AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Shrinkwrap Of An IAM

Jul 10, 2013

is it possible to do something like this but to create an shrinkwrap of an IAM and save it as IPT?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Decal In Shrinkwrap

Oct 9, 2012

I am trying to shrinkwrap an assembly to send out to a potential client, without giving away all our IP. The assembly has decals on one or two of the components which are key to identifying our product. I have yet to find a way of shrinkwrapping it that doesn't loose the decal... which check box I've failed to check/deselect, or is there a better way?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart Workflow And Vault - Generate All Or Generate Only New

Sep 4, 2012

We are using iPart - iAssembly workflow with Inv-2013 and  Vault Basic 2013

My question is related to released state of iparts. Currently we are generating/ releasing

all the iparts when new member is added in order to manintain the parent child version relationship

Example  : say i have a ipart 41020.ipt and i have members 41020- 001 ~ 008 . I check out the parent

from Vault and add 009 member to it.

Question :

Do I have to generate all and check those in to maintain the version relationship between the child and parent inside

Vault 2013 ?
Only generating 009 will maintain version relationship inside Vault 2013

Config :: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU E31245 @ 3.30 GHz, 16.0 GB, 64bit win7
Inventor 2013 and Vault Basic 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rule Shrinkwrap Substitute

Sep 19, 2012

Is there any way to create a rule to create a substitute on my weldment files?

what I need is something like:

If this document file type is weldment then create shrinkwrap substitute, go to the file (substitute) read the custom iproperty "area" and write to this document custom iproperty "area for sand-blasting" activate LOD Master then delete substitute LOD.

The propose is for purchase department to know the area of the assembly (only the area of visible surfaces).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shrinkwrap / Derive With Positional Reps

Aug 26, 2013

I have an issue with Shrinkwrap/Derive when using a Positional Rep.Open the derived part and try to change it to the "work" positional rep.Everything appears to work fine in the "master" rep.I have this problem in a few of my assemblies and was able to track it down to the positional rep usage in the derived part.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Step File From Shrinkwrap?

Nov 7, 2013

Can I make a STEP or IGES file from a 2013 Inventor Shrinkwrap file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Break Link On Shrinkwrap - 2014?

Jan 3, 2014

I am experiencing trouble with the simplify function. When I create a shrinkwrap / simplified part, it always keeps the link to the original assembly. Therefore I cannot move the shrinkwrap to other folders or treat it as an individual ipt file in any way. When I try to break the link I can't, the "link" button is greyed out:

This topic has been discussed for an older version of inventor here, but the solution does not work for me: [URL] .......

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Break Link On Shrinkwrap Component

Jun 25, 2013

I have a shrinkwrap part of a conveyor that I want to use in a plant layout. I have it just the way I want it now. However, I want to do a break link on it so I can copy it off to another project workspace. When I do a break link my derive settings change to some funky default and my model gets all messed up. The one that's giving me the biggest problem is the remove parts by size. On my long conveyors its removing my motor, reducer, drive chain guards, support legs, and other miscellanea that I need shown in my layout.

how I want it with the link unbroken.Here it is after I break link with nothing else changed: URL....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automatically Generate Dimensions?

Jan 10, 2012

Is possible to automatically generate dimensions based on its parameters when creating a view in a particular model ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Model Of Only One Sprocket?

Nov 12, 2011

It is possible to generate the model of only one sprocket, without drawing the whole transmission?If possible, how to generate this model.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Files IAssembly

Apr 17, 2012

I have an assembly with around 120 variants in it. I am getting a little annoyed having to click the OK button when asked:

"Do you want to save changes to 122.iam" and its dependents"

is there any way to set the default to OK?

(other than setting an electric motor and a poking device up)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Generate Ribs Out Of Surface

Dec 11, 2012

The question is 'how to generate ribs out of surface, to machine from wood and assemble the skeleton for doing fiberglass'). URL....Someone generated those wooden ribs, machined it and assembled the shape to fill inside with stereofoam (say), and cover by fiberglass to generate mold.

I failed to find any kind of tutorial that answers "how generate such ribs out of a surface at hand".

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Single IPT File On IParts?

May 15, 2013

I am working using iparts on inventor 2013. How can i save/generate each part created on iparts as a single .ipt file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Auto Generate Part Drawing

Jul 11, 2012

Is there any auto generate command to retrive the part drawing from assembly drawing rather than open part one by one to retrive the drawing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automatic Generate Or Save As Idw Files

Jan 7, 2014

I have created master assembly that has rules to 'save as' the assembly and parts to different locations and with different names. This master assy has links to excel file to get different names

In the same way I am looking the drawings (for both assy and parts) needs to be created and 'save as' to different locations. These newly generated drawings should have links to newly created parts/assembly.

I am able to 'save as' the master drawings to different locations but these newly created drawings still has links to master assembly/parts. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Files For Multiple IParts

Sep 13, 2012

I have generated around 1200 iParts from my drawing and I would like to generate every ipart in an individual ipt. file.

This is easily done by right-clicking the iPart and clicking on Generating Files. But I can't manage to generate all the ipt files in one go. I noticed that I can hold Ctrl and selecting all the iPart, but I would prefer not spending a couple of hours selecting 1200 iPart.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Ilogic Generate Parts List?

Oct 4, 2012

I curently have a rule that generates a part list automatically in a drawing. the problem is that I want the rule to be continuisly running but it keeps generating 2,3,5... parts lists. I need an if statment to check if a parts list already exists.
iLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = True On Error Resume Next ' Set a reference to the drawing document. ' This assumes a drawing document is active. Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument 'Set a reference to the


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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Generate Derived Part

Sep 12, 2012

I have created a very simple yet effective  tool for starting a new manifold assembly using iLogic. The rules and windows essentially fill out the size of the block, material type, description, project and part number.

Below I have a hydraulic manifold I have designed and from that I created the final .ipt of the internals. The way I did this (which may not be the best method) was to create a second .ipt matching the LxWxH of the original manifold, next I inserted and aligned both into another .iam file, lastly I derived a third .ipt from a subtraction resulting in the third image below. This is a bit time consuming to create, but has been very useful in error checking our designs. I would like to see if iLogic is capable of allowing me to automate this so we can easily create these internal flowpath .ipt's for every manifold we design.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Automated Drawing For Assembly?

Aug 17, 2012

I am trying to generate automated  drawing for my assembly and iam trying to run the following code

Imports Inventor.ViewOrientationTypeEnum
Imports Inventor.DrawingViewStyleEnum
dim oDrawingDoc as DrawingDocument    
dim oPartDoc as Document
dim oSheet as sheet
dim oTG as TransientGeometry
dim oView1 as DrawingView


but when i run the code its asks me whether you want to generate the drawings, but when i say yes shows runtime argument error as show below

Error in rule: Rule0, in document: pin

The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))

when i ask for more info it shows the following error

System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
   at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData)
   at Inventor.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum DocumentType, String TemplateFileName, Boolean CreateVisible)
   at LmiRuleScript.Main()
   at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem)
   at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic To Generate Models Of Units

Jul 5, 2012

So what I am doing is using iLogic to generate models of units customers submit orders for. Using a form you select your components/options and it auto generates the model itself. The problem I am having is when it comes to saving out that file. Once it is saved out I obviously don't want it to change it any way so that way I know exactly what that customer was shipped. I am utilizing skeletons in these assemblies and sub assemblies. A problem I did notice is however I save my main "template" if i re-open a customer generated order. The skeletons shift back to whatever state is in the main template hence moving components to places they shouldn't be and creating a mess. Is there a way to save out or another way to avoid this issue.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate PST Files - After Process For Use In Cutting Machines

Oct 27, 2011

Is possible to generate with Inventor 2011 (or 2012) PST files (after-process file) for use in a cutting machine? or other similar files?

The same as (for example) generated by software "MASTERCAM"..In my case is for use with ONA machine, that allows to cut real material with wire EDM technology

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Generate Report Cable / Harness

Mar 22, 2013

When I try the generate a report within Cable & Harness the button stays depressed and no window pops up.  I have tried to generate the report on 2 other stations with the same result.   

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate IPart Member Files In ILogic?

Aug 8, 2011

I am looking to generate ipart members for each ipart as I activate it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Generate Guide Rail To Control Twist

Sep 18, 2012

I am trying to model a forged steel table base so I can create some tooling to reproduce it.  See the attached photo of the base.  I am able to sweep along my 3D projected sketch path but there is a twist at the center that I believe I need a guide rail to control.  I have tried to draw a rail but it fails. 

I suspect I am not drawing my guide rail correctly as to create the slight twist.  I was considering drawing a shallow helix along the 3d sweep path but not sure that this is the best direction to head next.  I have attached the .ipt with the sweep (without guide path being used).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Parts List - Generate Total Length In Inches

Jun 7, 2013

I use my parts list to generate a total length in inches of the same part that is used in several places in my assemblies.  I then export it to excel, convert it to feet, etc.  I've been doing this for some time now and it works great.  The problem I am now having is I forgot how I got this magic to happen and I need to set another part to appear with it's total length in the list.  From what I remember I set the QTY column in the parts list to show the length of the part and then I set the parts list to merge the same parts.  For the life of me I can't remember how I did this.  How this is done correctly?

All of the parts are created by the frame generator if this matters.

Inventor 2013
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1
HP EliteBook 8470w
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3610QM CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 16 GB
AMD FirePro M2000
3D Connexion SpacePilot

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Flat Pattern Of Part With Flanges And Fold Won't Generate

Sep 26, 2011

The last feature of this L-Bracket is a fold.  When I create the flat pattern it is only unfolded, not completely flattened.  Prior to INV 2009, I could get a wireframe flat pattern with the part still folded.  Since then, I have to unfold to get a flat pattern.  The only way to show the formed part and flat pattern in IN2012 is to use a derived part with the base component supressed and the base component with the fold supressed.

How to be able to simply flatten this part so I don't have to do extra work with two parts

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Generate Cable With Wiring And Connectors All Existing Together In Assembly

Feb 21, 2013

I've been creating documentation for cable assembly for many years now and I am trying to determine a way to use the Inventor Cable and Harness feature to accomplish the same detailed drawings as I previously made by hand.  The first thing I notice is that the connectors do not exist at the cable level, even though this is how they will be manufactured.  Is there any way to generate a cable with wiring and connectors all existing together in an assembly that can then be documented in a drawing?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Derived Part In Sheet Metal Design?

Feb 27, 2012

I am wondering if Inventor can generate a Derived part in Sheet Metal Design? Then we can still keep and edit the sheet metal features ? It will be a sweet convenience for the symmetric design.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Generate Positive Part From Inside Of 3D Scanned Differential Housing

May 8, 2013

I'm want to reproduce a differential housing. Therefor I need a part which is identical to the inside of the housing. In other words, I need a positive part inside of the housing. 

I've tried to do this with Derived parts by placing the differential housing in a large block. But then I get a block where lining of the housing is missing. So i can't do anything with this derived part.

I have attempt to upload the file, but it is too large. Even when i try to compress it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Module generating inventor springs 2012 can Generate A Conical Spring

Oct 4, 2011

On the module generating inventor springs 2012 can generate a conical spring?

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Auto Generate ID For New Features

Jan 7, 2014

When I create a new feature for a feature class in Map, it pops up the Data Table so I can enter my information. The table is a SQL table connected via FDO. There is an ID field set as the primary key. Map wants me to manually enter in the ID. How do you auto generate this field?

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