AutoCAD Inventor :: Create A Flat Bar Family In Content Centre

Dec 13, 2012

I am trying to create a flat bar family similar to the ANSI one but has smaller sizes & is more in line with the AS standard. I have searched the inter web & have found a few on changing/editing existing families but not creating a new one.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Centre Isn't Logged In

Oct 18, 2011

All options relating to the content centre seem to have disappeared. When i try and add a structural shape via manage tab / author - I get the following message Structural Shape Library cannot be found or Content Centre isnt logged in, please check it and try again. i have checked the active project and it includes the content centre location. Also in an Assembly I do not have the option of placing from content centre.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Centre Files

Jul 5, 2012

We have just updated to Inventor 2013 (from 12) and none of our models which contain BSi libraries are working. I understand BSi is within 'Other' CC library.

I have tried copying the idcl files from 2012 CC libraries into  into 2013 but Inventor 2013 is not recognizing them. Within the 'update libraries' dialogue box the are listed in red and 'not available'

I've been floundering around for a few days now trying various fixes from the net without success.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Access Content Centre

Nov 21, 2013

For a while now whenever I open a new assembly the default is place from content centre, I use the drop-down and select place.

Today I needed place from content centre and it just doesn't come up.

It is loaded/automatic in the addins.

If I open my projects, in the bottom right corner where I would usually click to acess my installed libraries, I click but it does nothing!

I also noticed studio and BIM are greyed out, but I have started to play with Showcase so not really a problem. I need to set up a read/write library soon, so it's going to be a problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Centre Thumbnail View

Aug 14, 2012

When using Content Centre, in the Favourite’s section, the Tree View will not default to Thumbnail View. Every time I close the Content Centre it reverts back to Tree View.

Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Win 7 Pro
6.7 System Rating
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Placing Bolt From Content Centre

Aug 29, 2012

I starting out new to Inventor 2013.What are the steps to place a washer and bolt from Content Centre into the assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Content Centre Favourites

Aug 13, 2013

Is it possible to export content centre favourites?

I have a number of parts marked as favourites from our custom CC library. I have created folders and sub folders for the various items, nuts, bolts, washer, steel sections and piping parts and would ideally like to be able to export the setup in much the same way as exporting the 'Application Options' out to a XML file. This can then be imported into other machines creating a list of favourites for all users.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Chinese Steel For Content Centre

Nov 3, 2011

Ive got a job im doing that requires the use of chinese steel.

There is a revit library and a asd library for chinese steel sections.

Is there chinese steel that can be added tothe content centre.

If so where can i get it and how do i load it?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Content Centre Bolt Description?

Dec 12, 2012

I want to change the description of a bolt to be "M(bolt size) bolt. then add the length in another column. example M10 bolt.

I want to know if it is possible to do this using the Family Properties & changing the "Family Description" to something like M=<NND> BOLT. i have tried but had no luck as it only comes back with "M Bolt" & no diameter 

Any other way to make it populate a BOM easily.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get Whether An Occurrence In A Assembly Is Of Content Centre (kContentCenterObject)

Sep 20, 2011

How to get whether an occurence in a assembly is of content centre (kContentCenterObject) ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Content Centre Library Appears Empty?

Jul 25, 2010

I typically use basic ISO fastners in conjunction with the bolted connection generator. Just now I have discovered the ability to add a custom library to the content centre. This appears fantastic as I no longer have to sift through the 10 - 30 or so items available in each category to complete my bolted connection.

However I am experiencing a delima

I have created a custom library called "My Favourites" and it contains 6 bolt families, 1 spring & flat washer family and 1 nut family. All families are derived from the ISO standard (bar the spring washer which is DIN 128) and all thread pitches for the respective nut and bolt connection(s) match.

The problem I am experiencing is when I execute the bolted connection command I can add the bolt, 2 flats and 1 spring washer yet when I come to close the connection with a nut the nut selection box is empty?

I have the active project configured with "My Favourites" "Inventor Feature" & "Inventor Routed Systems" as the only in use libraries. Secondly, I have verified the existance of the nut(s) in "My Favourites" in the Content Centre Editor.

I am using Inventor 2010 updated to SP3 on a standalone machine, running Windows 7 Ultimate (w/ latest updates)

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Centre Prompted Filename And Part Number

Nov 8, 2011

Create a Content Center Part that prompts for a file name and sets the Part Number to whatever I save the part as? It would also be nice to... Have the browser Display name the same as the saved filename.

If I have a standard part with a blank filename, inventor will make the part number equal the filename at the first save. It is this functionality that I require when using Custom Content parts.

E.G. If I have a length of 'RHS 200x100x6.3 - 2000mm' selected from content centre and I want the filename to be saved as 'Part-001', then I would like the Part Number to be set as 'Part-001'.

If I then place the same member in another project/assembly I may want to call it 'ProjectPart-100', where the part number would then be 'ProjectPart-100' and so on.

This method ignores the filename entry in the Ipart table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Custom Content Centre Shapes And Frame Generator?

Oct 16, 2012

I have been trying to add my own shapes to the Content Centre, with some success, but for being able to use them in Frame Generator. I was able to Author a new part and publish it to Structural Shapes and it works very well. However when I try to use it in Frame Generator there is an issue that I do not understand. Frame Generator recognises the family and all of the different sizes and materials, but when it come to inserting the part, i get the following message:

I am not sure what this means. The part family is in my own library in a seperate category. I don't know what/where template file needs to be and is that the same ipt file that I used to create the Content Centre part/shape? Do I need to create a new Standard rather than "attaching" it to the AS Standard?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Change Bolt Size Form Content Centre

Dec 16, 2009

I want to change the bolt form "M8×80" into "M8×50". How to realize the function in my VB program make use of API?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Centre Missing In 2012 Professional Ultimate Edition

Aug 12, 2013

We facing the error shown in screenshot attached with this mail.

We are not able to read content centre.

I also check the path "C:ProgramDataAutodeskInventor 2013Content CenterLibraries" and found that its a empty.

We are using :

Software :  Inventor 2012 Professional ultimate edition, MS-Office 2010 64 Bit.

Hardware : Workstation Dell Precision T3600

OS: Winxp (1 user )and win7(3 user)

the path to download these content centre files for inventor 2012.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Changing Location Of Design Data / Templates And Content Centre

Mar 15, 2012

I have 45 PCs running Autodesk Inventor 2011 in a student PC lab.  We have since set up Vault Server and I need to change the location that these point at.The files that I need to edit can be got to by:

1.    Open Autodesk Inventor
2.    Click “Pro”
3.    Click “Options”
4.    Click the “File” tab
5.    I need to edit the following: Default templates, Design Data (Styles, etc) and Default Content Centre files.  
6.    The above three will be pointed to a server that has vault setup on it (\vault emplates, etc).

Now to clarify, Inventor works, I do not need assistance activating it, and I do not need assistance with group policy to set up the install..I need to be able to modify the above with group policy through either the registry (if possible) or some other method. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Publishing Custom Parts Into Content Centre / Frame Generator

Aug 21, 2012

I am trying to create/publish custom shapes into Content Centre and for use in Frame Generator. I can create the i-Part and configure the parameters I want to enable different sizes - no problem. However when I go to "Publish Part" ()

I get the following error.......

do I need to save the ipt file in a different location? What dependencies are there? I get the same result if I follow the Inventor tutorial using the brace.ipt part....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center - Family Properties

Mar 6, 2009

I have edited a family with the CC and created a new family in my library. I am happy with the FILENAME & MATERIAL & PART NUMBER. These are perfect in our Parts List.

However, the description in my Parts List is as per the Family Properties, Family Description (see attached).

we would like: SOCKET CAP HEAD SCREW M5x25 SS

I would have thought this would be achievable, as M5 & 25 are the "size designation" driven from the table.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Library Content Centre Status From Read Only To Read / Write

May 4, 2012

How to do it?

I am using Inv/Vault Pro 2011.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Family Table To Part List?

Sep 26, 2012

I have created a new colum in family table editor for a custom part in content center. After that i created an assembly using the same custom part from contentr center. Then i prepared the drawing for that i mean *.idw. In the drawing file i have to attach a part list. and i need to add the the new colum generated in family table to part list.Do we have any option available to  add the specified column in part list ?  

Inventor Professional Suite 2010
Windows 7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Value In Family Table In Content Center Editor

Mar 29, 2012

After editing a value in the Family Table in the Content Center Editor I still get the old value. I tried to refresh this Content Center part (as administrator) but without succes.

In the logfile the error message is: "Failed: Unable to create part file. Unknown error."

Earlier (probably with older version of Inventor) I was able to refresh.

Is this a bug, or has this something to do with false settings

Autodesk Inventor Product Design Suite 2013 SP1.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Parts To Existing Content Center Family?

Jan 4, 2012

if I place from content centre > structural shapes > AS1163-1991 rectangle hollow sections - not all sections are there. For example I would like to use a 65x65x6 SHS section. The content centre only goes up to 65x65x3 SHS.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Content Center Family Stops Working After Edits

Jun 5, 2012

Initially the family was customized to add a few of our part numbers and suppress some members we weren't using.

There were some duplications in the table that were removed as well (This has been a known issue since 2009).

It has been working for several months without a problem.

Yesterday I needed some new sizes so I unsuppressed a few members and updated the part number and grade information .

Now when I try to place any instance from this family Inventor crashes.

I have found that the family will work if all members are unsuppressed. If only the customized members are left unsuppressed Inventor will crash on placement.

I ran some more tests by starting fresh and copying a read-only version from the ANSI library. I recreated the original library and it functions with the customizations untill I add a custom column (Grade) to use as a key.

How can a family go from functioning to not by only modifying a few fields?
2010 Suite-SP4 64bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Replacing Content Center Parts - Family Name Already Existing

Oct 7, 2011

We are using Tube and Pipe with custom valves, flanges etc published to and taken from Content Center. Quite frequently we have to mock up a vendor supplied valve until we get the final model from them (usually near the end of the project) the mocked up valves can change in design over the course of the project, which means submitting and re-submitting different versions of valve with a slightly different name each time.

To try and keep things tidy (and prevent confusion with other users) I've tried to delete existing families and replace again with the same name, but Inventor T&P/CC won't allow this, and usually get the error message about family name already existing.

How can I truly delete the family and have no trace left on CC/Vault/working folders etc? Is there a workflow I should be aware of for such a task?

Inventor Routed Systems 2011

Win 7 x64
Product Design Suite Ultimate 2013
Win7 x64
Dell Precision T7400
Xeon X5460 @ 3.16GHz
Quadro FX 1700 512MB

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Base Quantity In Family Template In Content Center

Feb 8, 2013

I need to change the Base Quantity of family templates in CC from GL = ... to Each. (I know there are several different qty, but I need this to Each because of ERP-system).

I use open from CC and place a tube in an iam, and changing BOM-settings to Each on that tube. Then I replace template in the family in CC editor with this file. And everything seems OK.

When I use "Place from CC" and place a tube from this family, everything is in perfect order. The ipt has Base Quantity set to Each just like I wanted.

I use Frame Generator and insert tubes from this family, then the Base Quantity "bounce" back from Each of GL = ...

I need this to work also in Frame Generator.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Add New Member To ANSI Rectangular Tube Family In Content Center?

Nov 17, 2011

I need to add a new member to the ANSI Rectangular tube family in the content center. The problem is I don't know what the Ix and Iy columns are. Both columns have a sub title of [inch^4]. What these variables represent? I inserted a part from the family in an assembly and checked the paramerers window and these aren't listed in the parameters.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Cannot Create Flat Pattern

May 3, 2012

I'm unable to create a flat pattern .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create A Flat Pattern

Mar 7, 2013

I want to creat a flatpattern of an iregulary cut cylinder that was made in the standard .ipt world and is now converted into a sheetmetal. I want to "Unroll" the piece out so can see the shape of it as a flat piece. Picture of it is attached. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unable To Create Flat Pattern

Jul 19, 2013

I can't get Inventor to create a flat pattern of the attached sheetmetal part. It's a pretty basic part, just five folds. I'm not getting any error issues - when I go to the flat pattern it just shows the folded part (picture attached). 

I assume it has something to do with the way I folded it and the notches, etc. Inv makes to accomplish the fold. I'm using Inventor 2013 on Win 8. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Flat Pattern From VBA Code

Dec 29, 2011

I need a code to generate the Flat Pattern in VBA.

I made an app who sets the specific material and I would like to unfold the folded part at the same time.

I tried this code, but not works:

  Dim partDoc As PartDocument
  Dim sheetMetalDef As SheetMetalComponentDefinition
  If (Not sheetMetalDef.HasFlatPattern()) Then
  End If

Windows 7 Professional 64Bits
Inventor 2011 Pro

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Create Flat Pattern Of Attached Part

Nov 6, 2013

Is there any way to create flat pattern of a part I attached ?

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