AutoCAD Civil 3D :: Export Surface Label Table Report Into Excel Format
Oct 16, 2012I need to export the surface lable table report into microsoft excel format.
View 5 RepliesI need to export the surface lable table report into microsoft excel format.
View 5 RepliesI have some data in the form of
point# | X | Y | Desc_1 | Desc_2 | Desc_3 |....... ect
I would like to make an excel table that i can create multiple points from and make that table dynamic, ie if i edit the table the points will change.I would be labeling the points according to the different desc_# in multiple drawings
Is there any way to do this? I have messed with creating a user defined property classification and creating a new point file format, but i want that point file I imported to be dynamic, and if I change values the values will change in all my drawings.
The PLS I work under inquired if the pipe and structure tables provided in our construction plans are able to be exported to excel. The only way I know how is to use the reports manage. The problem is, the provided Pipes reports don't contain all the data we are looking for. How do I modify, or create a new, Pipe report? It seems like it should be really easy to export the data to excel..
View 5 Replies View RelatedHow can I export a excel table to Autocad not as an OLE object but as a Audocad table?
View 7 Replies View RelatedJust trying to bring in a Volumes Dashboard report from IE10 to Excel 2010 (it all worked fine until I my PC was upgraded from IE9/Excel 2007)
When the report is in IE10, I Select All and paste to Excel (as I always have done) and the numbers are not recognised as numbers (there is no convert text to numbers prompt) and seem to have a leading space which Find/Replace can't find and replace.
If I right click in IE10 and Export to Excel, most of the exported data has a weird character preceding it (but which can be found and replaced). What this character is and how to stop it appearing?
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I want to export a table to excel but i am failed.and is here any way that when i give coordinate it automatically exportes to excel.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to find where the formatting is for the General Legal Description bearings. I am currently getting an output of NORTH 00° 12' 33" EAST, but would like to eliminate the spaces in the DMS: NORTH 00°12'33" EAST. This is also the case with the delta angle for curves. When I run the Metes and Bounds report, the bearings appear without the spaces. I think that I have changed it before, but I have switched employers since editing the files.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a table with some Field, how can I export it to Excel? I have tried to export it to .CSV but the Formula has gone .
View 9 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to change the referenced surface on a Surface Elevation Label. I can see the surface in the properties but cannot change it.
C3D 2011
I tried Curtis Waguespack's iLogic: Export Parts List with Options, and it works great on Part Lists. I'd like to do the same thing on a custom table, but I don't know what needs to be changed.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWe have a whole bunch of spreadsheets that we use for calculations and parts of those spreadsheets are linked to a ton of CAD Drawings via data links.
We would like to be able to deliver the CAD drawings to the client without having to send our calculation books (just the output tables). In other words, is it possible to embed the table data and remove the excel link for the final delivery?
Is it possible to export the contents Table directly into Excell from AutoCad2012?
I've tried the Data extraction wizard but it seems to export the Table attributes/properties and not the contents of the table.
I have an MS Word 2011 document with an Excel pie chart embedded.Double-clicking the pie chart will open it in Excel 2011.Copying/pasting the chart into Illustrator CS6 results in an uneditable bit image.
Previously, with Word 2008 and Illustrator CS2, this worked perfectly. Mind you, I had tons of excess empty paths and such to scrape out, but still, after a couple of minutes' scraping, I had an editable .ai file ready to be cleaned up, captions typeset, and colors edited for export to .eps and placement in InDesign
In fact, right now I've had to jump over to my old iBook G4 to open my old copies of Word 2008 and Illustrator CS2 in order to do this so I can get this job out the door.Is there any way at all that I can get an Excel 2011 pie chart into Illustrator CS6 as a vector image?
I've tried the shift-click on "Copy Picture" method, but the pie chart still appears as a bit image, and the text is turned to gibberish. Saving the chart as a pdf returns the same results.
At this point in the project, asking for the raw data set and regenerating the pies in Illustrator isn't an option -- and besides, I've had to do that before. Oh, the pain.
I have a number of tables which have all properties about the pipe network with the cooridnates and upstream/ downstream info. Can it import to C3D and automatically generate the pipe to 3D?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am trying to insert an excel table using a datalink. If I insert the entire sheet, it includes too many cells. If I set a print area and choose that area, it will not insert the table. The first time it acts like it is going to work, but then never lets me place the table. The second attempt it just will not let me select that data link. If I actually name a group of cells, I get the same behavior as the print area. Have issues with importing excel tables? Am I missing a step?
My work flow is
Create an excel sheet & format the table.
Select desired sells, set print area.
Save & Close excel
go to annotate tab in civil 3d
select table icon
choose from data link
launch data link manager
create data link and choose range of cells as print area.
Press OK
it never let me choose insert point.
I have also tried to simply make the datalink and then run the table command with the same results.
Civil 3D 2013
HP Z400 Workstation
6GB of RAM
ATI FirePro V5700(FireGL)
Win 7 Home Professional
How to insert a linked excel table into my drawing, however I have not figured out how to add rows to the table, the option is greyed out. I can insert rows above and below the (inserted) table but not anywhere in the middle.
I've tried everything I can think of, even removing all the formatting in the .xls spreadsheet to no avail. The cells are unlocked, I can manipulate the data, but not being able to insert rows is really hindering the efficiency of using a data linked table.
This seems like it should be the most stupidly easy thing...but AutoCAD doesn't seem to have a way to do this. I made a point table from a point group. Quick and sweet.
But now I want to change it a little bit, and it's not something I can just do from the table style. So I want to copy it into Excel...and when I try to, hitting paste in Excel ends up just giving me this block image version of the table in Excel. I tried doing TABLE EXPORT but that's only for regular tables.
I have an alignment that is line and curve tagged for a table. The last segment of the alignment is a 3 point curve. It shows up in the alignment grid view, and is tagged. When the table is produced the everthing comes in except the 3 point curve I mentioned.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to make a table from a type of label (ex: a secondary road who is intersect my design road).
I make a lot a labels to define different locations with some texts to understand the type of labels that are containing different stations.
I would like to change the station label format from 00+000.000 to 00,0+00.000
To move the + is easy, but how can I add the ,?
This type of station label is the standard by the Deutsche Bahn, so it's not that far-fetched.
Win7 64bit
HP z400 Workstation
ATI FirePro V4800
How do you Change Station Label Format from 20+00.00 to 20+00 ??
View 3 Replies View Relatedwe are in a situation where we want a dynamic wall label. how can i make that happen if technically the top of wall and bottom of wall are at two different x and y points. ideally i would like have one label and list it this way by referencing surface elevations:
Is there a way to generate a volume report for a bounded volume surface?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI'm working with TIN surfaces, doing cut/fill comparisons for a surface mine.
My volume surface statistics show a cut volume of 5167.22 cy and fill volume of 8456.18 cy.
The sample line group volume report show cumulative cut of 5527.67 cy and fill of 8465.56 cy.
What could be some causes of this disparity. All reference surfaces are built from points and use a non-destructive boundary.
I have Civil3d2012 and have created a surface in one drawing and then referenced it to another. It appears to be working, but the contour labels will not work on the drawing where the surface is referenced. I have all the appropriate layers on.
View 1 Replies View RelatedAm I correct in assuming that if Surface Labels by One Point is chosen, the slope as shown is the maximum slope of the surface triangle where the point was chosen??
IDSP Premium 2014 (mainly Civil 3D 2014 UKIE SP1 & Infraworks with some limited 3ds Max Design)
Win 7 Pro x64, 256Gb SSD, 300Gb 15,000 rpm HDD
16Gb Ram Intel Xeon CPU E5-1607 0 @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
NVIDIA Quadro 4000, Dual 27" Monitor, Dell T3600
I need to extract the XY location of a surface label. Specifically, I am trying to determine the coordinates of the first picked point in a two-point slope label. But in looking at the IAeccSurfaceSlopeLabel interface in the ActiveX documentation, I'm not seeing where this data is stored. Even for a simple surface spot elevation label (IAeccSurfaceElevationLabel) I don't see a property that stores the coordinates.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI was asked to lable survey data with the (2D) distance between the design surface and the survey points of the finished ground.
View 9 Replies View RelatedIf I use this code it will give me the insertion point for a block
(setq ent (car (entsel "
Select Main Object: ")))
(setq InsPt (assoc 10 (entget Ent)))
Now if I try to use this for a surface label and try to get the insertion point
(setq ent (car (entsel "
Select Main Object: ")))
(setq oEnt (vlax-Ename->Vla-Object ent))
(vlax-dump-object oEnt)
I dont see anything that will get the insertion point.
I have been searching for a way to rotate surface spot elevation labels but have not been able to find a solution to do so. Has this feature been added to 2013 or 14? I do not want to use the point and label styles for my surface elevation, even though these can be rotated. I have several miles of roadway with many horizontal curves and would like the surface labels aligned with and along the centerline. I prefer not to update the spot elevations when the profile is revised.
C3D 2013 (latest updates), 2014 Infrastructure Design Suite
Win 7 Pro, 64-bit
How to use the Surface Contour Label Group class in the .NET API.
My first guess was that I had to create an instance object of the class and name it, and then use a "Create" method (e.g., CreateMultipleAtInterval) from there, like this:
Dim labelgroup As SurfaceContourLabelGroup
However, this doesn't work, as Visual Studio told me "Warning: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated."
I tried just saying:
But that didn't seem to work either. How this class works and get it to add some contour labels to a drawing?