How to manage adding titleblocks to sheets. On my last few projects I had x-ref'd in a titleblock which contained all of the generic info that was consistent throughout the whole sheet set. Then I created a block that I inserted into each sheet that I could edit and make sheet specific.
While this works, once you have insertion points correct, I was thinking about instead making the generic part of the titleblock a block also. My concern is that as I have revisions, the generic block that I would update would not "ripple" through the whole set quite like it did when I was x-refing it in.
In fact, some of the things I've found online refer that you cannot automatically replace entire Titleblock Templates for existing Sheets in the Sheet Set Manager. So, here's my question:
Can you replace all existing Sheets in a Sheet Set with an entirely new Template file automatically, without opening each Sheet and re-inserting the Title block?
Example: Let's say I have a Sheet Set. Inside the Sheet Set, I already have 20 sheets created. I then realize that my Template file is missing our company logo. I then have to open the Template file and insert my company logo. Well, this works for all newly created sheets from that point forward, but how can I get this change to automatically populate in the existing 20 Sheets that are already in the Sheet Set?
I can't for some reason get this rule to work, simply want to be able to choose what title block to use.
I created a text parameter with the multi-values: TES ELE and TES EQU
I have 2 title blocks in my template called TES ELE and TES EQU
Here is my code, basically, I want to rule to apply the title block based on the selection, which will be done on a form.
If Title = "TES ELE" ThenActiveSheet.TitleBlock = "TES ELE"ElseIf Title = "TES EQU" ThenActiveSheet.TitleBlock = "TES EQU"End IfInventorVb.DocumentUpdate()ThisApplication.ActiveView.Fit
I have found many threads in this forum and have used their solutions for this rule, but for some reason, my rule will not select the title block and place it in the drawing.
Here is a snap of my set-up and my template file is attached
The title blocks that we use have prompted entries in them and I would like to find a way using iLogic to copy the entries from one title block to another within the same drawing; i.e.. if the user decides to change from an A2 to A1 drawing.
I already have an iLogic rule which allows the user to change the active border, title block and sheet size based on a form selection but would like it to capture the prompted entries already entered and re-use them after the change.
Right now I'm copying it from one file to the other... but I'm sure there is some other way. Are title blocks saved anywhere other than embebed in the file? Autodesk Product Design Suite 2012 Ultimate Autodesk Developer Network [URL]
I need to insert two different (separate) title blocks into my idw drawings so both show on the drawing. One is the real Title block, and one is a Revision History block. I have listed them as Title blocks under Drawing Resources, but Inventor won't allow me to insert both. Is there any way round this?
I do not want the Revision History block as a Symbol.
Inventor 2011; MS Windows 7-64; i5-2500; 8Gb; GF550Ti.
Have more than one drawing template? (we use A and B size sheets)
My questions concerns, metric vs imperial A vs B vs C etc etc drawing sheet size title block does not scale down accordingly when change sheet size within an existing drawing template.
Is it possible to have one drawing template that can be toggle imperial vs metric, and then sheet size selected and then the title block scaled down or up accordingly? (I would assume this could be done using iLogic)
Or is it normal to have different drawing templates for sizes and units?
i have created some dynamic title blocks with text attributes in title column. I have gone back an added some more attributes at a later date and these new ones will not move with my dynamic stretch! I have tried everything, modifying the action, re-doing the action, nothing works!
Im trying to make a small tool that i can share with other users that allows at the click of a button, a form to give options for titles & borders. Im pretty good with VBA but new to Inventor objects. The tool itself will change all of the borders & title blocks in multiple sheets to the selects ones on the form in one go.
I have the code set up to loop through the sheets and delete / replace all borders & title blocks and this works great. Im trying to find how i can loop through the borders & title blocks so that i can get them into a combo box for each. I cant find anything about this on the internet.
I'm trying to insert our company logo (a DXF file) into the a title block definition however the insertion point seems to default to 0,0.How can I insert it with a user defined insertion point?
You will see from the attached screen snipe what I mean about being forced to insert it at the 0,0, coordinates. I'd like to insert it into clear space then scale it and move it into replace the existing logo.
I am trying to create an iLogic (or VB) rule to update an active drawing title blocks from our Template File.I don't want to use any of the external software (Transfer Wizard etc), we just need a simple rule that will update the title blocks when we need to.
I am trying to update the text in the idw title block externally via excel or ilogic. I know of the iproperty of the part or the iam and that being able to be incorporated in the idw title block. But is there any way of linking an excel file to the idw so once the excel file is changed it updates all the idw title blocks it references?
shouldn't sheets marked as "exclude from count" not be counted?
I tried this in both 2013 and 2012 to see if maybe AutoDesk broke it, but it doesn't work in either one. This is easily reproducible for me, a file shouldn't be necessary. Just open up (or create) a multi sheet drawing. Go to edit sheet on one or two of them and check the "exclude form count" box. Now create a new iLogic rule and put the following line into it:
MsgBox("This is the number of sheets in the drawing: " & ThisDoc.Document.Sheets.Count, VBOkOnly, "Number of Sheets")
What I need to know is, will the drawing sheets/titleblocks attributes etc, I have created to insert in AutoCAD work in Civils 3d or will i need to create separate ones.
I recently set up Elements 12. Prior to this I used elements 11. In that catalog I have more photos that I don't want. So I decided to export the ones I want then import into PSE 12. As I do this many of the dates on the pictures change from the date taken to the current date. I have tried several different ways and can't stop the dates changing. I am putting them into mobile albums in PSE 12 if that makes a difference.
Is there a way to generate the station ranges for each sheet title block when generating sheets? It seems like there should be some sheet set manager variable for it or something but I haven't been able to find it.
we have on company drawing title block the date created field. . . . but when the file is being transfered and "save" it shows the present day of saving. . . is there any lisp that when used, it will show the original date its created. .?
I have a attributed titleblock. Sometime in the future I will need to change the date attribute to another value, i.e.. 7-11 to 9-11.
I can't place a text string in the title block because this title block is used for multiple drawings and the date will be different for different sets. I can't have numerous title blocks because of the client's requirements.
Is there a way to write a script to open a drawing, look for the specific attribute, change the date value, save and close the drawing - across multiple sheets? Would a lisp routine called by the script be able to do this? Or a script file called by the original script file? CAn you even use a script file in this manner?
I am trying to change the title block of the active sheet using visual basic. I realize this can be done using a snippet in iLogic, but I am creating an external .dll file using Visual Studio.
ThisDoc.Document.ActiveSheet.TitleBlock.Definition.Name = "Title Block Name" (This changes the name of the title block in the browser but doesnt swap it out.)
"Open the .idw that you created your title block in. Locate and right click on your title block in "drawing resources". Select copy. Open the file that you want to put your title block in. Right click on "drawing resources" and paste your title block there. Now you will have to delete their title block and then activate yours. "
I want to change my drawing template and I have many to do and it must have somewhere somehow a way to do this automatically?
I have tried to change the size of the text in the title block and in other places within a drawing, but the changes are ignored. They always come back to Tahoma 0.120"
Is this a bug in the program?
Inventor 2013 with the latest service packs, etc.
I really need to make some changes to the title block and making the text smaller is one of them.
I am currently working with fx parameters and iLogic to drive a model and it's corresponding drawing to change based on a single user parameter.
I have managed to get the drawing to update both the scale of the views I need and the size of the sheet with the change in parameter using the following rule:
However when i attempt to use this with the title block using the function:
ActiveSheet.TitleBlock="My Title Block" in place of the sheet change size it brings up the error message:
Error in rule: Drawing Title Block, in document: Drawing
The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
I have read elsewhere that this is due to me having prompted entries for the scale and drawn by fields, however when i use the function designed for prompted entries: ActiveSheet.SetTitleBlock("Other Title Block", "promptedEntry1", "promptedEntry2") It fills in the prompted entry fields from the code and if i change these entries in the "edit field" option they are overwritten when it is updated.
Is there a way have the prompted entries when you open the drawing fill in the "promptedEntry1" field in the rule so that I can use the rule? Or am I going about it the wrong way?
I should point out i'm new to iLogic and no-one in my workplace can use it so each person changing the "promptedEntry1" field to the scale they wish isn't a wise move.
I’m wondering if there is a way to fill the values of all parameters of a title block for ALL sheets at a time. Are we supposed to fill out these parameters for each single sheet manually despite that fact that they are similar?Surely, I’m not taking here about the sort of information that differs from sheet to another like the “sheet name”
Why ALL the parameters of the title block are not shown in the properties dialogue box?
How to change the order of the sheets? Is there a way to move the sheet up and down?
Is there an automated way to re-numbering the sheets based on a given start value say A001?
When you make a custom table in, adding in the Row Height property in the custom table create line only changes the data cell row heights, not the title cells or the header cell. How do yo do set the title/header cell row heights ?