AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Color Of Multiple Files Easily
Sep 29, 2011
How to change the color of a bunch of files in an assembly easily? I don't want to open each file (70+) and change them manually only to find out there was an easier way to do it.
Inventor Professional 2013 (SP-2.3), Product Design Suite Ultimate
Desktop: Intel Core i7 3.4GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate SP-1, 64-bit OS, (2) GeForce GTX 580 (331.81), Space Pilot Pro (3.16.1)
Laptop: Intel Core i7 3.9GHz, 16.0 GB RAM, Windows 7 Pro SP-1, 64-bit OS, GeForce GTX 780 (331.81), SpaceNavigator (3.17.7)
In Inkscape, you can select multiple objects by simply using the Selecttool and putting a box around the objects. I unwittingly did the samething in Gimp. I chose the Select tool (R) and selected several images inone column. I thought, that I would see all the boxed-in layers selectedfor easy duplication, but nope.
So how can I quickly/easily select a box-full of layers at once, a laInkscape?
How can I select multiple layers easily? method of putting a selection box around them, but that didn't work) BTW, I'm using GIMP 2.6.12 (on Linux Mint)
I have been tying to figure out how I could easily embed multiple linked images easily. I have some 1000 .svg images which have about 1-7 .tif images linked in to them. I now need to get those links embedded and becouse of the amount of images I'm hoping to make an action out of it.
If we want to change the color of a block we have to open block editor and change the color from there.
If in a design we have 100 blocks and we want to change their color to the same (say black), how can we do that? Do we have to do it for every single block or can we select all 100 blocks and change the color uniformly?
I'm working with a couple Illustrator stock patterns. I'd like to simply invert them so they're white instead of black. Any way to do this without actually editing the pattern itself? The one I'm working on is too complex to edit effectively...
I run three different printing and engraving systems at the same time with my business. Each system needs to have a different color management preset selected or the prints are screwed up. Each time I open a file I have to go to tools..color management ... default settings. and check or change the preset. It seems like half of my day is spent doing this and from time to time I forget and screw up a print. Is there a macro or docker or something that will display what preset is in use on my screen some where and maybe even give me an option to click on it and change the preset? Each file is normally only for one particular system so if there is a way to save the file so that the preset that was used when saving it comes back up when it is opened would be useful too.
I've cut and "paste special" a table from excel to autocad, and would like to edit several (not all) cell's text color from the default (in this case white) to the bylayer color.
When I set up my table style I specified the text to be bylayer, however apparently a paste from excel ignores the setting.
I have a Batch with 3 Action nodes inside. Each of these has multiple Geoms tucked away in groups.I only want to see some of the Geoms about half way through the clip.It's raised a few questions:
1) I can only think of animating their transparencies to make them appear at a certain point, is there some other way? Like if it was footage you could use the Timing in Batch.
2)I couldn't find a way to easily select a bunch of Geoms and change their transparency together, I could only do it by using Duplicate mode. But that takes all the parameters from the parent, what if you just wanted to alter one thing?
I could use an expression, but would I have to do that one at a time on all the Geoms?
3) What does the Parenting mode do exactly? can't you just parent thing while in Move mode? What does it add?
4) So I used Duplicate to link the Geoms to one in particular, it doesn't seem to have affected anything I didn't want it to (fingers crossed) and then used an expression on that to link it to a control axis for ease. Does that sound the easiest way?
5) And finally, I was just thinking it would be nice if I linked the transparencies to a control axis of some kind in the Batch, to affect all of the Actions. I half expected to find a 'Control Node' in the box Is there a particular node that would work well as a control axis?
set-up a project file that I can easily open my drawings and be able to share with others?I have lost several drawings and time because I have not been able to open my drawings.
I am working on a graphic that has a circle with many small circles around it. All the circles are on seperate layers and were made with the shape tool. How can I change the color in all the small cicles at once? Isn't there a way to chage the attributes of multiple shapes at one time? I swear I saw this somewhere in my books but cannot find it now.
When I went into LR4 just now I must have hit a button and all of my 700+ edited images from a specific collection started changing back to their original state. What did I push? How do I get them back without having to do it one by one in the history mode?
I have a large assembly model made of many different parts. The last thing I want to do is "paint" it so I can make a drawing showing the different colors being used. My plan is to take the entire assembly and insert it into another assembly then just change the parts to the specific colors. I was wondering if there was a way to change the colors on multiple parts at once. Right now I right click the part go to iproperties and then go to occurence and choose the specific color. I know from using Solidworks that it works the opposite you click the color first and then all the parts that you want to be that color. It works out a lot quicker. If I select multiple parts the occurence tab in the properties is greyed out.
Is there a way to change an iProperty, specifically the iProperties->Project->Project field for multiple parts automatically.
I use the iLogic Design Copy Tool to copy over an entire project, and for the most part the only changes is the project number.
I didn't see a way to change this in the Design Copy Tool, possibly there is some other tools that can do this that I don't know about. But if not, I am assuming a small script (VBA??) would be required to do this? whether it is in Inventor or just an outside program to carry out this change.
I found this old thread, but it seems that people just found another way to do this?
My workflow would follow something like this:
-Use iLogic Design Copy Tool to copy over project to new folder
-Open up full assembly
-Run rule or script to update all parts in assembly with new Project iProperty
-update the drawings as I need, (they will all need to be reviewed as some parts will be modified anyways)
I have 2 assemblies and drawings of those assemblies. in both the same part is among the parts.
I want to change the name of the part that is in both assemblies with the Design Assistant, but i am afraid that if i will choose one of them and change the part file's name, the other assembly will be damaged. is it true?
I think this might happen because when i open only the part in Design Assistant, it doesn't let me change it's name, so, Design Assistant might not know where this part is inserted in.
Is there a way to use symbol libraries so that editing 1 symbol will ripple through and change several .ai files?
Our office has several people, working on several .ai files which all share symbols in common. We all know how to edit a local symbol and have it ripple through 1 document and change the artboards. We know how to save a library of symbols to share with others in the office. What we don't know is how to edit a symbol in that library and have it update everwhere.
If we can improve our process we can turn 1 day of work into 1 minute. I wish it worked like links in InDesign.
I just re-installed windows and all the fine (PITA!) trimmings. Now, when I open a file (any type) for Inventor thru windows explorer it opens a NEW instance of Inventor everytime! This is a HUGE system hog, waste of time ect ect.
How can I correct this to just open in the instance that is already there?
We are using inventor 2014 LT in our work place and just recieved it. We are a production company that often makes many variations of a single part baised on the indivual job. I was wondering if there was a way to save one part file with multiple configurations so when you pull it into assembly file you select the configuration you want and then place it on the assembly.
I have generated around 1200 iParts from my drawing and I would like to generate every ipart in an individual ipt. file.
This is easily done by right-clicking the iPart and clicking on Generating Files. But I can't manage to generate all the ipt files in one go. I noticed that I can hold Ctrl and selecting all the iPart, but I would prefer not spending a couple of hours selecting 1200 iPart.
I have my projects in their own folders. When I start a new project, I copy an older project folder and paste to start a new project. I do this so i don't have to start modeling from scratch each time. The problem when i do this is i have to change the name and part number of each file to correspond to the new project number. This takes more time than i would like to spend doing it so is there a program that will let me do this in bulk? (change the part number of all the files through their iproperties) I typically have to use the design assistant and change the part number of each .ipt file one by one.
HP Z400 Workstation Intel Xeon @ 3.33GHz 12.0 GB RAM Windows 7 64-bit Inventor Pro 2014
Is there a way to change the color of parts inside the ipt file, but do it from inside an iam?
I want to change groups of part-colors from w/i an iam, but drive it down to the ipt level, so I don't have to open up each and every individual ipt, and change each one manually one at a time. I have about 1000 parts that need to change color, but want to do it in groups.
In testing my latest automation project, I've found that I can't save copies of a part multiple times (after deleteing the files off the disk) unless I close out of the top level assembly document, and reopen it. I used Process Monitor and determined that Inventor is trying to save to an existing file instead of creating a new file.
I have to import multiple files from Solidworks. I don't have any issues with that except that when I import these files they are base files. All the intelligence is wiped out. I know that Solidworks can import Inventor files and keep all of the intelligence in the file. Does Autodesk have translator software that will allow the import of a solidworks file and keep the intelligence used to build the model?
I am using Inventor 2014. I have an assembly where one parts has to be trimmed after assembly. When I do the cut in assembly, the part turns to a different color (black). My current view rep in assembly is Default.