AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 - Exporting As Parasolids Files

Feb 28, 2012

Within our company we use Inventor 2012 (Ultimate and Premium).  We are looking to use a radiation shield calculating package called Attila from a company called Transpire Inc.  This Attila software expects to receive files for import as parasolid files.

I am asking because the supplier seems to prefer Solidworks to Inventor from a support perspective even though they do say they support other 3D CAD applications.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Files With 2012?

Feb 27, 2013

I have a customer that wants the .idw file. If I do a save as and ship him the file I know all the links will be broken and won't work right. I remember in AutoCad had a command called Etransit where you can export a drawing and have everything attached to it exported with it so you didn't lose the xrefs, layers, ect.... Does inventor have something like that where I can export the .idw and it'll attach all the .ipt and .iam files to it in like a .zip file?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Some Text Not Showing Up When Exporting To PDF

Apr 27, 2011

i run inventor fresh out of the box... no custom settings, text or anything.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Dwg Files From Idw Files

May 31, 2013

Does the exported dwg file always have to be a zip file?  I have tried save as a dwg file but it seems to be an Invnetor dwg which has the geometry as a block when opened with AutoCAD.  It is a little easier to explode the block in AutoCAD rather than open and extract the zip file, save the extracted dwg then delete the zip file.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting To STL Files

Jun 6, 2012

When I export from Inventor professional to an STL file for 3D printing. Everything exports ok except threads. I have a model with M10 and M4 threads which never show on the STL file. Is there an option I need to tick to make sure they convert?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting To Step Files?

Nov 5, 2013

I can use the program and quite happily create components, sub assemblys, and master assemblys.Our company still doesn't have ANY 3D FILES. I have been tasked with eventually creating a full range of end product drawings as Step files. They are wanting BIMS. I see this a step to far atm.....

With the products that manufacture inhouse (industrial / comercial boilers) I have produced each individual component within the boiler to eventually aid to manufacture and bombs to intergrate with SAP.

With doing this every boiler I have done in inventor all the components are there and easily accessable. Am I right in thinking it needs to be exported as a step file to lock everything within the master assembly.

When I have exported it to a step file, when it comes to importing it into an  assembly file the components are still accessable when expanded in the menu at the side. Is this because im opening it on my computer or have I done something wrong.....

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Files To FEA Software?

Jul 2, 2013

Can you export files to a format for FEA software.. *.stp etc..

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Exporting Files In STP Format

Oct 18, 2011

I imported an .stp file into Inventor 2011, saved it as an .ipt, and edited several features.  When I export this edited file as an .stp and sent it to a client, they said that the file contained multiple errors: it showed no solid bodies (only surfaces), and  the 3D thread feature I created (using a thread cutter and Inventor "Coil" command) did not read correctly (the thread I created was an edit of a previous thread, and apparently the .stp file simultaneously showed the new thread and the old, unedited threads). 

Creating an assembly (.iam) and shrinkwrapping it before exporting as an .stp does not work.

(When I open the stp file I created [in Inventor] the file, of course, reads correctly.  All solid bodies are visible, as well as the single thread.)

How to export an .stp so that it reads correctly in SolidWorks?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Extrude IGS Files In 2012

Dec 27, 2011

I wonder if I can extrude a .igs file in inventor 2012. I had been trying with the thicken/offset feature but it didn't work, the program get stucked when I use this tool. The thing is I am trying to convert a surface to solid with volume.

I attached the  .ipt  file(compressed as .rar) where I opened the .igs file to work on it.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Does 2012 Not Import STP Files

Nov 25, 2013

I am trying to import a ProE created STP or STEP file of a solid model into 2012.  STP does not seem to be an option under format types.  AutoCAD Mechanical 2012 seems to import the file just fine and it looks and act like a solid.  I saved the file out in dwg format.  When I try to import the dwg file into Inventor or just open it, a "styles conflict" dialog box comes up even though the dwg file being imported and the ipt file being used are the standard versions that come with the programs.  If I click OK an idw file opens displaying a blank sheet.  Then Inventor acts like it is done with the task.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Hangs When Opening IDW Files?

Jul 16, 2012

I had a crash on exiting Inventor 2012 (fully up to date, service packs installed etc.) and since that crash I can't open any drawing (.idw) file in Inventor: it appears to hang, with no processor activity etc.

The same files open, view and print fine with Inventor View.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Save Files For 2012 In 2013?

Apr 24, 2012

Can you save files for 2012 in 2013?  I have the ability to upgrade to 2013 while others at my company are not able to, since they were not put on the subscription service.  If I upgrade will they still be able to open my files or can I back save to a previous version?  I know I can save it as different file type, like .iges or .step, then use feature recognition.  But I need them to have full editability to sketches and features.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Can Open 2012 Files On 2009

Oct 29, 2011

can you open inventor pro 2012 files on inventor pro 2009?

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Export Step Files From 2012 Into Surfcam

Oct 15, 2012

I am trying to export step files from Inventor 2012 into Surfcam. Any files that were created in Inventor translate over as solids. Files that I have imported from step files, recognized features, modified and exported again come into Surfcam as Nurb surfaces. I also tried using Inventor 2013 with the same results.

I've never experienced this problem with earlier versions of Inventor.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Task Scheduler Returns Zipped Files While Exporting IDW To DXF

Dec 14, 2011

I need to export my IDW drawings to DXF.

As long there are lot of files I wish the Task Scheduler will do that job.

It actually does but only with "File" option. I mean I cannot take a whole Folder

since there is no DXF option and should click each file and set the DXF there.

The second big problem it returns zipped DXF files, I cannot get rid of that.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Derived Parts Exporting As Empty Step Files?

Jun 11, 2012

I've created two similar but different base files.

I've derived each into parts that have a few different features.

In both cases, step exports of the base solid are fine but exports of the unique parts are empty.

Step exports of their assemblies are complete except for these parts.

Sat exports work fine for both parts and assemblies.

It happens in 2012 SP2 and 2013.

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AutoCAD Inventor :: 2012 Cannot Save Or Open STEP / IGES Files

Jul 25, 2013

Since we upgraded to Inventor 2012 SP1 on W7 x64 most machines cannot open or save out step or iges files.  The translator shows as 'On demand' and when i save copy as the 'options' button is inactive.  We just get the standard error 'Problems encountered while saving the document'.

I see lots of old posts but nothing relating specifically to stp files. 

Inventor 2010

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Reading Solidworks 2012 Files Directly Into System

Sep 3, 2012

We are using Inventor 2012 and would like to read Solidworks 2012 files directly into the system. This can be done with Solidworks 2011 files but our vendor upgraded his software between the time he sent us test files to try  the import and now. Can you tell me if the is a plug in or something that will allow us to read SW 2012 files or should we upgrade to Inventor 2013?

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AutoCAD 2013 :: How To Import Mechanical Desktop 2009 Files Into Inventor 2012

Sep 23, 2013

how to import Mechanical Desktop 2009 files into Inventor 2012

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AutoCAD Inventor :: Best Format For Neutral File Format For Exporting / Importing 3D Files?

Sep 25, 2013

What is the best export/import format for sending 3D files. I need some neutral format files, possibly Solidworks but I am not sure. Also any export settings to make sure I get decent quality files.

Nothing like getting a surface model when you want solid model.

IV2014 sp1.2 PDSU / Sim Mech 2014 /
EVGA X79 - Classified, iCore7 3930k 32Gb Quad-Channel
950Gb (2 x 500Gb Sata III SSD RAID0 Adaptec 6805E Controller)
Nvidia GTX-690 Classified - 331.82
SpacePilot Pro 3.17.1, 6.17.7, 4.11

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Exporting Existing DWG Files As DWFx Files?

Jan 8, 2013

what is the command in AutoCAD 2013 for exporting drawings as DWFx files so that clients who do not have AutoCAD can open or plot a DWFx file using a current version of Internet Explorer or Safari for Apple as an alternative browser.

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Revit :: Exporting Current View Only From 2012?

Sep 15, 2011

I am trying to export part of a structural model to IFC but Revit is exporting the complete model.  My file is from a consultant and is created in Revit Structure 2011, I am opening it with Revit 2012.  The model contains ‘new’ and ‘existing’ phases which appear to be set up correctly.

I have tried a couple of different methods set up a 3D view and defined it by phase 'new only' so the existing is hidden, and tried to export with the “current view only” checked and uncheckedset up a 3D view and defined it by workset using visibility graphics, and again with the “current view only” checked and uncheckedEach time when I open the Model in Navisworks or Solibri everything is visible.Have tried this in both Struct and Arch with the same result, but I do not have the same issue if I open and export from Revit 2011 (arch) ?

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Revit :: 2012 - Exporting CAD DWGS Best Practices

Jul 26, 2012

We are still on Revit 2012 and from my understanding, there were some improvements in the way Revit exports to CAD files. I'm sure most of you would agree that the export to AutoCAD feature is still a long way off. I wanted some opinions on my thoughts on how to minimize some of the errors that I recieve when I open the exported CAD files.
My problems really pertain to linetypes and hatch patterns. If I do not map any of the patterns to a standard AutoCAD linetype or hatch pattern file, then I get an error reading pattern message if I want to check out the pattern in AutoCAD. I am very inclined to wipeout all of the standard fill patterns and linestyles in Revit and make new ones based on the standard AutoCAD lines and hatches. Does this seem reasonable?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting SHP Files

Feb 22, 2010

When I try to export a shape file (SHP) from Civil 3D, I get to the dialog box on the selection tab and the area that I'm used to seeing that says "Object Type" where you select either Point, Line, Polygon or Text is missing. I can't export the shape files without this option.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: 2012 - Importing MDB Files?

Dec 19, 2011

I’m using AutoCAD MAP 3D 2012. I’m trying to import a .mdb file. The text that I’m working from says because I’m working on a 64 bit machine I will have to download from Microsoft a file called Microsoft Access Database Engine and install the proper drivers. I’ve downloaded the file and run it and rebooted my machine but I still can’t bring in the .mdb file.

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AutoCAD 2013 :: Exporting To SAT Does Not Save Files

Jun 1, 2013

I have tried to export a DXF model to SAT via the Export option in the File menu. However, I do not see any SAT file generated and there is no message that the export attempt was unsuccessful. How to approach this problem?

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting To Shape Files For GIS?

May 23, 2012

I have to convert my ACAD drawing to shape files for a GIS user.  I have figured out how create a polygon, point or line and add object data with the tables.  I have my ACAD drawing setup to the requested coordinate system but when I send them the shape files they are telling me that they get a error in ArchGIS stating "an extent that is not consistent with the associated spatial reference information". I am using Civil 3D 2012.

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AutoCAD Map 3D :: Missing Files When Exporting Shapefiles?

Jun 9, 2011

I have tried to export shape files using the Map --> Tools --> Export function and I am setting up everything that I need to complete the import but I can't seem to get all the files I need. Our GIS expert says that he needs 7 files; the .shp .shx .cpg .dbf .idx .sbn and .sbx. The problem I have is that IM not getting the .sbn or the .sbx files when I go through the export process. Or even if those 2 files I'm not getting are necessary to be able to import the shape files into GIS.

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AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Exporting Simple SHP Files Into GIS

Sep 10, 2012

I need to export a .SHP file containing some polygons to a GIS user so he can lay the shapes in a GIS map.  The data he needs from me is the outlines of several wetlands I've designed in C3D 2010.  There isn't any elevation data associated with the outlines.  They are just traced waterlines from each pool set into a layer called "permanent pools."  He wants these to show location in a GIS plan. 

When I try to MAPEXPORT, and then selct each of my 10 pool outlines, it says "no object selected" in the command line. 

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AutoCAD 2010 :: Exporting DWG Files To STL In 2011

Dec 19, 2013

 Exporting DWG. Files to Stl in 2011 Autocad

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AutoCAD LT :: Open DWF Files In 2012 Version

Feb 29, 2012

I need to know if by any means we can open dwf files in AutoCAD LT? I have 2012 version.

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