I have an assembly that is a general model with different modules that all are iAssemblies.
With this model I can speed up the design process at the company I am working for.
In the model I only choose the correct member for the iAssemblies and the assembly updates correctly and just with a couple of clicks I have made a configuration of all the modules.
Now, I would like to take it a step further and have the drawing, for the specific configuration, generated automatically.
In the drawing I would like to have the master assembly presented in sheet 1 and the modules presented separately in different sheets, all sheets with BOM lists.
Is this possible to do?
(Next step is to export all the BOM lists to an excel document that can be sent to the product co-ordinator to build up the database system)
I am mechanical drawing and search a better way for the drawing generation. I have to learn some of VBA (or VBS?) for use Ilogic rules. My questions are:
1.- How learn or search more easily and faster the inventor objects for drawings and how to use this objects, undestanding the relationship between its function names and another properties for writing the correct mode in VB? I know some of VB buti see that the library objects from Inventor are "a lot of stuff".
2.- Is there a rule that can get, automatically, the centerlines from a drawing, when the drawings is generated in a idw file? (10 drawing in one idw file ).
creating a named sketch block (in an ipt) containing entities that I have created in the same sub? I'm doing this from Excel, in Inventor 2010.
What I have:
Function CreateUncutTagSketchBlock()Dim IVApp As Inventor.ApplicationDim oDoc As DocumentDim oCompDef As ComponentDefinitionDim oSketch As SketchDim oTG As TransientGeometryDim FileName As StringDim Coords(1 To 10) As Point2dDim oSketchCircle As Circle2dDim oSketchArcs(1 To 2)
note that i've also taken a shortcut with the arcs, and the circle. I did try to create them using the same naming convention as the lines, but... I failed to implement it successfully.Also, I can not quite figure out how to constrain all the start/end points together.
Is there a reason a sheet metal "cut" isn't an option for the automated centerlines tool? Am I overlooking something? When I make holes in sheet metal parts, I draw the circle then "cut" it into the sheet metal. For some reason I can't find how to give those automatic centerlines on drawings.
When I click to to automated centerlines, it usually places a vertical/hozional centerline on all the circles in the drawing like in the first attachment. But, sometimes it will make the centerline to angle around the center like in the second attachement.
What you have to do so that the centerline come off at angles like in the second picture?
Otherwise I end up using the centerline feature and drawing them all in which is a real hassel!
I am trying to generate automated drawing for my assembly and iam trying to run the following code
Imports Inventor.ViewOrientationTypeEnum Imports Inventor.DrawingViewStyleEnum dim oDrawingDoc as DrawingDocument dim oPartDoc as Document dim oSheet as sheet dim oTG as TransientGeometry dim oView1 as DrawingView
but when i run the code its asks me whether you want to generate the drawings, but when i say yes shows runtime argument error as show below
Error in rule: Rule0, in document: pin
The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG))
when i ask for more info it shows the following error
System.ArgumentException: The parameter is incorrect. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070057 (E_INVALIDARG)) at System.RuntimeType.ForwardCallToInvokeMember(String memberName, BindingFlags flags, Object target, Int32[] aWrapperTypes, MessageData& msgData) at Inventor.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum DocumentType, String TemplateFileName, Boolean CreateVisible) at LmiRuleScript.Main() at Autodesk.iLogic.Exec.AppDomExec.ExecRuleInAssembly(Assembly assem) at iLogic.RuleEvalContainer.ExecRuleEval(String execRule)
I'm trying to setup an assembly based on a complex 3D sketch. In simplest terms, if I have a sketch for the perimeter of a house, I'd like to add instances of a 2x4.ipt at specified locations automatically. That's not necessarily every 16", but rather wherever I put a specific geometry. I'm imagining two work axis or sketch lines, one along the perimeter to determine the location of the 2x4 and one perpendicular to determine the direction the 2x4 points.
In actuality my sketch won't be a rectangle, but rather a complex 3D spline, that's why I'm hoping to get some sort of automated process. And the current design involves somewhere on the order of 1500-1800 2x4s. Making the sketches and geometry will be nightmarish enough, I'd prefer to be able to breeze through the assembly portion.
I'm attempting to create a model that autmotaically derives ready-to-go drawings. I've gotten pretty far in doing so but have a few issues with regards to dimensioning. As I'm sure you're aware, when the model changes, a dimension to that feature, which has been removed, is also deleted and some those dimensions do not return once the model is changed back.
I have looked into using different view representations, but have found that they do not accommodate feature supression.
Is there a way to program in the dimensioning of a view.
Create center points for of the holes and center lines.
And for a feature note such as "Hole and Thread" dimensioning, when the model expands, the leader and text length do not change and proceed into the view. Is there a way to fix or anchor the text to a certain spot on the drawing, and have the leader length expand and change accordingly to that point.
I'm attempting to create a model that autmotaically derives ready-to-go drawings. I've gotten pretty far in doing so but have a few issues with regards to dimensioning. As I'm sure you're aware, when the model changes, a dimension to that feature, which has been removed, is also deleted and some those dimensions do not return once the model is changed back.
I have looked into using different view representations, but have found that they do not accommodate feature supression.
My questions are:
Is there a way to program in the dimensioning of a view
Create center points for of of the holes and center lines
And for a feature note such as "Hole and Thread" dimensioning, when the model expands, the leader and text length do not change and proceed into the view. Is there a way to fix or anchor the text to a certain spot on the drawing, and have the leader length expand and change accordingly to that point.
I am making a drawing in which I have an assembly of multiple parts and one subassembly. I already have my bill of materials on the drawing also. Can I now show details of each of the parts by calling them out by their item number on the BOM? I realize that I could simply insert another base view of the individual part, but I would rather they be pulled directly by their item number on the BOM. This would be ideal so that the view could automatically be labeled "item 1.1" or "detail 1.1" instead of manually having to insert that text.
I'm trying Frame Generator one last time to design the custom frames we build for our equipment. I've always had problems with getting FG to generate the right part numbers and file names. I have the part numbers figured out, but does Frame Generator still not have a good way to automatically create unique file names for frame members? If no one can get it to automatically generate unique file names, how do you manage all of the duplicate file names generated over time?
I have an assembly in which the thickness of each of the layers in an assembly are generated from a part file that is split via a sketch. I use the Make Components tool to break the part into the individual layers, which also spits out an assembly.
Is there a way to push the thickness value of these parts that will update automatically if the thickness is changed in the parent part, in order to reference this property on the drawing?
pdf drawings are king at our company. When we creat a product, pdfs (and sometimes stp files) are generated and placed in folders organized numerically by part number.
Our challenge is that finding all the current pdfs for an assembly is not automated. Thus, to get all the current drawing pdfs, someone has to open up the top level pdf, read all the part numbers, go get/print the pdfs of the parts, subassemblies, subassembly parts, etc. This is time consuming and error prone and getting worse as the number of parts we always increasing.
I'd like to automate the process. I'm thinking about a program/script that: Extract parts list from pdf of Inventor assembly drawingCopy pdf of individual parts/subassemblies to a directoryMerge all pdf for that assembly into single pdf.
a powerpoint presentation, for a software package that I have designed, and written, for use with AutoDesk Inventor.Could I ask you if you could spare just 2 minutes of your time to look at the presentation, so that I can gauge your impressions of the software, and the power point presentation itself.
The powerpoint presentation will give you a brief description of the software's capabilities
I'm drawing a sheet metal part with several flanges and corner seam, but when I try to generate its flat pattern, the part is not competely unfolded, every corner with a seam is not flattened (while there is a clearance between the corner edges; i.e. no welding)
is there anyway to generate a complete flat pattern without removing the corner seams ??
(the flat pattern is attached where you can notice some flanges are flattened while others are not !)
I come across this problem from time to time and generally either just ignore it, if the detail is destined for in house manufacture, or alter it in autocad if it's destined for exterior suppliers.
Our guard frames are manufactured from extruded aluminum section (made by a company called palletti) I have when needed created a new frame generator frame member for each new x-section that we wish to use. I then draw a 2d sketch for the base frame skeleton and then a 3d sketch for all the frame work above. This I then use in an assembly to create the framework. This framework assembly then goes into a second assembly where the framework is then adorned with all the accoutrements that make up a guard frame that we can then order as an assembled frame, panels feet, hinges et al.
When placing the views for the detailing of the second assembly sometimes the view will show the wrong length for one or some of the frame members.
;note how the left and right views are different and how some of the frame members are elongated on the lh view.
I'm guessing its because of the home grown frame members but all seems to work well other wise and this only happens infrequently.
HP z210 16Gb ATI FirePro5800 Autodesk Produst design Suite 2012
We are now working in civil 3D 2011, and have started using the .txt files now instead of the fieldbooks of the past. I have created a Description key set, along with a figure prefix database and a linework code set. everything works fine as long as the field crews use EP1, EP,2 EP3, ETC.. But we would really like to utilize the Begin and End function of this. I have unchecked the box that says Automatic begin on figure prefix match, but still no luck. I have also checked the linework code set and it all looks good <Space> delimiter etc..
I have a 3D model where several pipes are open end to terminating on top of open top tanks. How the Isometrics when generated would tag the end of this line to read "OPEN END TO TANK ....."
I have a large amount of "ellipses" in a Civil 3D 2013 drawing that were created as "circles" in Cyclone 8.03 (the laser scanning software from Leica-Geosystems). I need to work with circles so I can label the diameter of each in my drawing. Is there a way to automatically convert these ellipses, that have the same exact minor and major axis, into circles? Other wise I will have to reapeat the work in Civil 3D using the same point cloud!
When i try to copy paste some drawing entities from a heavy drawing file to any other file, the program blocks and says 'not responding', endlessly. So i always have to shutdown the program. I experience the same problem using the designcenter: when I try to copy a layout into another drawing, my computer gets stuck.
Another annoying problem with these files is that they are so heavy, while in fact they shouldn't be. I tried the aectoacad file command. In result the file id half as big, but after I open it and save it, again is the original size.
While making a drawing and there is something which I want to turn visibilty of for a while, I will select from a sub-menu "Visibility" (see the attachment) But what I must do if I want to turn the visibility on again for example to that hole shown in screen shot?
I want to draw operation drawings, I think, ı must do this like that; I must draw one ipt, and later I must draw drawings from this ipt, and idw's
1.drawing (operation); rectangular prism,
2.drawing (operation); rectangular prism and rectangular cutting,
3.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting and hole,
4.drawing (operation); rectangular prism, rectangular cutting, hole and hexagon cutting,
when I change dimensions of rectangular prism, all four operation drawings must change, so I can't change location of end of part in idw's browser, but I can change location of end of part in ipt's browser, I want to change location of end of part in idw's browser, can I do this? or alternative solution...
I don't want to make, four ipt for each operations... I added a picture...
Autodesk inventor Design Suite Premium 2012 Windows 7 x64, 750 GB harddisk Intel core i5 Cpu @3.2 GHz, 8 GB Ram, nVidia Quadro 2000 D Graphics Card
know if we could put for example the Building of our Assembly in some 2D drawings as a "Reference" object and as a non reference object in other 2D drawings?
In some 2D drawings we don't need the whole building, and just with the references is enough, but in some other views, we need to see the building so we can represent the real obstacles we have or to show how the custumer should do the pipe implantation
I am slowly learning about ilogic, and have created parts and assemblies that are run by rules. My next question is, what exactly can ilogic do for drawings? I've looked at the wikihelp, but I am not a natural at programming and I need more than a list of functions with brief descriptions to get me started.
I'm looking for code snippets, other discussions, tips, tricks, and/or tutorials to get info what I can do with ilogic and the API that can automate parts of the drawing process.
The solutions that I have found to get an assembly bom on an assembly drawing are:
1. insert an assembly into an assembly.
2. make a virtual part or derived part.
3. make extra fields in the part and have the BOM column look at alternative iproperty fields.
In a part file that has a family table I want the configurations of some casted parts and some machined parts. the casted parts will have a drawing but no BOM, the machined parts will have a drawing and a BOM.
Then in an assembly file that has a family table I want configurations that use the configurations of the part file. Each of these assemblies will have a drawing that has a BOM that will call out the part that is is made from.
In other words I will have a casting that will be machined so I will need a casting drawing and a machine drawing that has a BOM telling what casting to use.