AutoCAD Inventor :: Error - Sketch Lines Disappearing

Dec 12, 2013

I am having problems with lines disappearing in a sketch randomly. I am in a small assembly, going in and out of sketches used for machining, and then the sketch lines and dimensions will all be gone when I enter a sketch. If I hover over the sketch in the browser I can see the lines highlighted, but when I remove my mouse the will disappear. I cannot interact with the lines or dimensions at all. If I draw a new line, it immediately disappears. I have tried changing some things in the view tab and settings but haven't had any luck.

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Hatch Creating Error In DWG File - Lines Disappearing

Nov 8, 2012

We are using a file created by another company and making additions to it for Interiors. While working in this file we have added some new layers and have begun to hatch new walls. While hatching some of these wall my boss received a message saying that the file had errors. He saved and closed the file at that point. When he re-opened the file a number of lines were missing from the file.

They appear to be completely random - i.e. parts of chairs are missing but not the whole chair, parts of walls but not whole walls. The things missing were not all on the same layer and were not necessarily items that had been hatched.

Note - we are running 2012 and the files were created in 2007

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Shared Sketch Generates Sketch Doctor Error - Feature Suppressed

Sep 21, 2011

I've created a shared sketch and have used it with various features. Sometime those features are suppressed. The model works fine but the shared sketch generates a sketch doctor error because the feature that created it has been suppressed. Is there anyway to make the sketch suppressed so it doesn't trigger a sketch doctor error? Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Make 2 To Sketch Lines Instead Of Floating Lines?

Jan 28, 2013

Is there any way to make 2 to sketch lines instead of floating lines so that I can dimension them?

For example, if I have a part that can change lengths and I need to print off a new drawing, it would be good if I could say that the lines were a set distance from each end of the part or some features of the part.

Then I could update the part length, then just open the part drawing and not have to adjust anything.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Disappearing Dimension Lines

May 17, 2012

I have a problem with Inventor 2013. The dimension lines have disappeared. I've been through all  the  dimension styles and layers to make sure I hadn't turned one off

All other drawings are fine and if I create another even using the same model it works just fine but I'd rather find out why than re-do the whole drawing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Random Disappearing Lines On Assemblies 2009

Mar 10, 2009

My students draw all of the individual parts of a product as ipt files. Next they create an assembly using those ipt files on a iam template. Next they generate a multiview assembly drawing on a idw template from the iam file. On the idw multiview assembly random visible lines disappear and we are not able to get them back. Students are turning of the visiblity of some of the hidden lines on the idw assembly but not all hidden lines.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't See Sketch Lines In Drawing

Dec 18, 2013

Cant figure this out - I create a sketch in a drawing, but I cant see the lines as I'm drawing them.  The lines are on a "solid" layer set to red as defined in my standard.  The background of my drawings is black.  When the line command is done, the line appears and it's red.  Problem is I cant see it as I'm sketching.  Is there any way to modify this?  Can I have the line appear red (or white) as I'm sketching?

Product Design Suite Ultimate 2014
Vault Professional 2014
Windows 7 Pro SP1
HP-Z400: 2.67 GHz 12 Gb Ram
Nvidia Quadro FX1800 driver 276.42

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Connect All The Lines For A Sketch

Dec 14, 2011

Just getting started, gone through all the tutorials back in 2008...

first time I've actually tried to make something,

Can't use the sketch b/c there's probably a gap in the outline, is there a quick fix?

(Did the entire thing in snap to grid, was hoping there's a function to either connect lines all at once, or ignore Extremely small gaps).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Join Lines In Sketch?

Jul 17, 2013

In sketch mode, there is a function to split lines, but I don't see one to join lines.

(I'm talking about colinear lines with the ends touching - I want to convert two lines into one).

It may seem trivial, but I'd like to use these lines in frame generator to select by a single line and not by endpoints of two different lines. Less clicks and more consistency in my model.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Lines Won't Associate?

Feb 19, 2013

When I am in sketch mode I can draw a rectangle and when I go back to dimension it it only adjusts that specific line and not the connecting lines.  Is there a setting or command to fix this?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Red Lines Is Part Sketch Mode?

Dec 12, 2002

I know about the pink lines, green lines, and black line, but I recieved a part from another person and it had red lines for the sketch, how, what did he do to get those? He doesn't know how he did it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Lines Have Perfect Length?

Mar 21, 2013

How can I have sketch lines drawn to perfect lengths. I mean it should be in multiples of 1/16 of an inch.
Inventor Professional 2013
Vault Collaboration 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Collapse (lines Becoming Zero Length)

Jul 23, 2013

I opened a part today and noticed that it had collapsed into itself.

This should be a rectangle 85x15.75:

On closer inspection it appears that the vertical lines somehow became zero length lines. Why does this happen?

Edit: I should mention that I was able to repair the skecth by making the 85" dimension driven, then dragging the line over...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constraining A Plate Via Sketch Lines

Mar 29, 2013

I have an oddly shaped flat plate extruded from a sketch, the sketch of which has lots on constructions lines, none of which actually represent solid edges of the plate. However, I want to locate the plate to other components via the geometry defined in the sketch. 

I find that when I am trying to constrain the plate to other parts none of the sketch geometry is available to me. Points, lines, construction lines, circles; I can select none of it when constraining. I am confused. How can I constrain such a part?

Just to clarify - the flat plate is the base of a structure. Its profile is decoratively shaped, so nothing about the cut edge of the plate is suitable for constraining to. I need to constrain off geometry defined in the sketch.

I have "Shared" the sketch. 

Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Generator-3D Sketch Lines?

Oct 27, 2012

I have created a chassis wireframe using 2D and 3D sketches. In frame generator, I am able to insert frame members on the 2D lines, but not the 3D lines. I can put frame members on 3D lines ONLY if I use the "insert members between points" placement, but then I can't merge several members together to create 1 tube (can I?).

How do I put frame members on 3D sketch lines using the "insert members on edges" placement?


How do I merge tube members when they are inserted using the "insert members between points" placement?

Inventor Professional 2013
Windows 7 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Copy Lines To Sketch In Drawing

Oct 12, 2012

I have a question regarding copying geometry in drawing mode.

When I was working in V5 and making drawings I sometimes had to "fake" geometry, the world is not perfect I know, copy geometry in the 2d, like center lines and such. I am trying to do the same in Inventor and use the project geometry button and geometry is created but it does not show up when exiting sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Sketch / Leaving Construction Lines

Nov 4, 2012

I would like to export sketches, but leave off the construction lines as they all show up the same in my CAM program.  Is there a way to not export the construction lines?  Possibly using the "Post Process" options of the Export Options.  I am using 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Hide Part Sketch Construction Lines?

May 16, 2011

Is there any way to hide construction lines in Part & Assembly sketches in the same way you can in a Drawing sketch?

I know you can change the line colour to the background colour but this makes the lines invisible in sketch as well.

Not being able to hide the construction is making some layouts pretty pointless since relevant detail is obscured by the construction lines. Grounding the geommetry and deleting the construcion lines isn't an option since the sketches are part of the design development and not fixed.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fillets Not Working On Lines In Sketch Mode

Jul 10, 2013

I am using Inventor 2012 and have recently experienced a problem with the fillet not working correctly. I have a curve and a straight line that connect and when I select fillet it will allow me to select the curve but not the straight line. I have been able to do this in the past with no problems.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Have Construction Lines Already Drawn When Starting New Sketch

Aug 24, 2012

I'm wanting to have vertical and horizontal construction lines already created whenever I start a sketch so that I can set symmetric constraints to the part I'm drawing up. At the moment, I have to draw both lines every time and constrain them to the center point. It would be much easier if it was already there when I started so I can start on the sketch right away. Is there a way to do this? I've included a photo of what I'd like to do.

Inventor Professional 2013
Intel Xeon W3680 @ 3.33Ghz
NVIDIA Quadro 2000 GPU
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Click On Two Lines In A Part Sketch And Get There Intersection Point Using VBA

Oct 29, 2013

In assembly mode, how can I click on two lines in a part sketch and get there intersection point using VBA?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Left Clicking And Moving Lines And Points In 2D-sketch

Feb 1, 2012

I have a newly discovered issue with left clicking and moving lines and points in 2D-sketch.

After working in Inventor for a while I cant move lines and points(green and unconstrained geometry). If I exit 2D sketch mode and enter again I can move a line once and then its back to not being able to manipulate the geometry at all, the curser just want to create a marking box.

I have a new optical mouse with cord, its a Logitech G400. I have switched mouse but with the same result.I have installed the latest driver for the mouse.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Analyze Sketch - Total Number Of Lines In Loop

Jun 28, 2013

Being all new and complete virgin-like, to ilogic, I would like to know wether it is possible to analyze a sketch (wenn it is being closed)?

What I want to analyze is:

Does the sketch contain a fully constrained closed loop?

Does this closed loop consist only of straight lines?

What is the total number of lines in the loop?

Next fase is:

Create an excel-sheet with the following information:

For each line in this closed loop i wish to add the length of the line, and the angle to the next line (consequently on the internal side of the loop, resulting in angles from 0 to 180 degrees).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Nifty Sketch / Extrusion Error

Apr 10, 2012

I have a sketch for a 1.125" tall bounding wall.  The inside contour is projected, and the outside contour is offset .125."  When I extrude the desired profile, the inside corners, which are project radii, turn inside out. I don't know how else to explain it.  I will attach before/after screen shots.

I reboot my PC at lunch because I was getting other odd errors, lots o' C++ runtime joys. That was some two hours ago, and I had a slew of errors/crashes after that around one.  Now, no error messages, but this interesting occasion. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude Sketch 3 To The Extrusion 1 But Keep Getting Error

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to extrude sketch 3 to the Extrusion 1 but keep getting this the wrong way to create?

Also the Extrusion 2 cut out for centre hole does not seem completely round.....

Could this part be made using better can i create this part with better steps

Inventor Edu 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Skeletal Modeling - Cannot Use 3D Sketch Lines In Skeleton Base Part

Sep 14, 2011

Why can i use lines from a 3d sketch to constraint a part to a skeleton base part?

I have attached a example where i try to constraint the tube.ipt using 3D geometry lines of the part  Layout_3d_sketch.ipt in the assembly teste.iam, but i'm unable to select any lines from that file.

Why can't i use this 3D sketch lines in a skeleton base part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Start And End Point Of Various Lines In Sketch To Excel File?

Oct 26, 2012

I have been searching for a macro to export the start and end point of a line coordinates to excel, but I can only find information on how to export 3D Points.

Is it possible to program a macro that allows me to export the start and end point of various lines in a sketch?

The objective of this is to connect an excel file which is updated when I create a line with it correspondent points, then i could not only import these x,y,z coordinates from excel to inventor but I whould be able to update my spreedsheet whenever I change my sketch.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Known Error In Flat Pattern - 2D Sketch Punch Representation

Oct 3, 2011

I've a problem in Inv 2011 SP2 and 2012 SP1 with 2D Sketch Punch Representation.

See attached file for the explanation of the problem or this Link to animated problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Error In RSe Clone Commander On Derive From Part With Sketch Block

Nov 19, 2012

I have a surface model of a bin that I am going to use as a master for deriving sheet metal parts for each side of the bin. After creating Sketch 9, which defines the mating flanges of the sheets, I repeatedly get the error noted in the subject when I try creating a derived part from this file.

I narrowed the problem down to the sketch block I used to define the square holes or more specifically a dimension that appears in this sketch block. I originally drew the circle with the square around it within Sketch 9 and then used the Create Block command. Then I patterned the block along the edges and made the pattern symmetric about the mid point of the edge and placed the hole half way out on the flange. (Flange width is set as a user parameter "FlangeWidth"(1.5") and distance to hole is "FlangeWidth/2" or even just a raw value of 0.75").

Now once this dimension is added to the sketch it will also appear in the block editor for the 5-16 Carriage Square block. If this is deleted from the sketch and the block definition and the pattern of holes are left unconstrained in this one direction a derived part can be successfully made. BUT if a dimension is added to the sketch it will trickle down to the block definition and now a derived part will fail...

I realized that my holes are to be on the midline of the flange so I can constrain them there without a dimension and so I can work around this. I just didn't think dimensions to geometry not included in a block were added to the block definition.

Inventor 2013 x64 sp1.1
Workstation Specs:
Dell T7500 Dual Xeon E5620 @2.40Ghz 8GB Ram
NVIDIA Quadro FX580 4GB, Windows 7 x64 sp1

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AutoCad :: Lines Disappearing - Only Appear When Panning

Sep 17, 2013

I am tasked with tidying up some drawings that have been exported from Vectorworks and it seems there is a fundamental problem with the drawing.

Some lines do not appear when viewing the drawing, they only appear when panning or when I select all. There are some cases where a line disappears behind a rectangle as if it had a hatch fill yet no such thing exists.

I have attached the drawing in question.

I am using AutoCAD 2012 for Mac.

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AutoCad :: Lines Seem To Be Disappearing Under Graphic

Mar 21, 2012

I'm laying lines on top of an airial photo and my lines seem to be disappearing under the graphic. I know the lines are there, because they will highlight when the cursuer passes over them. Sometimes the lines will be on top and then under. I know there is something I'm doing wrong but can't figure it out. Is there a "Bring to the Front" like in MicroSoft applications.

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