AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Family In Created Library

Nov 16, 2012

I created a new library to publish some profiles we use in our company. But some profiles didn't work exactly as they were supposed to do. So i tried to delete some of the families i created. But the Inventor doesn't allow me to do so. The button to delete the family just is in gray, and i can't use it. How can i delete the families i created?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Views Created With DWG

Oct 5, 2011

We recently started using Inventor DWG files (shifting away from IDW).

Part of the process for one of our programmers is to open a DWG file using AutoCAD Mechanical 2012, delete all unused dimensions and views, and use the remaining view to program his CNC machine. We are finding that this is not possible to do with the new format Inventor DWG files, as the views are not able to be selected.

What is the AutoCAD 2012 procedure for deleting views created with Inventor DWG?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Library Created By Material Guide Auto Drop Table

Nov 20, 2011

I have created the Custom library of ISO bolts by adding the Material to existing ISO library using the Material Guide.
The goal is to make bolts black and anodized to be more specific with purchase orders from very beginning.
After the adding the material everything is working good except the auto drop. There is a wide Table pop ups with a lot of unnecessary info.
Is it possible to choose the columns to represent there? I mean leave just Material or Part Number ?

[URL] ........

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Revit :: Correcting Error In A Family Being Created

Sep 21, 2011

I'm trying to create a new family - a window with sill and lintel. In the attached file, I'm fine until I add the reference planes to create the fixed window frame. Prior to that point, all geometry perofrm as intended when I change the width or height of the window. Once the frame reference planes are added, the height change draws an error message. I've tried individually eliminating the possible causes with no success. What I'm doing incorrectly and specifically the steps necessary to fix it?

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Revit :: How To Align Nested Family To Reference Line In Host Family To Rotates Around A Certain Point

Jan 29, 2014

I'm trying to align a nested family to a reference line in my host family so that it rotates around a certain point.
I've created the reference line in my host family, locked the end point to two reference planes and then gave an angular parameter to the angle between the ref. line and the ref. plane.
I then inserted the nested family and aligned it to the ref. line. The problem is that when I flex the angle, i get a "Constraints not satisfied" error..
What could be wrong?
I'm using a generic face based family for both host and nested families...

Using Building Design Suite Ultimate 2014

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Bolted Connection Family Name

Jun 21, 2012

I've copied Standard CC libraries to read/write libraries and modified the tables. Mostly fasteners. I've prefixed the family name and family description with our company name.  When I "place from content center", it's easy to see our content because the families are prefixed with our company name.  However, when I use bolted connection, some of the families do not show our family name as a prefix like "place from content center" does. People constantly pick the wrong fasteners. They select fasteners without our Item number, etc. Then, they need to delete the fastener and try again. I can't seem to get bolted connection to show some fasteners with the company name prefix like Place from CC does. However, some families do show it.

Inventor 2012 SP2
Windows 7 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Family Table And Vault

Dec 6, 2013

I have completed a part file with a family table defined in it. I check this part into vault. When I search for this part in vault it seems like it has taken the part number and the description from the first line in the family table and assigned it to the main part file. To me this is confusing because it looks like there are two items that are the same.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Family Table Editing

Sep 18, 2012

am trying to edit Family table as per my requirement. In the family table editor, the columns for " Sectional area, Moment of Inertia, Section modulus etc...." are available. These kind of properties have to update manually or there is any option available to generate autmatically ?

Find the attached image for more clarity !!!

Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Windows 7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ESC While Editing Any Field Of CC Family Table

May 13, 2013

Just for kicks, make a lot of changes to a Content Center family table, and then accidentally hit the ESC key, thinking it will back you out of what you are typing. 

But seriously, ESC while editing any field of a CC family table, EXITS the editor, losing anything you've typed in up to that point. URL....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Category Properties And Family Table

Nov 7, 2012

When creating new category, there's Parameter tab for creating new parameters. Now when publishing iPart, created category parameters must be mapped to family table columns. But why? What are they used for?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center - Family Properties

Mar 6, 2009

I have edited a family with the CC and created a new family in my library. I am happy with the FILENAME & MATERIAL & PART NUMBER. These are perfect in our Parts List.

However, the description in my Parts List is as per the Family Properties, Family Description (see attached).

we would like: SOCKET CAP HEAD SCREW M5x25 SS

I would have thought this would be achievable, as M5 & 25 are the "size designation" driven from the table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IPart / Family Table Equations

Oct 26, 2012

Inventor 2012

Can equations like this cell equals this cell be used in the Ipart or Iassembly family tables?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Last Revision Row

Jul 17, 2013

Is there a workaround to delete the last revision row with the edit icon (I've put in by mistake and would like to remove)According to Autodesk HELP:

"Note:The active row is always the most recently added row to the revision table. It is denoted by an edit icon and cannot be deleted."

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Fillet Sizes With Family Table

Feb 16, 2012

i am learning publishing parts to content centre so as to use for frame generator.Success so far except i cannot work out how to change Fillet sizes with the Family Table.As i increase the sizes of beams i want to also control the fillet size within the Family table.Where do i add the fillet parameter?

INV 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Flat Bar Family In Content Centre

Dec 13, 2012

I am trying to create a flat bar family similar to the ANSI one but has smaller sizes & is more in line with the AS standard. I have searched the inter web & have found a few on changing/editing existing families but not creating a new one.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Features Using ILogic

Aug 2, 2012

I am working on a standard part that has different configurations depending on user inputs into a GUI. Once the user enters all the required parameters, the part is in its final form with all unnecessary features suppressed. I am looking for a way to automate the delete of the suppressed features using a rule and i Logic before the user saves the file.

The main reason for doing this is to reduce the file size of the part once it is saved because this same template will be used for hundreds of parts and I don't want to waste unnecessary storage space on suppressed features.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Coincident Constraint

Aug 15, 2008

I have noticed what I consider a bug in AI2009. When trying to delete a coincident constraint using the show constraint command, it is impossible to do so. All other constraints I can delete while I am in the "show constraints" dialog box, but not coincident constraints. As soon as I get out of the "Show constraints" command, the yellow dots are still showing and I can then hover over them and they highlight so I can delete them. Is this how it was intended or should I be able to delete them like the others while still in the "show constraints" command?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Constraints In Assembly

Feb 14, 2013

Why is it when I select multiple contraints for a component that I can use the delete key on the keyboard to eliminate them but when I select only a single constraint, I have to right click and select delete on the context menu.  The delete key will not work  on a single constraint.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Pattern Constraints

Jun 2, 2009

I have some geometries that are patterned in a sketch. Turns out that i don't want a pattern anymore but i have a load of stuff that is dependent on some of the patterned lines. So i show all constraints and you can see the little rectangular pattern constraint icon. but you can't delete it like you can with other constraints.

The reasoning behind this is logical, but surely i should be able to break the link of a pattern and then re constrain the geometries how i see fit, that way i maintain all of my associations and my other features won't fail due to a lost link. See attached pic, i want to change one of the vertical lines so it now sits at an angle.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting From Content Center

Aug 21, 2012

Once you publish an item to the content center if you want to remove it how is this done?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Family Template - Import Part Invalid

Apr 19, 2010

I am using inventor 2010 sp1. I have a content center part that I want to replace the family template. I am having problems doing so on random components. Sometimes it lets me and sometimes not. I cannot pinpoint any differences or irregularities between the different library parts.

I am recieving the message indicating..."Import Part Invalid"

Here is my process

Open from content center and save to another folder with or without the same name.
Open Content Editor
right click and replace family template
Recieve this message. "Import Part Invalid"

Note that i made no changes to the file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Getting Family Tree Of All Parts And Sub-assemblies Of Main Assembly?

Jan 22, 2013

Is there a way of getting a family tree of all the parts and sub-assemblies of a main assembly?

I would like this so I can keep track on what parts need drawings (manufactured parts) and if the drawing has been done.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Family Table To Part List?

Sep 26, 2012

I have created a new colum in family table editor for a custom part in content center. After that i created an assembly using the same custom part from contentr center. Then i prepared the drawing for that i mean *.idw. In the drawing file i have to attach a part list. and i need to add the the new colum generated in family table to part list.Do we have any option available to  add the specified column in part list ?  

Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Windows 7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Value In Family Table In Content Center Editor

Mar 29, 2012

After editing a value in the Family Table in the Content Center Editor I still get the old value. I tried to refresh this Content Center part (as administrator) but without succes.

In the logfile the error message is: "Failed: Unable to create part file. Unknown error."

Earlier (probably with older version of Inventor) I was able to refresh.

Is this a bug, or has this something to do with false settings

Autodesk Inventor Product Design Suite 2013 SP1.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Parts To Existing Content Center Family?

Jan 4, 2012

if I place from content centre > structural shapes > AS1163-1991 rectangle hollow sections - not all sections are there. For example I would like to use a 65x65x6 SHS section. The content centre only goes up to 65x65x3 SHS.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replace Family Template - Import Part Is Invalid

May 13, 2013

I've got an error everytime I try to replace a Family template in my Content Center (I work with Inventor 2011).

I try with a simple part.  Here's the steps:

1- Create a simple part (cube with Width, Height and Depth parameters)

2- Create an iPart with 12 members

3- Publish the part in the Content Center

4- Modify the part (add a column in table)

5- Save

6- Open Content Center Editor and click on Replace Family Template

Got the error: "Import Part is Invalid".

I tried "Save As" instead of "Save" and got the same result.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Family Stops Working After Edits

Jun 5, 2012

Initially the family was customized to add a few of our part numbers and suppress some members we weren't using.

There were some duplications in the table that were removed as well (This has been a known issue since 2009).

It has been working for several months without a problem.

Yesterday I needed some new sizes so I unsuppressed a few members and updated the part number and grade information .

Now when I try to place any instance from this family Inventor crashes.

I have found that the family will work if all members are unsuppressed. If only the customized members are left unsuppressed Inventor will crash on placement.

I ran some more tests by starting fresh and copying a read-only version from the ANSI library. I recreated the original library and it functions with the customizations untill I add a custom column (Grade) to use as a key.

How can a family go from functioning to not by only modifying a few fields?
2010 Suite-SP4 64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Content Center Parts - Family Name Already Existing

Oct 7, 2011

We are using Tube and Pipe with custom valves, flanges etc published to and taken from Content Center. Quite frequently we have to mock up a vendor supplied valve until we get the final model from them (usually near the end of the project) the mocked up valves can change in design over the course of the project, which means submitting and re-submitting different versions of valve with a slightly different name each time.

To try and keep things tidy (and prevent confusion with other users) I've tried to delete existing families and replace again with the same name, but Inventor T&P/CC won't allow this, and usually get the error message about family name already existing.

How can I truly delete the family and have no trace left on CC/Vault/working folders etc? Is there a workflow I should be aware of for such a task?

Inventor Routed Systems 2011

Win 7 x64
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Win7 x64
Dell Precision T7400
Xeon X5460 @ 3.16GHz
Quadro FX 1700 512MB

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Drawing Dimensions Deleting Upon Print To PDF?

Oct 24, 2013

One of the drafters I work with has been having an intermittent problem with Inventor 14 deleting dimensions and notes when he prints a .idw to a .pdf. The problem first popped up when we transitioned to 14 from 12. It only happens once out of every 2 dozen or so prints and is usually caught on the redlines, but it has been overlooked once already requiring the part to be remachined at cost to our employer. No one else in our office has had the problem and it continued to happen after a reinstall; which leads me to think it's some hardware issue.

Included is a screenshot of his system information. We're running Synergis Adept file management software, that may be pertinent as well.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting User Defined Properties

Jan 2, 2014

i can easily add user defined properties using Apprentice but i cannot delete them. There is a function to delete but i always get a message back saying the Parameter is Incorrect. When i check the parameter, it IS correct. Any method for deleted User Defined Properties using Apprentice?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Deleting Work Points In 3D Sketch

Apr 13, 2012

I am using Inventor Professional 2011.

I have a series of points that I've placed along a sloped line in a 3D Sketch.  However, if I delete one of the points, all the points that have been created are erased as well.  I found a way to get around it (remove the constraints of the point I'm trying to delete and then delete the point).  However, if I want to delete multiple points, the solution I have would take up some time.

I don't want to create a rectangular pattern in a 2D sketch because, when the line changes slope, the pattern doesn't seem to recognize the new slope direction and the points appear offset from the new sloped line.

Is there a way I can get create some semblance of a pattern in 3D sketch and also have the ability to delete individual points within a series of created points?

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