After Effects :: Better Handling Of Layered EXRs?

Mar 21, 2013

Is there a better plug-in that handles multi-layer EXRs than the EXtractoR plug-in? It's a little tedious to scroll through a messy looking list three times for the R, G, and B channel for each layer I want to use.
I only have to select a layer name once and it's smart enough to know that I want to use the R, G & B of everything with the same name. There's also less visual clutter in the Nuke pop-up menu.

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After Effects :: How To Output A Layered PSD Image Sequence

Apr 7, 2013

We all know AE can render a layered PSD image, but is there a way to output a layered PSD image sequence? Maybe a script? How about multi-layer EXRs?

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Illustrator :: Convert Non Layered File To Layered File Based On Used Colors?

Feb 16, 2013

can i convert a non layered file to a layered file bases on used colors?

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Photoshop :: Color Handling Changes In CS6

Oct 2, 2012

As far as I can tell, there appear to be no significant changes in how color profiles and overall color management is handled in PSCS6 over CS5.x. Correct?

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Photoshop :: File Handling

Sep 7, 2005

Running OSX and CS2. Having trouble with file handling. I can take several hundred photographs a day in my job. Sometimes each image can require fine tuning.

This used to be fairly simple, in that when I activate an icon the image appeared. I would complete the adjustments and move onto the next image in the folder. "This is where the trouble begins". With the new system and CS2 everytime I go back to the holding folder, the previous selection has been ignored and the first file in the folder is the highlighted choice, despite the fact I might be on image 90. The program automatically defaults back to image one.

This is very frustrating in that I now have to keep a written track of the file number just completed so that I can scroll down to the next required file.

This cannot be the way that CS2 handles multiple files.

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Paint Shop Pro :: Handling Tags In X4

Feb 28, 2012

When managing images, I am found some difficulties on handling tags.

The main problem is that PSP is creating tags automatically to all images I have. It is especially undesirable because a plenty of images come from internet, fotolia etc and have tags I don't want. So, my "desirable" tags are mixing with the "undesirable".

a) I tried to find out in PSP "preferences" any option to stop tagging automatically. And I couldn't find it.

b) Other problem is to delete the tags I don't want. If I delete the tag in tags tree (manage/collection) it appears again. The only way I found is deleting tag by tag, image by image, what is madness of doing to a plenty of images.

Any way of deleting the "main" tag in order to delete automatically the related tag in each image?

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AutoCAD .NET :: Handling API Using Dynamic Blocks

Jul 19, 2012

I have difficulties in handling API AutoCAD.Net using Dynamic Blocks. I'm trying to modify the configuration of a given dynamic block. The goal is to access the property Table1 Block Dynamic Block and change its value to an existing one.You can navigate between the records from Table1 Block? With this code below I have managed to navigate between the dynamic properties of the block and its values​​, but I can not make the property value set in the block table1. I tried an example of the link: URL.....however it still fails.

[CommandMethod("getprop")]static public void GetProps(){ Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument; Database db = doc.Database; Editor ed = doc.Editor; PromptEntityOptions peo = new PromptEntityOptions("Selecione o Bloco: "); peo.SetRejectMessage("

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AutoCAD .NET :: Handling REFEDIT From A Plugin

Sep 30, 2012

I am trying to create one pluggin which can handle inplace edit [refedit]. I can open in place edit window by invoking 'REFEDIT' command from my pluggin. But i need to get the selected document path for in place edit. 

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Paint Shop Pro :: Handling Of Canon CR2 Files

Dec 6, 2012

Confirm that X5 does not take into account the xmp side car files when reading a CR2 raw file?

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Photoshop :: File Handling And Default Folders In CS3

Aug 8, 2008

Is it possible set a Default Folder for all "Save As" to be saved in?

I find that an edit of a photo will automatically save in the folder that I opened the shot from. If I had made a copy of the shot, the copy will save in a different folder.

Ideally, ANY AND ALL (originals and copies) "Save As" should be save in "c:Working" by default without having to go through the hassle of navigating there.

I am running CS3 under Vista (4 gig ram) on one machine and XP (3 gig ram) on another.

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Revit :: Handling Large Number Of Elements?

Oct 31, 2012

I have a student that has chosen to draw a baseball stadium as a project. He has inserted thousands of seats and has thousands more to insert but has already starting to experience some lag when viewing in 3D. Is there a way to handle all these seats so that it is less memory intensive? Does it work to group the elements?

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Lightroom :: 4.2 Crashes When Handling TIFF Files

Nov 15, 2012

I am now shooting both digital and analog. When processing RAW files coming from my digital cameras, I don't have any problem with LR. But I am also scanning negative films and handling the resulting TIFF files in Lightroom. Since I have started this new workflow, I can be sure that Lightroom will crash at least once during a session. This can happen at any time when I'm in the Development module.
I'm running an Intel iCore 7 2600 PC under Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit with 8GB of memory and plenty of disk space.

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Lightroom :: Set Import And File-handling Preferences?

Sep 17, 2012

Set import and file-handling preferences?

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Lightroom :: No File Handling Drop Down Menu?

Dec 26, 2013

I no longer have a drop down menu for "File Handling" for selecting a secondary backup HD while importing images from my card reader. I am using LR 5.3.

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Photoshop :: Create Blank File / Metadata Handling

Mar 26, 2012

We have two related issues we're trying to solution.

(1) If we create a blank Photoshop file ("template") that is merely a size, resolution and color profile, when we add an image (that does contain metadata), the image's metadata is not retained in the template metadata. We need to be able to transfer that image's metadata, automatically, to the template. (We do not want to have to copy/paste.)

(2) Let's say we now have a template with 1 image and associated metadata. We now need to add another image(s) to this template and have the second image's metadata also transfer automatically. (This auto-transfer of metadata would occur for any subsequent image added.)We are using CS4 v11.0.2.

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CorelDRAW X6 :: Mesh Fill - Handling Facial Features?

Apr 5, 2013

I'm just starting a new project.  I've started the skin with a mesh fill.  I'm wondering, what is the best way to handle the facial features.  Vector blends etc or more individual mesh fills.  If  I do individual vector objects, what's the best way to blend features with the mesh skin? 

Below you can see what I have so far.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Handling SelectEvents For Existing InteractionEvents

Jun 24, 2013

I'd like to handle SelectEvents as a user selects edges for a filleting operation using the standard fillet creation dialog box. I'm unsure of how to access the InteractionEvents object that is created automatically by Inventor when the user opens the fillet creation window.

I know that there are ways to start my own interactive selection process via CommandManager.CreateInteractionEvents(), but I would like to tap into the existing selection workflow that's provided by the fillet creation window.

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Lightroom :: 4.0 File Handling / Step Backward Or Forward?

Sep 25, 2012

I am not a big fan of the entire way that Lightroom 4.0 hands changes at all and Adobe needs to address this problem because it is just that, an problem. We can use the catchy verbiage "non destructive" because it sounds nice but the fact is that it is cumbersome from a resource perspective and UI perspective.  It adds extra steps to the workflow and this in turn takes away from the experience of users.  The entire workflow should be reexamined and the code, rewritten.
Lets just look at how Picasa handles this issue.  When I click "Save" or better yet "Save All", every picture that I have edited is saved with the changes that I have made to them.  A new folder is then created and named "Originals" where I can find the original files that I have edited. That’s it. Plain and simple.  My files are intact and I can now go and find them in my well-thought-out folder hierarchy where I can then do what ever I want from emailing to a client to sending them to Flicker, Facebook, Google+ Galleries, where ever I choose.  There is no thought put into this process.
Adobe has a lot to learn from this free app. Currently, in Lightroom 4, I have to go back through the 300 pictures I just took, find the 40 that I have edited, then "Ctrl+Click" to select only them, find my folder in my file directory, create a new folder, and finally export a new set of pictures with the changes that I wanted to send out to my client 10 minutes ago. 
Both processes achieve the same thing and the things that we all want which are our original files are still intact and untouched and our new files with the changes are in the folder where we found them.  The difference is that Adobe chose a much less elegant way to go about this.  More advanced? Yes, but sometimes, as and coder will tell you, simpler is faster, safer, and better.
Now, I also stated that from a resource perspective this is also poorly conceived.  I am referring to the fact that now I have to maintain a database in which changes are tracked that is always running in the background.  It is common knowledge that databases are susceptible to corruption when not properly managed and even the simplest snag in the application, power surge while an I/O process is running, or if my computer hangs up, all my changes are gone.  What if I want to switch computers?  Do I also need to manually go in several times a month and backup my database to a separate directory?
Will I lose all of my changes that I did not publish?  Maybe, maybe not but it is now something else I have to worry about which ultimately takes away from my experience in the application.
Simpler is better and this is one step backwards, not forwards.At a minimum, give me the option to save the changes and don’t manage your users like a child. 

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Premiere Pro :: CC Quits Unexpectedly When Handling Video Files?

Mar 30, 2014

Premiere Pro CC quits unexpectedly (serious error message) when importing footage. The formats I've tried and failed with include H.264, Prores422 and DNxHD. When I reopen a project containing one of these formats, it crashes again even if I click on one of the imported files. I'm using an early 2013 Macbook Pro and trying to edit Nikon D800 footage. At this point I'm not sure what other information I can provide.

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Photoshop :: Getting Multi-layered Image Into Another Multi-layered Image

Sep 4, 2012

I need to get a multi-layered image into another multi-layered image keeping all the layers/effects of both images. Can't seem to just copy/paste and I don't seen import function.

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AutoCAD .NET :: Custom Controls / Other Ways Of Handling Similar Data

Jul 31, 2012

I'm developing a routine that uses a windows form to gather data from the user. For a lot of this I need info for the Left side & the Right side. I have pretty much finished writing the code to take care of the Right side. I have 40 properties now all with "Right" in their names in anticipation of needing corresponding "Left" ones. I have numerous textboxes, checkboxes, & radio buttons on the form along with various input validation methods used to set these 40 properties.

I could just copy all of this code & replace "Right" with "Left", but there are about 500 lines of code (hard to tell since I use a lot of white space), and that seems rather inefficient, especially if something needs to change.

I'm starting to think that maybe I should develop this into one custom control that could be used for both sides. Any alternative ways of dealing 40 right properties & 40 left properties and all that goes behind making those properties work.

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Xara :: Extract Logic Behind Handling Of Multi-stage Blends?

Nov 3, 2013

I've been trying to extract the logic behind Xara's handling of multi-stage blends, but am having trouble.

Here's an example. I have these objects:

and create a blend between the left two

now, to continue with a multi-stage blend, I connect the bottom control point of the second object with the bottom control point of the third

All well and good. However, if I had tried to connect the top point of the second object with the top point of the third, like this (screenshot taken just before I release the mouse button)

Xara decides to blend from the first object to the third.

Eventually, by trial and error, I can get my multi-stage blends working, but it's inscrutable why it works logically sometimes, and why not.

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Edge Animate CC :: Handling Elements And Symbols (including Preloading)

Jul 26, 2013

I am trying to learn Edge Animate and I have not seen enough animations to know how this is typically handled and I searched the forum and have not found an answer either.
If you have many different elements and symbols for a project, what is the best practice for having them appear, disappear, etc. on the timeline? I ask this question not only from a performance based perspective, but also keeping in mind the idea of preloading. This is a 2 part question:
Part 1: Using elements and symbols later in the timeline:
Since artwork is always imported directly to the stage in an "always on" status, should we place a visibility OFF on every item until we need it?
or should they be opacity 0 until I need them?or should they be set to visibility hidden until I need them?
Which of these is the best option if you don't want the element / symbol visible until later in the timeline? Does it matter?
Part 2: Impact on page loading
Does the above question have any impact upon page loading speed or is this something handled in preloading?or do you need to make a special preloader?

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Paint Shop Pro :: Handling (Save For Office) And (Copy For Professional Printing)

Feb 19, 2012

understand the impact of the options “Save for Office” / “Copy for professional printing”.I am writing a thesis through Microsoft Word and I use a plenty of images. Normally, I handling the images in PSP and I insert it in Word through “insert picture from file”.

I realized PSP has the mentioned resources to handle images to Office applications. I intend to print Microsoft Word obtaining the best image quality of my pictures. Is “Save for Office” or “Copy for professional printing” worth using?

Many times I take images through PSP “screen capture”. So, if I use in PSP “Copy for professional printing” and paste in Word, will it improve the final document printing?

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AutoCAD Architecture :: Default True Type Handling In PDF Print Drivers

Dec 14, 2011

By default, the PDF print drivers we use (Bluebeam, PDF 995) set True Type text handling to be "as graphics" rather than "as text" (see below), which makes for some ugly text.  I know I can make this change and save as a .PC3 file, but all our page setups for sheets & templates in the office all reference these default drivers, so it would be preferable to change the way the default driver works if possible.  Is the default plotter configuration editable?

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Photoshop :: CS6 Layered PSD To PNGs

Nov 3, 2012

I have to import a set of png's from Photoshop to Edge Animate. The actual source file is a Photoshop psd but I cannot import the psd into Edge so I have to painstakingly export each layer as a png and there are over 40 layers. Is there a way to take a layered Photoshop file and turn those layers into transparent pngs so when they import to Edge or another app the layers would remain intact but just as png's?

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Photoshop :: Layered .tif Images

Feb 5, 2005

I have a map that I downloaded and it's in about 7 .tif files, are these layered? I'm assuming I need to put them all together to view the map, and I've never had any experience with layered .tif files. How do I view them? I open them in photoshop but I don't know how to combine them into one image. Do I need a special program for this?

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Photoshop :: Animated GIF In Layered File

Nov 19, 2012

I created a Photoshop file with text and background layers.  The client wants me to place an animated GIF in the center of the file.
How do I get all but 3 layers which comprise the animated GIF to not go into the animated gif timeline on the bottom of the screen.  I can only get this to work by turning off all the text and background layers.  I need the timeline to just have 3 layers in it and only those layers move.

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Photoshop :: Panorama From A Layered Image

Jul 1, 2013

I think that "auto blend layers>panorama" is assumed to make panoramas from layers ... And, there is also "auto align layers" for making panoramas from layers.
I tried "auto blend layers>panorama" with an image and it can not make a panorama from the two layers trial image ... "auto align layers" can make a panorama easily from the same image.
So, I can see that there is a clear difference between the "auto align layers" and "auto blend layers>panorama" ...
But I could not understand the intention of designers of PS about the usage difference between the "auto align layers" and "auto blend layers>panorama"?

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Photoshop :: Saving Non-layered File As PDF?

Sep 6, 2013

Why is it that when I save a file that has many, many layers to a PDF without layers as a copy that the file size is larger than flattening the layers and then saving the file as a copy to PDF? 19Mb vs. 5Mb?? Wouldn't saving a file without layers be the same as flattening the layers and then saving the file??

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Photoshop :: CS6 Saving Layered Files

Dec 31, 2012

I have had this problem so much I have switched back to using CS5 Photoshop when I handle layers. For some reason when I have a multi-layered photoshop file in CS6 and I try to save - it gives me a program error. This doesnt happen all the time just when I have been working on a document for a long length of time ( maybe something to do with auto save?) The only way I can save the file is to flatten but then I loose all of my hard work and layers!

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