AutoCad :: Table Borders Won't Retain Colors
Jul 12, 2011
I have a little issue I’ve never encountered regarding the border color not retained by the cells. I’ve created a table style to use throughout our drawing set. I have merged cells for the table title, as well as section titles in the table. I have set colors associated to the borders. All is fine, until I click in any cell to make a change, then all the merged cells lose some or all colors associated to the table (see below). I’ve even tried locking the format, but it still happens.
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Dec 31, 2013
In the past couple C3D versions, I've had these random borders show up in my simple tables. I have a table for my legend and another one I use for a list of references. I use no borders for these tables but sometimes when I edit a cell somewhere in the table, the random border will appear. I remove it and then sometimes it reappears again later. It's usually the top line of the second row, second column only but occasionally it will be when I add a row into an existing table.
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Jul 7, 2011
In ACA2008, can the display of each of the four edges of a cell in a table be controlled individually? I want left and right edges of cells to display, and top and bottom edges to not display. In the Cell Border Properties dialog box, I can set the Lineweight, Linetype, and Color of each edge, but I don't see how to set the visibility of each edge.
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May 18, 2012
I am using a link to an .xls worksheet to populate a General Table in my .idw (Inventor 2012). See attached. The blank space underneath the first lines of information will always be blank, no matter how many rows we get. Is there a way to have the drawing hide the blank/empty cells, make the borders invisible, etc?
I have tried using the Insert Object for an Excel file instead of using the Table feature, but it does not appear to be an updatable link. As in, if I change data in my .xls file, it won't update the inserted object to the same info.
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Jun 11, 2013
Is there a way to change the color of a line without losing any of its sharpness/quality? I'm working on a black lineart image originally drawn with a tablet and the ink tool, which gave me really crisp, bold lines. Changing the color using any of the selection and fill tools results in a pretty strong downgrade in quality around the edges, which I would like to avoid. (Seriously, it's looking like I drew it in MSPaint at this point.) ? Or should I have planned out colors from the start?
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Aug 4, 2004
I'm VERY new with photoshop and I was just wondering (since I'm designing my own website) how to go about creating a section on my page that will have visible borders with rounded corners? Basically just a big square with rounded corners that will have text in it. I don't know if I try and create the borders in Dreamweaver and then use photoshop drawings of the rounded corners or what? Or do I create the whole image in Photoshop?
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Feb 27, 2011
i run into situation where i need to break the connection between collors and pens whight in some cases.
i have 5 colors i need them to respect my CTB table, but the rest will display on screen but wont be plotted.
how can i establish such a setup?
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Sep 17, 2013
I change my surface style to slope banding (3 ranges) and make a legend table.All of the three ranges in the table are red and my surface ranges are blue, yellow, & red.
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Nov 29, 2012
Is there a way to lighten up the colors of my surface slope analysis that the rainbow gives me? My drawing will be going into a report and the colors are too bold. Pastels are a bit too bold.
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Apr 3, 2013
I want to make a map with 16 different plots (A1 to D4) in AutoCAD. Every plot in this map is connected to an excel file, where is some information listed (area, height, year, type) per plot. This map need to be dynamic, so by chosing what to see (for instance: area), the color of the parcels needs to change according to the value per plot (for instance: 12 m2 = yellow, 24 m2 = orange, 48 m2 = red). The two files I am using are send with it.
how to program this in VBA in AutoCAD. The shape of the plots I want to draw on my own (hatching each plot is also no problem), and somehow I need to name each plot (hatch). But how can I name the plots (hatches) and change the colour per plot (hatch) in VBA? The files I am using have 1600 different plots.
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Mar 15, 2012
The angle or radius are outside the table boundaries. I have used bend tables before and have not run into this. See screenshot. What I don't understand is that in the error dialog box the Thickness is correct the Radii are correct and the Angle is correct except it is showing a -90 degrees. Is that the problem? The negetive? Why is it showing a negative number. I can't change the way the part is formed. The problem seems to be with the lower left hand curl. It does go ahead and flatten it, but I don't trust the results when I have the three errors.
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Mar 14, 2013
In our company, we put Excel tables in our drawings. The reason we've chosen for Excel-tables is that we can adjust the layout of the table quite easily. These tables consist of grouped cells in a particular company-specific layout. We select the range of the desired cells, copy and paste them in our AutoCAD drawing. This drawing is sent to our customers. The disadvantage of this method is, that when our customers (who use CAD-software of other brands) open the dwg, they don't see the table, but some kind of picture of the table.
Is there a way to 'explode' the excel-table, but keep the specific layout of the table? For attributes in blocks there's the 'Explode Attributes'-command in the Express-tools, but is there something similar for Excel-tables?
Product Design Suite 2014
Inventor 2012 SP2, Vault 2014
HP Workstation Z220
Intel Xeon 3.4GHz
Nvidia Quadro 4000
Windows 7 Professional (64bit)
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Feb 23, 2012
Is there a way to force the table and table text height to stay constant despite the scale? I can do it for Point Label Styles with an Expression. But in 2011 there is no way to build an expression for a table style.
I want to create tables in the drawing where the points are and then plot them from a drawing they're Xrefed in to. The tables are too small but zooming in doesn't make them any bigger because the scale of the viewport changes and they adjust.
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Oct 16, 2013
I have a part where I have placed a number of table driven iFeatures. These features generate parameters in the model that I can see in the parameter table. I am trying to find a way to have these iFeature parameters show up in the hole table in my drawing.
By 'exporting' the parameters, I have been able to get the values to show in notes and drawing view labels but I can't find a way to add them as a 'New Property' in my hole table.
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Dec 9, 2011
Having an issue trying to join an access table to a shp file attribute table. I want to use the access table to cross reference the shp file for matching parcel numbers. I have attached the access table in the ODBC using a data source name however it seems to not give me the option to view any records.
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Jan 2, 2014
So I have a reference that has been xclipped. We have multiple drawings that need to be xclipped using the same boundary. It is a HUGE boundary and very complicated. It would take me at least half a day to recreate it (the time it took me in the first place). I copied the drawing and am trying to find a way to essentially explode the boundary in order to create a new polyline. I don't care about the reference, I just want the boundary.
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Nov 19, 2013
When I export an .las file, I loose the contents from the description column. Is there a way to retain this information? I periodically update a drawing prepared by a different department that includes up to +500 layers. I would like to include descriptive information as part of the layer state that includes directions how to change/modify individual layers. Can this information/tags be saved directly in the .las file? Is there a different method to do this, short of preparing a separate spreadsheet?
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Feb 18, 2013
I want to know if you can link AutoCad tables to other Autocad tables on different layouts. Say I have ten sheets, each with a table for quantities of pipe length, and one sheet with a total of all quantities. Can I link cells from each separate layout sheet to the main table sheet, so that I can add them all for project totals?
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Nov 20, 2012
I am wanting to use an Autocad table object to display fields from an Access database table that is linked to symbols in my drawing.
My objective is create a database table that has detailed notes for call outs in my drawings and then link my call out blocks to the database table and display the blocks and linked descriptions in an Autocad table. If the notes in the database table are edited the Autocad table updates with the new the description from the database.
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Dec 13, 2013
How can I export a excel table to Autocad not as an OLE object but as a Audocad table?
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Nov 22, 2011
With the code below the draworder is not retained , does anynone knows how to retain the draworder in a .net copy command?
Function MaakKopie(ByVal objIds As ObjectIdCollection) As ObjectIdCollection
MaakKopie = New ObjectIdCollection
Dim doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument
Dim dwg = doc.Database
Using doc.lockdocument
Using transactie = doc.TransactionManager.StartTransaction()
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Nov 30, 2011
Is there a way to keep the visual style when i select a object.
Example, when i want to align 2 blocks the block i select to move get in to 3d wired ... but the blocks are so complex that i no longer can find the right align points.
so i want to keep then in "conceptional are realistic", don't know if this is possible.
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Dec 31, 2013
Say I had two tables located within AutoCAD, can I make it to where if I put data in one cell of one of the tables that it could automatically populate in a different cell in the other table? Also if this can be done, could it be done linking the data in-between separate layouts?
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Jun 6, 2012
Looking for views on what the best method is to copy a selection of parts in IV 2013 which will result in the copied selection to retain it's constraints ? I have an assembly which I have used the mirror method on a batch of parts, also used the standard copy method and pattern components.
Autodesk Inventor Professional 2013 SP2 64-Bit Edition
Windows 7 HP Z400, Intel Xeon W3550 3.07GHz
12.0GB RAM, ATI FirePro V4800 (FireGL)
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Aug 8, 2013
The top view is the standard block with the base point as shown. This "Base Point" is the center of the rotating axis.
Issue: After rotating the "1st Point" then rotating the "2nd Point", the Center axis of the "1st Point" moves. Is it possible to perminetly have the "1st Point" rotating axis stay in its original location?
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Nov 8, 2011
I have sold my colleagues on using a ribbon control (instead of a palette) for our custom commands, but... I am stuck on one last detail.
Here's where I'm at.
Using AU examples:
- I have my beautiful new ribbon loading on startup/initialize (IExtensionApplication.Initialize)
- My dll is registering and everything is working as expect.
However.Many users prefer to un-dock panels from the ribbon and place them on their second monitor, either stacked or horizontal. Once the user exists autocad and restarts the application the panels (from the custom ribbon) return to their native positions. The out-of-box ACAD/ACADE retain their position. How can I get my custom ribbon's source panels to retain their last positions?
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Jul 23, 2012
Is there a way to lock the layer setup in a viewport, so when i copy and paste it to another paper space tab in the same or different cad file, it keeps the same setup?? (layers frozen / thawed)?
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Jun 13, 2013
My problem is similar to the "send behind"/"bring to front" commands that you use when you're drawing. But my issue is this: what wastes a lot of time for me in the new program is when I try to work in multiple windows at once. (Btw, we don't have large screens to work with here.) Usually what I'll do is have, say, three or four windows up at a time, none of which are maximized, and usually have two that I'm working on side by side, with the remaining one or two sitting in the background. I also keep a lot of windows active, and minimized, so that's not the answer I'm trying to find. I work mostly in model space if that makes any difference, though I don't think it should.
Now, not only do the borders of each of my windows get all sorts of funky screen images on them when I move them around (mildly amusing but not annoying), but what really grinds my gears is that the orientation, or layering, or what-have-you, of the windows that I have active and open in the background is not retained. Let's say I have X-1 and A-1 up front and center, and I have A-3 and A-4 in the background. Let's say I had moved A-3 to sit on top of A-4 before I started working on the X-1 and A-1 sheets. Now, in the 2013 version, if I'd slide X-1 or A-1 out of the way, I'd see A-3 sitting right there on top, all happy and pretty where I left it.
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Jun 10, 2012
I had resized the File>Open dialog in Inventor. I had resized it so that it was quite large so I realized pretty quickly when I opened another file, that the window size had rest to its original size.
What I found was that if I export a parts list to excel, then go to File>Open, for some reason the size of my file>open dialog is cleared.
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May 8, 2012
We are working with a company that will be sending us DWG files. They do not use the same layer colors as us and I am trying to find a lisp that would allow me to set up a table with the layer names and the color I want them to be so that I can quickly change all the layers to our companys color standards.
Layer 1 = Color 1
Layer 2 = Color 15
Layer 3 = Color 10
I don't know a lot about lisp but I figure if I could find a lisp that did this I could plug in my layer/color assignments and it would work.
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Jan 18, 2012
Is there a way to setup vertical alignment of text in a cell for the entire table, when using Table Tool? It is possible for a single cell, but when selecting a table (or multiple cells) this option is not available.
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