AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Clean Up Face Edges Of A Surface
Oct 16, 2012
I have a .Sat file I've brought into Inventor. The problem is that, as you can see from the attached zebra analysis, the faces are smooth and flush but I still have several unnecessary isolines. How can I get rid of them and I don't mean changing the view to have lines off I mean actually sealing the faces such that they erase the seam.
We received a surface model from a vendor that I have patched up as best I can, it still has one hole that I can find that I haven't been able to fill. Ideally we would like to have a solid model, but I'm running out of time to get this done and the surface model we have would be good enough for our purposes IF I can get the yellow surface tangent lines to turn off or change their color to black.
I've attached a jpg of the surface model with the yellow lines and uploaded the model here: [URL].....
I opened a model generated in previous releases and noticed that there were parts with a strange yellow highlight.
Turns out the parts aren't explicitly highlighted, it's just that their edges are yellow. See the screenshot below.
I usually work in the 'Shaded with Edges' view style. I found that if the view style is changed to 'Shaded' or 'Realistic', the yellow disappears with the edges.
The only parts the yellow edges seem to affect are ones generated as surfaces. I would like to know how to turn the yellow off is possible. So far I've tried changing the part appearance in the toolbar and changing the surface body properties in the model tree; neither method worked.
Now I don't model in surfaces, but there have been purchased parts imported into Inventor that have in the past ended up as surfaces, and it's these parts that have the highlight. I haven't noticed anything like this in previous releases.
I am prepping a character for cut-out animation, in Photoshop CS6. I am at a stage when i need to clean up layer edges (all the artwork is bitmap and created in Photoshop with brushes) I had tried zooming and rubbing out , any noticeable debris around the artwork, but i watched a tutorial where a person set up a function key which displayed a red border around the opaque parts of the layer, which is just what i need, for efficient clean-up.
Unfortunately, it wasn't explained in the tutorial how it was done. I have searched and searched, but i don't even know what the action is called in Photoshop that does that.
I am drawing with a bamboo tablet a road on a map and the edges of my stroke look bumpy, i.e. not smooth, using the pencil tool.
I have the hardness set to 0. If I hold the shift key and draw parts of the road that are straight I get a nice smooth edge but when I add in the curves I must have terrible shaky hand cos its so bumpy. Is there a smooth tool or something similar?
In any given shaded visual style, is there a way to select solids by their edges rather than the face? Ideally I would like to have X-Ray visual style turned on and be able to select objects in the background through objects in the foreground. This used to be possible in AutoCAD 2006, but I can't find any variable in AutoCAD 2011 to achieve this.
All I need to do is merge a circular face to a flat face, so both faces become one continuous face. Is this possible at all?
I have a attached a screenshot to show what I mean. Face 1 needs to be merged with face 2. This is so if I constrain anything to that face it will constrain to the entire face and not either the circular face OR the flat face.
I have created a model, by lofting a shape along a curved spline path. The model properties is currently '3d Solid' what I want to do is generate a 3d Face off of this model.
I have exploded the 3d model and that gives me a surface, bu the dilemma is that I do not know how to 'trace' or turn this surface into a 3d face format. What I was thinking is that if the surface could be exploded into individual elements I would be able to draw over the surface with the 3d face tools and then have my model, but a issue with this is that I cant explode the surface into elementary elements AND the 3dface tool cant generate curves.
In short how to turn a 3D model into a 3D Face or a Surface into a 3d Face?
The program I am exporting the model into accepts the following:
DXF Entity SAP2000 Objects 1 POINT Point 2 LINE Frame/NLink 3 3DFACE Area 4 3DPOLYLINE Solid 5 CIRCLE Line(s) 6 ARC Line(s)
Note: To be able to import the dxf entities as solids in SAP2000, you must draw them in AutoCAD as meshed polygons or meshed solids. I could also export the model as a solid but again do not know how to get a meshed polygon or meshed solid from my 3d solid, when I do mesh smooth, the model basically turns into a rectangle and looses its detail.
As you can see it is number 3 I am working on. I have managed to create simple 3d faces and get them into the program but the 3dface tool is very primitive and I cant see how I would create the curves that my model has, I cant seem to form a grid system either to use the 3dface - everything seems to draw in space.
Is there a way to do this? After perusing some threads on creating edges from vertices, the "Create" tool under "Edit Geometry" doesn't seem to solve my issue. In Blender, you can create a face by selecting at least three vertices and pressing "F". Is there anything similar to that feature in 3DS Max?
i am modeling a cello.... the forward edge of the body frame is a single face. in order to bevel it, i have to select all the edges... there are lots. for reasons that surpass understanding, MAYA does not recognize the edges of a 'corner' to be an edge loop. nor will it retain the selection with a selection mode change as some apps will (ie: select face, change to 'edge select' and have all the edges selected).
is there some simple way to select ALL the edges of a face?
When you try to select a human face (and maybe body) from a complicated background then seperate it. You'd end up with this face having small parts coming off its edges (ends). You might try to use the eraser to some extent. Still the face or body will not look smooth. How to smooth it?
Is it possible to model a surface in Civil 3D with an inverted rock face as in the cross section below? We will be scanning a large hill for quantitiy before and after they blast so will be using point clouds.
I have a series of Autocad Objects (3D faces). I need to turn the contiguous group of them into a SINGLE Autocad surface. I know next to nothing about vanilla autocad and 3D stuff. Seems there must be a way to make a surface out of objects. I would then use this resulting surface to carve a solid. DWG with 3D faces in it attached.
I have a problem with changing solid face colour where the Solid has a material assigned to it.
I have drawn a meter and need to add text to the face. Trying to imprint the text is a mission and I don’t seem able to make the text stand out. If I explode the text, Create a solid, Union the text, position the text on the meter face and union the text to the meter face the text takes on the colour of the material. I then try to change the colour of the text face and of course it will not change. The only way I can seem to change the face colour is to convert the solid to a surface which then defeats the object.
As an interim solution to overcome my problem I have created the text and positioned it where I need it and then created a block to keep it all in place. It looks ok and provided the block is not exploded it works ok but i am sure there must be a more professional way of doing it.
if i want to target the existing surface beyond the edges of my road/sidewalk, should i use the link slope to surface subassembly at both ends? i want the model to test if in a cut or fill situation, and then target.
In Revit LT 2014, I've tried unsuccessfully to override the color of topographic surface edges in my model to white, so the edges don't show up in plan views. I've tried through the Object Styles menu, Override Graphics In View By Element, and Override Objects In View By Category, but nothing has worked. These overrides have worked for me in the past in previous Revit Arch versions, so I don't know if LT just doesn't have that capability, or it's a bug.
I can't simply extend the topo surface past the view window edges (I only want to show contour lines on my site, since they've been surveyed, but the neighboring site has not been surveyed, so I don't want to guess at them). I really just want to hide the toposuface boundary edge.
I use a tool which clears Autodesk references from the profile & this fixes a variety of issues.
Generally if the problem isn't seen when logging on as a different user then the profile is to blame.
what the profile does & why it needs to be 'cleaned up' so frequently? Some machines appear to be effected more than others - looking for reasons why this is happening.
how I can add more volume to curved object surface? Say for example I have a plastic cup.You can think of this as cylinder object ,which was the shelled out using the shell tool and then had its base sealed.
Now at certain parts, I would like to increase the thickness and then blend it the rest of the surface(may be chamfer its edges) .
At certain parts on curved surface I would like to add an extra mm, I think if the surface was flat I would just sketch the shape, then extrude it by few mm and smooth the edges by doing a chamfer
But how can this be done on surface that is curved? Or multi curved for edges?
I'm designing a press for a skateboard similar to: Rib Press
I have the board modeled: (see attached)
Now what i want to do is generate those ribs as seen in the picture.
I tried creating a block that intersected with the board and tried to split the rib at the surface, but to no avail. I think the issue has something to do with the curve of the board in two directions, but i can't seem to get it right.
if you are having trouble visualizing what i'm asking about, look at this. I want to be able to figure out the exact shape of those center ribs to print and eventually cut out of wood.
It is not possible forme to add the fil because it is to large 1.8MB how can I poste then I like to know if it is possible to extend the button flat surface diameter ø12.5 up to the shaped surface. The result should be a total solid block whit a surface shaped hole.
File last up-date with Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013
I am a beginner when a extrude a feature and select a part surface for new sketch now i want is to offset that surface but i can,t there is + sign with mouse icon and something like fully constrained is written in down the window.
I've been modelling in Maya for less than a day so go easy on me!
I'm in the process of making a traffic light and have got a bit stuck on the shade around the light.
I first made a profile curve and revolved it to get a kind of cup shape. The profile curve double backs on itself so the revolve is not completely flat.
Next I projected a curve onto the side of the revolve to get the wavy shape of the light shade, and trimmed the excess off.
Now I have my lovely traffic light shape, but the ends where the revolve was trimmed are not attached. (Because I double backed the profile curve)
I just got a new computer and installed Product Design Suite Ultimate x64. Every time I close Inventor, the window immediately stops responding, then will only go away if I stop the process. If I click "End Task" in the Task Manager, it will start to look for a solution to the problem, then immediately close. No error report displays. All other programs work with no issue. All of the settings are default as installed.
So far I have tried:
-Reinstalling with and without SP1 -Installing the latest Autodesk Certified graphics driver -Using software graphics -Running as Admin -Launching in Vista and 2008 Compatibility Modes
how to edit a solid with opening a hole only one face and deleting an another face..
I added a drawing file which has a coloured face solid,I put a circle on blue face and making a hole on this face,and I want to delete red face without exploding solid,after all this I want to mesh this solid with maximum 25 units.
Is there a way to use PRESSPULL on a face that's behind or underneath another face. When I use PRESSPULL it always selects the face on top and sometimes I want a face that is behind or underneath that face.
In Inventor 2013 when i export face as it is automaticly exported to DWG 2013 version. How to i set it to 2010 version export without having to do it everytime manually? (option then chooose 2010)