AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain And Variable Length Piston At Both Ends?

Jun 14, 2012

I've got the basics down, made a couple of basic parts and a simple assembly but having a bit of an issue with constraining a part at 2 ends.

basically, i've got a simple wheel with a piston attached, think steam engine drive wheel. Ive produced a frame to attached it all too and can position the wheel to the frame and piston to the wheel and the cylinder to the piston but when i try to constrain the other end of the cylinder to the frame it all seems to go wrong and things start jumping all over the layout.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: On Vertical Upright Pipes / Make Ends At The Top Flat (60mm Length)

Oct 5, 2011

1. On the vertical upright pipes i want to make the the ends at the top flat (60mm lenght) .Can this be done from within the frame generator.

Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD .NET :: Paper Size With Variable Length

Aug 1, 2012

I'm trying to plot in pdf many dwg file.

The files have a fixed height but variable in length.

The length of the file I'll take the "scroll".

So i want to create a paper size with a specific dimension.

psv.SetPlotConfigurationName(ps, "DWG To PDF.pc3", "Name of the paper");

How can I do?

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AutoCad :: Dynamic Blocks - LOCKING Variable Length?

Jan 4, 2012

-you have a dynamic block with a grip that allows for any adjustable length.

-assume i need a the block to be 500mm long

-i stretch the block 500mm long in CAD (but it is still dynamic and will let me grip the length and adjust).

-after I insert it and set the 500mm length, can I somehow LOCK THE 500 LENGTH, so you cannot grip and edit the length anymore???? (but also have an unlock function for later)

This would be very useful in the following situation: Doing elevation view of a building with wall connections between floors....There would be MANY of these dynamic blocks....But they should all be the same length, per floor...But the next floor may have a different length....So I want to be able to Set Length > then lock in place... (and be able to unlock whichever I want, and adjust appropriately where the connection gets longer/shorter at another location...)

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3ds Max :: Animating A Piston Pump

Apr 22, 2011

I am working on a small animation for a piston pump. I have managed to get the shaft and piston head moving in the correct motion using an expression controller and now trying to get the arm part to work in sync is causing me problems, it just seems to be largely out of place. There is probably a simple solution for the problem although as I am new i am still getting to grips with the software. I have attached a file for the scene.

The attachment feature doesn't seem to be working therefore i have uploaded the file to this link:


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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Shorten Shaft By Using Ends

Feb 28, 2012

I am using the design accelerator to create a shaft with multiple features. Works well. This shaft is 90"+ in length and although I realize we create in full scale, having it display into my drawing in full scale is unnecessary because one diameter is nearly 60" long. As such I would like to shorten it by using a shaft end, but cannot figure how to do it.

Just to be clear, by shaft end (term used in Mechanical) I refer to the squiggly lines that basically fudge the OAL of a component.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Views Background Update Never Ends

Nov 6, 2012

When I open a drawing, Inventor 2012 update views. The default option is Background update". The problem is the update never ends... I can use Inventor, but the background update is ne finished, so I can't print a correct drawing.

If I disable Back upDate it is ok, but how can I use it ?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sheet Metal RIP Error When 2 Ends Of Tube Have Been CUT

Mar 11, 2013

Basically a 2.5" id tube with a .06 wall thickness - 16ga exhaust tubing. Once I finaly got the drawing right, I cannot rip the part. The part has both ends cut. If one of the ends is left un cut I can create a sketch and put a point where I want to rip, and successully rip the part. If both ends has a cut end has a cut, there is a RIP error. How to overcome this headache? I am trying to make a template which If i can rip the part, I will be able to do so.

using autocad inventor

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Create Key Way On Shaft In The Middle And Not Connect To Ends

Nov 29, 2011

what I would like to know is the 'simple' way to create a keyway on a shaft in the middle that does not connect to the ends. End connecting keys are pretty basic to draw and extrude thru (maybe still a better way?)

File attached for viewing .

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Unfolding / Ripping Round Tubing With Both Ends Notched

Feb 22, 2013

I have been trying to unfold round tubing made through the frame generator. Here are the steps I took: 

1. Used Frame Generator 

* both ends of the tube are notched

2. Opened part and converted into sheet metal

3. Used the following tutorial: URL...

4. Was not working so I drew sketches on both ends of the notched tubing and added points 

5. Used rip tool (point to point) and did not work 

* I made sure the thickness was the same 

I thought I was doing something wrong so I generated a new round tubing frame with only 1 end notched and the other end flat and followed the tutorial. IT WORKED! I have came to the conclusion that you can not use the rip tool on tubing that has both ends notched.Is there a way where I can cut the tubing in half so I have 2 individual pieces/files of tubing with 1 end flat and 1 end notched?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Using VBA To Constrain A Sketch

Jun 26, 2012

I've managed to hack together some code to draw a rectangle and dimension it. Now I want to constrain it to the origin. I figure either using two dimensions from a top/side to the origin and setting the dimension as half of the other respective dimension would work. Or constraining the center point of a top/side line to be vertical/horizontal to the origin.

The problem I'm having is I do not know how to reference the origin. So until I figure out how to reference the origin point I can't use either method.
Public Sub DrawSketchLine() ' Check to make sure a sketch is open. If Not TypeOf ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject Is PlanarSketch Then MsgBox "A sketch must be active." Exit Sub End If ' Set a reference to the active sketch. Dim oSketch As PlanarSketch Set oSketch = ThisApplication.ActiveEditObject ' Set a reference to the transient geometry collection. Dim oTransGeom As TransientGeometry Set oTransGeom = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry Dim oUOM As UnitsOfMeasure Set oUOM =

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constrain These Two Parts

Oct 28, 2011

I've made 2 parts and I'm attempting to constrain them but I can't seem to get it to fit properly.The transition should fit at the opposite end of the 2 square cutouts with the square end of the transition inside the cylinder.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constrain A Face To A Cylinder

Feb 28, 2013

I am trying to CAD a model rocket I just made so I can test the aerodynamics of it.  I have all of the individual parts made in inventor, but I am having trouble getting the fins on the rocket.

How can I constrain the fins (which have a flat face) to the outside of the cylindrical rocket tube?  The photo shows the fin and the face (the narrow and long face) that I am trying to constrain to the tube.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Speeding Up Constrain Execution

Oct 19, 2012

SO what is everyone say, trick about speeding up constrain execution. I have started working on this new project with 2013. And i'm finding myself losing alot of time. Basicly what i do is insert part from our database or content center and assemble them. So 80% of my activities on inventor are constraints. Right now i have this assemblies 175 / 156(small to me). And executing a constraint is minimum 4 seconds each time. If you consider that about 3 contraint is needed for each piece and final total part will probably be around 1000. i'm losing alot of time here

Yeah, i am not using preview. Why is inventor recalculating that much each time? Is it doing a rebuilt after each constraint?

What have you done that really increase the excution time of constraints?

Workstaion is
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Extreme i7cpu  I975 @ 3,33
12bg ram
4 ssd in Raid stripping.Nvidia FX3800
Inventor 2013 SP1

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain Sketch With Image

Sep 5, 2013

How to become able to fully constrain a sketch with an image in it? Always stalls at 1 dimension required. Try a sketch with only an imported image.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Stress Analysis / How To Constrain

Dec 31, 2012

I am trying to determine how to properley constrain the assembly below, so that the compression of the rubber gasket will be properly indicated.

Currently I am seeing the deflection of the shelf in the downward direction, but I do not see any indication of stress in the gasket behind.Currently the gasket is "bonded" to the steel tube the screws are bonded to the shelf bracket and the steel tube.

I put in "work axis" at the center line of the shelf bracket and the CL of the gasket, but I can't find a way to constrain to a work axis.The file is too large to upload here...

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constrain Movement In Slot

Jan 9, 2013

I have one problem and I would like to get your opinion how I could solve this.

I can't share models I have problem with, but I made another with the same problem.

I have two parts - one with slot, another with "pin". How to constrain the "pin" to always move in slot?

I had some ideas but non of them worked for me:

1. Use the Transitional constrain came first in mind, but it gives unsuspected results in this situation. Pin part is jumping around and ends up contrained in another place ir should be.

2. Contact solver kind of do the job, but it works quite bad. I gives no control or accuracy (i can not control how much pin is moved out)

3. I even thought of point on 3d sketch constrain, but it can not be done

How you would suggest to constrain the movement? I hope I stated problem clear enough.

I attached model files. I use Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain Component In A Track

Nov 25, 2012

I'm trying to make a constraint allowing the dark smaller cylinder (1) to run in the copper track (2). I want the larger cylinder (3) to be able to rotate around its own axis, while everything is rotating around the Z axis. I've successfully constrained the parts so that all the parts can rotate around the Z-axis but when I constrain the smaller cylinder (1) with the tangent constraint with the track (2) the smaller cylinder is not able to move around on the face, it's just glued to the face.

I want the smaller cylinder (1) to recognize the copper faces as solids (so that it can't intersect the surfaces), this would allow the proper movement. I've attached an image of the parts. 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain To Origin In 3D Sketch

Dec 1, 2011

How is this accomplished in Inventor?  The 3D sketch environment seems intentionally crippled.  Many of the constrains are not available, and the "include geometery" command refuses to include the origin (or any other planes and axis for that matter).

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Difference Between Constrain And Assemble?

Jan 10, 2012

What is the difference between Constrain and Assemble?

They both seem to create the same mating constraints, but Assemble doesn't work with adaptive parts.

Any other difference (other than the interface)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Possible To Constrain Sketch Entities

Apr 5, 2013

 Is it possible to constrain sketch entities, (like lines), to a plane, (make the line and plane coincident)?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Tangent Constrain On Multiple Curves

Aug 4, 2013

Is it possible to have a tangent constrain on multiple curves?

see enclosed rough sketch, i would like the curved free end or the arm to be in constant contaced with the wavey top line on the other part, the wavey line is constructed as 3 curves but i can only get the tangent constrain to apply to one of the curves.

i would like the tangent constraignt to move between the curves so the part stays in constant contact with the wavey line. this is just a mess about sketch i suppose a real world instance will be a wheel following a shaped cam plate.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sketch Changes Constrain Status After Rebuild

Oct 22, 2012

I have a sketch that Inventor changes its status between under constrained, over constrained, and fully constrained depending on dimensions (makes sense), and wether I rebuild the model (WTF?).

Steps to reproduce:

1) Open the attached .ipt file.

2) Examine Sketch11 (under Face3) It should be fully constrained.

3) Exit the sketch. Open the parameters dialog and change the value of "angle" from 45 to 60. (If you get an error message change it to 50 first, then 60. It's a work in progress.)

4) Re-examine Sketch11. It is now under constrained.

5) Exit the skecth and go to the manage tab. Click "Rebuild All".

6) Re-examine Sketch11. It is now fully constrained.

7) Scratch your head and post back with your theory.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Constrain Point To Curved Line?

Nov 23, 2012

I have an assembly with a curved line made in a sketch, and a part with a point in the bottom.

I want to constrain the point to the curved line, but the regular Constrain options wont let me do so.

I am making an animation with Inventor Studio, so I need this constrain, so I later on in studio can manipulate it and insert the first part into the other.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Check Assembly Was Fully Constrain

Jun 14, 2012

In Auto desk inventor how to check assy was fully constrain and whick comand to use to check ? 

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constrain Section Views In Drawings

Jan 13, 2012

How you constrain a section view so that is perpendicular to an axis. See "SECTION B" on the attached drawing for an example of what I am attempting. I have created the view but cannot make (constrain)  the view perpendicular to the slot that is orientated at 30 degrees from the vertical centre line. I have lined up the view by eye so it looks close but it's obviously it's not accurate.

Product Design Suite
Inventor Premium 2012 - SP1 Installed
HP 8760w I7-740M Laptop
Windows 7 Professional 64
AMD FirePro M5950 Graphics Card

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can't Export Video From Drive Constrain

Nov 22, 2011

After installing the cloud-optimization-upgrade for subscription customers I cant export video from "drive constraint".I click the "record" button, I choose the name and quality of the video and when i then return to the "drive constraint dialog box" I get an error message "The file constraint.wmv could not be opened".

I have tried different names, storage locations and different video-quality but nothing changes.I successfully performed the same video creation just before the upgrade with the same assembly file so I know that its not the file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: VBA Script To Constrain Multiple Parts

Jun 28, 2013

Lets say we have a plate with 100 randomly placed holes on it and 100 parts to attach to those holes. The parts aren't content center parts so they can't inserted in an easy fashion and the random hole spacing makes component pattern useless. The parts would normally be constrained using the insert command and you'd have to do all 100 separately. Would it be possible to make a script that would let you select the 100 parts then choose the selected geometry on one part and then a hole on the plate. It would apply that insert constraint and automatically select the same geometry on another part so you could simply select another hole. Then rinse and repeat until all the parts have been constrained to holes on the plate.

If something like that is possible it'd cut down the number of clicks greatly and also panning/rotating to select the different parts and holes on the plate. This isn't a daily thing we'd be doing, but it comes up enough in large assemblies it could be very useful. I haven't done any scripting for things inside parts/assemblies so I don't know what's possible while scripting.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constrain Hole (B) With Flat Surface (A)

Oct 17, 2012

I want to transfer the rotation motion of part 'C' at a pivot point 'D' , to part 'E' which is pivoted at 'F', while the flat surface of the part 'c' is inserted in to hole 'B' of part E. How to give an assembly constrain to hole 'B'  with flat surface 'A'

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Constrain A Part To The Center Of Gravity

Mar 22, 2013

For some reason it will not let me constrain a part to the center of gravity plains. I would like to constrain lifting lugs to the center of gravity so the model will automatically update itself.  Is there anyway to make this work (using ilogic or anything)?

Why would Inventor tease me with showing me the center of gravity plains in an assembly but making them completely useless?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reproducible Angle Constrain 2013 Pro SP1

Sep 24, 2012

I just set up an angle constrain with min and max values (explicit vector) and when I grab and move the part inv will crash, it happened 2 times after restart too...

I have inv2013 Pro with the latest SP1 installed - win7 ultimate

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