AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Surface Elevations Table Colors?
Nov 29, 2012
Is there a way to lighten up the colors of my surface slope analysis that the rainbow gives me? My drawing will be going into a report and the colors are too bold. Pastels are a bit too bold.
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Sep 17, 2013
I change my surface style to slope banding (3 ranges) and make a legend table.All of the three ranges in the table are red and my surface ranges are blue, yellow, & red.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a pipe network, and I would like to edit the elevations of multiple pipes, similar to how I would edit the elevations of a feature line or an alignment, in a table. I can't figure out how to edit these besides just selecting pipe properties on each individual pipe.
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May 3, 2012
In C3D 2012, when I needed to know what elevation a surface contour was at, I simply hovered my mouse near the point in question and a small window would tell me what elevation my mouse was hovering at. Now, in 2013 I am trying to do the same thing but the little window only has the name of the surface and no elevations. So, how am I supposed to know surface elevations on the fly? Is there some setting to turn that back on?
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Feb 1, 2013
I graded a commercial site with mostly feature lines. I added points where I needed them to get everything to work. After modifying my surface, I suddenly have zero elevations randomly throughout my site. They don't make any sense why they appear. Some are just added to my drawing and others are existing points that were changed to zero. I can go to a back up drawing from a few hours ago and redo some grading, but I would like to know if there is a way to just erase zero elevations from the surface. I remember LDD was able to create surfaces ignoring elevations below a set elevation.
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Sep 6, 2012
In 2012 I can no long grip a spot elevation RC copy. It just ignores it an moves it to the new location.
Is there a setting I might have to re-set?
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Apr 25, 2013
Civil3d 2012 - is there a way to project standard autocad lines and curves to an existing surface to the lines and curves end up with the surface elevations? we are trying out that wants 3d lines exported in a dxf file. We have a surface and we have the's just that the linwork is all at 0 elevation.
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Jun 26, 2013
I have a existing surface. I want to create a proposal surface so I can know the volume between boths. This proposal surface is represent for a disposal area that can be filled up to a elevation. I have a bottom of P-surface as a feature line at EL 1608, and I want top of P-surface to EL 1613.
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Jun 8, 2012
I've created a surface into Civil3D by importing a LandXML file created from contours in a .dgn file. When I create profile views for the alignments, the elevations are shown negative (-500 to -20) where as they have to be in between 500 to 670. Also when I run the surface elevation analysis, all the elevation are shown in between 1000 to 2200 inches as shown in the figure attached.
Am I missing any conversion or some settings when importing the surface.
Windows 7 x 64
Nvidia Quadro 2000
24 GB Ram
i7 960 @ 3.20 GHz
Civil 3D 2012
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Apr 2, 2012
I've got a number of scenario diagrams to produce where I want to show the volume of material to be dredged from a harbour. There will be no "fill" just cut. In some parts of the area of interest the existing ground is below the target depth, so these holes wouldn't need to dredged further.
Two question:
1. Given that the area in question contains cut areas, but also other areas that I don't want to fill. What is the best way to get a good surface map and volume estimation? Currently, I create a feature line surrounding the entire area to be less than the target depth, set the elevation of the line at that depth, then grade to surface and add an infill. This gives me cut and fill volumes (for the deep holes), of which I ignore the fill number. Is there a better way??
2. I've created my TIN volume surface (comparison of EG with the graded depth surface). Now I want to present the maps with "range interval with datum", so the cut volumes are shaded increasing from (say) yellow to red, whereas for the "fill" areas I don't want to show anything (transparent would be ideal or maybe greys). Is there a way to create customised color ranges for the elevation analysis? As I'm doing numerous maps I don't want to be manually editing and re-editing the analysis range details. I'm using AutoCAD C3D 2012.
Civil3D 2013 (infrastructure suite)
Self-built i7-3930K, 16Gb RAM, P9X79 m/board
SSD(system), HDD(data), GTX680, Win7Pro64
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Sep 4, 2013
When working with multiple building pads and configurations change rapidly. Is there a method to add a Block or Xref into a Civil3D Surface under Drawing Objects? If so, how could you do it.
I want to have a building block type 1 that I can update the block or xref then updates the surface rather than doing each one individually. The Block would have a FFE of 0.00 and then the stoops, etc would either be a 0.1 drop or so.
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Apr 11, 2013
I am trying to edit the elevation of a JPEG image I have brought into my C3D 2010 file as an xref - I essentially want to 'drape' the image over the existing ground surface I have created to use for presentation purposes i.e. to show how our road layout is predominantly located along the ridge lines of the site.
Typically for other file types I would perform the following steps (using the classic toolbar): Grading > Edit Feature Line Elevations > Elevations from Surface > Select the existing ground surface > select object.
I don't seem to have the ability to select my jpeg xref using this approach... how else can I perform this task?
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a surface made by a wide array of points and a line of points that i need to use that surface to assign elevations to ..
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Dec 19, 2013
How can I make sure the annotated surface labels spot elevations from my 3d design drawing which is being xrefed into a new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet plots screened?
The Label Style which I created for the annotated surface label spot elevations has all its properties set to be ByLayer for example its color and lineweight. The Layer I assigned the Label Style was assigned to a layer with a color and plot style that should plot any object screened. Color 8 and Plot Style Screened.
What other steps am I missing to assure myself that this Label Style will plot screened in my new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet?
I also made sure that the xref drawing in which this Surface spot elevation has the correct colors and lineweights and Plot Styles in my new Precise Grading Breakout Sheet.
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Mar 14, 2013
Im creating a Profile Bandset and would like to have multiple surface/profile elevations shown, ie: EG, FG, Back of Curb and Back of walk. While creating this bandset I see that the text component editor properties only has code for profile 1 elevation and profile 2 elevation in the properties area, which the code for this looks like below.
<[Profile1 Elevation(Uft|P2|RN|Sn|OF|AP)]>
<[Profile2 Elevation(Uft|P3|RN|AP|Sn|OF)]>
Ive tried to write my own code using the profile 2 as an example but it doesnt seem to work as a 3rd surface/profile and only seems to mimic the profile 2 elevation when placed in the band
My questions are as follows
1) does Civil 3d only allow 2 surface elevations in any band set? if it does allow more profiles/surface elevations what am i missing to create it?
2) if Civil 3d does alow for multiple surfaces to be shown in the band set how do i get the text component editor to supply the extra profile elevation codes? or would i need to create from scratch
3) if i need to write the code from scratch does any listing of the codes and meanings of each code ie what does RN, Uft, Sn and so forth do and mean .
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Jul 6, 2011
Is there a way for a table linked to a surface (ie. a volume table) to display the surface name in the header? There seem to be no options to do so and copy/pasting <[surface name]> into the header text box just returns a number, oddly.
I will have upwards of 40 surfaces and I don't want to have to manually edit each one!
Seems like a bizarre and simple omission seeing as the tables are dynamically linked to the surface anyway.
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Aug 21, 2012
I have created a volume surface and associated surface legend table using the cut/fill parameter.
The volumes and areas don't seem to add up, take Cut 2 as an example only if the area of the previous (cut 1) was added could this be possible. There is lots of speculation in our office like does the fill work in reverse?
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Apr 12, 2012
I ma trying to print surface legend table to scale. I changed settings in model space, but I am not able to set it up to scale in layout (paper space).
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Jun 24, 2013
I have a surface with all sorts of heights, and want to add color to different heights. Getting the color there is not that difficult, but how do I swap them around? i.e. red is 'low ground' and blue is 'high ground'. In Holland we use it the other way around though, so blue should be low ground and red high ground.
Where exactly do I change this? I've tried it in the surface style tab, surface properties tab, analysis tab, and some others, but no success so far.
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Mar 5, 2012
So we have to adjust the elevation of hundreds of drainage structures from their existing elevation to the new finished ground elevation.I know we can give this information within the structure label by adding a reference surface but we would like to produce a table with three columns:
Structure No. Existing Rim Elev. Proposed Rim Elev.
How to produce such a table?
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Oct 16, 2012
I need to export the surface lable table report into microsoft excel format.
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Oct 5, 2012
I have a volume surface that I want cut & fill displayed with elevation banding. I created a surface style and chose pastels for the color scheme. When I analyze the surface I chose elevations>> range interval with datum and I get 2d solids but they are not pastel even though the style assigned is the one I mentioned.
How do I get the colors to be pastel?
Civil 3D 2012 & 2013
HP Z210 Workstation
Intel Xeon CPU E31240 @ 3.30 Hz
12 GB Ram
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Dec 15, 2012
Is there a way to create hatching for the slopes surface style instead of using solid colors?
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Feb 23, 2012
Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.
I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.
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Feb 18, 2013
I want to know if you can link AutoCad tables to other Autocad tables on different layouts. Say I have ten sheets, each with a table for quantities of pipe length, and one sheet with a total of all quantities. Can I link cells from each separate layout sheet to the main table sheet, so that I can add them all for project totals?
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Feb 27, 2011
i run into situation where i need to break the connection between collors and pens whight in some cases.
i have 5 colors i need them to respect my CTB table, but the rest will display on screen but wont be plotted.
how can i establish such a setup?
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Jul 12, 2011
I have a little issue I’ve never encountered regarding the border color not retained by the cells. I’ve created a table style to use throughout our drawing set. I have merged cells for the table title, as well as section titles in the table. I have set colors associated to the borders. All is fine, until I click in any cell to make a change, then all the merged cells lose some or all colors associated to the table (see below). I’ve even tried locking the format, but it still happens.
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Apr 3, 2013
I want to make a map with 16 different plots (A1 to D4) in AutoCAD. Every plot in this map is connected to an excel file, where is some information listed (area, height, year, type) per plot. This map need to be dynamic, so by chosing what to see (for instance: area), the color of the parcels needs to change according to the value per plot (for instance: 12 m2 = yellow, 24 m2 = orange, 48 m2 = red). The two files I am using are send with it.
how to program this in VBA in AutoCAD. The shape of the plots I want to draw on my own (hatching each plot is also no problem), and somehow I need to name each plot (hatch). But how can I name the plots (hatches) and change the colour per plot (hatch) in VBA? The files I am using have 1600 different plots.
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Sep 12, 2005
. How to assign proposed elevation to layout alignment along each station?. I know there is a way in LDT to assign proposed elevations to s specific range of stations or the full alignment, under menu "profiles/ FG Vertical Alignments/Create COGO Points" I am looking for the same one in C3D.
2. How to add connecting alignment label and station in profile view. For example I have an main alignment and in-between lot of other alignments are meeting with this alignment.
I want to show in profile view of the main alignment the meeting alignment's name and the station it meets with?
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Dec 1, 2013
How to get precise elevations at lowest and highest points. I need to get spots where the water flows and its precise elevation at that spot as analysis.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have created a simple iPart that has three length variations, and therefor has three different surface areas.
I have added a simple table to my drawing. The table is linked to the iPart, I have used the column chooser to select the appropriate parameters to illustrate the length variations from the iPart. I would also like to include the surface area for each iPart member alongside each length variation in the table.
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