AutoCAD Inventor :: Default Value Multivalue Setlist

Jan 3, 2012

I've created a setlist with the following ilogic


Is it possible to set a default value for "Dnr", for example Dnr = 3.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Populate Multivalue PARAMETER

Jul 24, 2012

How to populate an Inventor Multivalue PARAMETER using a For cycle in iLogic according to a variable index corresponding to a different number of array items?

for example:

i grab some data from a Rule and populate an Arraylist variable. I trace the number of instances using a counter. after the data acquisition I want to populate the Multivalue Parameter with the acquired values.

No problem browsing the Arraylist parameter: MyArraylist.(Index)... but what about the Multivalue parameter?

the MultiValue.SetList("Multivalue Parameter", Value 1, Value 2, ... , Value N) provide a defined number of data and cannot be set dynamically according to an Index.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Working With Multivalue Lists Of Other Parameters

Mar 22, 2013

I'm writing an input check function (check certain inputs to be positive, or within a certain range). I'm a mechanical engineer with basic coding experience, mostly with basic matlab experience (some c++), so I don't fully understand VB structure, classes, objects, etc.

I'm giving my function a mutlivalue list of the names of parameters, converting to an ArrayList,  then using 'For Every Item" in array list If>my condition>then display input box. And I have it working, but probably not the "proper" way, though if it works, it works. My real question is if I can use a multivalue list of parameter names and create a sister MV list that contains the parameter values. Currently I have to hard code a MV list with quotes aorund the names, and one without quotes. I've played around with various ways of using multivalue.set/setlist, val(), CDblAny() and other functions, but  always end up with either class mismatches, an MV list with a single evaluated parameter, or an exact duplicate of the original paramter name MV list.

Example of my brute force efforts:

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:     684 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:     652 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
'MultiValue.List("testList") = MultiValue.List(Parameter(ggg))

Full Input Santitation

Format:HTML Format Version:1.0 StartHTML:     165 EndHTML:   14751 StartFragment:     314 EndFragment:   14719 StartSelection:     314 EndSelection:     314
SyntaxEditor Code Snippet
MultiValue.SetList("posParams", "hopAngle", "hopOutID", "hopOutClearance", "ringThk")

[Code] .....

Inventor 2013 SP 1.1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting MultiValue List To Parameter

Jan 21, 2013

I have the following rule:

If OD=900 mm And Filter_Type = "Aerob" ThenMultiValue.SetList("FilterSize", 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)End IfIf OD=900 mm And Filter_Type = "Donaldson DLM" ThenMultiValue.SetList("FilterSize", V3/7S, V4/7S, V8/7S)End If
 For first condition everything is ok. But when the second one is valid it gives error:

Conversion from string "V3/7" to type 'Double' is not valid.

Maybe I should add that the parameter "FilterSize" was made as Text and multi-value.

AIP 2014
Windows 7 x64
Dell Precision T7400 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5472 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPU's), 8Gb RAM, NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 1536MB GDDR3

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Multivalue List For IPart Selection?

Jul 8, 2013

I have a form with a multi value selection containing name vaules from an iPart.

I want to make a selection from the field in my form and swap out my iPart in the assembly for my selection. 

I thought that something like:

Dim iFactory As String

MulitValue.SetListInComponent ("FileName:1", "Param name", "list of params.......")

Parameter("FileName:1", Param name") = "PK 407"  'could be any thing selected from the list of params..

iFactory=Param name

iPart.ChangeRow("iPart Factory File Name:1", iFactory)

Such that the part would be swaped out for what ever Param name = as a result of user selection.

I get the following error from this: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Fill Multivalue List In ILOGIC With Produced String (FILTER)

Nov 4, 2011

I try to filter an Excel List and therby fill certain Multivalue Parameters with the filtered data.

The filter works fine an provides me a string looking like the sytax for the MULTIVALUE.SETLIST command.

B6string = FilterReturn  &  Chr(130) & B6String = 75‚80‚250‚65‚45‚250

Unfortunatly this string gets exactly as ONE entry in the Parameters Value listing !

MultiValue.SetList("B6_Lochbild_Länge", B6String)

I also tried

MultiValue.List("B6_Lochbild_Länge") =  New Integer () {B6String}

and also

B6string = Chr(148) & FilterReturn & Chr(148) &  Chr(130) & B6String

with the same effect !

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - MultiValue Parameter - Get Named Range From Embedded Excel

Jan 9, 2013

I have a MultiValue Parameter that I want to populate using a named range from an embedded excel spreadsheet. I would like an iLogic solution if possible because I need other people to be able to understand the code without too much difficulty.

One of the sample snippets given allows access but not if the excel file is embedded.
 The code below works but not when using a named range.
' Load bearing housing typesMultiValue.List("parameter1") = GoExcel.CellValues("A1","A20")
 Is there something I'm missing? I was hoping to use something like below
' Populate MultiValue Parameter from excelMultiValue.List("parameter1") = GoExcel.CellValues("3rd Party:Embedding 4", "Sheet", "myNamedRange")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Set Default Units To Mm

Sep 10, 2013

Our school rercently updated to Inventor 2014, When working starting a new assembly we seslect the standard mm ipt icon, however as soon as you create a new compont it defaults to inches, we can change the units using styles editor, but this only changes this componont when you create another part it also defaults to inches.

Can you change the setup so that it will always be in mm.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Default DXF Does Not Work?

Feb 9, 2012

There is a bug in inventor 2012, where the default dxf version does not apply. It's not a huge issue, but it's quite annoying. Basically, when saving a dxf, I need to change the dxf version each time, regardless of what the default version is (which I've set to 2004). In order to import the files into my cam software (for CNC), it needs to be the Autocad 2004 DXF, so every time I need to save a dxf, I need to go to options and press finish.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reset To Default Settings

Aug 25, 2009

Where can I reset to default settings in Inventor 2010 ? Trying some configurations , but now I need to set my Inventor to original settings, where can I do that ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Broken View Default Gap?

Aug 14, 2013

Where can I change the default gap value in the initial display of the Broken View dialog box. I use a french version and the default value is set somewhere to .250 po instead of .250 in. I want to set this value correctly in my template.  

Windows 7 64 bits french
Inventor pro 2014 french

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Editing Default Border

Dec 5, 2012

I have the default border set in all my templates but I want to add an outside border to the default border (so everything is ultimately enclosed in a large box). How can I add that to the default? I see where I can define a new border but I can't have two borders on the same drawing so how do I combine them? I want to keep the existing "smart" default border that lets me choose how many zones etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: All Model Dimension Default?

Oct 8, 2013

I have a question about creating a drawing out of a model in Inventor 2013.

After selecting Base View it opens the Drawing View GUI, with the 3 tabs: Component, Model State, and Display Options.

Being fairly new to Inventor (and trying to learn as I go) I started looking through these tabs and discovered the All Model Dimensions check box in the Display Options tab. Seeing that it automatically dimensions the part when it is brought into the paperspace, I am wondering if there is any way to change the default dimension style for this choice from string to ordinate?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Get New Dimension Style To Be By Default

Mar 29, 2013

I created a new dimension style named Feet-mm. How can I get this new dimension style to be by default?

Instead of having to select the new style each time .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Default Tolerance Of Part Via API?

Jan 30, 2008

Is it possible to set the default tolerance of a part via the API? If so ,How? Also, how would I ensure that those values are used in the drawing dimensions. I don't see any link to the values that I put into the model and the dimensions in the drawing.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set What Default Weld Symbol Is In IDW?

Oct 27, 2004

In IV9 SP1, is there a way to set what the default weld symbol is in the IDW? Every time I place a weld symbol, it randomly defaults to something different.

As the vast majority of our welds are fillet welds, I'd like that to be the default.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change View Default

Dec 9, 2011

How can i change my default setting from picture 1 to a new setting like picture 2 when i open up a new part file and assembly  file.Is there a setting i can change so whenever i open a new part file & assembly i have this setting as my default.


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Place From Vault By Default

May 24, 2012

I actually have two separate but related issues.
The place component button on the ribbon seems to have inconsistent behavior.  When using the drop down to place components from content center or Vault, sometimes the ribbon button will be "sticky" and remember my selection for the next component and sometimes it will revert to the default place from local. Is there any way to configure Inventor to treat Place from Vault as the default behavior?  Probably about 75% of the time I am placing components from Vault; having to crank through extra clicks to get to Vault is a waste of time.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setup New Dim Style As A Default?

Jan 16, 2012

I created a copy of one of the standard styles, saved it but can not find an option "set as current" so I can save the template with that set up.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: No PDF Preview / Switch It Off By Default?

Jul 27, 2012

Save copy as PDF shows a preview in my PDF viewer. How do I switch it off by default?

Inventor 2012 - 64 bit - build190 - Windows 7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IDW Default Line Weights?

Nov 24, 2013

how to set the line weights in my idw to be thin? They seem to have changed to thick lines and it's a task to keep changing them through the layers etc

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Default Inches To MM?

Aug 15, 2005

When i setup inventor 10 i choose to use inches, but now i want to use MM how would i change it under inventor 10 i thought it would bbe under options but it not.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Object Default Style Change

Jan 17, 2011

I am using Inventor version 2011. I wrote this code which tells me which object defaults style is active

Public Sub ActiveObjectDefaults()

Dim oDocument As DrawingDocument
Set oDocument = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim DrgStMgr As DrawingStylesManager
Set DrgStMgr = oDocument.StylesManager
Dim ObjDfStyle As Style
Set ObjDfStyle = DrgStMgr.ActiveStandardStyle.ActiveObjectDefaults
MsgBox ObjDfStyle.Name
End Sub

Is it possible to change Active Object Defaults Style by VBA code (see picture below)?

I am trying to change Object Defaults in order to temporarily switch style which use layers with different line weights, and than switch it back. I am new to VBA so I am not sure if I am not trying to do something what is impossible.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Could Not Open Default Template File

Jun 27, 2013

When I try to do a make components I get this error "Could not open default template file."  All the files are the designated folder and named appropriately.  Plus I just used this command earlier today.  I did do a "rebuild all" but I'm not 100% sure the problem came directly after that.

FDS Ultimate 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Set Default Printer Paper Size

Sep 8, 2012

I need to "Programatically", using Visual Studio, set the default printers paper size to either "A4" or "A3".

I have the following code that gets the required paper size ("A4" or "A3") from the registry and checks that the default printer supports "A3". If it does I want to set the paper size to "A3".

Here is my code so far.

Imports Microsoft.Win32

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim SetPaperSize As String
Dim PrinterPaperSize As String
SetPaperSize = My.Computer.Registry.GetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMechTools", "Printer Paper Size", "0")
For Counter = 0 To PrintDialog1.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes.Count
PrinterPaperSize = PrintDialog1.PrinterSettings.PaperSizes.Item(Counter).PaperName
If PrinterPaperSize = SetPaperSize Then
Exit For
End If
End Sub
End Class

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Default Size Of Hole

Sep 23, 2013

Somewhere in Inventor to override the default size when creating holes? I need to change the size of 3 mm to 4.2 mm.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Rename One Of Default Layer Visible To CUT

Apr 3, 2012

I wanted to rename one of the default layer, "Visible," to "CUT" since that's what our plasma cutter looks for.

However, I created a copy of Visible named CUT.  Now when I open a new drawing, I get the usual, "The following definitions in template Blah differ from the definitions in the style library..."

I know I could update each template, but I'd rather just delete the copied layer in the styles library.  However, I don't see how.  Any tips on removing my extra layer with out starting from scratch? Or how to rename a default layer?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Project File Reverting To Default

Jun 28, 2013

One of our employees is having an issue where his project file keeps reverting back to a default setup and his changes are being lost. Is there anyway to prevent this from happening?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Setting Default Level Of Detail

Mar 28, 2012

I know there's the setting in the Tools/Application Options/File dialogue that allows you to set a system wide setting of which LOD that opens each time you activate an assembly.

But what about a file specific setting where you are able to set a specific LOD that always opens for that specific assembly file? Or will that conflict with the system wide settings?

Granted, I know Inventor will open the last saved LOD (based on that system wide setting), but my client has users that, for a lack of better terms, are not paying attention or being aware of what LOD they are opening and thus editing the wrong LOD, etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Template Files Reverting To Default

Aug 5, 2013

We have a problem whereby our Templates revert back to a Default state. This is totally random.

One operator can create a drawing with the correct template loading up, and seconds later another operator will report that an old 'Inventor' default template has loaded up. On investigation it appears all templates marked as "standard" revert back to older versions.

I have made the Templates read only, but the problem still persists.

Autodesk Inventor 2013-64Bit Edition
Intel Xeon W3520 @ 2.67GHz
Win 7 Pro
6.7 System Rating
NVIDIA Quadro FX 1800

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Default Material To Steel?

May 28, 2012

I received a rather large assembly file from a client that was done in Pro E.  I was wondering if it is possible to change the entire assembly from Default material to steel without having to go into each individual part and changing its material manually (which could take several hours) I am using INV 2012 Pro with SP1 installed.

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