AutoCAD Inventor :: Handling SelectEvents For Existing InteractionEvents
Jun 24, 2013
I'd like to handle SelectEvents as a user selects edges for a filleting operation using the standard fillet creation dialog box. I'm unsure of how to access the InteractionEvents object that is created automatically by Inventor when the user opens the fillet creation window.
I know that there are ways to start my own interactive selection process via CommandManager.CreateInteractionEvents(), but I would like to tap into the existing selection workflow that's provided by the fillet creation window.
If I open a part and I run my addin the InteractionEvents object allows me to select any type of entities, including profiles.
If I open an assembly containing the same part, enter the part editing on that part, and run my addin, all the selection filters but kSketchProfileFilter work well.
With kSketchProfileFilter when I move the mouse on an area I see the highlight, but when I click nothing happens.
When I right click, then click on Continue, InteractionEvents.OnTerminate is fired.
I have difficulties in handling API AutoCAD.Net using Dynamic Blocks. I'm trying to modify the configuration of a given dynamic block. The goal is to access the property Table1 Block Dynamic Block and change its value to an existing one.You can navigate between the records from Table1 Block? With this code below I have managed to navigate between the dynamic properties of the block and its values, but I can not make the property value set in the block table1. I tried an example of the link: URL.....however it still fails.
[CommandMethod("getprop")]static public void GetProps(){ Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("Selecione o Bloco: "); peo.SetRejectMessage(" [code]....
I am trying to create one pluggin which can handle inplace edit [refedit]. I can open in place edit window by invoking 'REFEDIT' command from my pluggin. But i need to get the selected document path for in place edit.
I'm developing a routine that uses a windows form to gather data from the user. For a lot of this I need info for the Left side & the Right side. I have pretty much finished writing the code to take care of the Right side. I have 40 properties now all with "Right" in their names in anticipation of needing corresponding "Left" ones. I have numerous textboxes, checkboxes, & radio buttons on the form along with various input validation methods used to set these 40 properties.
I could just copy all of this code & replace "Right" with "Left", but there are about 500 lines of code (hard to tell since I use a lot of white space), and that seems rather inefficient, especially if something needs to change.
I'm starting to think that maybe I should develop this into one custom control that could be used for both sides. Any alternative ways of dealing 40 right properties & 40 left properties and all that goes behind making those properties work.
By default, the PDF print drivers we use (Bluebeam, PDF 995) set True Type text handling to be "as graphics" rather than "as text" (see below), which makes for some ugly text. I know I can make this change and save as a .PC3 file, but all our page setups for sheets & templates in the office all reference these default drivers, so it would be preferable to change the way the default driver works if possible. Is the default plotter configuration editable?
I'm trying to create an all new existing surface over existing ground. I have a TIN surface of the EG, and I have drawn overlay splines that describe the new surface, but how to go about creating that design surface.
It is a compound surface, open on one end and closed all around on the other, somewhat like a half of a football stadium, but with an irregular upper edge because I am needing to figure out cuts and fills to manipulate the EG into this new surface without costly major terraforming. There is about 40-50' vertical elevation between the "field" and the upper rim with a generally constant 7-10 deg. slope all around. I'm just at a loss to figure out how to approach this project, and am quite new to Civil 3D.
Civil3D 2013 MacBookPro 17 - 2.4GHz Intel QuadCore i7 (Late 2011 build) Microsoft Windows 7 64bit 350GB Bootcamp volume
Im thinking of adding some kind of info that tells me if the active ipt or iam have an idw, by the same name. It should be available/visible when opening, or editing parts and assys.
As far as I can tell, there appear to be no significant changes in how color profiles and overall color management is handled in PSCS6 over CS5.x. Correct?
Running OSX and CS2. Having trouble with file handling. I can take several hundred photographs a day in my job. Sometimes each image can require fine tuning.
This used to be fairly simple, in that when I activate an icon the image appeared. I would complete the adjustments and move onto the next image in the folder. "This is where the trouble begins". With the new system and CS2 everytime I go back to the holding folder, the previous selection has been ignored and the first file in the folder is the highlighted choice, despite the fact I might be on image 90. The program automatically defaults back to image one.
This is very frustrating in that I now have to keep a written track of the file number just completed so that I can scroll down to the next required file.
This cannot be the way that CS2 handles multiple files.
I have a user who no longer has a pdf option when "saving copy as" in Inventor 2010. He sees a few other options but not pdf. I will get him to perform a fix and reboot?
I have recently updated my template files in Inventor (.idw, .ipt (standard/sheet metal), .iam (standard/weldment)).I added ilogic rules and custom iproperties to them.
I would like to update all my existing files to have these changes so they would be available when we copy design new parts.Is there a way automate the process of updating these files? I have about 4924 of them.
When managing images, I am found some difficulties on handling tags.
The main problem is that PSP is creating tags automatically to all images I have. It is especially undesirable because a plenty of images come from internet, fotolia etc and have tags I don't want. So, my "desirable" tags are mixing with the "undesirable".
a) I tried to find out in PSP "preferences" any option to stop tagging automatically. And I couldn't find it.
b) Other problem is to delete the tags I don't want. If I delete the tag in tags tree (manage/collection) it appears again. The only way I found is deleting tag by tag, image by image, what is madness of doing to a plenty of images.
Any way of deleting the "main" tag in order to delete automatically the related tag in each image?
Is there a better plug-in that handles multi-layer EXRs than the EXtractoR plug-in? It's a little tedious to scroll through a messy looking list three times for the R, G, and B channel for each layer I want to use.
I only have to select a layer name once and it's smart enough to know that I want to use the R, G & B of everything with the same name. There's also less visual clutter in the Nuke pop-up menu.
What it is, my client has asked me create 4 different size transit frames all similar in design. Now I use the skeletal modelling technique to create all my models and this one is very easy to edit, all I have to do is change a couple of sketch dimensions and the transit frame assembly will update to suit any given size.
So, I have completed the drawings set for the first one (There is about 7 drawings in total, each containing about 5 sheets), and I would like to just copy the whole assembly and drawing set for the next frame, and I would just change the dims in the main sketch to suit the new size of transit frame that is required, BUT I dont want to alter the original frame.
Usually to do this, I would create a pack n go then open up that pack n go project in design assistant and change all the names of all the files, then place all these files into another project.
Now doing this is VERY time consuming, as if I am renaming all the files, then I am going through around 1000 files to do so!!!Even after I do all this I still run into some problems with assemblies looking for part files or idw's still picking up and showing the old project assemblies.
Is there an easier, more efficient way of doing this?Also, I would like to add that each of the 4 transit frames would have their own project BUT all 4 projects will be inside 1 parent folder within the vault. This is just the way that we structure or file system as each folder is for the entire job.
I have what I am sure is -not very complicated- part that has a goofy intersecting angle. I have created a plane for this angle to try and do the cutout but it extrudes at the 30 deg, where as I would like to extrude that 30 deg feature at 90 deg. Is this possible?
The RED text says "Currently extruding this way" (30 deg per the plane)
The BLUE text says "Want to extrude this way" (90 deg, in line with the from face basically)
I would like to edit an existing sheet. The size is "C" and the height is 17 and the width is 22. I would like to change the exiting dimensions of that sheet to be 18 and 24. How do I do this to the existing sheet instead of creating a new one named something else?
I have a part.I use some Parameters of this part as linked to other parts.Once I change any parameter used as linked the other parts will follow it automatically.So I have drive and driven parts.
Now for some reason I need to change some geometry in my drive part in the way my drive dimension must be reattached to other geometry points.
I cannot delete and create the new dimension even with the same name since all my driven parts will lose this linked parameter in either way and this parameter becomes static (Reference Parameter).
I wish I can preserve the existing dimension (parameter) and reattach it to other geometry.
Just trying to add an existing symbol to a drawing sheet. I know i'm not formating the point correctly and i get a position error. How can i get the point location of two intersecting lines in my border to hard code the location?
Error on Line 18 : Argument not specified for parameter 'Position' of 'Public Function Add(SketchedSymbolDefinition As Object, Position As Inventor.Point2d, [Rotation As Double = 0.0], [Scale As Double = 1.0], [PromptStrings As Object]) As Inventor.SketchedSymbol'.
Error on Line 18 : End of statement expected.
DimoApp As Inventor.Application=ThisApplication DimthisIDW As DrawingDocument=oApp.ActiveDocument oSheet=thisIDW.ActiveSheet DimoSymDef As SketchedSymbolDefinition oSymDef=thisIDW.SketchedSymbolDefinitions.Item("APPROVAL STAMP")myPoint=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(1, 6) oSheet.SketchedSymbols.Add(oSymDef) ,myPoint
I recently update the template for my drawing files, change the title block, revision, note....and I can't find a clean way to import this template to the existing files. I tried the Drawing resource transfer wizard tool, but it doesn't seem to be doing anything that I want.
The company I work for is a wooden packaging company. We recently purchased Inventor to open large file models from John Deere to design a wooden pallet/crate to package the part. Basically, what I am asking for 'get started'. I know how to pull in files, but I am just trying to figure out how to design packaging around this existing model.
I keep finding it impossible to edit existing features from models/assy. Even if I change only 1 dim in the sketch. Once I close the sketch. The feature fails. I then try to edit the feature and I will see that the feature direction has changed, but invenotr will not allow me to switch it back. Basicallly there is no editting power at all.
So you only way I have found to complete the job is to delete the feature and then put it back in.
Is this part of the new way of inventor 2013 or is this another time wasting glitch?
Also now when I edit a sketch I must delete all of the dims, then edit and then put all dims back.
Is this also part of the new way or the direction autodesk products are heading?
I'm chasing the syntax on what i hope is a very simple procedure.
We have a project for re-design and manufacture here (Australia) of a machine that has been designed and detailed in one of our US offices. For this reason, we will be wanting all dimensions in mm etc, rather than inch.
My intention is to open the idw(s), update the styles library (done, i think...), change the active standard to "AS Metric" (got the code sorted for that too), and then change all dimensions to AS Metric.
So far i have each of these 3 processes in a different sub, called from a master. But my problem is in changing the style. I could change a dimension's style to match that of another existing style:
Set oGeneralDimensions = oSheet.DrawingDimensions.GeneralDimensions.Item(1)
but I am having trouble setting is to the active style.
My module:
Sub ChangeStyle() Dim oIDWDoc As DrawingDocument Set oIDWDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument Dim oSheet As Sheet Dim oDim As DrawingDimension Dim oDimStyle As DrawingStandardStyle Dim oGeneralDimensions As GeneralDimension
ACA2011My dimensions seem to be fickle with regard to snaping. I've got my OSNAPs on, and I can't snap to a structural beam above, nor can I snap to a window sill. I can dim to the mid point of the window sill by using .x & .y filters, and can only snap to the axis line on a beam. Is there a toggle somewhere?
Is it possible set a Default Folder for all "Save As" to be saved in?
I find that an edit of a photo will automatically save in the folder that I opened the shot from. If I had made a copy of the shot, the copy will save in a different folder.
Ideally, ANY AND ALL (originals and copies) "Save As" should be save in "c:Working" by default without having to go through the hassle of navigating there.
I am running CS3 under Vista (4 gig ram) on one machine and XP (3 gig ram) on another.