AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Reference IPT From IDW?

Mar 30, 2005

I have Sample.ipt, SampleRev.ipt and Sample.idw. (Sample.ipt and SampleRev.ipt are the same configuration part with some different parameter value) Sample .idw is a drawing of Sample.ipt. How can I use code to change Sample.idw to be a drawing of SampleRev.ipt.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Part Reference In Drawing?

Feb 2, 2013

In solidworks, if I have several similar parts to draw, I can draw one part and annotate it and then to save time and effort I can save the drawing as one of the other parts and then change the part reference in the drawing as I open it up.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Model Reference In Drawing

Dec 26, 2013

I did some digging and found the option to replace a model reference in an entire drawing, but I'm looking to change the reference in just a view. Consider the picture I have attached. I'm depicting top down views of these layers. Each layer requires changing the view identifier each time I drop a view. This would be considerably less time consuming if I could just copy/paste the view and change which part file it was pointing to.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Change Assembly To Reference

Oct 26, 2011

Is there a way to set an assemblies bill of material setting to reference through iLogic?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Objects In Mirroring Of Object Change With Object Used As Reference For Mirroring

Aug 6, 2012

I got a simple question about the creation of copies of an object. Is it possible to have the objects in the mirroring of an object change with the object used as reference for mirroring?

If there is no function to do this directly is there a way to do it via Ilogics to update the mirrored objects? If possible even by deleting and creating a new the mirroring yet not manually but by i logic?

- 2500K @ 4.2Ghz- 8GB - Radeon7970 -
- Xeon 1230V2 @ stock Ghz- 32GB - Quadro 2000 -

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AutoCAD .NET :: Change Block Reference Attribute

Mar 7, 2010

I have an issue regarding nested entity.

I have a nested entity block reference. In this entity I have three blocks. if I change any of the block reference attribute definition in the nested block reference then it is changing the original block itself.

Actually I am getting the handle of the selected block reference in the nested Entity. and change the attribute reference later. but it is making change in the block itself and other block reference too.

Here is my

static public void CONTACTS()
Document doc = Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices.Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
Editor ed = doc.Editor;
string contactName = string.Empty;//to hold contact name, from xdata

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Reference Color Change After Upgrade?

Dec 19, 2012

I have the AutoCad Map 2009 (32bit) with Windows XP on one Computer and uploaded AutoCad LT 2011 (64bit) in Windows 7 (64bit) on a second Computer. The Files could not be migrated (not the same Program and Operating systems) In Release 11 all my Reference File colors are now faded in Model and Paper Space. What do I have to change so that it looks like in Map 2009?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Alignment Reference In Profile View?

Sep 18, 2012

I have a profile that references an alignment, I want to change the alignment that the profile view references, can this be done?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Can't Change Reference Surface For Pipe Network

Sep 4, 2013

Civil 3D data shortcuts. 

So I first created a drawing which included a surface called "CONTOURS" and an existing sewer pipe network. I then created a data shortcut of the existing sewer network and started a new drawing with a proposed sewer pipe network.

When I received better contour data, I created a new "10FT EXIST CONTOURS" surface in the existing sewer drawing and switched the reference surface for the existing sewer structures and pipes to the new "10FT EXIST CONTOURS" surface. And of course I deleted the old "CONTOURS" surface because I no longer needed it. 

Now, the part that makes me want to pull all my hair out! When I open the proposed sewer drawing I get all the error messages that "Reference surface 'CONTOURS' not found in reference drawing" for all 22 of the existing sewer structures.

I've tried deleted the existing sewer network in the proposed sewer drawing and recreating the data shortcut but nothing makes the errors go away. Is there any other way the existing sewer structures could be referencing the deleted surface that I have not thought about? How to get the error messages to clear?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Pipe Network Reference Alignment Or Surface

Dec 14, 2009

I want to change the reference surface for a pipe network with existing pipes and structures. however the changes will only affect new objects, I have to manually change the others one by one. Even with the vista open I can select multiple structures, but when I click in the reference surface column of one of the selected structures, all the others are deselected.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Data Reference Path In Current Drawing

Jul 12, 2012

i have this drawing which i created data reference to the wrong project in the wrong coordinate system and worked off that. then now i am trying to correct it. so i copied the dtm and did coordinate transformation and got that right. now the model drawing is still linked to the original dtm from the other project folder.

if i remember right back in 2007 version there was a completely built in shortcut editor which allows you to change the path in current drawing. now it's all greyed out. there is no access. so is there a way to bypass this? probably pretty common thing to do. say you want to try different version of the same object to try your design just swap it back and forth.

They should make a right click button on the data shorts in current drawing and says "browse data reference" not show up when only broken reference occurs.

one way i can think off now is copy the files to local. disable network drive, then let it broken reference show up then browse to desktop one then delete desktop one and hopefully it get the broken reference again and not look for the very original one. i think it's probably gonna do that, there is some "hidden" thing stored in the object to point to the original path which not available to users.

Civil 3D 2012
Work: Xeon W3503, 12GB, Quadro 2000, Dell P2211H x 2
Home: 3930k, 12GB, GTX 590, U3011, QX2710

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AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP :: Change (Reference Name) Of Attached IMAGE Xref TIFF

Feb 13, 2013

I am trying to write a LISP that does the following:

-Open drawing

-Saveas as NEW drawing based on certain criteria from DCL menu

-Deletes old drawing

-*THEN, if drawing contain attached IMAGE FILE (.tiff in my case)

-Rename image file and repath image file based on the new file name

I have gotten it to do all of this, except I can not figure out how to change the "reference name" of the attached image file (.tiff)

Is this read-only data? I can manualy change it under xref manager, so there should be a way to do it via code...

The closest I have gotten:

;;after renaming and repath image file...

(SETQ NAME2 (substr (getvar "dwgname") 1 (- (strlen (getvar "dwgname")) 4)))
(setq item (vlax-ename->vla-object (entlast)));convert to vl object
 (setq check (vlax-property-available-p item "Name" T));check if the entity can be updated
  ;if it can
  (if check
   ;change value to match
   (vlax-put-property item 'Name NAME2))

'Name seems to be valid w/ xref'd blocks but not xref'd/attached image files..

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Structure Reference Alignment Not Holding In Data Reference

Nov 28, 2012

I have structures and alignments data referenced.  If I assign the structures ref alignments in the dwg with the data refs for labeling, the next time I open the dwg the ref alignments are set back to none, causing the labels to be ?

It seems like this worked in the past?

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AutoCad :: One Reference File To Control Multiple Reference Layer Settings

Jun 27, 2012

I'm working on a large infrastructure project with numerous of drawings. On quite a few layout drawings I need to have the same base set of references, however I need to change the layer settings (colors, lineweight etc.). This cannot be done in the base reference itself as it is used by others. As the layouts I work with includes other references as well, it is time consuming to filter and change layer settings on each base reference.

My concept is to have a master reference file to manage all layer settings and add/remove base references. When the master reference is referenced into the layout, all layer settings on the base references should stay as set in the master reference. In this way I can easily control all base references with one file and make sure all changes will be the same for all the layouts.

New illustration of concept:

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Reference Surface (x) Not Found In Reference Drawing

Jul 28, 2011

I am getting this error in my production drawings.

My setup is as follows:

- EG.dwg has my existing surface in it. I create a data reference to use it in other drawings.

- Level One.dwg has the EG surface data referenced in, and I use this to create alignments, profiles, and finish surface. All of these are turned in to data references.

- Storm Sanitary.dwg has my pipe designs. I data reference in the two surfaces, profiles, and alignments, and create pipe networks. I create references for these networks.

- Plan Profile.dwg is the production sheet I'm getting this error from. Every one of my civil objects is data referenced in to this drawing. Everything is inserted correctly, the pipes show correct FG surface elevations for their rims, etc.

BUT when I open this drawing, I get this error. I assume it's because my FG surface is not directly in the storm sanitary.dwg.

How do I get rid of this error, without combining drawings, or promoting the surface to one or more drawings? Isn't this exactly what data references is made for?

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Illustrator :: Change Default Reference Point?

Feb 27, 2014

Screenshot provided where you can manually change it on an object, but I would like to change it so that the Top Left is selected by default. I'm a web developer, and just like the web all my designs origins are anchored to the top left.

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Illustrator :: How To Change Reference Point For Rotating Object

May 6, 2013

I have a square object I want to rotate in Illustrator CS6. The object wants to rotate from the center. I want to rotate it from one of the corners. How do I change the reference point from which to rotate around?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Parts In BOM

Mar 20, 2012

All of the patterned parts in my assembly show up as reference parts in the BOM I have I have opened the base part for the pattern and made sure its BOM is set to normal. When I change the BOM setting in the assembly it automatically changes to reference.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference In 2D Drawings?

Jun 5, 2013

know if we could put for example the Building of our Assembly in some 2D drawings as a "Reference" object and as a non reference object in other 2D drawings?

In some 2D drawings we don't need the whole building, and just with the references is enough, but in some other views, we need to see the building so we can represent the real obstacles we have or to show how the custumer should do the pipe implantation

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Different BOM Reference Structure In Same IAM Possible?

Jul 26, 2012

Let's say i want to draw a bike. In the 2D IDW of the wheel I want to see the frame as a reference. So, in the .iam of the wheel the frame subassembly is inserted and checked as reference. Also, a new level of detail is created that surpressed the frame.This level of detail is used in the overall assembly of the bike.

So, I end up with several subassembly's that contain other subassembly's just to reference them in the IDW. It would be better to have just one master assembly and create several IDW's from that assembly with different LOD and reference settings.

Inventor 2012 - 64 bit - build190 - Windows 7

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference In Assemblies

Sep 27, 2011

We have some structure issues going on. Below is an example of our current structure.

1. Overall Frame Assy

2. Frame Weldment

3. Spine Weldment

3. Bracket Assy

4. Deck Brackets

4. Air Brackets

4. Hyd Brackets

The biggest problem is we have all of these level 3 and 4 subassemblies that need to reference upper level assemblies to show placement on the drawings. We have tried utilizing LOD's and view reps but still can't fix the problem. The problem comes into play when we get to upper level assemblies that become so huge because of all of the references that are happening at lower levels. It is structured this way to create small BOM's and to be able to use in multiple different structures without having to pull a new Part Number.

We need the reference geometry to be able to show on the drawing our locations of all of these lower level assemblies and how they mount to the frame in their respected locations.

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Illustrator :: Reference Point Locator Missing From Top Menu - Can't Change X-y Coordinates?

Jun 11, 2013

I am using illustrator cs2 and somehow my reference point locator is missing from my menu bar?  Also, I am not able to manually set the x y coordinates on anything besides 0 0.  I have been using this program for a long time and haven't had this happen before. turned off the reference point locator but I can't see where to get it back on my menu to be able to align objects.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Change Reference Surface For Surface Elevation Label

Apr 4, 2012

Is there any way to change the referenced surface on a Surface Elevation Label. I can see the surface in the properties but cannot change it.

C3D 2011

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Finding Reference Parameter In IPT?

Jan 7, 2014

Is there a way to identify what sketch or Solid a reference parameter (d0, d1, d2 etc) is in / on.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Reference Parameters

Oct 9, 2013

I'm having some difficulties with iLogic and reference parameters.

I have made a tube with a weird shape and I want to measure the longest length. So I have to cut the tube in a certain angle in relation with the center to measure the length.

The problem is that this angle is really hard to calculate.

So I tried making a rule where I can make my angle shift x degree and then measure the longest length. If the measurement is larger the previous measurement the angle will shift x degree again until the measurement is smaller than the previous.

So I made my starting angle 0 degree, I know this is for a fact not the longest length. And then I tried this rule. (before making a While rule).

And I noticed that on screen the measurement changes. But the reference - parameter stays the same. So it gives me the measurement on the starting angle & after rotating it again gives me the starting angle.

How can I get the parameter to update itself in between?

Dim measurement_length As DoubleDim measurement_length2 As DoubleMessageBox.Show("Start angle ", "My iLogic Dialog", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1)angle_measurement_spec = 0RuleParametersOutput()InventorVb.DocumentUpdate()measurement_length = [code].....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Get Model Reference

Mar 8, 2013

I was wondering if there was a command that will get the file name of the model referenced in a drawing?

The reason I want to do this is because I have various programs to automate drawings, but I have to manually edit the code if i want to switch between using the code on assembly drawings and part drawings.

If i can get the model reference, I can then use a bit of extra programming to extract the extension. (i.e. .ipt or .iam)

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2011
Windows 7 Enterprise, 64-bit

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Parts Not Showing In IDW

Jun 21, 2013

I am having trouble with getting the reference parts of my assemblies to show on the IDW drawings. That is, most of them show, but some items disappear.

On the attached picture you can see what i mean... its of a circular structure with a door frame mounted. One is put in as normal assembly, one is put in as reference part.

The circular structure shows, but the door is missing (in some views). When I do a sectional view of the view where it is missing it appears.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reference Driven Measurement

Jul 25, 2012

Is there an automatic way to force a mesurement, to become Referenced? (driven)?

Even if sketch is not yet totally constrained?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adaptive Sketch Reference

May 22, 2012

co-workers part file. in the assembly tree the part file has


Now from what I understand if I adjust something in the the assembly file that this Reference38 is associated to then the cut will be adjusted accordingly. My question is, is there a way to determine what Reference 38 is referring to exactly? Which assembly file and which component/part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Delete Bitmap Reference In IDW

Mar 23, 2009

Currently running INV 11.

Way back when we first started using INV (R5) we used a bitmap in our titleblock for our company logo. Since then, we have moved to using vault last year and this bitmap is causing major headaches since its original location was no in a library file, but stored in our template file area.

Every time we attempted to add a new IDW to the Vault, Vault would kick it back of course saying a file by that name already exists in Vault. To get around this, we have reworked our titleblocks and have used a DXF file for our logo instead of a bitmap. This works on new IDW's just fine, but editing any previous drawing now causes problems with uploading to vault.

The only way I have found to purge this bitmap from the IDW reference is to start a new IDW and copy the views while inserting the new titleblock.

So, is there a way to clear this reference from the current IDW without having to recreate new drawings?

I have tried to edit the (bad) titleblock and deleted the bitmap out of it, but when trying to then save the file to vault, the vault tree still shows a 3rd party reference which is this bitmap! Copying over the new (good) titleblock does not work either as the IDW keeps the this bitmap reference even though the file does not exist anywhere in the drawing or any of the sketched symbols.

How to get rid of this bitmap reference from our titleblocks without recreating entirely new drawings.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Get A Reference To Specific Dimension?

Mar 13, 2012

I'm trying to delete, programatically, a specific dimensions on a specific sheet of my drawing based on a model parameter.  I imagine it would be pretty straightforward to refer to generaldimensions.item(?).delete but how do I know what the index number of the dimension I want is? The only samples I can find either generacially access item(1) or use a for each loop to get all dimensions.

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