side of the part
Why can't Inventor constrain an ellipsoidal contour with a line? We have pressure cylinders which uses a 2:1 ellipse. These cylinder get welded to a base stand fixture. The surface of the ellipse nestles in between contact points of the base stand, in this case lines of geometry. Yet Inventor can't constrain them as such. Any good workflow (at the assembly level) so that we don't have to ground components and use the Analyze Interference tool to make sure we are right on the surfaces? I don't understand why it will work for a cylindrical surface but not an elliptical surface.
Is there any way / trick to wrap a 2D sketch to a non-flat/cylindrical/conical face? See attached part. I'd like wrap the lines in Sketch2 to the ring's outer face in order to get a proper path for "engraving". I see no other way to get a proper path for sweep, because project along vector won't work.
I am relatively new to the 3D modeling world and would like some tips and tricks on how to quickly model a staircase. I have posted a 3D pic of a particular one, that I done recently.
I would all-sow like to know how to model the bottom part of the stairs so that is is a continuous surface. Having trouble with modeling a curved surface and making it part of a solid...
I search a function to automate this process (look at the picture below for an example) :
- I have a picture with a lot of black pixels - I would like to group all black pixels which are separated by less than "X" pixels, to draw a continuous surface.
I want to draw a 3D-polyline and wrap it to a surface so that the elevations in the surface aplies to the polyline. With every elevation difference i want a vertrice to be added to the polyline so that it follows the surface perfectly along the polyline length.
I'm nowhere close to an expert at Inventor, so there might be an easier way to do this, but I am trying to draw a dimpled heat exchanger. It's just two dimpled sheets welded together with hot oil running through the hollow space so I am trying to do one sheet first. I thought about making the flat sheet with the dimples first and then bending it, but couldn't figure out how to bend it.
Now I'm working off an already bent sheet. I got the first dimple close to how I want it, but when I tried to pattern the dimple along the current purple line, it would not let me.
I need the dimples to eventually wrap around the sheet metal in a diamond pattern.Also, I am using Inventor 2010
I have a dog bone shaped sheet metal part and each end is folded up 45 degrees to create Z shaped part, the origonal shape was done in a different program and imported as a dxf, it is curvy and no straight sides, the folds were done as fold from a sketch line.
I now want to take a section out of the middle bit, i can cut a bit out but how do i rejoin them?I was hoping to move bodies but i can't select a sing bit it only selects the hole thing even though it is in two bits?
I am trying to make a model of coil cord cable (looks like phone cable) in the autodesk inventor10. I know to make a model of the coil cord when it is straight, but how can i make the coil cord model when it is folder.
I have made a sheet metal part in inventor (see image). I have made the part as it will be in the finished production state. The problem is that the part is impossible to bend from one single plate, so it has to be made from several plates and welded together.
What i want to do is to remove the four corner plates (denoted with red arrows in the image) and make a flat pattern for these separately.
The reason i made these corner plates in my model is to get the assembled part 100% correct. if i dont, inventor doesnt make the angles that i need between the flanges in the top.
I am trying to use the sheet metal functionality to generate a flat pattern of insulation that is wrapped around a tank. The insulation essentially consists of a rolled cylinder with tabs at the cylinder ends that are to be folded inward to cover the end plates. I can't seem to find a way to make this happen as every time I am able to generate the tabs in the folded model they don't unfold into the flat pattern.
And I want to "wrap" a circular logo to the mug to make it look like the logo is imprinted on the mug. What's the best way of going about this so it doesn't look like it was a poor photoshop hack?
What I have figured so far is to use the Edit / Transform / Perspective to squish the bottom and widen the top to give the perspective. And then I go to Edit / Transform / Scale and squish it vertically.
I have a blade housing that requires a continuos radius around the profile. It is not a full radius. When I shell the blade, it looks like the raidius wants to continue. I was told I had to use two fillets and the particial radius will not work. However, the continuous radious in the customers requirement. Is there a way to shell this part correctly?
This is probably a simple one, but when I dimension from an edge to the tangent of a radius or circle. It always snaps to the center. How do I get the dimension to snap to the tangent point?
I am still making some adjustments to our standard drawing template and I ran into another issue..
I want the tangent edges to be displayed automatically when I insert a drawing view rather than clicking the Display Options tab and checking the Tangent Edges box every time I make a new drawing. Is this possible? If so, how?
I tried inserting a view, checking the Tangent Edges box, then deleting my view and re-saving the template but it still went back to the default.
I have a roller pin which follows a certain path using transitional constrain in an assembly. A box is attached to the roller pin which move along with it. My problem is that I want one face of the box to be tangent to the path which the roller pin is following so that the box moves according when it is on the curve. I have attached the file with the message.
I am trying to place a tubes cylindrical surface to another tubes cylindrical surface using add constraint. How do I specify which side of the target surface to apply the constraint ?
Since switching over to Inventor 2012 I have been having trouble snapping to tangent points on a curve or circle to pull dimensions. I would do it manually but if the dimension is not referencing a specific point in the model it turns pink to identify an error.
Is there a setting that may be not allowing me to snap to tangent points?
I am having trouble with a part that I am working on. Trying to trim to the tangent edge. I cant post the part that I am actually using, but here is an example of a similar problem. In the attached file, open the "Negative Part.ipt". The sketch 2 contains a line (unconstrained). I need this line to be tangent with the curve below it.
I can project the edge of the curve to my sketch plane, but not the tangent of the radius.
Looking at a side profile of a channel in a drawing, you will usually see a top and bottom edge, as well as some nominal flange thickness.
In Inventor, all you see is the top and bottom edge...because the channel's shape is really radiused on the flange.
So I turn on "Tangent Edges" in the Display Options of my I see three lines representing the flange. I can manually hide the other lines, but this option creates a TON of lines in my views that I would have to manually hide.
What is the quickest and cleanest way to represent a channel without seeing a ton of extra tangent lines?
Is it possible to have a tangent constrain on multiple curves?
see enclosed rough sketch, i would like the curved free end or the arm to be in constant contaced with the wavey top line on the other part, the wavey line is constructed as 3 curves but i can only get the tangent constrain to apply to one of the curves.
i would like the tangent constraignt to move between the curves so the part stays in constant contact with the wavey line. this is just a mess about sketch i suppose a real world instance will be a wheel following a shaped cam plate.
Is there any way to have Tangent Edges to show within all view's created on my idw automatically within the my template file or do I have to remember to double click on each of my created views per page, select display options and make sure Tangent Edges are checked on.
*See Computer Mouse is Attached Photo IV 2012 Pro-Suite / VP 2011 Windows Vista Enterprise - 64 Bit Precision Workstation T7500 Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU - E5504 @ 2.00 GHz (8 CPUs) 12284 Mb Ram Dual Quadro FX 5800
I used Solid Edge for my entire professional career. One thing that is driving me batty is how, when necessary in a view for clarity, tangent lines are displayed and how to change them, or at the very least, come up with a work around to display them how is needed. In general, tangent lines are first, supposed to be of thinner lineweight, but also, are not supposed to extend all the way across the surface of a part, they are to leave a small gap.
I have found and tried the option of displaying tangent lines, and also have checked the for shorten option. The issue is, in many of the parts the gap produced in HUGE. So I've spent a few hours tinkering, and I finally decided to try and define a new linetype using autocad express tools. So I tried this, but to my dismay I haven't been able to set up a linetype that only has a gap at the end. See attached jpeg for illustration.
In other softwares when you creat a spline you are able to adjust the curvature between points by dragging the slope handles at a node. In my file, I have thus far been unable to fair my splines with any kind of consistancy. Also, it should be possible to place a tangent constaint to a straight line at a point, yet I haven't been able to do that either. According to the help files this should be an easy thing to adjust, Why am I not able to?