AutoCAD Inventor :: Place Text In IAssembly / Detected Potentially Damaging Errors In Table
Jan 6, 2014
In the column Description from a I-assembly table I will place the text Test<200. Than I get a error message "Detected potentially damaging errors in the table. Unable to interpret cel: " ". It goes wrong with this symbol <. How do i get this symbol normal as a text in this column?
I am creating an iAssembly with iParts. Some of the iParts have the "Table Replace" colum option and some do not. Both iParts have tables with members and part numbers. See pic.
Is there any way to insert a generic table into an assembly file. I don't want to create an iAssembly or use the data to configure the component in any way. I would just like to be able to maintain some design related information within the assembly file, similar to the tables that you can create in an idw. A table just like the iAssembly table would be fine, minus the iAssembly part or any sense of configuration.
I am trying to come up with an automatic method to add a new row to my i assembly table and populate that row based on values entered by the user (assuming that combination of values doesn't already exist... ). Basically, I wish to build my i assembly table on demand over long term by user input via a form that calls an ilogic rule.
I have created two iParts, both with corresponding tables which I then put into an iAssembly so I can change the size of a pad eye and two cheek plates depending upon the desired Working Load Limit. I have a very basic form right now with a drop down menu to chose the different Safe Working Loads but whichever one I choose, is not changing the table configuration to the desired size. Clearly my iLogic code is not working the way I would like. See below and also see attached screen shots so you know what I am working with.
This code was actually overwriting the table properties (in excel), so I know this is wrong, I just couldn't find any snippet for changing a table configuration .
I have created two table rows in an iAssembly that I would like to have a iLogic code written for.
What do I need to use to trigger between these two, when, for instance, a certain numeric value is entered in the parameters? Within the assembly file, when I use the iPart.ChangeRow (or iAssembly.ChangeRow) and put the . I am filename in the first spot, it says it cannot find the file.
This is what I am using, and the error states it cannot find the . i am file I am referencing.
what the best way to show 2 different subassemblies based on the same iAssembly... I would expect a "custom" option as there is from the content center. If I try and change the table for one, the other instance gets updated, and I would like it to stay the same. I understand that this would require a new "branch" in the BOM holding the different sized parts, but there must be a way to accommodate this?
How to edit the member name in an iassembly table using code? The Part Number and Description iproperties are easy to handle. But I am stuck on how to access the member name and edit it. I guessed at some methods, but keep getting errors.
In a simple case I have an extrusion with some attached seals/weather stripping, all implemented as iParts having their own LENGTH parameters.
RailPart.ipt, Seal_A.ipt, Seal_B.ipt
The goal is to encapsulate these IParts within an iAssembly: RailAssy.iam, where a LENGTH parameter can be input when the iAssembly is placed, causing RailPart and Seal_A to have their length parameters set to the LENGTH provided at that time and SEAL_B having Length set by an iLogic rule to LENGTH - 5.
I've been unable to set up a Custom Parameter Column in an iAssembly table. Is this even permitted?
I tried many times to paste excel table into autocad using paste special/paste link/autocad entities/. The first problem is that the table is coming out with text all over the place, not properly formatted. When I click on the table it's covered by some kind of frame or hatch-like. I am using 2010 Office pro Excel. See attached.
I have recently modified the CC of a part family so that different materials for the same part can be chosen. When I exit the editor and place the component I can see the choice of the materials in the dialog box - no problems (See 1st attachment" But when I go to another users PC they cannot see any of the new materials in the "Place content center" dialog box!?!
For information, we are running Inv. 2011 with Vault Professional 2012
The CC libraries are stored on the server and we have one custom library to which I have publish the modified part family.
The custom CC has been fully synchronised with the Vault server.
The materials.xml containing the new materials used in the part family has been downloaded to the users local workspace.
Inventor 2014 Pro SP1, Vault 2014 Pro SP1 Windows 7, 64-bit Intel Xeon 3.6GHz 32GB Nvidia Quadro 4000
I am looking for assitance with the VB code to change the text style within a custom table when it is created from a VB standalone program. I am using Inventor 2013 and VB 2010 Express.
I have a customtable that is created within a .idw, and I would like to have the data cells set to "Table_Cells" style that I have created. I cannot find anything in the help file with a sample code to build off.
I figure it's got to be something with oCustomTable.DataTextStyle but beyond that I am lost.This is what I have, and VB is kicking it back in my face.
Dim oTextStyle As TextStyleoTextStyle = oCustomTable.DataTextStyle.StyleType("Table_Cells") Error 2 'Public ReadOnly Property StyleType As Inventor.StyleTypeEnum' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed.
In my iAssembly, I have placed a weld. In one of the members, I am suppressing the weld. When I change to that member, I get an error "Weld No Spine: could not compute Weld: Possible intersection failure". Inventor complains a little, but it does not show that Red Cross after the member is selected.
Why do I see that even though the weld is suppressed for that member?
If I put iParts into an assembly, and then convert this assembly to an iAssembly, I can include "Table Replace [My_iPart]" as a column in the parameter table. As the value of this column I can select the individual rows of the given iPart parameter table.
However, I can not make this column be a "Custom Parameter Column". (In fact it seems to me that in an iAssembly I can not make any other types of columns to be "Custom Parameter Columns" either). Also, if a parameter of the iPart is a "custom parameter", I can not carry over this "customness" into the iAuthor parameter table.
This means that I need to insert table rows by hand, one-by-one, which is quite cumbersome. Imagine you have an iAssembly containing only two iParts, each having N rows. This means N^2 rows in the iAssembly, all of which I need to specify by hand. Plus I can not use the "customness" of a parameter of an iPart within the assembly.
In an iAssembly containing an iPart, I would like to
- have a "Custom Parameter Column" in the iAssembly parameter table, which can select rows from the iPart parameter table (selectable values would automatically be all the rows from the correcponding iPart)
- if my iPart has a custom parameter, I would like to have this custom parameter available as a separate custom-value column in the iAssembly
Is it possible somehow? Or is it conceptually wrong?
I have several iterations of an assembly. Specifically I have a base of a machine with different tooling for different products.
I generated the BOM by referencing the specific tooling I am trying to detail. That worked. But when I balloon, it references the main assembly. It won't let me redirect the source file to the tooling asm.
Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.
I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.
I am using to generate a custom table in my .idw files to make a plot stamp. The table is showing up, however, the text is garbled. When you open the .idw, the table properties show the text correctly but the display is coming out messed up. I have attached a picture of what each looks like. I moved the table off the sheet for clarity.
Public Sub PlotStamp() Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = _invApp.ActiveDocument Dim oInvSheet As Sheet oInvSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet Dim oTitles_Plot(0) As String oTitles_Plot(0) = CurrentFilename
Issue between an i-assembly and i-Logic. So, I have an assembly that includes some extra components that are not always needed and therefore an i-Logic rule takes the decision whether these will be suppressed or not.
Of course this is not a problem however it turns out that I miss some info from BOM according to the suppressed parts ...and all these makes sense following the LOD etc.
A potential solution to keep up to date the BOM while you are excluding the needless components is to create an i-Assembly.
To keep that simple I turned my current Assembly to an i-Assembly and very successfully I excluded various components and of course I included some others by adding extra ROWS.
So far So good
Now I want to apply some dimensional boundaries by using i-Logic rules. According to them I want to allow this i-assembly to jump among these different ROWS that meet the right criteria.
Very rough thoughts led me to the following code...
For example...
If Width > 600 Then iPart.ChangeROW ("..." , "...") 'Row-1' Else iPart.ChangeROW ("..." , "...") 'Row-2' End if
The Problem is that the above code works fine, for a example, in case that I will place an i-part in my assembly... However I am looking to change the row of the actual assembly that as I mentioned before I turned it to an i-assembly
To make this even more clear I want to be able to manipulate my i-assembly with i-Logic rules while this is open in Inv. I don't want to change rows while this is placed as a component or sub-assembly in an another assembly...
I was wondering if I'm able to create two tables in an iassembly, like one table for size and another for different components in the same assembly.I have a vague memory of an old assembly having this but I can't find it or it's just a figure of my imagination.
I am using Inventor Professional 2012 and I have created complex iparts and iassemblies and I am not able to change the BOM structure of the parts simply because they are intelligent. I require the tables and features that the iparts and iassemblies can create but they are coming up read only and can not modify the BOM information. Is there a way to change the read only aspect of an ipart or iassembly?
What I am looking for is a command similar to table replace, but that will allow for a new part to be created based on a user input. This will need to be done at the i Assembly level to an i Part that is placed within the assembly.
The end goal is to have input boxes come up, ask the user for the values then create all of the associated parts.
I don't need anything with the input boxes, just the part creation.
I'm trying to change the value in the description column through the formattedtext but the final result is not what is supposed to be, this is a part of my code.
Sub HoleTab()Set oDrwDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocumentDim oSheet As SheetDim i As IntegerSet oSheet = oDrwDoc.ActiveSheetDim oHoleTables As HoleTablesSet oHoleTables = oSheet.HoleTablesDim oTable As HoleTableDim oTableRow As HoleTableRowDim oTableRows
How we can access the part parameters after hitting create iAssembly. do I need to make i parts first and then bring them to an assembly and make an iAssembly??
I have an i Assembly, with a Sub-i Assembly and i Parts. Is it possible to "extract" a copy of one configuration as normal assembly? So that I have an assembly where I can modify parts without touching the iAssembly or iParts.
I am looking for a way to change the parameters of a part that is within an iAssembly. Basically we have tubing with flanges on the end and wish to have an easy way to model varying lengths. I essentially need to be able to have the upper level iAssembly control the flange spacing and cut the tube to length based on the users selection. Due to BOM setup these parts must be seperate .ipt in a larger .iam
I need use Include / Exclude some components in a Pattern which include an iAssembly. But looks like this option is not available (maybe I missed something)?
I use Inventor 2009, XP32 OS.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 (64 Bit) SP2 Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5645 12.0 GB Memory