AutoCAD Inventor :: Make Automated Fence Generator With 2012 Driven By ILogic Rules?

Sep 26, 2012

I'm currently trying to make an automated fence generator with Inventor 2012 driven by iLogic rules.

My model is done now, and my BOM information (description & part number) is set correctly.

Now is my problem some parts are not supposed to be in the BOM at a certain moment.


If fence_type = 1 Then

Beam-001 = default

Else If fence_type = 2 Then

Beam-001 = reference

Else If fence_type = 3 Then

Beam-001 = reference

End If

But what do write to set BOM status of a part?
Inventor 2013

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Adding Part To Frame Generator With ILogic Rules For Features

Jul 17, 2013

I have a wire trough that we typically use on all our units. Instead of modelling each trough as it's own separate part to length, I would like to add this part to frame generator for tracking there cut lengths etc...

A few items, there is two sizes that we use, but for now I will work with just one.

I have modeled the part and renamed the important parameters.

-WIDTH - stays the same

-HEIGHT - stays the same

-LENGTH - adjusted by frame generator

-RIBS - the part has 6 currently, but there is a rib added for every 1/2 inch. it is a rectangular pattern

-SLOTS - will be added to the trough every 2 inches of length, it is a rectangular pattern

-SLOT_DISTANCE - is 2 inches and never changes, if the trough is cut on a slot, which ever is easiest, to show half a slot or none, doesn't matter, this is just for a visual and BOM reference

I found a video that shows me how to publish parts to FG, but I am stuck for the iLogic part. Part attached.

Inventor Professional 2014-Update 2 - AutoCAD Electrical 2014
Win7-x64 | ASUS P8Z77-V | i7 3770 -3.4 GHz | 32GB RAM |
240GB SSD | nVidia GTX 670 4GB - 320.49

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AutoCAD Inventor :: IProperties Value Driven By Rules

Apr 26, 2013

How to create Script Rules that make the Title or Part Number in iProperties Value always same with Doc.Filename...?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Frame Generator For Chain Link Fence

Apr 24, 2012

Has used the frame generator to model the posts and horizontal pipes that would go into a chain link fence?

We have generated several fence models as simple part files.  They work in that they get the basic idea across and they're fairly quick to create.  But I started thinking about a more detailed model and I wondered if it would be an appropriate use of the frame generator.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Automated Dimension In Ilogic?

Jun 12, 2013

I am mechanical drawing and search a better way for the drawing generation. I have to learn some of VBA (or VBS?) for use Ilogic rules. My questions are:

1.- How learn or search more easily and faster the inventor objects for drawings and how to use this objects, undestanding the relationship between its function names and another properties for writing the correct mode in VB? I know some of VB buti see that the library objects from Inventor are "a lot of stuff".

2.- Is there a rule that can get, automatically, the centerlines from a drawing, when the drawings is generated in a idw file? (10 drawing in one idw file ).

Intel i7 2630 processor

6 Gb Ram

Nvidia GT350

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Driven From Sub Assembly

Jul 1, 2013

I have a parent assembly that contains multiple sub assemblies, two of which need to synchronize with each other.In the parent assembly, I have created a user form that controls the sizes and quantities of all the different sub assemblies.

Sub assembly 1 contains a bracket for supporting 4 rows of pipes.Based on the width selected from the main parent assembly, the length of this bracket can vary.

The spacing of the 4 mounting positions is also determined from the length of the bracket.Sub assembly 2 is an assembly containing all the pipes.The pipes are spaced apart to suit the bracket using a component pattern, and it is this distance that I want to control from the parent  assembly.This is just one of the basic scripts I've tried.

Pipe_Spacing=Parameter("SubAssembly1:1", "Pipe_Spacing_A")

Parameter("Piping assembly:1", "Pipe_Spacing_B")=Pipe_Spacing
Pipe_Spacing_A is the spacing of the bracket
Pipe_Spacing_B is the component pattern in the piping assembly
Pipe_Spacing is the parameter in the parent assembly to be driven by the bracket parameters.

I have very little iLogic experience & have being learning as I go along with this project.My best guess is that the code can't loop back on itself. On a slightly different note, I have also noticed that the sub assemblies don't update properly.

If I adjust the width to X and regenerate the model, some of the sub assembly updates. To fully update, I have to go back into the user form, change the size to Y & then change it back again to X and then regenerate.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly Constraints Driven By Ilogic?

Apr 4, 2013

I want to use I logic to adjust an assembly constraint based on T/F value passed from a master sketch. 

I have passed the paramater T/F and/or a user paramater as described in this thread using link (neet trick).. but when the code fires it only works on the true application and not the false.. if i open the rule and then close it the update button  becomes available and when updated the false condition updates sucessfully. I have tried just re-running the rule to no avail. It seams that the only way I can get it to triger a false condition is to open the rule... close it and update. 

If Parameter("iTrigger0101000") = 1 Thend37_Header1 = -.25 ind34_Header2 = -.25 inElseIf Parameter("iTrigger0101000") = 0 Thend37_Header1 = -.25 ind34_Header2 = 0.0 inEnd If

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic - Rule Driven Assembly

Apr 23, 2013

The setup is: I have a rule which first gets a number of user parameters via input boxes.This rule then runs a number of other rules, using:

iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 1")iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 2")iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 3").Each of these rules control parameters, part/feature/constraint suppression etc. in the top level and subassemblies/parts based on the previously obtained user parameters.

All the rules have the 'Don't run automatically' option selected, so all should only run as intended when I manually run the first rule.When I run the first rule, I enter all the parameters, and the subsequent rules run.The problem is, the suppression states etc. in the subassemblies/parts do not update.

Looking at the parameters dialog box after the rules have run, all user parameters have updated with the new values.If I run the first rule again the subassemblies/parts update correctly.

It appears that the rules that control the suppression states etc. of the subassemblies run using the initial values of the user parameters, i.e. the values as they were before the user input is obtained, rather than the new values.This is confusing me, as the code is structured as follows:

user_parameter_1 = InputBox("User Parameter 1", "Input", "xx")user_parameter_2 = InputBox("User Parameter 2", "Input", "xx")iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 1")iLogicVb.RunRule("Rule 2")

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Trigger ILogic Rules Using API?

Mar 29, 2011

I am currently using a application to control inventor using the API code.The API code is used to delete/suppress unwanted occurances from parts and sub-assemblies, depending on what is selected in the external application. It then puts all the parts and sub-assemblies together into a final assembly.

Most of the parts contain iLogic rules, to control dimensions, and these have been set to trigger when the part file is opened.I have noticed that in my final assemblies some of the parts don't appear as they should, however if i close the final assembly and open the individual part it appears to be correct. If i then open the final assembly it looks fine.

I think this might be due to the iLogic rule being triggered when the part is opened.Is there any way to trigger the rules using the API code while the final assembly is open, instead of closing it down and opening all the component parts and sub-assemblies?Or should we set the rules to trigger on a parameter change?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules Setting

Jul 23, 2012

I'm trying to set a rule in which i have 2 i parts that i can change the length of . I want a rule where if i change one of them it changes the other to fit with it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILOGIC Workflow / Way To Add Rules

Oct 1, 2012

I made a simple rule that triggers before save to ask user to make a selection, which then updates an iProperty.I created A multi value fxParameter and used the InputListbox function.

Ultimately I want to know the best way ok making this rule available to all parts, old and new.I am thinking, it will be easy enough to update my templates and embed this code into the part, as well as content center files by updating each file / template .

But for existing parts, is there a way to add these rules without the user having to do much steps.because there is an fxParameter I am thinking the user will have to know how add this to their part.I can change it to just an input box where they can type in the correct value, if that would be easier.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules Not Triggering

Sep 8, 2011

I have been having trouble with parts that do not trigger iLogic rules. I've set the triggering events to After Open Document, but nothing triggers. I must manually open the parts and then click the iTrigger to get the rules to run. This is not all parts only a select few and seemingly random.

Is there something I can do to ensure the triggers fire and the rules to run?

Sidebar: If a part is set for trigger After Open Document should that part trigger the rules when the assembly that the part is in is opened?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules In Assembly

Oct 3, 2011

I am very new to this whole concept of having ilogic based rules to drive your part design. I have even gotten as far as creating a ipart and having ilogic rules be able to suppress, unsuppress, change values and dimensions using ilogic rules. I now want to be able to use ilogic rules to drive some of the various(yet similiar) assemblies that I create all the time.

For instance, If I have just a flat plate as the base component with a shaft welded to it that varies in length for my assemblies. Since the shaft varies in length, I went ahead and created iparts for all the lengths of the shafts. I can manually change which shaft I want represented in the assembly, but I would like to to know how do I get Ilogic to place the different shafts based on user parameters???

I've looked into component place iparts, but can't seem to get the code to work. The list of iparts tree within the model doesn't pop up in the model tab in the ilogic rule, only the base component.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Coding To Create Automated Drawing?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm attempting to create a model that autmotaically derives ready-to-go drawings. I've gotten pretty far in doing so but have a few issues with regards to dimensioning. As I'm sure you're aware, when the model changes, a dimension to that feature, which has been removed, is also deleted and some those dimensions do not return once the model is changed back.

I have looked into using different view representations, but have found that they do not accommodate feature supression.

Is there a way to program in the dimensioning of a view.

Create center points for of the holes and center lines.

And for a feature note such as "Hole and Thread" dimensioning, when the model expands, the leader and text length do not change and proceed into the view. Is there a way to fix or anchor the text to a certain spot on the drawing, and have the leader length expand and change accordingly to that point.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Coding To Create Automated Drawing?

Feb 14, 2012

I'm attempting to create a model that autmotaically derives ready-to-go drawings. I've gotten pretty far in doing so but have a few issues with regards to dimensioning. As I'm sure you're aware, when the model changes, a dimension to that feature, which has been removed, is also deleted and some those dimensions do not return once the model is changed back.

I have looked into using different view representations, but have found that they do not accommodate feature supression.

My questions are:

Is there a way to program in the dimensioning of a view 

Create center points for of of the holes and center lines

And for a feature note such as "Hole and Thread" dimensioning, when the model expands, the leader and text length do not change and proceed into the view. Is there a way to fix or anchor the text to a certain spot on the drawing, and have the leader length expand and change accordingly to that point.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules - How To Replace All Components

Mar 1, 2012

Can I use an iLogic Rule at the top assembly level to "replace all" of a particular component is that component resides in more than one subassembly?  I need a rule to run and globally replace the component in all subassemblies without opening up each subassembly manually.  I can run a rule in the individual subassembly that looks like the following:

If GoExcel.CellValue("3rd Party:Embedding 1", "Sheet1", "A2")=800 Then
Component.Replace("Part1:1", "OtherPartfilename.ipt", True)
End If

Is there a way to run a "replace all" command from a top level assembly?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Running Order Of ILogic Rules

Jul 5, 2012

We have some Problems with the running order of iLogic Rules.

I try to describe it in an Example, you can find attached. (The description (PDF) and the ipt-file)

We're using iLogic via Addin in Inventor 2010. But I also tried it, with the 2012 version (the same problem).

The attached IPT File is running in the correct order.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: External ILogic Rules And Templates?

Apr 1, 2012

I am trying to build a set of scripts (aka iLogic rules) into templates. So far, quite a common task. One extra requirement is that the scripts need to be updatable after parts have been instanciated from the template. That is, we do not want to update all of the ipt each time a new material option is added to the script. That means that external rules are the only way to go, right? This is the road I tried and it seems to work on my machine.

One extra requirement is that the whole project must be shared between several workstations. We went the Subversion road for that (for all the Vault comments). The scripts are distributed properly and in the same absolute location on the two test machines, all good (I checked the md5 on both side and they all match). The application options on all the machines are all set the same way (export the xml file, check it in the source control, import on all the machines restart). The iLogic search path is also updated, but manually this time, since it is not included in the application options export. It should all work perfectly right? Well, sort of....

I did create a tiny assembly from the templates. On my source machine, all looks good. The ilogic rules are both listed in the ilogic browser and the triggers are set when I instanciate from the template. This is the intended behavior. Now, I close inventor, copy the whole directory to a new machine, open inventor there and open the project. The rules do not appear anymore in the browser, but they are still listed in the trigger list (wtf?). The best part is that if I do not touch anything, stuff still works! The scripts are found and run properly!! Now, if I have to change the triggers or even find the rule in the browser to run it manually, well, bad-stuff-happens (tm).

All the files in question are indentical on both machines, the ilogic files, the ipt files, the application options export, all with the same hash. The ilogic search path is also set the same as are the absolute paths. It should work the same (tm).

Me sending a copy of the files is not likely to work though. Since the problem happens when you copy. I could try to "pack and go", but that would break reason #1 for doing that, which is keeping only one version of the script and adding materials at only one place for all the projects.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Rules In IDW Result In Errors

Nov 29, 2012

I have 3 iLogic Rules that I use with my idw's,

1-SCALE -  is to update scale in the title block

2- WEIGHT - is to update weight of model in title block

3- PDF - is to create a pdf version of drawing in same location as idw

all are triggered by saving the drawing.

These work fine, but sometimes when I create specific types of drawings there is errors, which is no big deal, just a prompt appears and I press ok and everything is fine.

With very little to no iLogic programming knowledge, is there a way to edit to rules so that if there is an issue, the rule knows it is ok and saves without the little prompt appearing?

Example of when errors occur for:

SCALE - sometimes I create drawings on my template just using create sketch, I don't place a base view so therefore there is no model information. which makes it hard to produce a scale. (see image, error -1)

WEIGHT - occurs during the same instance as above, only a sketch is saved on the idw. (see image error -2)

but I also have an error occur when creating a drawing from a presentation file. I create a presentation file from a specific level of detail from an assembly. and I get an error when saving . (see image error-3)

I understand the first 2 errors because there is no physical data to get this information from, so I am hoping an edit to the rules can bypass this issue. But the 3rd error doesn't make sense. It is from an actual model, but I guess the physical properties get lost from an .iam to .ipn?? or is there a setting that can be toggled to carry over model properties?

Inventor Pro 2013

Rules are below:

Public Sub Main()
On Error Resume Next
'Get the drawing document


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AutoCAD Inventor :: Protect ILogic Rules From Editing?

Aug 18, 2011

Is it possible to create something like a password or other trick to protect ilogic rules from editing? Ilogic can enforce standards but if any engineer can delete rules or edit them then we have a problem.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic External Rules Location

Jul 31, 2013

I have a dedicated folder for external rules on a network. In the Advanced ilogic configuration interface on my machine I added the path to this folder in the External rule directories.That seemed to work fine. I opened the ilogic tree activated the external tab and the external rules were available for selection.

Today I tried to do the same process however no rules were visible under the external tab. I had to select "add external rule" and navigate to the folder.I do not want my users to have to manually navigate to the folder. Is there a step i have missed in this process? I am using Inventor/ilogic 2009.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Driven Part Not Updating After Parameter Change

Jul 26, 2013

I have a flange that I use iLogic and the parameters list to update the different styles. My problem is that my flange won't update until after I hit save and update. My other square flange is not this way. As soon as I change the parameter in my square flange it immediately updates. Is there anyway I can get my round flange to update immediately like my square flange? I attached pictures below.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Change Document Units Using ILogic Rules?

Aug 23, 2012

How do I change the document units using iLogic rules.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Turn Sketch Visibility On And Off Using ILogic Rules

Feb 29, 2012

How do I turn sketch visibility on and off using ILogic rules.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Check To See If LOD Exists Then Create Ilogic Rules Around It

Mar 27, 2013

I have an assembly with parameters named the same as LOD's.

The parameters are set to equal the mass of the corresponding LOD's using ilogic.

If the LOD does not exist, I want to set the mass of the corresponding parameter to a value of zero.

I don't know how to check for the existence of the LOD and I'm not sure I can have three commands in the ELSE section.

Below is an example of what I need using a Parameter and LOD called EXTERNALS as an example.

If  EXTERNALS LOD does not exist
THEN Parameter("EXTERNALS")=0
'activate the EXTERNALS LOD


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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2013 Crashes When Running ILogic Rules

Mar 7, 2013

I am having a problem with Inventor 2013. Every time I run/edit then run an iLogic rule my Inventor crashes. I have sent the report in to autodesk, but I need a fix for now.

I have tried a soft reboot, hard reboot, only opening inventor while no other programs are running, disconnection from the internet, etc.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Assembly With ILogic Rules Running Slow?

Dec 5, 2012

I'm a contractor, I've created a really impressive form-driven assembly containing various iLogic rules. However, as i add more rules it is beginning to slow down (increase rule processing time). Should I suggest upgrading to 64-bit and increasing RAM?..could be costly with no increase in performance.

Processor: i7-2600
OS: 32-bit
RAM: 4.00GB
Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: User Parameter Driven Text Height - 2012?

May 15, 2012

We are having issues with text height and variations depending on how the text is added.

I am currently adding etching to sheet metal parts by using the user parameters (which are driven by 3rd party source, excel file) and using a cut extrusion -1mm.

We have developed a marco which detects the shape of each letter and adds etching to our sheet metal program manually. We do this to get rid of the double lines when you cut text into a part. Our process is design in Inventor, unfold then convert to DXF 2004, where we import to our SM programming package (Radan).

I have noticed that when using 10mm simplex if the text is driven by parameters and 10 point text is selected the charecter height is 9.9928mm, however if the text is added manually it measures 10mm exactly. Why is this happening? It is probably of no concern to most, but we would need to add extra charecters to our macro to account for the descrepency, and in turn would take the macro longer to run.

When the text is added by user parameters, you can briefly see the 10mm text height flash to 9.99mm when finishing the edit sketch. Changing this to 10mm again has no effect.

what is causing this, or have any alternative ways of adding 10mm simplex single line etching to a dxf from an Inventor 2012 SM part?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: How To Use ILogic Rule To Delete Rules And Features In Other Parts

Aug 10, 2012

I made an Part with iLogic rules, let's call it "iLogicPart". The rules inside could create lot of different part by my input.

I want save the different parts to different name as "Part 1", "Part 2", etc. I used SaveAs to get them.

My question is: I want to delete all rules and parameters in the saved parts as "Part 1", "Part 2". And I have lot of features (the name is hard to track) which are inactive, I want to delete them at same time too.

I could manually do so, but I want to use rule to do so automatically.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Sharing ILogic Rules Between Remote Design Sites

Nov 22, 2013

I am just starting to use ilogic for some design files.  We have two design sites connected with Vault Collaboration 2012. 

What is the best practice for sharing the ilogic rules between the sites?

I was planning on making an ilogic rules folder at the root of my workspace and having Vault manage the external rules.  However, I don't see the rules listed when I check-in a file that uses them. 

Do I have to add the rules to my template files?  If so, how do I make changes to the rules without editing every file created with the templates?

We will be moving to Vault and IV 2014 after the first of the year, if that makes any difference.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: ILogic Frame Generator Part Change

Oct 21, 2013

I'm slowly getting there with iLogic, so I'm really just looking for the function / call to change one part from Frame Generator, to another part from Frame Generator.

Product Design Suite Premium 2014
Inventor 2014 Professional
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit
Intel Xeon E3-1240 @ 3.4 ghz
Nvidia Quadro 600
8.00 gb RAM

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