AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create Positional Representation In 2013?

Jul 18, 2012

We are running Inventor 2013 and I am trying to create a simple positional representation of a small assembly.  For some reason, the "New" option is grayed out in the positional representation browser. 

I can't remember ever having trouble creating them in past releases.....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Animation With Positional Representation

Apr 30, 2013

I am having problems with creating positional representations. I create simple representations that go from closed to open and when I finish creating the animation I have a position representation called WorkPR1 that overwrites any positional representations I have created. What do I need to do to get my representations to be used or how do I modify the WorkPR1 representation to show what I want?

I'm using 2014

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Determine Whether Positional Representation Is Failing?

Aug 9, 2012

I'm looping trough positional representations in a assembly and I would like to determine if one of them is failing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Positional Representation Not Showing In Tree?

Aug 17, 2012

I have an issue where a two positional representations are showing in the spreadsheet for editing, but not showing in the tree view.

I cannot delete a representation from the spreadsheet.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Positional Representation Of SubAssembly Using ILogic

Oct 11, 2011

The problem

- I have a top level assembly (lets call it '01.iam', which contains a range of subassemblies (e.g. '02.iam', '03.iam' etc)
- The subassemblies have positional representations
- I want to be able to manipulate the pos.rep's from the top level using iLogic. 

I found this snippet of code on the forum which works when I create the rule in one of the subassemblies. 

But I'm having trouble adapting it to work from the top level, as I would like all my rules saved in one place. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using ILogic To Set Component Visibility Based On Positional Representation

May 30, 2013

what code I would use in an assembly if I want to enable and make visible certain parts depending on the positional rep I am using.

Basically I am having trouble reading the pos rep into an iLogic code

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create An Assembly With Representation

Oct 20, 2011

I am trying to create an assembly with different representation. let me take a small example and explain. I am trying to create an assembly with say 2part. 1. A circular base plate of 6in dia (An assembly by itself in my case). 2. A plate on top of that say 4in,3in, 4,5in. 

in one representation I want to have the base plate and 4in plate on top with say 0.2in holes going all the way through on 1in bore circle. 

In another representation I want to use the same base plate with 3in plate on top with 0.2 in holes on 1.5in bore circle. When I am creating an extrusion in one representation view it is still showing on the other representation too.

I want to know if there is a way to turn off the feature (representation wise) so that when i turn on the 4in plate i can see the 4in holes and when i turn on 3in plate i can see the 3in holes.

I don't want to have multiple ipts for the base plate as i am dealing with an assembly for the base plate. the only difference is the locations of the holes for different top plate. I want to create just one top level assembly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Missing Design View Representation From 2013

Jan 8, 2013

My company have recently upgraded from Inventor 2010 to Inventor 2013, on the whole I like it a lot better but there is one feature I can't find or Autodesk have removed. I have attached an image of what I mean if I haven't explained it very well but on the browser bar there used to be a drop down 'design view representation' that you could change back to 'master' quickly. I found this very useful as I often use the 'visible' tool to hide parts then want to unhide them all at once. Is there another way of doing what I want or does this tool exist hidden away somewhere else?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Positional Representations In Assemblies?

Nov 1, 2011

I have set up my assembly file so that it has the master and two other positions. When I switch from position one, to position two, it works fine. But when I go into inventor studio, and try to create an animation by using Pos Reps, it will not do anything.I do sometimes get an error saying that Excel is required. I do have the latest version of Excel installed on my machine.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shrinkwrap / Derive With Positional Reps

Aug 26, 2013

I have an issue with Shrinkwrap/Derive when using a Positional Rep.Open the derived part and try to change it to the "work" positional rep.Everything appears to work fine in the "master" rep.I have this problem in a few of my assemblies and was able to track it down to the positional rep usage in the derived part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Animating Positional Representations In Studio?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm using 2011 pro.  When I try to animate a positional rep in inventor studio, it complains that I don't have excel installed. (see attached image) although I do have it installed.  I've put the hotfix on for excel, with no effect.  I've repaired inventor and repaired excel no fix though.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraints Round Off For Positional Reps

Oct 1, 2012

When creating positional reps in Inventor 2012 SP1 it rounds them to a 3 place decimal.  So If I want the constraint to be at 1.1875 it rounds it to 1.188.  Is there anyway to change this to 4 place decimal?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Positional Representations In Sub Assembly Using ILogic?

Dec 12, 2012

I'm configuring a band with different supports. Each support is configured with a range; 600-900, 900-1200, 1200-1500 etc. those ranges can be adjust by 50mm and those steps are specified by the pos reps (see attached image).

All the different supports are put in the top assembly and in this assembly I want to switch between the positional representations. I tried to use: 


But it won't work. I guess I have to replace "ComponentDefinition" in one way or another to the component name, but I don't know how.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IV11 Reorder Positional Representations In Browser?

Jun 22, 2006

Is there a way to reorder positional representations in the browser. I'd like to keep them in order of how the assembly will function. That way, it's easier to create the animation in Studio. See attached image.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Unable To Create Output File

Aug 27, 2013

I'm having some difficulty with a new issue that is occuring:I have a 3D model that I'm attempting to render. It has rendered recently with no issues. Now, this morning, I get the following error message:

Unable to create output file - Make sure destination directory is writable and that the disk is not full. Rendering aborted.The drive is only approx. 30% full. I've closed/reopened the file to no avail.Also, I've closed/restarted ACAD.It always seems that AutoCAD acts goofy whenever I have a deadline.

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Revit :: 2013 3D Model Representation In 2D Plan?

Apr 4, 2012

why I can not see real representation of what is modeled. Why stairs by components uses 2d lines to represent stair in plans?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: BOM Based On Representation

Nov 7, 2013

Is there some way to do a BOM based on a representation?  Also how do I get sub-assemblies to show as the individual parts?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create FEA Simulation

Oct 21, 2011

I have a very simple part I am trying to check using FEA; however when I get into the Simulation environment and click 'New Simulation' from Ribbon nothing happens.

The part in question is just a simple cylinder (I'm verifying what would be the best meshing spec to use in a larger assembly).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create Component?

Jul 4, 2009

now a have a typical error to insert in my assambly a item from my content center, reciveing a erro like "unable to create component", i´m looking for a solution inside forums and find a solution but didn´t work for me, the solution watched and did for me as deleted of the content folder "CACHE" in my computer C:/....all users/inventor..../cache.

I use AI2009 with SP1.

What can i do, delete all families from content center and upload again?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Design View Representation

Aug 2, 2004

how do i unlock a design view representation when i can't find where it'slocked. I looked in the design view and i don't see a locked version, viewis listed as "none".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: View Representation Order

Aug 30, 2013

I'm working in ancient Inventor 2009 and I'm using view representations for all of my .ipn levels. I've accidentally skipped one step and would like to put it in the middle of the others. Is there a way to re-organize the representations. I've attached a picture. I need to insert a representation above the check marked one.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Pipe Insulation Representation

Nov 6, 2013

I am trying to create a representation of 10" diameter insulation that will cover the 3" pipe (the thickest one shown in the attached picture). This pipe has been created using the Tube and Piping environment, so I don't know the best method, if there is one, to do it. I tried doing a sweep using the pipe route's center-line, but ran into complications, I may have not been doing it right. All it really has to be is a visual representation so that I can visually check clearances and for presentation purposes.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: View Representation Updates

Apr 30, 2012

I used to use "Level of detail" to hide components etc for detailing purposes. I now use "Representations" among a few customised views, I have a set search for fasteners.

Question: Is there a way to automate the search (Saved search) and then switch off the visibilty of the items? Preferably some iLogic code?

I have to run the search quite a few times during the design/detailing process, and sometimes things slip through the cracks, esp when I change fastners. (Note, All the fastners are extracted from the CC and saved with a new name and details.) It would be great to just run a rule.

Autodesk Product Design Suite Premium 2014 SP1 Build 222
Intel Core i7 (950@3.07GHz)
Windows 7x64 (Home) - 12GB Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti (1Gig - Ver:331.65)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unlocking View Representation

Sep 19, 2011

I've looked and saw quite a few messeges on the same topic but couldn't find some good resolve : I'm in an assembly, trying to hide/supress some component, and it keeps saying that the view is locked (I do see "lock" logos on all the views) and I should unlock it or create a new one, which I don't want - I want the changes to be on the main "master" view)

How do I "unlock" or resolve it?Right clicking on the view doesn't give me any option to unlock it..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Representation In New View

Nov 2, 2011

So after creating a bunch of assemblies with associated presentation and drawing files I was told that each assembly needs multiple representations for different part colors. I would like to be able to change the representation view of my assembly (i.e. from 'Master' to 'Black') in the presentation file I've already made and have the colors update here and in the associated drawing files.

PS - I do know how to change the representation in a new view. So...hindsight 20/20.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create A Flat Pattern

Mar 7, 2013

I want to creat a flatpattern of an iregulary cut cylinder that was made in the standard .ipt world and is now converted into a sheetmetal. I want to "Unroll" the piece out so can see the shape of it as a flat piece. Picture of it is attached. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create Flat Pattern

Jul 19, 2013

I can't get Inventor to create a flat pattern of the attached sheetmetal part. It's a pretty basic part, just five folds. I'm not getting any error issues - when I go to the flat pattern it just shows the folded part (picture attached). 

I assume it has something to do with the way I folded it and the notches, etc. Inv makes to accomplish the fold. I'm using Inventor 2013 on Win 8. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create A Solid Extrusion

Dec 28, 2012

I have just downloaded an educational version of Inventor. Although I can create sketches I cannot extrude the sketch to form a solid. The origin arrow heads appear over size and it seems as if the origin plane is being extruded to form a solid!

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create ILogic Form

Aug 31, 2012

I have one particular file which will not allow me to add an iLogic form. When I select "Add Form" it does nothing. This only happens in this one file. I can open other files in the same session and they work fine. I can add iLogic rules to this file but I can't create forms.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create New File In 2012

Mar 31, 2012

I have recently installed Inventor Professional 2012 Student Version, and I'm unable to create a new file, as the program crashes as I try to do so.

After starting Inventor, I select New than Standard.ipt. The file starts loading, the status of the loading process can be seen in the bottom left corner, than the "Open Documets in Session" counter in the bottom right corner changes from 0 to 1, as it should, I guess. And than, the program freezes. Sometimes, a message appears after several minutes that an error has occured, and that I should send an error report to Autodesk (which I did); but sometimes, no message appears at all, it simply crashes.

My computer specs are: Intel Core 2 @1,86 GHz, 2 GB RAM, NVidia GeForce 9800 GTX, 60 GB free space, Windows Vista (hotfix installed) Not a powerhouse, but I think it should be able to start a file properly I think, if I understand the system requirements correctly.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List Per View Representation?

Oct 3, 2012

I have a model of an enclosure created using Frame Generator.  I create a View Representation of each wall and the roof in order to create the fab drawings. Is there a way to create a Parts List ONLY what is visible in a particular View Representation?

Office Laptop specs:

- Inventor Professional 2012 (Autodesk Product Design Suite)
- Dell Precision M6600
- Intel i7-2960XM @ 2.70GHz
- 128GB mSATA SSD (main)
- (2) 750GB drives (non-RAID)
- touchscreen display w/ pen
- Windows 7 Ultimate

Home Laptop specs:

- Dell XPS 17 (non-3D version)
- Intel i7 2nd gen
- 16GB RAM
- (2) 500GB drives (non-RAID)
- touchscreen display
- AutoCAD Mechanical 2008 (Retail License)
- entire Audodesk product line (Student Licenses)
- Google SketchUp 8 (Retail License)
- Blender
- Cinema 4D
- various other design software packages

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