AutoCAD Inventor :: Add An Existing Symbol To A Drawing Sheet
Jul 2, 2013
Just trying to add an existing symbol to a drawing sheet. I know i'm not formating the point correctly and i get a position error. How can i get the point location of two intersecting lines in my border to hard code the location?
Error on Line 18 : Argument not specified for parameter 'Position' of 'Public Function Add(SketchedSymbolDefinition As Object, Position As Inventor.Point2d, [Rotation As Double = 0.0], [Scale As Double = 1.0], [PromptStrings As Object]) As Inventor.SketchedSymbol'.
Error on Line 18 : End of statement expected.
DimoApp As Inventor.Application=ThisApplication
DimthisIDW As DrawingDocument=oApp.ActiveDocument
DimoSymDef As SketchedSymbolDefinition
oSymDef=thisIDW.SketchedSymbolDefinitions.Item("APPROVAL STAMP")myPoint=ThisApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(1, 6)
oSheet.SketchedSymbols.Add(oSymDef) ,myPoint
If you look at the attached drawing you will see my drawing sheets. The problem I have is regarding the attributes used for the 'Checked By' section of my sheet.
Yesterday I added a 'Size' tag to my sheet so this shows whats size paper the sheet is to be printed at. To make this fit I needed to move all the existing attributes over to the right.
Everyone except the 'Checked by' tag moved. I cannot now get this tag to move over even if I open the block up and move it.
ACA2011My dimensions seem to be fickle with regard to snaping. I've got my OSNAPs on, and I can't snap to a structural beam above, nor can I snap to a window sill. I can dim to the mid point of the window sill by using .x & .y filters, and can only snap to the axis line on a beam. Is there a toggle somewhere?
On a multi page drawing, I want a sketched symbol to placed on a upper right hand side, “For BOM, see Sheet: X” to be placed on every sheet except the sheet where the parts list available on the drawings. Also the Sketched symbol prompted entry automatically filled up with the sheet number (Parts list page).
I have an older drawing with an outdated sheet format. I'm wanting to update to a new custom sheet format without having to redimension and recreate views. Is it possible to just update the sheet format?
I have a dwg file with three sheets in, just default names, I can access sheets 2 and 3 but get the attached errors when trying to access sheet 1 form either sheet 2 or 3
This file was originally created in IV2009 I've had no problems then or with the various conversions of it.
It seems to be memory related so here's the sitrep as for memory 8GB DDR2 RAM, and Virtual Memory set at min of 8192MB and a Max of 16384MB, I did have it set a systems managed but that gave a warning of low virtual memory with almost every drawing file that I opened.
I would like to edit an existing sheet. The size is "C" and the height is 17 and the width is 22. I would like to change the exiting dimensions of that sheet to be 18 and 24. How do I do this to the existing sheet instead of creating a new one named something else?
I also need to copy sheet formats and have it replace existing like it would with Titleblocks or Borders. All it does at the moment it create Copy of Titleblock. Here is the current code.
Function CopySheetFormat(SecretDrawingName As String, Titlename As String, ActiveDrawingDoc As DrawingDocument) As SheetFormat Dim SecretDrawing As DrawingDocument Dim I As Integer 'Find the number of Standard Resources in the Documents collection. [code]....
I have a weldment assembly. It is a subassembly under a main assembly. In the 2D drawing of this main assembly, I tried to indicate the welding symbols for the subassembly assembly. The "Get Weld Symbol" is grey out.
How can I indicate welding symbol in the 2D drawing?
I use a CommandManager.Pick command to select my drawing view and i want to put information of this view to a prompted entry in my sketched symbols, i have many same symbols in my page and i want to put a different description for each symblos but with a same prompted entry name, ex.: <NAME>
I am using inventor 2013. I am doing some standardization process to make design drawing.How can i create library for "Symbols" so i can use it in any drawing?
Thing is, I am creating a symbol in drawing and using it many times in one sheet.Now when i prepare a next drawing, i can not use the same what i have to do is i have to create a symbol everytime for each drawing.I am not able to maintain consistency.
What it is, my client has asked me create 4 different size transit frames all similar in design. Now I use the skeletal modelling technique to create all my models and this one is very easy to edit, all I have to do is change a couple of sketch dimensions and the transit frame assembly will update to suit any given size.
So, I have completed the drawings set for the first one (There is about 7 drawings in total, each containing about 5 sheets), and I would like to just copy the whole assembly and drawing set for the next frame, and I would just change the dims in the main sketch to suit the new size of transit frame that is required, BUT I dont want to alter the original frame.
Usually to do this, I would create a pack n go then open up that pack n go project in design assistant and change all the names of all the files, then place all these files into another project.
Now doing this is VERY time consuming, as if I am renaming all the files, then I am going through around 1000 files to do so!!!Even after I do all this I still run into some problems with assemblies looking for part files or idw's still picking up and showing the old project assemblies.
Is there an easier, more efficient way of doing this?Also, I would like to add that each of the 4 transit frames would have their own project BUT all 4 projects will be inside 1 parent folder within the vault. This is just the way that we structure or file system as each folder is for the entire job.
I was just asked to take an existing drawing and "fudge" the drawing with new dimensions to create a variation.So I over rode the dimensions and edited the title block date/drawn by.
I replaced the model reference HOWEVER......I have not been able to CHANGE the title or drawing number (despite the fact that the replaced model has the iProperties that I want).
I suspect this is due to the fact that the drawing is set to NOT update (I have red lightning bolt).
Can I get away with doing what I want without recreating the whole drawing?
Inventor Product Design Suite 2013sp2 Windows 7sp1 64-bit nVidia Quadro 2000
Is it possible to change a Parts Only parts list on a drawing into a Structured parts list? When a new parts list is created and you select the view it automatically chooses parts and greys out, preventing you from actually changing it manually. Is it possible to get around this without having to start a new drawing?
You can't copy a sheet within a drawing to duplicate it. So, as a workaround, I saved a copy of the drawing to a different name and tried to copy a sheet back. Pick the view in the browser, right click, copy. Switch to the original drawing, right click paste in the browser. All I keep getting is an error "Invalid input for Request." I even think I remember getting this error before and finding a way around it.
1.) If you look at the attached screenshot in the Edit Sheet form there is a sheet "Revision" input field is it possible to fill this out via iLogic?
2.) We have some custom E size sheets (height always 34in width varies 5ft, 6ft, and 8ft) when we select on of these sheet sizes that we created it will display "Custom Size (inch)" when using the sheet property <sheet size> in the title block not the name of that we gave these sheets (Which creatively enough is "E-5ft", "E-6ft", and "E-8ft"). I thought I had this solved by doing this:
Dim oSheetSize As String oSheetSize = ActiveSheet.Size If oSheetSize = "Custom" Then iProperties.Value("Custom", "SheetSize") = "E" Else iProperties.Value("Custom", "SheetSize") = oSheetSize End If
then change the titleblock sheet size field from sheet property <sheet size> to custom drawing properties <SheetSize> this all works great if there is only 1 sheet in the IDW where it fails is if there is more then one sheet.
I have a complex part and make a drawing. i want to make sections and details and to put some of them in another sheet in the same file. Also, can i put the hole table in another sheet?
Is there a way, using VBA to get the sheet size of a drawing without opening the drawing? I know how to get it with the drawing open, so alternatively, is there a way to open all the drawings in a folder, one at a time, then get sheet.size, then close and open the next?
We have a lot of drawing that has some extra sheet for ref. and Inventor let me exclude count and print from those extra sheet. This work fine but when we check-in the drawing to vault it update or publish all sheet to dwf. This is very compass for us because we full the dwf file from vault to release and the sheet count is different than the print out.
Is there a way to EXCLUDE those sheet when check-in or update dwf?
I am running inventor 2010 suite with service pack 2 and when I try to insert a JPEG or BMP into a Drawing Sheet (not a sketch on a part file), the image does not appear. I have done this on previous versions numerous times and it worked perfectly fine.
The message which appears on the screen says "TEMPEMBED.BMP" and it has a photoshop CS4 logo. When I do a print preview, nothing appears on the page. I have opened up a previous drawing sheet, which has a JPEG & BMP inserted and the image is shown, but when I try to insert another image on the same drawing sheet, the same thing happens.
I am running a pretty fast machine, with an intel i7 processor and a pretty hardcore graphic card.
I have setup all our Sheet Metal Rules to be all of our stocked in house sheet metals. The sheet metal rules are named like:
ALUM 5052 H32 1/2" (Part Number) ST STEEL T304 3/8" (Part Number) STEEL 44W 1/8" (Part Number) etc.
And each rule has the proper thickness, material, and some standardized bend radius's. I've done this to introduce more uniformity in our designs, and to also allow the designer to put as much information into the model as possible, so that if someone else does the drawings, there is no question as to which material is used.
I now want to bring in the Sheet Metal Rule name into the drawing automatically. I can't seem to find a way to reference the Sheet Metal Rule directly from the drawing. What I need to do is pick a standard field in the i Properties (I used Stock Number), and put in =<Sheet Metal Rule> so that now the Stock Number references the Sheet Metal Rule, and then in the drawing I can just reference the Stock Number, and it will come in.
I don't like having to use the Stock Number as a middle man though, as none of our existing models are setup like this. Is it possible to reference Sheet Metal Rule in the drawing without having to use another field as a placeholder for the information?
I have 4 different sized drawing templates made, one each for A,B,C and D size. There are times when I start a drawing on a C size border/sheet and it gets too cluttered as I add views or annotations. Is there any way to insert/change the sheet size to the D sized template without starting over?
I have created a bunch of sheet metal rules for my different gauge thicknesses. Is there a way I can propogate the gauge information to my drawing so that if I were to change the gauge, that info would also update on my drawing sheet? The only thing I can get to work currently is to pull in the material used, but that doesn't include the gauge.
What is the code to select a drawing sheet by either its number or description but NOT both together?
Sometimes want need to select the first sheet by number 1 but the sheet description can change. and Sometimes we will need to select the sheet by its description but the sheet number may vary.
how to access the drawing sheet revisions using Ilogic.My company is wanting to start making the default initial rev on a drawing a "-" and inventor does not like to keep this when brought in as a template.
So like normal I am trying to trick it into having the dash until a rev is actually added.
I have Autodesk Inventor on a student license, and I use the metric system.
I've been able to change the settings for parts, presentations and assemblies to use millimeters, but for some reason the drawing sheets still use inches.
How do I change the unit settings for drawing sheets?