AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain Cylindrical Component On Uneven Surface
Dec 10, 2012
I'm trying to constrain the green cylinder to move between the red frame. The red cylinder is constrained on the surface of the larger gray cylinder, which moves around the grounded red frame. When the green cylinder goes up hill/down hill the larger gray cylinder is supposed to rotate around its own axis.
When I choose transitional constraint I'm only able to pick one face on the red frame, and not the whole face. I think it's because the face is not planar, but varies in z-led.
Neither am I able to use the Contact Solver, it seems like the friction is too high. The green cylinder doesn't slide that well when using Contact Solver.
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Nov 25, 2012
I'm trying to make a constraint allowing the dark smaller cylinder (1) to run in the copper track (2). I want the larger cylinder (3) to be able to rotate around its own axis, while everything is rotating around the Z axis. I've successfully constrained the parts so that all the parts can rotate around the Z-axis but when I constrain the smaller cylinder (1) with the tangent constraint with the track (2) the smaller cylinder is not able to move around on the face, it's just glued to the face.
I want the smaller cylinder (1) to recognize the copper faces as solids (so that it can't intersect the surfaces), this would allow the proper movement. I've attached an image of the parts.
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Feb 17, 2012
What do you think you be the right way to make a surface rough and uneven, as in the picture below? Or should it be done at some later stage?
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Jul 13, 2012
Is there any way / trick to wrap a 2D sketch to a non-flat/cylindrical/conical face? See attached part. I'd like wrap the lines in Sketch2 to the ring's outer face in order to get a proper path for "engraving". I see no other way to get a proper path for sweep, because project along vector won't work.
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Oct 17, 2012
I want to transfer the rotation motion of part 'C' at a pivot point 'D' , to part 'E' which is pivoted at 'F', while the flat surface of the part 'c' is inserted in to hole 'B' of part E. How to give an assembly constrain to hole 'B' with flat surface 'A'
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Nov 11, 2013
At my job site, they is about 20meter height of uneven rock surface in the excavation pit.
To calculate the volume ,I need to include this uneven rock surface wall.
For doing so,The sharp edge will displays in the cross section.
Because the uneven surface, I cannot create the surface with normal step.The TIn line will joins horizontally,not in vertical direction as is intended.
AutoCAD Civil3D 2014
Inter(R)Core(TM) i7-3770 cpu@3.40GHZ
RAM 8.00GB
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Jan 26, 2012
We are having an issue when we replace a component in Inventor Pro 2012. When we replace a component, the name in the browser does not update to the new component. We've even tried to close and re-open the Inventor assembly and that does not work. We end up manual double clicking the name in the browser and type in the new component name.
Inventor Product Design Suite Ultimate 2012
Dell Precision T7500 Workstation
Xeon Processor
16 GB of RAM
Nvidia Quadro FX 5800
Windows 7 x64
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Jul 25, 2012
II need a way to tell if a component occurence is a virtual component.
I'm using a For Each loop to cycle through all of the components in an assembly, and if the component is itself an assembly to set the LOD to "Custom". I'm using the definition document descriptor object for this. It all woks fine until the loop comes across a virtual component which doesn't have a definition document, so I need a way to check if the component is virtual and needs to be skipped.Here's the
Option ExplicitImports Inventor.LevelOfDetailEnumSub MainiLogicVb.UpdateWhenDone = TrueDim doc As AssemblyDocumentDim oLOD As LevelOfDetailRepresentationDim oAsmCompDef As ComponentDefinitionDim oComp As ComponentOccurrenceDim oComps As ComponentOccurrencesdoc = ThisDoc.DocumentIf.
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Jan 11, 2013
I am trying to make port rims for pipes that can be swapped in and out of an assembly. However, the ports will all be different sizes and located differently so I need the cut to be part of the port rim component, but affect the entire assembly it is part of. I've been trying to get this to work for the better part of a day now,Here's a picture of what im talking about. I'm running Inventor 2008 by the way.
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Jun 20, 2013
I have surface style (could be slope or spot elevation) with a 2 line component, and text component above and below the line. I'm trying to create on style for many options. I'm using c3d 2013, but moving to 2014.
I would like to do the following after placing the label:
1. adjust the length of the line component. (ex: as I rotate the lable, the length of seg 1 changes )
2. turn off one of the line component
3. adjust the angle of one of the line component.
4. when drag, the length of the line changes to a new value.
and while I'm asking, is there a way to move/rotate/drag the syle to a percise distance. I want the leader to be 1 unit long at 30 degree angle.
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Nov 27, 2013
Is it possible to create a transition when the backplate shown in the picture is a cylinder?
I have tried several options, with 3Dpaths both nothing worked so far.
Inventor 2014 sp1 | Vault basic 2014 | HP Elitebook 8670W | win7 64b | 8Gb | GMT +1
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Jan 8, 2013
I need to model up a length of rod with a cylindrical end with a hole in it. The cylindrical end needs to be flattened slightly where the rod meets it. How to do this ? See attached picture.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Oct 25, 2012
i drew a cylindrical cam using the inventor tool then i also drew the actuator ( a simply plate rounded on top) but when i add the contact tangency link between the two surfaces and i move the cam , the two objects interpenetrate!
i'm using inventor professional 2012
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Jul 3, 2013
I need to drawing something similar to the attached image on either side of a "U" shaped rod.
The "U" shape is drawn using a sweep of a circle (the hatched section on the atatched image illustrates).
I just can't fathom how to draw the solid at the top oneiter side.
I've been trying to add a plane at an angle, then draw a circle & try to sweep that for each half of the "u", but after a few hours, total fail
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Jul 11, 2011
How can i get the length or diameter of a cylindrical face by selecting the face as shown in the attached picture.
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Nov 26, 2013
Is it possible to show the deformed nature of a shaft after loading along its axis and simulation of the part. If you take as an example a rod of Plasticine and stretch it you will see the center section thinning,the same laws apply to a rod of steel during stretching,why is it that this is not shown during the
simulation of the part,is it mesh settings or something that is not built into the analysis. When one applies loadings to sheet metal the deformation is clearly shown.
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Jul 5, 2012
I need to draw a cylindrical cam in Inventor Professional 2013. I tried using the cam module but it is not what I need. My cam can be generated by a third-degree polynomial. You could use the new "curve from equation"?
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Aug 30, 2012
I have an assembly which has a few components suppressed.
My end results is another copy of the assembly (with copies of the all the parts) in another directory
Now i am able to create copies of un-suppressed parts using; (this allows me to SaveAs assembly components which are not suppressed)
DocumentsEnumerator = ThisDoc.Document.AllReferencedDocuments
And save a copy of the assembly using
I also added the fllowing snippet (which I am not sure what is does), but it does not work for me
Component.SkipDocumentSave = true
When I open the newly created assembly, I still see the suppressed components in the model browser
I want to either;
Skip saving the of the components in the model browser (i.e. the Assembly)
Delete the suppressed parts in the Assembly, so that they do not save altogether
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Dec 20, 2012
I am really struggling in trying to revolve around cylindrical body on a specified angle. I understand the degrees of rotation angle, but i am looking to revolve or extrude a certain shape for the length of the shaft. Like trying to make a coil or a set of threads.
I have tried to use sweep but sweep doesn't work with two sweep lines.
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Sep 3, 2013
I have just created a cylindrical object with an extrusion length of 300 mm and then created an assy(.iam). On to this cylinder i have placed a plate at right angles to the axis of the cylinder
What i wish to do now is mirror this plate.
It would appear the best way would be to create a work plane(mirror plane) thro the centre
Of the cylinder,however, how can this be done if when requested to create the plane 3 points are required,am i missing something here.
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Jul 15, 2013
I'm currently detailing a part that's about one-third of a cylindrical piece (the part is lathed as a whole and cut into thirds). I'm trying to project the centerline onto the section view so I can ordinate dimension to it.
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Feb 7, 2013
I want to find the intersection point between a cylindrical curve and faces in a body. I have the start point an start vector and a rotational velocity. With this values it should be possible to create this cylindrical curve.
Is there a function in inventor which I can use?
Currently I am using the function "FindUsingRay". But I thing that there is only the possibility to fire a linear function through the body.
Today I found the command "FindUsingVector":
Sub FindUsingVector(OriginPoint As Point, Direction As UnitVector, ObjectTypes As SelectionFilterEnum(), ByRef UseCylinder As [defaultvalue(-1)] Boolean, ByRef ProximityTolerance As [optional] VARIANT, ByRef VisibleObjectsOnly As [defaultvalue(-1)] Boolean, ByRef LocationPoints As [optional] VARIANT,
I did not find any information in the "Autodesk Programming help". what is the difference between this both functions?
Is the argument "UseCylinder" for a switch into cylindrical coordinate system?
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Oct 3, 2013
In Solidworks I can emboss a sketch into a 'wavy' surface without difficulty.
If I try to do the same thing with Inventors 'Emboss' command It fails with "Only planar, cylindrical or conical faces are supported."
Surely there must be a way to achieve the same effect as in the first illustration, in Inventor ? Am I missing something obvious?
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Feb 26, 2013
I'm trying to build an assembly with conical rollers rolling on a cylindrical support. Refer to the attached sketch. I'd like to be able to constrain the conical faces of the roller to the cylindrical surface of the support. It doesn't seem to be possible to do that in Inventor; or, more accurately, it's not possible to put a tangential constraint on both conical faces at the same time. The first tangential constraint causes the part to place a generatrix line parallel to the axis of the cylinder. (I had to look up what generatrix means, too.) So it's not possible to make the second tangential constraint.
How I can do this? Just in case that's not difficult enough, the reason I'm doing this is because, ultimately, the support will not be a plain cylinder but actually a tube that also curves. It's the behaviour of the roller through various curves on the support tube that I ultimately want to model, but I have no hope of doing that if I can't even get the roller constrained onto a plain cylinder.
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Jun 26, 2012
I've managed to hack together some code to draw a rectangle and dimension it. Now I want to constrain it to the origin. I figure either using two dimensions from a top/side to the origin and setting the dimension as half of the other respective dimension would work. Or constraining the center point of a top/side line to be vertical/horizontal to the origin.
The problem I'm having is I do not know how to reference the origin. So until I figure out how to reference the origin point I can't use either method.
Public Sub DrawSketchLine() ' Check to make sure a sketch is open. If Not TypeOf ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject Is PlanarSketch Then MsgBox "A sketch must be active." Exit Sub End If ' Set a reference to the active sketch. Dim oSketch As PlanarSketch Set oSketch = ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject ' Set a reference to the transient geometry collection. Dim oTransGeom As TransientGeometry Set oTransGeom = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry Dim oUOM As UnitsOfMeasure Set oUOM =
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Oct 28, 2011
I've made 2 parts and I'm attempting to constrain them but I can't seem to get it to fit properly.The transition should fit at the opposite end of the 2 square cutouts with the square end of the transition inside the cylinder.
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Feb 28, 2013
I am trying to CAD a model rocket I just made so I can test the aerodynamics of it. I have all of the individual parts made in inventor, but I am having trouble getting the fins on the rocket.
How can I constrain the fins (which have a flat face) to the outside of the cylindrical rocket tube? The photo shows the fin and the face (the narrow and long face) that I am trying to constrain to the tube.
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Oct 19, 2012
SO what is everyone say, trick about speeding up constrain execution. I have started working on this new project with 2013. And i'm finding myself losing alot of time. Basicly what i do is insert part from our database or content center and assemble them. So 80% of my activities on inventor are constraints. Right now i have this assemblies 175 / 156(small to me). And executing a constraint is minimum 4 seconds each time. If you consider that about 3 contraint is needed for each piece and final total part will probably be around 1000. i'm losing alot of time here
Yeah, i am not using preview. Why is inventor recalculating that much each time? Is it doing a rebuilt after each constraint?
What have you done that really increase the excution time of constraints?
Workstaion is
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Extreme i7cpu I975 @ 3,33
12bg ram
4 ssd in Raid stripping.Nvidia FX3800
Inventor 2013 SP1
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Sep 5, 2013
How to become able to fully constrain a sketch with an image in it? Always stalls at 1 dimension required. Try a sketch with only an imported image.
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Dec 31, 2012
I am trying to determine how to properley constrain the assembly below, so that the compression of the rubber gasket will be properly indicated.
Currently I am seeing the deflection of the shelf in the downward direction, but I do not see any indication of stress in the gasket behind.Currently the gasket is "bonded" to the steel tube the screws are bonded to the shelf bracket and the steel tube.
I put in "work axis" at the center line of the shelf bracket and the CL of the gasket, but I can't find a way to constrain to a work axis.The file is too large to upload here...
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Jan 9, 2013
I have one problem and I would like to get your opinion how I could solve this.
I can't share models I have problem with, but I made another with the same problem.
I have two parts - one with slot, another with "pin". How to constrain the "pin" to always move in slot?
I had some ideas but non of them worked for me:
1. Use the Transitional constrain came first in mind, but it gives unsuspected results in this situation. Pin part is jumping around and ends up contrained in another place ir should be.
2. Contact solver kind of do the job, but it works quite bad. I gives no control or accuracy (i can not control how much pin is moved out)
3. I even thought of point on 3d sketch constrain, but it can not be done
How you would suggest to constrain the movement? I hope I stated problem clear enough.
I attached model files. I use Inventor 2013
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